Rock the Viper (11 page)

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Authors: Sammie J

BOOK: Rock the Viper
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The twins are mirroring each other in every dance move they make. They slowly unzip their dresses trying to look sexy. I take a glance at Noah and he sits back and watches the show, but his thoughts are about Peppa being in front of him not the woman who is. I like his idea, so when I look back up at the twin in front of me, I picture Peppa instead. It's not long before they are standing in only a red pair of knickers that barely cover anything and they start to dance in our laps.

My twin climbs on my lap and grinds herself into my dick. Her face gives off a confused look and I know why. She was expecting me to be hard for her, but it wasn't happening. My hands go to her waist and she thrusts her tits in my face. I decide then that I have had enough and I lift her off my lap. I notice Noah does the same.

I thank her kindly, but tell her I'm not really interested and she storms off and her sister follows suit. Cruz and Jacob sit there shaking their heads at us and walk off as they decide to see if they can get a private dance. I ask Noah more about the tour and the more the night goes on I find myself enjoying his company and my attraction for him grows.

Saul comes back about two hours later and Cruz shows up 10 minutes after him. I can see Saul needs to feed. He struggles being around humans for long periods of time. So I hint at Cruz that it's time to go and thankfully he takes it.

As soon as we are dropped off, we are attacked by a pack of wolves, not literally, wolves as in about thirty girls descending upon us, screaming ours names and shouting, “I love you Cruz.” and “Will you marry me Saul?” Some even held banners with VIPER and our faces all over them.

Their hands were everywhere; touching, pinching and I felt my balls being grabbed at one point. I tried to move away but I was being pulled about like a rag doll. I swear if they could rip the shirt off my back, they would.

Cruz took control of the situation and had them all stand in a line, and told them we would take photos and sign their stuff if they behaved. One girl took her knickers off right in front of me for me to sign, she even did a strip tease type of dance while doing it. I had enough of them tonight so I didn't pay attention. And then she had the nerve to ask for a kiss. She puckered up, leaned in and aimed for my lips but I kissed her on the cheek. We finally managed to get away and back in the house.

Cruz stood looking out the window, “I think I may go back out there later and have a nibble on a few necks. Maybe I will get some action, you know they can't resist me.”

I walk up behind him and look out, “You need to be careful Cruz, what if someone takes a video of you or takes a photo and it hits the papers? We don't need that kind of attention or to make headline news.”

Saul comes and stands by the window and looks out, “Juan's right Cruz. It's ok to use our powers to wipe their minds of us taking their blood, but sex is a different matter. I don't want to be known for sleeping with the groupies. And what if you're caught in the act of biting someone? Think about it.” Saul looks at us both and makes his excuses and heads to his room.

Cruz turns to look at me, “We all wanted this; the women, our names on everyone's lips, to see our faces plastered on every newspaper.”

“Cruz, all we are saying is be careful. We don't want the world to know we are vampires because you can't keep it in your pants. We all want Viper to be big but for the right reasons. I'm off to play my drums before the sun comes up. See you later.” And I leave Cruz as he turns to look back out the window.

I awake to hear Saul screaming, “Get out of my bed.” Then screaming of the female kind is heard next. I put my jeans on quickly and make my way to all the commotion.

I find Saul standing there naked with a cushion covering his dick and a girl by him trying to get her clothes back on. A flash goes off and I turn to find a girl holding her phone up taking photos. Five girls are standing there like they haven't done anything wrong. I look more closely at them and find some are holding items of our clothing. One is even sniffing a T-shirt and rubbing it all over her face. They all smile at me and say Hi.

“How the hell did you get in here?” I shout.

Cruz walks over to me and puts a hand on my shoulder, “Girls, I think it's time you left, let me see you out.” And they follow him like lost sheep.

Cruz walks back in and Saul leaves to put some clothes on, “How did they get in Cruz? And I hope you wiped their phones.”

“Why are you saying it like it's my fault? If you bothered to check the back door you would see they used something to force it open. And yes I wiped their phones.”

