Rock the Viper (7 page)

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Authors: Sammie J

BOOK: Rock the Viper
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Chapter 9  (PEPPA)


“Peppa, you're ok to lock up right?” I look over to the clock its two hours before closing but this is nothing new for Lara. And I don't feel like listening to her complaining for the rest of the shift so I say, “I will lock up if you buy us something to eat tonight.”

She grabs her coat and bag and walks past me, “Is pizza all right for you?”

“Yes and a bottle of wine to go with it to would be great.”

“I can do that.” And she exits the door.

I take a look around there's only a few students in so I busy myself cleaning the empty tables. The door opens and a group of five girls enter and order a few hot drinks and some donuts. As I place their order in front of them I hear one of them mention Viper and I can see headphones from an IPod being passed around.

“Have you seen what they look like, they are all sexy as hell but Juan does it for me. That snake Tattoo is hot.” I look at the blonde girl who mentioned Juan and I wonder if she is his type,
does he even like blondes or does he prefer brunettes, would I be his type
. I walk back to the counter and an image of Juan playing the drums enters my head and now that I know his tattoo is a snake I can see it clearly and my thoughts turn to licking that snake and the one he has in his jeans too.

I'm brought back to the here and now when my body suddenly shivers then heats up from the inside out. I walk to the window to take a look out. I know this feeling has something to do with Juan and hope to get a glimpse of him if he is over at Devil Records.

But as I look out a car pulls up at the curb side and I watch Jacob lean over and kiss the brunette who is driving. I know I should turn away and get back to work and I’m about to when Jacob gets out and notices me looking.

“Oh god.” I say to myself and quickly turn back and walk around the counter.

The group of girls then decide to leave and as they do I hear them giggle and a male voice saying, “Goodnight.” And I then know that Jacob has come into the café. I notice there are still a couple of people at the computers so I relax a bit.

“Can I have a white Coffee with one sugar please Peppa?” And he hands me some money.

“Coming right up, is there anything else I can do for you?” I turn to the coffee machine to sort out his order.

“Have you seen Noah since yesterday?”

“No Jacob I haven't, was I supposed to?” I turn back to hand him his coffee.

“No, he's probably hiding the black eye he has, stay away from him Peppa, he will only hurt you.” And with that he walks out.

I honestly don't know what I saw in Jacob and he is beginning to worry me, even scare me a little. I tell the two remaining people they have fifteen minutes before closing time and I begin to put the chairs on the tables so I can mop the floor before I leave. After I say goodnight to the last person to leave, I mop up, grab my bag turn the lights off, open and close the door and lock it.

Out of nowhere I'm hit when an intense heat and I nearly lose my balance. My body stiffens and I know what will be waiting for me when I turn around. I turn slowly and when I look across the road I see not only Juan but Noah to both standing there looking over at me and my legs weaken, I have to put my hand on the wall to steady myself. Noah waves at me but I can't wave back. I'm experiencing the same feelings I had the night all three of us had the connection and they are getting very intense. I struggle to breathe as the invisible hands start to work their magic between my legs. I watch Juan wave at me and that pushes my body over the edge and I cum standing right there and moan from the pleasure of it. I take a quick look around to make sure no one is watching and blush from embarrassment. The car pulls a way and my feelings leave with it.

I manage to calm down and make it home and surprise surprise, Lara is nowhere to be seen. An hour later she turns up without the pizza but she somehow remembered the wine. Its good thing I decided to make myself a TV dinner. I asked her if she knew why Noah had a black eye. She didn't know. So, she phones him but there is no answer and she leaves him a message. I make my excuses after she goes on and on about the many reasons why Noah could have a black eye and many involve women. I take myself off to bed to try and read. My thoughts turn to Noah and Juan and then the embarrassment of what happened outside the Café slams into me and I let out a groan. Once again my dreams are full of Juan and Noah and they are getting more sexual each time.

The next morning at 9.00am I’m at the café opening up, yet again. I really would love to sleep in one morning and come in late but that’s not going to happen.

