ROMANCE: Bear Naked Passion (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 2) (256 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Bear Naked Passion (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 2)
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              “Please,” she snapped, nearly screamed. She leaned closer to him—this fountain of knowledge, of beauty, of everything she had tried not to taint or hurt before this moment. Ambition grew within her, and it felt good—powerful. “Please, don’t leave such a burden on me. If there is even the slightest chance that I could provide any kind of assistance for this cause, I want to at least try. If I don’t, I’ll always wonder if I let you down—if I could have saved you from your pain.” She widened her eyes a little, forcing them to water. “Reed, please…”

              She could hear Reed breathe heavily as he blinked at her, his lips quivering. She was about to plead with him some more when he hesitantly nodded his head.

              “Okay,” he whispered, smiling tightly. “Okay.”

              Andrea nearly squealed for joy. It took all of her willpower to remain seated where she was—to not go running upstairs to get ready.

              “Thank you,” she choked out, grinning. “God, thank you so much, Reed.”

              He nodded again. “I can’t deny you anything, Andrea Watson. And if anyone could save us from ourselves, I believe it is you.”

              Her stomach dropped, her ambition recoiling at such a warm and faith-filled statement. The tears that stung her eyes were genuine in that moment, and it made it all the more sickening to her.


              Later, she convinced him to leave with her that night—to take a plane to the country of Colombia, where Fernando was currently residing while he did his private research.

              “You sure about this?” Reed asked her.

              She sat on his bed with her suitcase resting beside her. Reed was in the process of packing his own bag—moving from his walk-in closet, to the bathroom, to his bag, and then back to the closet.

              He had no idea what the question truly meant to her. It rang in Andrea’s head several times, the feeling of the words more accusatory than they truly were.

              “Yes,” she said. “I’m sure.”





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Bonus Catalogue of Sample Books (Limited Time only)


Paranormal Romance

Her Guardian Werewolf

The Vegas Vampire Affair

Swipe Right for Vampire

A Mate for the Billionaire Dragon


Interracial Romance

Bad 4 the Ex

Hot Date with the Boss

Secret Passions

Lips Are SEAL'ed

Barcelona Boys

City of Love with My Dad's Best Friend

Danger in Uptown

The Billionaire's Day Off


Contemporary Romance

The Doctor and I

The Italian

Teasing My Dad's Best Friend

How to Date a Billionaire


BDSM Romance


Brute Pleasures


Lesbian Romance

The Right Kind of Love

Finding My Goddess

Finding Faith

The Girl Next Door


Historical Romance

Rousing the Rake



Catálogo de bonificación de libros de muestra (por tiempo limitado )


Paranormal Romance

Su tutor, Lobo

Las Vegas Vampire romance

Desliza el dedo hacia la derecha para Vampire

Un compañero para el multimillonario Dragon


Interracial Romance

Mal 4 el Ex

Fecha caliente con el jefe

Pasiones secretas

Los labios son el sello'ed

Los muchachos de Barcelona

Ciudad del Amor con el mejor amigo de mi papá

Peligro de Uptown

El multimillonario's Day Off


Contemporary Romance

El médico y yo

El italiano

Las burlas a mi papá del mejor amigo

Cómo hasta la fecha UN BILLONARIO


BDSM Romance


Placeres bruta


Lesbian Romance

El tipo correcto de Amor

Encontrar mi Diosa

Encontrar la fe

The Girl Next Door


Historical Romance

El Rastrillo enardecedor



Catalogue Bonus de livres d'échantillons (durée limitée )


Paranormal Romance

Son tuteur loup-garou

Le Vegas Vampire affair

Balayez vers la droite pour Vampire

Un compagnon pour le milliardaire Dragon


Interracial Romance

Mauvais 4 l'ex

Date chaude avec le Boss

Passions secrètes

Les lèvres d'étanchéité sont'ed

Barcelone Garçons

Ville de l'amour avec le meilleur ami de mon père

Danger Dans l'Uptown

Le milliardaire's day off


Contemporary Romance

Le médecin et je


Taquiner le meilleur ami de mon père

Comment dater un milliardaire


BDSM Romance


Plaisirs brute


Lesbian Romance

Le bon type d'amour

Trouver ma déesse

Trouver foi

La porte à côté de fille


Historical Romance

Vibrant du râteau






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