Rock You Like a Hurricane: Stormy Weather, Book 1 (9 page)

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Authors: Lena Matthews and Liz Andrews

BOOK: Rock You Like a Hurricane: Stormy Weather, Book 1
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“And twice as addictive.”

Jack couldn’t have agreed more. So he did the next best thing, he went back for another taste. Using his other hand, Jack slid two of his fingers into her then took her clit in his mouth and lapped at her swollen bud. Liv arched into his touch, moaning as he began to thrust his fingers back and forth in an even motion.

“Jack.” Liv whimpered and arched her hips toward him wantonly. “Please…ohhh.”

“You enjoying his touch, his mouth?” Greg’s voice drifted into Jack’s consciousness and he waited to hear Liv’s reply.

“Yes, God, yes.”

“Share it with me. Tell me what he’s doing.”

Jack was looking forward to her descriptions as well. “He’s licking, sucking on my clit as he fingers my pussy.”

“How many fingers?”

“Two…I think.”

“Oh, I think you can handle more.”
Damn right she could


To Jack’s delight he found he was enjoying the dirty word play. Listening to Liv describe to Greg what he was doing was almost as arousing as him doing it. Never would Jack have imagined how many different ways including someone else in their bed could be a turn-on. He was so ready to fuck her, his cock was leaking precome like a faulty faucet.

“Would you like that, baby, more of Jack inside you, stretching your tight cunt?”

“Greg.” Liv arched into Jack’s mouth as she wailed the other man’s name.

“I think from the way she dug her nails into my thighs, that would be a yes,” Greg said. “Maybe just one more finger to get her nice and full.”

Part of Jack wanted to remind Greg this was his specialty and he didn’t need a sidekick to get the job done, yet he couldn’t deny the surprising thrill that ran through him at having the other man observe the whole thing. Aroused, Jack pulled his fingers free of her wet snatch then pressed them in again, this time adding another digit to his play. Liv gyrated her hips, fucking his fingers as she had his cock on so many different occasions. The tighter she gripped him, the faster she moved, the more vocal she became, until her moans were louder than the storm outside.

Unable to hold out against the sight of her writhing body, he flicked his tongue at lightning speed over her engorged nub until she dug her heels into the bed and pressed her cunt firmly to his lips, screaming as her body rocked and shuddered in the aftermath of her release. Impatient to be inside her, Jack straightened, intent on taking her in his arms. Before he could make his move, Greg spoke. “I do believe it’s my turn.”

Oh right, sharing
. “You want to take my place.”

“No.” Greg moved from behind Liv and rose to his feet. “I want her on her knees, arse up.”

Jack couldn’t hide his surprise. “Really?”

“Yes, you wanted to see the move I think she likes the most.”

Liv moaned and quickly moved into position. One apparently they’d done a time or two.

“This should be interesting.” Jack couldn’t wait to see where Greg’s talents lay. He still wasn’t so sure the professor had any real sexual skills to speak of, but he couldn’t wait to see for himself if Greg was true competition, in and out of the bedroom. “I like the position already. I can’t wait to see where this is heading.”

“You’re going to have to do more than see. You’re going to have to participate.”

It was sounding better and better. “How so?”

“Tell him, love.”

Liv turned to face him. Her eyes were glazed with her most recent orgasm, courtesy of himself, but she still had a look there. One of longing for whatever was coming next. “Normally when we do this,” she smiled and looked away, “he ties my hands to the headboard.”

What the hell?
Jack couldn’t have been more surprised if he tried. “Really, Liv?”

Heat filled her cheeks, but his bad girl nodded, probably too embarrassed to say it out loud.

“And what does he do while you’re tied up?” Jack stroked his hand up over her bare ass as he questioned her and wondered, not for the first time, how his woman was so able to appear sweet and innocent one minute and naughty the next.

“Spank her naughty arse, of course,” Greg said.

God. Damn
. “I’m in.” This was something he wanted to see. No. Abso-fucking-lutely wanted to take part in.

