ROMANCE: THREESOME : Billionaire Brothers' Party (MFM Menage Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Threesome Short Stories) (94 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: THREESOME : Billionaire Brothers' Party (MFM Menage Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Threesome Short Stories)
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I cocked my head at her. “You write for a living? You’re just full of surprises.”

“It’s how I got so good with my hands.” She waggled her fingers in front of me, and I blushed.

“Can’t argue with that.”

“So, next week, then? We can text you then whens and the wheres and stuff. Is dinner okay?” Ian asked, taking another sip of his drink.

“That sounds awesome. And, if you don’t mind, I’ll probably have to head off soon - I called up a taxi for this time in case you turned out to be a pair of creeps.” I replied, standing up and gathering my coat. “Not that you were, of course,” I added quickly. “I had an awesome time. I’m looking forward to seeing you again - both of you.”

“Us too,” smiled Paula, squeezing my hand again.

And with that, I walked out of the room, my mind spinning with the possibilities of what I’d just got myself into. I couldn’t wait to see where it was headed.

Chapter Three


By the time Saturday night came around again, I was nervous and excited to see where the evening would lead. We had spent the week exchanging messages; talking about jobs, and childhoods, and past lovers. It felt good to be able to have both a male and female perspective on matters, as I felt myself growing genuinely fond of the two of them - what had started out as just a flicker of chemistry in that bar had grown into something that made me feel warm inside. It helped, too, that there had been more than a few slightly risqué photos shared over the week - shirtless shots of Ian (who had proved himself a lot more buff than I thought he would be), saucy cleavage pictures from Paula. It was clear the two of them were genuinely into me, and that was a pretty thrilling prospect. It felt different that the start of my other relationships, and not just because there were more people involved this time around, but because I felt a genuine connection with these two people. Who cared if they were married and I was planning to date them both? What we had was making me happy.

So I arrived at the French restaurant Paula had picked out for us - she worked as a food critic for a bunch of mid-profile newspapers and magazines, and what that meant for me was a bunch of awesome dates being pampered at posh restaurants (or so she’d promised me). She was delighted when she’d found out that I liked Indian food, because Ian hated it and now she would have someone to take out to all her favourite curry houses. I felt a kinship with Paula that I hadn’t felt with any woman before; more than friendship, more than just attraction, somewhere comfortably in the middle of the two. It was pleasing.

Paula and Ian were already there when I arrived, their faces cracking into big grins when they saw me. Paula immediately waved me over, and handed me a menu.

“Great to see you, Mel,” she whispered, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before she straightened up. Ian gently touched my elbow by way of greeting, and the simple acts of affection were dizzying. No one who had caught our greeting would have thought anything of it, but I knew what it meant, and that was what mattered. I opened my menu and cast a big grin at them.

“So, what are we eating?”

Paula returned her gaze to her menu, and frowned slightly. “I don’t know. I’m a sucker for French Onion Soup but then I always feel like I should try and stretch a bit out of my comfort zone if I’m reviewing, you know?”

“Why don’t we all order something different, and we can try each other’s food? Then you get a sense of what the whole menu is like,” I offered, scanning the menu. It all looked great to me.

“Sounds good,” Paula smiled. “I can never pick just one thing, anyway. So, shall we order?”

Within half an hour, the table was heaving with food and drink; a bottle of the house red (because, as Ian had pointed out, there was no way you could eat French food and not drink the house red), Beef Bourginon, duck confit with lardons, Laura’s onion soup, as well as a sharing platter of charcuterie. I really didn’t know what any of the food was, but as we all started sampling the various dishes, I couldn’t care less. I suddenly realized I was ravenous; I had been too nervous to eat before I’d left the house.

“So,” Ian mumbled through a mouthful of bread, “Been up to anything this week?”

I shook my head. “Not really. Just stuck at work, watching the world pass by and secretly looking up new jobs on my computer whenever I get a second.”

“So what exactly is it that you do? You were pretty vague in the email,” Paula asked, a spoonful of soup paused on the way to her mouth.

