Romantic Promises (Alluring Promises Series, #2) (25 page)

BOOK: Romantic Promises (Alluring Promises Series, #2)
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I sat back up after he seemed to understand my need for this. I moved my hands along my body, cupping my breasts and pinching my hard buds before continuing up to my hair. I started to gyrate my hips back and forth just to feel him deeper inside of me. As I did that I realized I could feel his cock rubbing against my perfect spot. I moaned as my hands moved back down to cup my breast. I closed my eyes wanting to feel every single inch of him inside of me. My other hand moved to my stomach, pressing my hand so I could feel his hard cock every time I rocked my hips forward.

Matt pressed his thumb against my clit and began to rub and oh dear God, I was never going to be the same again. The feeling was so intense as I continued to rock back and forth, faster and faster as I moaned louder and louder. I could care less if Matt thought I was some sex starved crazy person as I thrust my hips harder and faster. “Oh God yes,” I moaned so loud as my insides clenched with spasms in the most intense pleasurable orgasm I’ve ever known. I continued to rock my hips even after, although not as hard, just to keep that feeling that just shot through me. “Mmm,” I whimpered, almost as a cry as I came down. Exhausted, I collapsed onto Matt’s chest as he wrapped his arms around me. I moved my legs down slightly, still wanting to keep him inside me. He twitched his cock back and forth giving me the best after feeling.

“Fuck woman, that was the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen,” he whispered into my hair as his hands grabbed my ass hard. His hands quickly snaked back through my hair and he gripped my hair as he kissed me deep and hard. Coming down from my orgasm I wanted soft kisses, but Matt was still hard as steel inside of me and I could tell he had other things on his mind.

He wrapped one arm around my lower back as he pushed himself up off the bed with his other. I wrapped my legs around him as his hand grabbed my hips and thrust into me hard. “Ohhh,” I moaned, as all the air rushed out of my chest. He pressed his chest to mine and grabbed both sides of my head.

We both paused staring deep into each other’s eyes, we were both completely connected, in our own little world where nothing else mattered. There was longing, desire, heated lust and nothing else mattered. His gaze turned to something else that I would have sworn was more than just lust. Something stronger and I glanced away knowing that I was probably making it up in my head.

This was just one night and after this, nothing more than coworkers.

He pulled my head towards his and kissed me fiercely. Our tongues lashed against each other forcefully as our bodies rocked into each other. Between the moaning, the way he was moving my hips onto his cock and our bodies were pressed together, there was nothing more than hot fiery bliss.

He pulled back and pulled the corner of his mouth into that half smile. Then he grabbed my hips and pulled me off him. Feeling completely empty, I let out a whimper wanting him to fill me back up again. Before I knew it he pulled me off the bed and turned me around bending me over the bed. He grabbed my hips and guided his hard shaft back into me.

“Ohhh,” I let out a cry as he thrust himself into me, grabbing my hips hard.

“Fuck yeah, Vanessa,” he growled as he began thrusting faster and harder into me. Faster and faster he fucked me, pulling my hips toward him every time he shoved himself further and harder into me. Drilling me like a fucking animal and all I wanted was more. I used the bed to leverage myself and push my ass to him so he could continue his thrusting. Harder and harder, I felt every inch of him inside of me tapping that perfect spot with each thrust.

“Oh God, Matt, yes,” I cried out in perfect ecstasy as stars flashed when another orgasm shot through me. “Oh, oh, ohh,” I couldn’t stop moaning as this one took me higher than any of the previous ones. At least in my mind it hit the highest, but who the fuck could tell when my body couldn’t stop convulsing with pleasure?

“Uhhh fuuuckkkk,” Matt groaned through gritted teeth, or so it sounded. The way he came hard into me made my pleasure continue just a little longer as I tried to grasp for breath.

I collapsed onto the bed as he slowly withdrew himself from me. I laid there not wanting to move. I didn’t have to. Matt returned and gripped my stomach from underneath and pulled me up towards the pillows with him. He pulled me close as he pulled the covers up over us. I was hot and sweaty, but to
o tired to even care.

He wrapped his arms around me and held me close as he kissed me softly, completely opposite of how we just fucked. All I could do was sigh into his mouth as he continued to kiss me so gentle. When we broke from our kiss, he held my head to the crook of his neck and kissed my hair. Nothing more was said as we both let our breathing finally level out and we both drifted off to sleep.

I awoke slowly with the most serene feeling in my heart. I felt rested and for some reason, secure. Matt held me so tight against his chest and it felt so peaceful. So relaxed. As much as I wanted to stay snuggled up against him, a sadness gripped my heart realizing I couldn’t.

I just slept with my co-worker, one with seniority no less. And I am the one who put the policy in place
to date a coworker. Although, I chuckled to myself, what we did wasn’t really dating per se. I needed to get out of there before the morning. Before the weird “Hey, thanks for banging me, I’ll see you at work.”  Before anyone could catch me walking out of his room doing the walk of shame back to mine.

I tried to wriggle free, but he squeezed my shoulder tighter and then rolled over, almost mashing me to his side. He settled in, laying on his stomach, but his arm was draped tightly over my waist. His head was right in the crook of my neck and light snores were emanating from him.

