Read ROAR Online

Authors: Kallypso Masters

Tags: #Fiction

ROAR (72 page)

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An epiphany hit her. Master Roar was an expert at reading her body—the bunching of her nipples, clenching of her hands, and her incredibly relaxed posture told him all he needed to know without making any noise at all.

The soft, yet prickly, needles of the branches trailed down her sides from her breasts to her waist to her hips. Then lower still. At her thighs, she felt the sharp needles against her skin.

Touch me there!

But he stopped. She nibbled on her lip. Was he a mind reader, too? Okay, she’d quit asking for what she wanted, even in her thoughts.

He only deprived her of sensation a moment, though, before sliding the needles up her sides, completely ignoring her mound and clit, and continuing up the undersides of her arms to her hands before starting back down. He circled her breasts once before tormenting her nipples with a light thrashing from the bristly points. The flogging lasted longer this time. Sweat broke out on her forehead as she strained to maintain control and focus on the rhythmic slapping of the needles against her swollen peaks mashed inside the clamps.

Her clit throbbed in response, begging for his attention, but she drew her focus back to the area he played with, knowing that’s where he wanted it to be. The bombardment continued, and the lightheadedness encroached again.

Her mind screamed when a slight tugging at her clamps suddenly released them. The burning sensation washed through her entire body, sending her mind into a euphoric state where nothing else mattered but experiencing this glorious flogging.

“Breathe, Sprite,” he whispered, his mouth now close to her ear. Pamela took a much-needed deep breath before exhaling slowly, but reveled in the primal experience. “Float back to me when you’re ready.”

Some corner of her mind registered his soothing voice encouraging her to soar earlier and now calling her back to him. His fingers touched her nipples as the numbness dissipated, and his mouth then ministered to the mangled peaks. He’d used almost no skin-to-skin contact with her during the scene so far, so she welcomed his touch to her breasts and nipples, however briefly it lasted.

A pungent odor assailed her nostrils. Menthol? Eucalyptus? Not something she could identify right away. His finger applied the cool, wet balm to her nipples, and the breeze kissed the areolas as well, leaving them chilled enough to cause the sensitive tips to swell even more.

Suddenly, whatever he’d applied to her skin turned fiery hot. Tiger Balm? Or arthritis medicine perhaps? Her peaks went from icy cold to burning hot in seconds. She longed for him to rub her nipples once again to disperse the heat, but instead, he began flicking the tails of a stingy pine-needle flogger against her mound, igniting a deeper fire throughout her body.

Slap, slap, slap.

“Spread your legs for me, Sprite.”

She did so, feeling the pull of the rope on her arms, but only wanting to give him access to the cleft between her legs. She sucked air into her lungs as the makeshift flogger slapped against her mound and labia, sending pings to her clit that only made her want him inside her more than ever. She clenched her fingers into fists and panted as he drew her to the edge of total abandon.

So close. Almost there!

And then he stopped again.

No! Not now!

A groan of frustration nearly escaped before she controlled herself. He had to know she was beyond thinking rationally at the moment.

Sadistic, sensual tease.

She had the presence of mind to fight back her plea for release, though. Part of the game of sensation play was to bring her to the height of pleasure over and over before permitting her to come. But, Christ, she hoped there would be an orgasm for her at some point tonight. For him, as well. She wanted so badly to please this man who had done nothing but bring her pleasure—well, and a heavy dose of frustration. If only he would drive himself inside her and break this god-awful tension.

An itching on the side of her right breast distracted her, but she didn’t think Master Roar had caused it. The more she tried to ignore it, the more it became the center of her attention. She couldn’t scratch it with her hands restrained, and it wasn’t in a spot where she could use the tree trunk to relieve the annoying itching.

But her focus was shot.

“Cocoa Beach, Sir.”

She instantly regretted having to use her slow-down safeword and wondered what he would do.

“What’s wrong, Sprite?” His husky voice sent a tingle down her body.

“I have an itch, Sir.”

“Where?” He sounded like he was grinning now.