Chapter Four

The look of shock was expected, but the avid interest on Jack’s face made Greg want to chuckle. The smart-mouthed man was finally beginning to show some appreciation. It was about damn time.

All the time he’d watched Jack and Olivia together, Greg was anticipating his own turn with his curvy woman. Imagining her firm, fleshy globes under his palm, and her pale white skin pinkening with every tap on her ass.

“Hold her arms.” Greg sat back on his heels to watch Jack take her arms and lock her wrists down, holding her tight. Olivia lowered her head onto the pillow in front of her, but kept her arse in the air. Jack was staring with rapt attention, as if he didn’t want to miss a single second. But Greg had one last adjustment to make. He grasped her foot and stroked his thumb across the arch. “Open your legs for me, love. Let me see that pretty pink pussy.”

Olivia shifted her knees, spreading her legs a tempting slow inch at a time. They loved to play this game. They both enjoyed building up the moment and drawing it out. The before was just as sweet as the after, but nothing topped the during. That was in a class all on its own.

Greg licked his lips as a hint of her enthralling pussy came into view. The lower half of her sex was slick with dew and a little rosier than the usual pale pink. The time Jack spent earlier definitely made its impact. Although Greg’s plans were much more forceful.

Stroking over her foot, Greg trailed his hand up her calf to the knee. He followed the path farther, moving up the muscles of her smooth thigh. He palmed her wide, full ass, enjoying the soft gasp that escaped from her lips. Olivia, after many months of learning what they both liked, stayed as still as possible because she knew that was part of the thrill for him. And nothing pleased him more than the knowledge she did it all under his command.

“Good girl. You’re staying so still.” He could see the shiver that shuddered though her at certain touches, and he watched with interest when she included Jack in their play. As Greg ran his fingers up her inner thigh, Olivia remained perfectly still, but her fingers wrapped around Jack’s hand.

“What are the rules of this game, Professor?”

“Tell him, Olivia. Tell him all about it.” Greg’s hand came down hard on her right cheek, the crack resounding through the room louder than the one thundering outside. He watched Jack’s eyes widen and waited for the other man to grow indignant at the blow, but surprisingly Jack remained calm and watched to see what was going to happen next.

“Greg…” Olivia’s plaintive voice begged for more, but he didn’t plan to reward her just yet. She had a story to tell first.

“Don’t make me tell you a second time.”

“It started as a joke.” Olivia turned her head to look up at Jack, a little note of pleading in her gaze. “A game, really, but I liked it. A lot.”

“Yes, she did.” Greg gifted her with another smack to the other cheek and she gave a moan of appreciation. “Soon she was begging me for a little slap and tickle.”

“Spank and fuck was more like it,” Olivia replied saucily.

“And the rules…” Jack asked, his voice thick with desire.

“Not to move. For as long as I can. I don’t have to be completely motionless, but as still as I can, and if I do, I get rewarded.”

“With what?”

“Sex.” Greg couldn’t see her face but he was willing to bet she was smiling.

“Professor.” Greg looked over at Jack. “I’m in awe.”

“Why are you so impressed with him?” Olivia teased. “I’m the one taking a licking.”

“True, but he’s the one to convince you to do it. That right there takes some skill.”

“I’ll agree, but only because I like it.”

Greg landed another blow on her upturned cheek. “Are you getting mouthy, wench?”

“Will you spank me if I do?”

Smack, smack
. Greg let his hand do the talking as Olivia moaned and writhed as Greg reddened her arse. This time he didn’t stop until she gasped his name.

“Okay, love. Okay.” Pride filled him as he looked at his handiwork. Unable to resist touching her, Greg slowly caressed her warm flesh. But he didn’t stop there. He worked his fingers down between her legs and grinned when he discovered the moist fruits of his labor. His finger easily slipped inside her slick passage, a sign if ever there was one of a job well done. Greg had a feeling his spanking wasn’t the only thing that had her creaming though. “Tell me, Olivia, is this for me? Or did you enjoy Jack watching, holding you down?”