I rolled my eyes. “That’s because I hate it. I’m a data-sharing manager, which is essentially code for “boring boring boring”. You don’t want to hear about it. Anyway, I’ll be leaving as soon as I get a job anywhere else.”

“And where were you thinking of working?” Ian asked.

“Are you trying to feel out my prospects as a potential partner?” I teased. “I’m looking at going into fashion design. I minored in fashion at college, and I still knock things out on my sewing machine from time to time, so I thought “fuck it, I’m over thirty, I should be doing the things I actually want to do by now”. As soon as my savings are stable enough, I’m out.”

“Fashion, huh?” Paula nodded. “I’ll happily be your model for new clothes. I
fashion, but I don’t get the chance to indulge in it since I moved into food writing.”

I grinned. The chemistry between us was so easy and comfortable, with a little heat underneath it so things wouldn’t get too friendly. I was having a great time. Then Ian spoke.

“Have you…spoken to anyone about us?”

I glanced up at him, wary. “No. Why? Should I have?”

Ian shook his head. “No, no, it’s not that we’re trying to push you to tell everyone you know or whatever.  We were just curious. Considering that it’s your first time in a relationship like this, and you’re the one coming in, we wanted to be sure that you didn’t have any doubts or worries you wanted to share with us.”

I thought for a moment. “I mean, I guess if there’s one thing I’m not totally sure of, it’s how our…” I leant in close, and they copied me “…
sex life
is going to work.”

Paula smiled, obviously remembering the way she fingered me under the table only last week. “In what way?”

“I mean, do I sleep with you together? At the same time? Or do we split off and do it individually? I went online and looked this kind of stuff up, but all the sites I found were just like “talk to your partners about it”. So here I am.” I gestured to the two of them.

“Well, we were thinking that we could kind of play it by ear in that regard,” explained Ian. “Obviously, Paula and I are together a lot more than you and us are, because we live together, but we want to engage the physical side of our relationship in whatever way makes you comfortable.”

Paula nudged him, pulling a face. “”Engage the physical side of our relationship”. C’mon, Paul, you talk like you’re negotiating a deal or something!” She turned to me. “What we’re saying is, we want you to call the shots here. If you want to hook up with us at the same time, great, if not, that’s cool too. We want to feel this out together, make sure that we’re all getting what we want out of this relationship.”

I could feel them both looking at me intently as I sipped my wine, considering my options. What
I want from this, sexually? I knew I wanted them both, and my mind flashed back to the advert I’d seen a couple of weeks ago, and how much the idea of a threesome had thrilled me. I looked up and met their gazes; two gorgeous human beings, both charming, both witty, both kind, and they both wanted me. Hell, in what universe was I going to say no to a threesome?

I took a deep breath, and then spoke. “I think I’d like to have both of you. At once. I mean, maybe not always, but right now, that’s what I want.”

A flicker of amusement crossed Ian’s face. “Right now?”

I realized what I’d said. “Sorry, I didn’t mean right this very second, or even tonight, if you don’t want…”

I was burbling away when Paula cut through my voice. “If you’d like, we’d love to take you home this evening.”

There it was. The invitation, sitting right out there in the open in front of me. It hung in the air between us for a moment, before I could pluck up the courage to respond.

“I’d really like that.”

The three of us exchange conspiratorial grins, then went back to our meals, a tension between us dissipating. My heart thudded at the thought of what I’d just done, and what the rest of the evening might hold. But I knew that I couldn’t wait.

Chapter Four


By the time we were scrambling out of the taxi back at their place, we were quite tipsy, a couple of bottles of wine and some very intense conversation in. Ian helped Paula and me out of the car, fumbling with the keys as he thrust them into the lock. Their house was small and suburban, and seemed to suit our situation perfectly - weren’t you always hearing about the kinds of sexual deviance that people got up to in the seemingly innocuous setting of the suburbs? And even if it hadn’t been for the revelation over dinner, I knew that our evening was going to be taking an interesting turn. We had all crammed in the back of the taxi, our legs pressed together, when Paula had lightly wound her fingers around mine. I had never found someone holding my hand to be so intensely erotic before, doubly so when Ian casually placed his hand on my bare knee. It was so easy and obvious, and it felt like the three of us fitted in to each other perfectly. When Ian finally got the door open, Paula led me inside, stumbling and giggling, her hand never leaving mine.