Well, to be honest, between my legs

But she’d trust he’d take care of that less pressing one later. “On the outer side of my right breast. It doesn’t hurt, but the inability to scratch it is driving me crazy. I’m afraid my focus is gone.”

He surprised her by rubbing the very exact place where she itched. “There?”

“Yes!” The relief bordered on orgasmic. She nearly came undone as he continued scratching it vigorously. Best sensation ever. However, the more he scratched, the more she wanted. When he placed a kiss on the tender spot, she moaned. The kiss hadn’t been sexual at all. Merely comforting.

But in her heightened state of arousal, everything was sexual!

Master Roar untied her, removed her T-shirt binding her hands, and lifted her into his arms. He carried her a ways when she heard a truck motor.

“Bloody hell. Who makes deliveries on a Sunday way up here?”

She started to giggle then sobered. What if it was someone from the hospital? She was still blindfolded with a very red, very bare butt.

“Sprite, I’m going to set you down on your feet behind this tree. Stand perfectly still. Do not take one step. Let me get rid of whoever it is.”

She almost lost it again with her laughter, but managed to nod. “I’ll be waiting, Sir.”

He left her for less than five minutes, but she was never so relieved as when she heard the crunching of wood mulch telling her someone approached. “Now, where were we?” Hearing Master Roar’s voice, her body relaxed. She hadn’t realized how vulnerable she’d feel out here alone like this, even if for only a few minutes.

He lifted her into his arms again and carried her. She was curious about who had been at the door, but didn’t ask. He’d tell her if and when she needed to know. When he put her down on her feet and removed her blindfold, she found them in the bedroom.


He began stripping, never taking his eyes off her. Watching the light dance in his eyes only made her hotter.

“Remove your sneakers and socks.”

Forgetting she still wore them, she sat on the edge of the bed to take off her walking shoes and socks.

He removed his boxers to reveal a cock ready for her. But after he’d removed his own shoes and socks, instead of throwing her on the bed to take her, he took her hand and pulled her to her bare feet again.

“Come with me. How’s the bite?”

“What bite?”

He chuckled. “The insect bite. I’ll take care of that later unless the itching gets too bad.”

She’d completely forgotten about it. He led her into the master bathroom, reached inside the granite walk-in shower big enough for six, and turned on the steam feature before squirting eucalyptus oil into the slot. They’d barely begun to explore the possibilities in this wet oasis, but already had found strategically positioned jetted faucets, a foot massager, handheld shower hoses with all levels of water pressure, and numerous shower heads with varying water pressures from rain to massager. Their predecessors were serious about their shower time.

This delightful feature might have been one of the primary selling points on the house for her. They’d embarrassed their real-estate agent immensely, sending her fleeing to the patio, when Kristoffer pressed Pamela inside the shower and pinned her against the far wall with her arms over her head during their walk-through.

Before the poor woman could escape, though, he had said in his turned on, husky voice, staring intently at Pamela, “Yeah, this will do nicely.”

She’d become wet at the promise in his voice then, but not nearly as wet as she was now.

Standing naked before him, she waited. Without a word, he pierced her with his intense blue eyes and took her hand to accompany her inside. His predatory stare made her insides melt as her nipples pebbled. The warm steam billowed around them after he closed the glass doors, making visibility nil.

“Close your eyes. Simply feel and let me take care of you.”

His pampering of her, body and soul, never ceased. Lowering her eyelids, she felt him take her by the shoulders and turn her around before pressing her back against the still cold wall. She gasped, the extreme difference in temperatures between the steam and the granite shocking her system.

He lifted her left hand up to where she knew he’d installed a hook, one of the first Dom improvements he’d made on the place. Quickly trapping her wrist in a cuff, he soon did the same with the other. She hadn’t seen him bring cuffs in here, but he must have stashed them earlier. She hoped they were waterproof. Leather might shrink and cut off her circulation.

He’d never taken her in here before, and she wondered if their extreme height difference would make having sex in this position difficult. She fought back a laugh as she reined in her mind.