“Yes. To everything. The spanking, Jack watching, him holding, the whole enchilada. I love it all.”

Greg added another finger into her wet sex. “I think we have a little exhibitionist here.”

“Livy, Livy.” Jack released her wrists. “What a wonderful surprise you’ve turned out to be.” Before she could reply, Jack tilted her head up to his and captured her mouth in a possessive kiss. Greg could feel her pussy throbbing on his fingers as he slowly massaged her G-spot. She was getting close, but Greg had no intention of allowing her to come again so soon. He wanted to draw this out.

Olivia broke her kiss with Jack and pressed herself back against Greg’s questing hand. “Please, someone fuck me, now.”

Jack chuckled and looked across at Greg. “I think she wants something.”

“You think?”

Jack nodded soberly. “Should we give it to her?”

“I don’t know.”

Olivia wiggled her arse as she rode Greg’s fingers. “You guys are torturing me, please, just please, I need you inside me.”

Without warning, Greg pulled his fingers from her. Sucking the digits into his mouth, he enjoyed the musky syrup. “Sweeter than cherry wine.”

“You know, I hate to say it, but I think she’s convinced me we ought to give her what she wants.”

Greg wanted to argue with Jack, but really, how could he when he felt the same way? Olivia was too tempting a treat, and now that he had her taste on his lips he definitely wanted more.

“When you’re right, you’re right.”

“Oh, thank God.” Olivia’s words had both men laughing and she frowned slightly. “Hey, a girl can only take so much.”

“Really, only so much?” Greg asked.

Olivia rolled over on her back and promptly placed her hand between her legs. “Yes.”

“Fuck,” Jack growled. “Hold that thought. I’ll be right back.”

Greg lay down on his side next to Olivia. “Take your time,” he offered as he ran his fingers across her beaded nipples.

“Not likely,” Jack said under his breath as he moved off the bed and headed to his duffle bag.

Part of Greg was curious about what the other man was after, but a bigger part was more interested in watching Olivia play with her pussy. Her eyes were at half mast, her lips slightly parted, and her breasts rose and fell to the rhythm of her increased breathing as she rubbed her clit between her fingers. The word
didn’t come close to describing how she looked, but it would have to do.

A few seconds later Jack climbed back on the bed, but he didn’t come empty handed. With a wicked grin he tossed a handful of goodies on the bed above Olivia’s head.

Greg sat up and picked up one of the many condom packages. Shaking his head, he looked over at Jack, whose own attention was focused on Olivia’s busy hands. “Don’t you think you’re taking the ‘be prepared’ motto a bit far?”

Jack looked up at him and grinned. “Is it possible to be too prepared or to go too far?”

The other man had a valid point. “Let’s find out.” Greg turned his attention to Olivia. “Now what, Olivia?”


There wasn’t much that would convince her to stop masturbating at this point. But Greg’s offer to allow her access to both her men was one of them. If she had to cease though, there was nothing stopping her from teasing them both while she did it. Pulling her fingers from her pussy, she brought them to her lips and licked them, one by one, enjoying the taste.

Even more, she took pleasure watching the changing looks on their faces. They both stared, transfixed, as each digit disappeared into her mouth, as her tongue savored her own unique flavor. Aware of her captive audience, she went out of her way to elongate her actions, and when she reached the very last finger, she made sure to moan and close her eyes as if she were sampling the sweetest of chocolates. When she figured she’d milked the moment for all she could, she opened her eyes and smiled. “What was the question again?”

Jack shook his head as if he were trying to help himself focus. “There…there was a question?”

“Yes.” Olivia ran her hand up over her stomach to her breasts, pausing there to play with her nipples. “Right, Greg?”

“Question. Right.” Her other lover didn’t seem as if he were faring much better.

Olivia bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing. Men were so easily distracted. “And it was…”

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