Rock the Viper (2 page)

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Authors: Sammie J

BOOK: Rock the Viper
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I was still self-conscious about my outfit and as I entered my flat and all I wanted to do was take a shower. That sorry excuse for a male, Jacob, had made me feel dirty and unwanted. I was so desperate to be rid of that feeling that I was hoping that maybe I could wash away the hurt, the disgust, I felt for showing my body off to another man and the feelings that came with that. I thought I meant something to Jacob, but I guess the job comes first and I knew I couldn’t compete with that. It’s a bitch to realize that you are not the priority of the man you love. It was with sadness that I admitted that with Jacob, I would always come in second place, or maybe third. As I stepped into the hot water, I knew my relationship was over and single life would beckon me once again.

Later that night, I have a few glasses of wine to drown my sorrows and stuff my face with ice cream. My phone blares out Bed of Roses by Bon Jovi, I know that it’s Jacob but I don’t bother to answer it. I let it ring several times, humming to the song instead, as if it were playing on the radio. One minute later, I hear the sound that tells me I have a text message. I don’t want to read it yet so I busy myself pretending to clean, but curiosity was killing me and I was dying to know what the prick had to say for himself. So, my cleaning resumed to picking up an item and putting it back down again, when all I really wanted to do is check that message. I battled against myself, my heart and brain were having a full on conversation and I managed to hold out for a total amount of about two minutes, looking at my phone the whole time. Finally admitting defeat, I snatched my phone and read what Jacob had sent me.

“Hi sweetheart, I’m sorry I couldn’t deal with you this afternoon. It was an important call. I really needed to get them signed up. Why did you leave?”

Did I read that right? Did he say deal with you? I had to read it a couple more times to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Then I snapped. This son of a bitch was getting it with both barrels blazing.

“OMFG deal with me???? So you did see me standing there then? Because you made me feel like I was invisible! I left because you ignored me Jacob, you looked straight through me. Did you even notice what I was wearing?”

“Of course I saw you. What do you mean ignore you? I was on the phone for Christ sake. Are you mad at me? And you were wearing a black coat weren’t you? And what the hell does OMFG mean?”

I really feel like throwing my phone. How much of an idiot can he be!? And why in the hell I am working this out now? “Denial Peppa! Plain and simple denial!” I say out aloud.

“Did Noah say anything to you?”

“He said something about me being an idiot. What does it matter what Noah said?”

“The next time you see Noah ask him what I was wearing and I bet he remembers every last detail. And OMFG means oh my fucking god. GOODBYE Jacob, IT’S OVER, simple as that.”

“Peppa what the fuck is going on here, what do you mean it’s over?”

“Work it out Jacob... FU”

I think anyone can work out what FU stands for, but then again this is Jacob we are talking about. I wait for a text to come but then my phone starts playing, “I want to lay you down in a bed of roses.”

“No I don’t,” and I turn my phone off.

Oh, Jacob didn’t give up trying to get me back, he would phone and text me all the time until I had to change my number in the end. He would send me flowers, turn up at my work. The imbecile even asked some of our friends to talk to me about getting back with him, but I stuck to my guns. I wanted to come first in someone’s life and I wasn’t going to get that with Jacob. So that was it, that was what broke the camel’s back and I find myself single again.

“Peppa! For Christ sake, hello! Anyone in there?” Lara says as she knocks her knuckles on my forehead. I shake my head and come back to the present and leaving the past well and truly behind me. I look at Lara and contemplate punching her in the face. My patience is running thin and there is only so much crap one person can take at any given time. I was willing to utterly destroy my reputation of being the considerate and tolerant one of the group. Sod tolerance, I was ready to commit serious bodily damage. But I managed to hold myself back.

“I'm sorry what did you say?” I turn to look at her and she's standing there holding up my little black dress, the same one that I have worn more times than I can remember.

“You should wear this. It's much better than what you’re wearing now.”

