Rock the Viper

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Authors: Sammie J

BOOK: Rock the Viper
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Rock the Viper

Published By Sammie J

Copyright 2014 Sammie J


Cover design by Kellie Dennis /


No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


Sammie J.

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Ends with a cliff hanger,

Contains M/F/M and M/M loving.

The story is told from three different POV's.

Written in British English.

Graphic descriptions, sexual situations and strong language.

18+ advised.



To Monica Campos and Amy Weidman Pro for simply believing in me and for loving my characters as much as I do.



Chapter 1 Peppa

Chapter 2 Peppa

Chapter 3 Juan

Chapter 4 Peppa

Chapter 5 Noah

Chapter 6 Peppa

Chapter 7 Noah

Chapter 8 Juan

Chapter 9 Peppa

Chapter 10 Peppa

Chapter 11 Peppa

Chapter 12 Juan

Chapter 13 Noah

Chapter 14 Peppa

Chapter 15 Noah

Chapter 16 Juan

Chapter 17 Peppa

Chapter 18 Noah

Chapter 19 Juan

Chapter 20 Peppa

Chapter 21 Noah

Chapter 22 Peppa

Chapter 23 Juan

Chapter 24 Peppa

Chapter 25 Noah

Chapter 26 Peppa

Chapter 27 Juan

Chapter 28 Peppa


About the Author



Chapter 1  (PEPPA)


What's the one thing I would change about myself?

I’m not perfect, but I’m me. I have never felt the desperate need, like some people, to change something about myself, we are all unique.

The truth is, I wouldn’t change a thing, absolutely nothing. I am what I am and if you don’t like it there’s the door, feel free to use it. Well, maybe I would change something; maybe I could learn to speak my mind more. I hate that this is so easy to say to yourself, but when it comes to the person you want to say it to, the words don't seem to come that easily, especially when that someone is your roommate.

“Peppa! Are you even listening to me?” I stare at my so-called friend Lara when I hear my name and nod my answer, not really paying attention to her.

“You really shouldn't wear that top with that skirt, it does nothing for your figure.”

I turn away from Lara to hide the smile that spreads on my face, as the thought
Yeah well, your ass must get jealous of all that shit that comes out of your mouth.
Petty? Maybe. Lara has that effect on people and I find myself in a love hate relationship with her most of the time.

Sadly, it took me a while, but over the years, since becoming friends with Lara, I’ve learned that if she thinks you look better than her, she will do all she can to knock your confidence down and make you second guess yourself.

The thing is, Lara is stunning, she is your typical Barbie doll; blonde, blue eyed, has the perfect figure and never lacks the attention of males. I’m quite often tempted to look behind her neck to see if there is a “Made in Taiwan” stamp on the back of her neck. Unfortunately, what my roommate lacks is empathy and more often than not, just plain common sense.

So, I decide to ignore her and continue to put my make up on. This is my first night out since I broke up with my ex-boyfriend and I wasn't going to let her bring me down, ruin my evening, or even put a dent in my self-confidence. She walks over to my wardrobe, declaring that she will find me something to wear, some things are just not worth the trouble, and instead I sigh and let her get on with it. As I apply a thin line of black eyeliner, my mind flashes back to the day I became single again.

Sometimes we do impulsive things, things that if we think about them later will either make you smile or cringe, well, this was one of those moments. I don’t recall exactly how I came up with the idea, but before I thought too much about it, I found myself on a Friday afternoon riding a lift up to the 5th floor of my boyfriend’s work place, getting ready to surprise him. And when I say surprise him, I mean REALLY surprise him. I had one of those, “I’m a female hear me roar,” moments and I was extremely chuffed with myself and my ensemble; wearing a matching bra, knickers, garter and stockings set all in electric red and black. I was even wearing 4 inch high heels in black. I was respectably covered with a black coat, hiding all that wonderful decadence from the public eye. I opened my coat to see how I look in the lift mirrors and I couldn’t hide my smile as I looked at my reflection and the naughtiness that stared back at me. My 5 foot 7 inches looked good in the outfit; my long brown hair, that was usually in a ponytail to keep it out of the way while I was working, was hanging loose around my shoulders, highlighting my green eyes that were glittering brightly with the excitement that was running through every inch of me. I felt really good about my size 12 body as I looked at my curves in all the right places. As I turn from side to side checking myself out, I can’t help but pat myself on the back with a, “Looking pretty good Peppa, if this doesn’t get him going nothing will,” and I wink at my reflection and giggle.