Sometimes I wonder to myself why Lara decided to be a co-owner with me as I do most of the work, she shows up and helps for a couple of hours then disappears and today was no different. Luckily, it's a quiet day, not many people come in and I find myself sitting at a table reading. I get a feeling of being watched and I look up, take a look around and stare at the figure standing outside the Café. Jacob is staring right at me he doesn't hold eye contact for long as he turns and I watch a woman walk up and hug him. He turns back to me and sneers as he walks away and his arm goes around the woman's waist.

“WTF.” Comes out of my mouth and then I realize what he is doing, he is trying to make me jealous. He has no idea how stupid he is making himself look, as I don't feel anything for him.

My phone goes off and I answer it, it's Lara, “Do you want that pizza tonight? I will be back about 6:00 pm.”

“OK go on then but Lara I will be there at 6pm on the dot as its quiet here. I will close early so make sure you're there.”

I hear a male voice on the line and she quickly says, “I will be.” And hangs up. I laugh, now I have the answer to where she goes when she is not here she has a man.

The last few hours drag on but at 5:30 pm I am ready to head home. I lock up and take a quick look across the road and a shiver runs through my body as I think of the other night. I walk home to the flat I share with Lara and think she better be home with that pizza because I’m starving.

I make good time and I'm five minutes early. I rummage through my bag to find my keys and that’s when I notice the door is slightly a jar. A part of me hesitates to enter but then I hear a sob, so I push the door open and when I walk in I see Lara sitting on the floor crying. I don't know how I manage to keep upright as I feel like joining her when I see that our home has been ransacked. The sofas have been slashed and the stuffing spills out of them. I can see glass on the floor from pictures which have been smashed along with the TV. Drawers have been opened and the contents are thrown over the floor. Lara lets out another sob and I rush over to her and bend down and touch her shoulder, “Lara are you OK? Are you hurt?

“I'm ok there was no one here when I walked in, look at it Peppa who would do this.”

I take another look around with sadness, “Come on let's get you up in case you are leaning in glass.” I offer her my hand she takes it and I help her to her feet.

“Has anything been taken? I should call the police.”

She points to her phone, “I've already done it and I phoned Noah too. It doesn't look like anything has been taken. I didn't make it to my bedroom to check if my jewelry is still there.”

“Oh god.” And I make a dash for my bedroom.

Lara screams after me, “Peppa the police said not to touch anything.”

As I approach my bedroom, I notice my door is open and when I stand in it the first thing I notice is the word SLUT in big red letters on the wall my bed is against. Then it's my clothes that have been thrown all over my bed and floor. I walk over to the jewelry box I keep on my chest of drawers, I use a pair of knickers that are hanging from a lamp and lift the box up. The ring my mother gave me is still there and I let out a sigh. I take a quick look at the other pieces and everything seems to be in place. I take another look around and notice my underwear drawer has been turned upside down. I walk over and look and find most of it has been ripped to shreds.

I hear voices and make my way back to Lara, I feel numb, I'm in shock and this all has a sense of disbelief about it. Noah is standing, holding Lara and when he sees me he motions for me to come over. I walk over to him and he brings me in for a hug, that’s when the tears come. I feel him kiss my forehead and then we hear a voice asking if they can come in.

It seems like hours before the police finish questioning us and taking our statements. They ask if we have anywhere to stay tonight. And Noah pipes up with, “Yes officers, they will both be staying with me. And if you need them to come down to the station please ring me.” And he gives them his address and phone number.

I don't even question Noah about that and it's not until we are in his car on the way to his house that I say. “Noah, I can phone Monica. I'm sure she will let me stay for a few days.” Our eyes meet in the rear view mirror.

“Please Peppa, don't argue with me, you're staying with me and that's it.”

I lower my head and close my eyes and mutter, “Ok.” I'm not sure if he hears me but no one talks for the rest of the drive.

Noah owns a big town house. It has six bedrooms, two bathrooms, the usual kitchen and lounge but he also has a basement that has a studio and where the artists sometimes come and record. I know he has the space for me but with the way the things are between us, I'm not sure if it's wise we share the same space so I tell myself to phone Monica later and ask to stay with her.