I curse under my breath, “I'm phoning Noah to see what he has to say, I'm not staying here. Think about it Cruz, Saul could wake up and attack the next time. You know he struggles keeping his hunger under control.” I leave the room to make a phone call to Noah.

Ten minutes later I have told them both to start packing what they need as we will be staying at Noah's. Lucky for us, our van was parked out back.  Saul backs it closer to the back door and my drums went in first along with Saul and Cruz's guitars. Then our bags full of our clothes. Finally, we were on our way to Noah's and escaping the crowd that starting running and banging on the van.

We pulled up at Noah's and he looked pleased to see us and told us to make ourselves at home. He made a comment about my drums and then I carried on with what I was doing. I turned back around and he was gone.

Saul, Cruz and I found the basement and I set up my drums. We also find the bedrooms and each choose a room. It wasn't till I walked back to check I hadn't left anything in the van that I felt the energy change and I knew Peppa was here.

When I saw her and Noah, we all reacted the same way. We all froze on the spot, she didn't look too good and I could tell she had been crying, and she looked pale. I walk over and ask what's wrong, but Noah tells her to go and get comfortable and leads me outside.

“Lara and Peppa came home tonight to find their flat had been burglarized, you should have seen it Juan everything was wrecked, smashed up or ripped apart. But as far as they can tell nothing had been stolen. They both took it hard and I can see the fear in their faces, especially Peppa's, so they are staying here to for a bit.”

I ask him if he thinks it's personal and Jacob’s name flashes across his mind. He says he thinks it could be but to let the police do their job and to wait to see what they come back with.

“I will help you find out who did this and we need to protect her, and I can help with that, but only at night.” And then I realized what I had said and knew he would question it. My answer even dumb founded me and I even made it sound like we were vampires when I was trying to do the opposite. So, I quickly changed the subject and said we should go and see how Peppa is and luckily Noah agreed.

We found Peppa on the sofa in a state. We both tried to comfort her which caused the energy to flow between us and brought on the arousal. She quickly asked us to move our hands, and that wounded me, as I love the feel of her. I told her basically that Noah and I won't let anyone hurt her. She didn't know why I wanted to help, as she said I didn't know her. She's right, I didn't, but I made it clear that I wanted to get to know them both and I pulled her to me and hugged her. I wanted to let her feel I would do anything to protect her. I took a glance at Noah and from the look on his face, I know he wanted to hold her too, so I pulled back from her. She also noticed the look on Noah's face and hugged him, which brought a smile to all of our faces.

She then went on to ask why I was there and I told her the story of a naked Saul and the girl rubbing one of our T-shirts over her face and it made her laugh a little and I felt elated.

Peppa yawned and declared she was going to bed but had nothing to wear, that was when I took my T-shirt off and offered it to her. The thought of her wearing it against her skin with my smell being all over it drove me insane. I noticed both Noah and Peppa were looking at my body and I enjoyed it, as reading their thoughts made me hard, and I told myself, they will both lick my snake very soon. I said goodnight and sat back down.

I headed for the basement after they left the room to play my drums for a while. When I finally settled in my bed, I started stroking myself while images of Peppa and Noah on their knees using their tongues on me, played through my mind.

When I woke, I went straight to find Peppa. I needed to see her, to make sure she was ok. She didn't know I was there, so I watched her for a bit, she sat on the sofa with a drink in her hand. She looked troubled. I wanted to go over and ask, but I would wait for her to say something to me.

I say Hi and walk over and sit with her. I make a comment about how beautiful she looks and she lets me know she has had a shit day and doesn't feel beautiful. She has no idea how beautiful she really is and I told myself I would tell her as often as I could. I put my hand on her and feel the heat immediately and what she does next shocks me. She kisses me and I kiss her back. How I didn't take her there and then was a miracle.

I hadn't noticed that Saul and Cruz had entered the room till Cruz decided to ruin my moment. He then went on to kiss Peppa's hand and flirt with her, which caused the green eyed monster in me to rise and I told him to back off.