I had thought about it a lot lately and I really wanted to spice up our sex life. It felt strange that it had fizzled out after only 10 months of being together. I had always known that Jacob was a workaholic and I was used to seeing him with his phone practically glued to his ear all the time. So here I was, as they say, dressed to kill, and ready to give Jacob the ride of his life.

As the lift stops on his floor, I fluff up my brown hair, pucker up my red lips and repeat to myself for the hundredth time, “Peppa you can do this,” and step out, heading rather anxiously to his office. I keep my fingers crossed that no one will see me, and breathe out a sigh of relief as I make it all the way to his door with no interruptions. I take a deep breath, and for a moment I feel reluctant to do this, but I knock on his door and walk in. Jacob turns around, startled to see me there, and only acknowledges my presence by putting his finger to his mouth indicating for me to remain quiet, what unsettles me is that he is also giving me the look that I interpret as, “What the hell are you doing here?”

Not wanting to risk ruining everything, I remain quiet as I watch him walk back and forth as he continues to talk business on the phone. He is getting angrier by the minute which puts me on my guard. I start thinking maybe I should leave, and doubt creeps in about how good an idea this was, but instead, I fight against my instincts to turn around and flee and tell myself,
No I am staying and seeing this through
. I have taken my time to prepare for this visit, spent over £150 for this sexy outfit and I even played it all out in my mind as to where I wanted it all to lead. Some pretty hot sex on his desk is what I’m hoping for. I can’t wait any longer as the tension rises in me. I open my coat and flash at him, hoping that this will distract him from the telephone conversation that is obviously aggravating him.


He stops dead in his tracks and gives me a once over. There is no reaction on his face to indicate that he likes what he sees, and then he turns his back on me and carries on with his conversation. I stand there in shock. I’m gob smacked that he ignored me as if I meant nothing to him and it made me feel sick. My shock is soon replaced by humiliation and then the dreaded tears are threatening to spill, but I won’t let him see them, I won’t give him the satisfaction.
How can he do this?
I’m so hurt by his actions that I want to scream and shout at him but what’s the point? He would probably put his finger to his mouth for me to be quiet again. At this point the humiliation is slowly being replaced by anger and I am seriously considering taking that damn phone and sticking it down his throat.

Before I do something I’ll regret, I turn to leave and I am horrified that Noah had to choose that exact moment to walk in. Noah could not have timed it worse had he planned it to the tiniest detail. As it was, he is also Jacobs’ boss and Lara's brother. We have known each other for what seems like forever, but that however, doesn’t change the fact that the man is 6ft of pure sex, in fact he oozes it. With his dirty blonde short hair, his brown eyes and a body you would die to kiss and bite, he is every woman’s fantasy and some of them actually even get to live that fantasy, as he is well known in our circle for being a womanizer. I've also loathed him since I was fourteen when he embarrassed me in front of his friends and I have barely tolerated him since.

He looks me up and down and I can see the lust that’s written all over his face, his tongue is practically hanging out and that smirk of his says it all. I feel myself blush, then my brain kicks in and I’m mortified.
Bloody hell! What was I thinking?
I quickly pull my coat closed around me and walk past Noah with my head down. There is no way in hell I can look at him. I hear him saying softly, “God Peppa, you’re so beautiful! He’s an idiot if he can’t see that.”

I walk out the door and I run, well trot, I can’t run well in 4 inch high heels. I’m banging on the call button desperate to get away from Jacob and Noah and this completely humiliating situation. As soon as those lift doors open I rush in and press the ground floor button terrified that either one of those idiots would decide to come after me. As the doors of the lift close, I lean my head against the mirror, the same one that had only moments earlier reflected excitement and now there was only pain as I let loose the inevitable tears.

I’m still trying to figure out how I managed to drive but I somehow made it home. God knows how I drove with all the crying. And to add insult to injury, that stupid piece of shit car that I happen to drive dies on me and I end up having to get a taxi home, which was embarrassing with the outfit I was wearing. I felt really stupid about it when I arrived home, it’s obvious that the taxi driver could not know that I didn’t have any clothes on under my coat. It’s just as well, had the poor man seen it, I could have added a heart attack and car accident to my list of events for this afternoon.

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