“Well, thank you both for a lovely evening,” I announced, hiccupping slightly as I teetered in my heels.

“I think we can do a lot better than that,” Paula murmured, and suddenly her lips were on mine; her tongue was parting my mouth, exploring me, one hand placed gently on my waist. It was electrifying, sure, I had made out with girls before for a dare, but I had never actually kissed a woman with the intent of fucking her later. It was all kinds of new and exciting, and all I was certain of is that I wanted more of her; I desired her and needed her, and I reached up to pull her closer. Her body felt oddly soft against mine, our breasts pressing together through our light summer dresses, and I slid my hand down under her skirt, cupping her ass through her lacy underwear. I pulled back slightly, never taking my eyes off her.

“Wore the sex panties tonight, huh?” I asked softly, smiling at her nervously.

“You know it,” she replied, rubbing her nose against mine then kissing me again. I’d almost forgotten Ian was there until I heard an unfamiliar kissing sound; pulling back, I saw him gently kissing down Paula’s neck and towards her breast as she tilted her head to give him better access. I had never even considered how hot it would be to watch a gorgeous couple like Paula and Ian pleasure each other, but wow, that was really something else. Ian caught me looking, and placed a single, soft kiss right on the spot behind me ear, the spot that makes my toes curl when someone so much as breathes near it. I felt my toes curl and my knees weaken as Paula pulled me even closer her arms wrapped around my waist, and kissed me again. This was more than I could have hoped for; this was spectacular.

“Shall we move this through to the bedroom?” Ian was the one who suggested it, and even though it sounded corny as hell, we agreed. I knew I needed them both naked, soon, if not right this second, and the needy ache between my legs was starting to become a problem. I would need some kind of relief soon or I might go mad.

Ian pulled off his shirt over his head, barely bothering to undo any buttons, before he stepped towards me and began to slowly untie the knot in my halter neck dress. Paula laid herself back on the fancy four-poster bed, easily slipping off her own shift dress and lying before me in her underwear. God, she looked perfect- all soft skin, toned limbs, and big, green eyes that never once moved away from me. I shivered as I felt Ian slip the dress off my body, his strong hands caressing my flesh, leaving me in nothing but my underwear.

I watched Paula, hypnotized, as she slid a hand down her panties and began to pleasure herself, her gaze drifting down over my generous breasts and wide hips. Ian slowly undid my bra, flicking it off with ease to reveal my chest. He reached around to gently cup one of them in his hand, tweaking the nipple with his fingers, as he rested his head on my shoulder. I could feel the heat of his breath on my neck as his hand slid lower, lower, down, under my panties till he found my clit. Paula groaned from the bed.

“You guys look so hot right now.” I melted back against Ian, allowing my body to give in to the waves of pleasure his dextrous fingers were causing below my waist. I bent my head back, allowing him access to the sensitive skin of my neck, and he peppered me with kisses and licks, sending my body into overdrive. This was probably the single most sensuous moment of my life - not just sexy as hell, but sensual and erotic and passionate. This was the sort of thing that I thought only existed in movies - even if that kind of movie would never make it to the cinema.

I opened my eyes again as I heard a series of moans and cries from below me, and my gaze fell on Paula as her hand moved more frantically beneath her panties. I was staring, transfixed, when I spoke before I had a chance to figure out if I actually wanted to say what was coming out of my mouth.

“Take off your panties.”