As we pull into the driveway there is a van pulled up right to the door and I can see people taking stuff out of it. When we come to a stop Noah gets out opens the car door for me offers me his hand and I take it. Lara manages to get herself out but not without complaint.

My body immediately reacts, I feel the heat, and Noah stiffens too and I look up at him, “He's here isn't he?”

“Yes, but I will explain that in a bit, let's get you inside and settled. I don't know about you but I could do with a large drink.”

“Noah this isn't a good idea, I should go...”

He takes my face in his hands, “Listen to me, I'm not letting you or my sister out of my sight, I'm not sure if you are in danger. So, until the police say otherwise you are staying with me.” And with that he lays a soft kiss to my lips.

As we walk into the house I say, “Nice black eye. Does it hurt? How did that happen?”

He laughs, “Always full of questions, it's nothing, a misunderstanding. You should see the other guys face.”

We both stop dead in our tracks and look in the same direction and we watch Juan walking towards us. The heat hits me but I don't feel it too much as I’m still numb from the burglary, so I ignore it the best I can. Juan stops in front of us and looks me over, “Are you ok? What’s happened?”

Noah turns to me, “Peppa, can you go and make yourself comfortable in the lounge? Help yourself to the bar. I will explain to Juan what has happened so you don't have to relive it ok?”

“Ok thank you.” I smile up at Juan then walk away.

I enter the lounge with its massive TV, huge open fire and big comfy red sofa's to find Lara already there with a drink in her hand. I plop myself down on the opposite sofa from her and rest my head back against it and close my eyes. She makes a phone call and all I hear is yes I'm fine, and then I hear her walk from the room still on the phone.

The shock of the night finally hits me and I let the tears roll and I wrap my arms around me to try and stop my body from shaking. I feel someone sit down next to me and I know its Juan because as soon as he touches me my body burns for him. And then I feel someone at my feet and I look down to see Noah sitting there looking concerned and he puts his hand on my knee and that’s when my body flames for them both.

“Peppa, it’s ok, I won’t let anyone hurt you and I will help to find out who did this.”

I turn my head to look at Juan, “Whatever this is between us, you don't know me, and you can't fight my battles. Can you both please take your hands off me as I can't handle these feelings right now?”

Noah removes his hand, “I'm sorry Peppa, but I'm with Juan we are both going to protect you.”

Juan lays his hand on my arm and I glare at him and he quickly removes it. “Sorry, I know we don't know each other yet Peppa, but I want to get to know you. Whatever this is has connected the three of us together and I can't help the feelings I have towards you. And if I'm honest I don't want to. I want to be near you and spend time with you. I want you Peppa. Shit, I know this is bad timing but I hate the thought of you hurting and I need you to know I'm here for you.”

I break down in tears and find myself being pulled into a hard chest and being hugged to death. I let Juan hold me and I calm down enough to where little sobs come out now and again. I pull away and notice Noah is still on his knees and has a frown on his face.

“Oh god, Noah I'm sorry, I feel so violated, and angry. Why did this happen to me?”

He leans into me and I put my arms around him and he speaks into my hair, “You can stay here as long as you need, I don't know why this happened but I intend to find out.”

I move out of his arms and smile at him, “Can I have that drink now please? I need something to make me sleep tonight.”

Noah gets up and walks over to the bar. I turn to Juan and find him already looking at me so I smile. “So, how come you're here then?”

He laughs, “Our home was violated too, not in a bad way, well I guess that depends on how you look at it really.”

I frown at him, “What do you mean?”

“Last night when we were dropped off at home there were tents pitched out on the grass where we live. As soon as we were out the car about thirty girls came rushing over. Cruz, of course, loved the attention and made it worse by flirting. It took us a good sixty minutes to get in the house, after we took photos with them and signed their stuff. But it didn't end there, the doorbell went all night and they broke into the house and started touching things and taking photos. Saul woke up to find a woman naked in his bed, I'm glad I remembered to lock my door.”

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