I look myself up and down and I like the black pleated skirt and the red lace short sleeved top I’m wearing. So, I tell her I’m happy with my outfit and wouldn't have time to change anyway as Monica was due any minute. I turn back to my mirror to finish off my makeup, put on my knee high black boots and I’m ready.

Monica turns up two minutes later, hooting like a maniac downstairs. I knew this pissed Lara off and even though it drove me a bit nuts as well, today however, I would remember to thank her for it. Just for the distasteful look that it placed on Lara’s face.

We walk downstairs in silence to find a grinning Monica in the car. Monica is in high spirits, she never was too fond of Jacob and although she did try to look sorry when I told her about the breakup, she failed miserably. To her benefit though, she did remain by my side when I cried and got me drunk as a skunk and carried me home.

Lara and I get into her car and we head into town to our local pub while Monica carries on a never ending string of chatter about something she had read in the newspaper that day. I wasn’t paying too much attention, I was still nervous about going out on my own, funny how afraid I was to even consider the whole dating scene again.

As we pull up into the car park, Lara turns to me with a smug expression on her face as she says, “Noah's firm is signing a new band and they are playing tonight.”

I was trying to figure out where she was going with this conversation, with Lara there was always a case of a double-edged sword, but before I could say anything she continued,

“So before you go inside and go all drama queen on us, just so you know, I didn't tell you before, Jacob was the one who found them and he will be in there tonight too.”

I could have slapped the bitch! She of all people knew how I felt!

“You horrid bitch! How dare you? You didn’t even give me the option to choose whether or not I wanted to see that bastard again so soon. You know damn well what has been happening and how hard this has been for me. Fuck you Lara! You go and watch the band. And you call yourself a friend? I'm not going in there!”

Not giving her time to reply I continued my tirade facing Monica this time, “Is there somewhere else we can go? I am looking forward to a night out and having a good time, I am definitely not going back home!”

Lara snaps back at me, “You're being a child, grow up and move on and forget about Jacob because he certainly has forgotten about you.”

“What does that mean?” I sit there shaking with anger. While I didn’t want Jacob back, I was not sure I was ready to see him with someone else. The thought that I was so easily replaced hurt my ego more than it broke my heart. It seemed that Lara had been hiding a lot from me but I didn't get to ask anything else as she was out the car and already walking inside the pub.

Monica turned around in her seat and asked, “If you want to leave, we can go somewhere else or I will take you home. Lara can be such a bitch at times.” 

I let out a breath, “Yes she can.”

Monica remains quiet but I know her well and she wants to say something to me, probably something that I don’t want to hear at this point or something that will bring me back to my senses. She turns her head to look out the car window, “You know at some point you will bump into Jacob and at least tonight you can ignore him. You know the pub will be packed and the music will be loud.”

I let that sink in for a couple of minutes and decided she was right, making up my mind to be a big girl about this I told her, “Okay let’s do this.”

I put Jacob to the very far recesses of my mind, and get out the car. I waited for Monica to get out and hooked my arm under hers as we walked to the pub. I put on a fake smile as my nerves have kicked in and I try to keep down the bile that has risen in my throat,
I can do this, Jacob means nothing to me.
I tell myself and I follow Monica in.

Noticing my unease and probably the shaking in my hand, Monica leans closer and whispers in my ear, “If you want, I could always beat the shit out of him and that would make your evening Jacob free.”

I look at my grinning friend and let out a laugh.

Chapter 2 (PEPPA)


As we walk into the pub, I notice that the place is packed and we actually have to fight our way to the bar. Finally, I manage to squeeze in-between two men who both look me up and down and smile at me. I smile back not really seeing them. After a few seconds, Monica manages to push her way in too.

I actually have to shout to make myself heard, “Wow, this must be some band. I’ve never seen the pub this full!”

Monica nods her agreement and we both wait to get the attention of the bartender.  I find myself tapping my fingers on the counter with impatience but once he looks in our direction we start gesticulating like traffic cops to get his attention and laugh as we look at each other. I really need a drink to steady my nerves. I take a look around to see if I know anyone and at the far end of the bar I spot Jacob, who has a red head draped all over him. I was right, I wasn’t ready for this, well not completely, my heart wasn’t breaking but it didn’t feel right to see him with someone else either.