Ian looked up from my neck, his fingers slowing to a halt under my panties as he looked to see if his wife would obey me. She raised her eyebrows at me, impressed by my forwardness, but did as she was told, slipping her lacy underwear down to her feet then kicking them away. I could feel Ian’s insistent erection pressing into the back of my thigh as his hands continued their dance again, but I could barely focus on anything but Paula’s pussy and the way her hand moved across her flesh. I had never considered female masturbation particularly sexy before, because it was something I did so often, but having it presented in front of me here, by a gorgeous, slender redhead, was making me re-evaluate my stance. I could feel the pressure building between my thighs, growing as Ian pushed his fingers inside me with a slight moan in my ear, and I allowed the orgasm to wash over me. It felt like it had moved across my entire body, exhausting every single one of my muscles at once, and I slumped back into Ian for support. Sure, the orgasm I’d had at that bar last week had been good, but it wasn’t “watching a woman play with herself while her husband fingers me” kind of good.

Paula caught my eye just as I regained my composure, and smiled. “Good?”

“Good,” I replied, breathless.

“Well, then, I think it’s only fair that I get to call some of the shots now, don’t you?” Her tone was playful but commanding, and I felt Ian harden even more against his pants.

“I don’t see why not,” I answered, my interest piqued.

“Good. Then lie down on the bed, with your feet over the edge, and take off your panties.” Her tone was direct, and I instantly obeyed her, stripping down so I was wearing nothing. I watched her as she stood up and pulled off Ian’s belt with a flourish, undressing him so that we were all naked. She leant into his ear and whispered something that I couldn’t hear, and I squirmed on the bed as I watched them both. What were they planning to do to me?

Then Paula came over, and pushed me up the bed a little, parting my legs as she did so. My pussy was exposed to her as she wriggled herself into position beneath me, crawling on to the bed with her ass in the air.

“I want to eat you, Melanie. Is that okay?” Her voice was soft and careful; clearly keen not to push me into anything I didn’t want. But I was never going to turn down a chance like that. I nodded, unable to answer through the haze of arousal that had descended on to me. God, it was tough not just to grab her head and pull her in line with my cunt, to feel her soft, sweet mouth on me again.

“Good,” she smiled, and slowly, teasingly lowered her head down so that I could feel her warm breath on my skin. I let out a small moan, trying not to lose my cool, watching as Ian lined himself up with Paula’s pussy, adjusting her so that her hips were in the air. That must have been what the whispering was about. And then, just as he entered her, I felt her mouth press into my pussy, her tongue quick and explorative.
Oh God.
It was better than I could have anticipated, my body rolling beneath her, my mouth letting out an uncontrollable series of moans and groans. She quickly found my clit and sucked it into her mouth, sending a burst of sensation through the lower half of my body. Her hands found my ass and squeezed, hard, as she began a series of long, slow licks from the bottom of my slit to the top of my pussy. Christ that felt good. I focused my vision long enough to see Ian behind her, pounding into her pussy at quite a speed, the expression on his face one of disbelief and serious passion. It was amazing to be able to watch this woman get railed from behind even as I was having my pussy eaten out- like my own personal private pornography. Yes, I could get used to this. I watched with fascination as Ian reached over to toy with Paula’s clit, forcing a series of moans from her mouth that went echoing through my pussy. I arched my back and slid from side to side on the bed, trying to match her pace move-for-move.

Her tongue was insistent, pressing into the most sensitive parts of me relentlessly, over and over again. I guess the thought that went through my head most at that point was “why the hell haven’t I been with a woman before?” We made so much sense together; the way our bodies fit together, the way we understood what felt good in a different way than any man. I rocked against her face, allowing her to bring me inches from my next orgasm, as I wondered when I would be able to get her on her own. I would need some training if I were going to pleasure her as well as this.

And the thought of us together, my mouth on her pussy, was all that it took. My body shook again, and I let out a single cry, feeling my pussy clench tightly as she slowed her licks down to gentle caresses. I peeled my exhausted eyes open just in time to see Ian dig his fingers into her hips and come, letting out his own grunt of relief, as Paula finished with him - the expressions on her face as she pulled away from my pussy were proof enough of that. They slumped together, their bodies still moving against each other as if eliciting every last drop of pleasure they could. I looked down at them, there, and realized that this was the start of my new relationship. And as first-time fucks go, it had probably been one of the best.

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