A comment is made about us leaving, all three of us needed to feed. I told Cruz and Saul I would meet them outside and was left alone with Peppa. I asked her if she was doing anything tonight and if she wanted to talk I’m willing to listen. I also said I would love to spend some time with her. She made a comment about me being naked playing the drums and I smiled. I let her know I was on board with that, because I was. I would be naked for her any time she wanted, as long as she was too. I then kissed her goodbye and laughed when she muttered under her breath. This woman was killing me inside and out. I wanted her so badly and I had to think of a way to make that happen.

I still can't take blood from another human and the more I'm around Peppa, the more her's appeals to me. I had decided I was going to make my move with Peppa, hopefully get to taste her in more ways than one. So, I found a Cow and took some of its blood. I gagged a few times but managed to keep it down. I don't know how those Vampires who choose to feed on animal blood alone do it, and you can't really fuck a cow for that added pleasure you get from a human.

As we head back to Noah's house, I tell Cruz and Saul that I’m going to ask Peppa to come and watch us rehearse. They aren’t happy at first but I don't care. I’m putting my plan into action whether they like it or not.

Peppa was excited when I asked her to join us and I sat with her while Saul sang his song. Her reaction to Saul was so beautiful, even if she did cry. She hugged him and he hugged her back which surprised me. Saul's song was about his lost love and even though we have talked about Julia, the song told me more than words ever did. I felt for my brother and had a new found respect for him.

It was then my turn to join them to play my drums and we practiced a few songs, I caught the thought she put out in her mind about my snake tattoo and I took my T-shirt off so she could see it. I couldn't take my eyes of her and I knew the way she was looking at me that she wanted more and I was ready to give it to her. I think Cruz picked up on the vibe I was giving out and he and Saul left the two of us alone but not before he made Peppa blush.

I asked her if she wanted me to teach her how to play the drums, as I knew she would have to sit on my lap and I would have her close to me. This would be the moment where I made my move, I only wished I was naked.

As she made her way over, all the air was sucked out of the room. The energy started to build, my soul was reaching out for hers and I had her in my arms where I wanted her. I put her hands on mine and played, the way we both moved caused my dick to harden and rub against her. She let out a gasp and that was it, my moment had come.

She looked at me with her lust filled green eyes and I was lost. I closed mine for a second to control the rising need for her. I kissed her, and found myself swept away in the emotion of the moment. I needed her and, fuck, I wanted her so bad.

It wasn't long before I had her tits in my hands and was playing with her nipples, the noises she made drove me on to pleasure her more. I whisper words to her, telling her she was mine and how beautiful she was which turned her on more. Her blood was calling to me and I wanted to bite, but controlled myself and settled for a few harmless nibbles here and there.

Noah had come down the stairs but Peppa hadn't heard him yet. I made eye contact with him and could tell he wanted to join us but held back for some reason. He looked at me with what I can only describe as a hunger and I mouthed to him, “Join us.” He didn't waste any time in coming over and knelt down by Peppa and kissed her. The lust that went through us all nearly knocked me off my seat and my control nearly snapped. How I didn't bite her was a miracle. Noah's insecurity was shining through though. He thought Peppa would reject him but there was no chance of that and she let us know she wanted us both.

I exposed Peppa's tits to us all and I offered Noah a taste. He sucked on her nipples as I sucked on her neck. I was ready to take this to the next level and I slowly move my hand down to her pussy. I find her clit and ask her if she is wet for us both, she says yes and then rubs herself on my dick which causes us both to moan. I slowly circle her bud and watch Noah's hand as it makes its way to join us. I can smell how turned on she is and it only gets worse when Noah drives his finger in and out of her. The need to taste her comes over me and I run a finger through her wetness and find her soaked. She is so ready to be fucked, but I want her to cum first. So I go back to her clit and rub harder. She is so close, but then I know everything will stop soon as I hear Lara shout out.

I quickly stand up and Noah has noticed too that his sister is on her way down and tells Peppa to dress quickly. She turns away from us both and straightens herself up. Lara goes on about food and I can't stop thinking how much my dick is hurting right now and how I would love to reach for Peppa, grab her hand and take her to bed. I look at the woman who I can't get enough of and watch her head for the stairs and say goodnight to everyone and I can't help but feel the loss.

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