I move my eyes away determined not to cause myself anymore pain than strictly necessary. I continue browsing at the crowd. I recognize some of the faces and then I spot Noah, who is talking to Lara, she looks over and finger waves at me causing Noah to turn and smile at me. I was really tempted to flip her the bird but thought better of it.

My eyes travel back to Jacob who is now looking right at me, his black hair is shorter than I remember and his blue eyes light up as the red head whispers something in his ear and he laughs. I hate admitting that he looks really good. I realize that what I in fact do feel is a little hurt for what could have been but I can't help feeling sorry for the red head if she believes that she will have a happily ever after. The poor woman has no idea what she has let herself in for.

The bartender finally spots us and I can’t help the laugh that explodes out of my mouth as I look at Monica who is jumping up and down gesticulating like crazy to get his attention. Finally, he makes his way to where we are standing and he blocks my view of Jacob, which I am grateful for.

I turn to Monica, “I'm going to get a double vodka. Do you want the same?”

Her head moves from side to side, “I'm driving so I will have one beer, then I will stick to soft drinks for the rest of the night. Someone has to be responsible this evening, and besides, if I do get to beat up the little shit at the other end of the bar I want to remember every single detail.”

She makes me smile with that comment and I pull her in closer for a side hug to show her how much I appreciate her.

I tell the bartender what I want and he doesn't take long to fulfil my order. I thank all the saints I can think of for that, and I quickly down the double vodka.

Monica laughs, “You really needed that then?”

I smile at Monica, “Oh yes, I needed that and more.”

I’m distracted from getting another drink by the commotion that is coming from up front and then I hear some clapping, and then all of a sudden, I hear screaming. I try to look around the people in front of me but I can't see anything. Now I was really curious about this band, they must be good if they warrant all this screaming.

Even though I can’t yet see a thing, a voice, which I know to be Noah's, comes over the microphone.

“Thanks everyone for coming tonight to see this brand new band. If you haven't heard yet, they will be signed to the Devil record label for two years. You will be hearing a lot from these lads, so get ready for the phenomenon that is Viper.”

There is more clapping and Monica grabs my elbow and pushes everyone out the way to get nearer to the front. Taking advantage of a break in the crowd, she forces her way in to get that spot. I watch as three men exit from a door at the far side of the room and then the screaming starts all over again. The stage has been set up with a drum kit, and there is a guitar in a stand and a microphone stand with a bass guitar leaning against it. The men each take their places and I was feeling slightly frustrated at not being able to really see their faces because their long hair covered them like a veil. I can hear the microphone kick in as it screeches at us and one of the men bends down and picks the bass guitar up. You know the other guitar player has picked his up because when he puts it over his head his fingers strum a few chords and then my eyes fall onto the drummer who sits and starts to take off his top.

My eyes widen and I know I am not the only one to have noticed as Monica screams in my ear, “OMG! Peppa are you seeing what I am? Look at those muscles!”

I turn my head slightly and raise my voice as I say, “Oh yes I'm looking. Wow he is...ERM I'm speechless.” I can't take my eyes off him. If I thought Noah oozed sex this man screams it.

The singer starts to speak but my attention is still being held by the drummer.

“Thanks everyone for coming to watch us play, I'm Cruz. Over on the guitar we have Saul and my man at the back is Juan.” Another scream goes up. “I hope you like our sound and will follow us on our journey.”

Monica shouts in my ear, “Oh boy this group is going to be big, Peppa I think I'm in love.”

I nod my head because my eyes are still on Juan as he brings his drumsticks down and starts to play a beat.

Cruz starts to sing, his voice is soulful but has that raw edge to it you can't help but get lost in the words he sings. Then he starts to play his guitar and a deep sound hits you and the rhythm is set for the song. Monica shouts at me again. 

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