“I’m not sure what you find amusing, my helpless sprite, but I have you where I want you now and intend to have my way with you.” The sexy threat in his voice, coupled with his roaming hands touching her with more force than he’d used outside, made her body quake with tightly leashed passion.

He stepped away, and she fought to control her excitement with her slow, steady breathing. Not as easy as it sounded, but she wanted this moment to last forever—then again, she wanted to come. Now!

He teased her with a handheld hose that wetted her skin with warm spray. He squirted something on her torso. “Ack! That’s cold!” The scent of her Sensual Amber shower gel permeated her senses.

“Allow me to warm you up.” His lecherous tone made her stomach flip-flop even before his powerful hands zeroed in on her breasts, kneading and pinching as he spread the soap over them. She moaned.

Was she still in voice restriction? He hadn’t said anything about her outburst a moment ago, but she’d try to restrain herself, just in case.

His magical hands massaged away every possible tension except the one she most wanted relieved. Over her abdomen, making her clench in anticipation of his going lower, he slickened her skin with the soapy liquid. To her chagrin, though, he stopped short of her mound.

Throbbing for his touch there, she managed not to groan at being deprived of her orgasm still.

“Spread your legs.”


She planted her feet as wide apart as she could, despite the strain on her arms. A staccato sound of water hitting the wall with great force told her Kristoffer must have changed the setting to massaging. Her clit throbbed in anticipation.

The hard, pulsating stream of water flicked against her nipples first, as if he were paddling her breasts. Finally, he directed the water lower to her hips, and then to her thighs, still missing the area between her legs she most wanted him to touch.

“Grrr!” she groaned.

“Did you say something, Sprite?”

“No, Sir. Only clearing my throat.”

He chuckled, but instead of depriving her any longer, the pulsating jets pounded the top of her mound, the apex of her thighs, and briefly battered the area under which her clit lay hidden and waiting. Her body thrummed in anticipation.

Again, he directed the spray there from above. She didn’t think she’d want to have a spray that hard going inside her vagina, but if he continued to focus on her clit, she’d come.

But he hadn’t given her permission to come yet.

He brought her closer, but she fought letting her body find release. Shaking, gritting her teeth, she tried to ignore the building pressure.

And then the water stopped. Her hypersensitive body was on the verge of exploding when his fingers delved between the cleft and slipped inside her. Just as suddenly, his fingers were gone.

Not again! Don’t leave me like this!

Kristoffer lifted her by the waist and lowered her onto his cock with one swift motion, filling her completely. He used the wall to keep her steady as he pounded into her, each thrust creating friction with her swollen clit. She wasn’t sure how long she’d be able to hold out, but apparently, he’d reached a fever pitch, too.

“Come with me, Sprite. Let me hear you scream.”

He pulled her lower body away from the wall and pummeled her, hitting her G-spot repeatedly. “Oh, Sir! Yes!” As his movements increased, she screamed and the world exploded around her.

Immediately after, Kristoffer grunted his own orgasm and spilled his semen deep inside her.

When she was coherent again, she stroked his hair as he lay with his head on her chest.

“I’m not sure I’ll be able to walk for a week, Sir. How am I going to do rounds or stand for hours in surgery tomorrow?”

“Don’t overdo it.” His thumb brushed over her navel with light strokes, threatening to ignite a fire down below again, although she was more than sated—for tonight, at least. Lying in the arms of the man she loved, ensconced in the house where they would create many more memories in the years to come, she was living a fairy-tale life she’d only dreamed of since her teen years.

Could she ever ask for more?

“Do you think the delivery person saw anything?” She’d been waiting for him to say what had been delivered, but they hadn’t stopped for a minute since then.

“No. But we may have to invest in a lockable gate if we plan on playing outside much. I’d have thought a Sunday would be safe.”

Clearly, she was going to have to be blunt. “What was so urgent to be delivered on a Sunday afternoon?”

“Something from Gunnar. I’ll look at it tomorrow.”

“When’s the last time Gunnar had something delivered on a Sunday? Don’t you think you should at least open it?”

“But I’d have to leave you to go get it.”

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