He held me close all night. He seemed like he enjoyed cuddling, not like most men. Definitely not like Charles, who liked to leave right after and if I stayed at his place, we were at opposite sides of the bed.

I finally wriggled free, pulling myself with such a quick jerk that I fell onto the floor with a thud. Completely embarrassed, I peered up and noticed that Matt was still out cold. I stood back up and stared at him. He was such a beautiful display of a man. So sweet sleeping there with his arm outstretched where I used to be. His mouth was pressed together and he moaned slightly.

That brought a smile to my face. I wondered if he was dreaming about last night.

“Taste so good,” he mumbled, barely audible.

He must be dreaming of food, I chuckled to myself.

That would be our only night together. God it was amazing. I’ve never had such incredible sex. I’ve definitely never had it like that with Charles. Matt actually seemed to care if he pleased me.

Then Matt was ready to go for another round after that. My heart quickened just thinking about the sex we had. I wasn’t going to call it lovemaking. It wasn’t that at all. This was hard-core sex and the man knew how to do that so very well.

I quickly put my clothes back on and grabbed my heels. One last look at him and I was dying to press a kiss to his cheek, to his lips, one last touch of my lips to his body. I knew I couldn’t do that, but I wished I could inhale his scent again. That scent right before we kissed. It was as if it were …I can’t think of what it was. His essence. Just thinking about it gave me a yearning to lower my mouth to his for a quick kiss. I grabbed the door handle before I could think of it again. Before I could feel the desire to kiss him again, to breathe in his…soul.

I pulled the door open and quickly looked down the corridor both ways. No one in sight. I had my key card in hand and quickly left Matt’s room closing the door as quietly as I could behind me. Not an easy feat with hotel doors. I placed my key card in and quickly went into my room, glad that no one saw me leave Matt’s room to go to mine.

It was 3 a.m., so at least I could go back to sleep. Well sort of. I felt this emptiness in my room laying here alone on my bed. I wanted to be held like that again by him. His strong arms had encircled me, held me close as if he really wanted me to be there. I scoffed at my own thoughts. A guy like that doesn’t think anyone he’s with is special. He’s just a snuggler. He’s just one of the few guys that enjoys cuddling.

I slipped back into bed and fell asleep thinking about how wonderful Matt felt. How sex with him was fantastic, erotic and definitely would make it difficult for any man to fill his shoes.

The sound of my alarm came way too quickly for my liking and I grabbed my phone and turned it off several times. Then my hotel room phone happened to ring out that second.

“Hello,” I answered groggily and barely audible because my throat seemed not to be working. It could be from screaming in ecstasy all night.

“Where’d you go? Is everything okay?” I heard Matt ask. The sound of his voice brought a smile to my face and tingles to my body.

I toyed with the phone cord as I admitted the reason I left so soon, “I just thought it would be better this way, if I went ahead to my separate room.” My defenses kicked up and slight jealousy about how many women he beds all the time. “Not to mention I’m sure you like to kick a girl out after sex. You were probably just too tired to do it.”

He paused and said nothing on the other end, confirming my suspicions. Finally, he told me, “I’m not like that, Vanessa. I would have liked to have spent more time with you.” He paused again. “Do you regret our night together?”

My breath hitched that he wanted to spend more time together, but knew he also didn’t really respond what he usually does after he has sex with a woman. I wondered if he snuggled with everyone or just me. I realized he asked a question and answered, “No, of course not. But I’m pretty sure it was easier this way for both of us. Not to mention no one would see me walking out of your room at the time I left.”

“What time did you leave?”

“I think it was around three.”

“Mmm. I…well, I” he took a deep breath and I knew he was finding the “after sex” talk difficult. I decided to make it easier for him.

“It’s fine Matt. It’s what we both wanted — a really nice evening together that is now out of our system. Now we can work together without all that tension between us. Maybe your antics at the office will stop pissing me off so much.”

He chuckled, “I doubt it.” I could almost see his smile through the phone. Now that it was out of both our systems, that smile wouldn’t be for me any longer. I felt a pang of sadness about that. I would no longer be on his radar and I would have to watch his eyes follow other women at the office.

“I’ll see you downstairs for the breakfast meeting. I’m going to go ahead and pack so I can check out right after.”

“Yeah…umm, alright. I…”

“It’s okay, Matt. You don’t have to do the after sex speech you usually do. We both wanted this and we’ll be friends at the office.”

I heard him grunt into the phone then he said, “yeah, friends.”

I hung up the phone and sat there wishing I were still in his room, still in his strong arms. I replayed the entire night in my head again and when I started thinking about the incredible things he did to me last night, my body reacted the same way it had last night. I was instantly lusting for him. It would be difficult to be around him and not think about our night together, but I was going to have to try.

I’m sure this stuff is easy for Matt, considering he beds women all the time. I thought of Kara and wondered how many times he had sex with her. I wondered if he held her close like he had with me. If he did the same things to her as he did with me. Thinking those thoughts made it easier for me to let go of thinking about him and I quickly went about my morning routine and packed my bags.


The breakfast goodbye was really just a formality of some sorts. Most attendees felt the need to skip it so it wasn
’t very crowded. I grabbed a cup of steaming hot coffee and took a seat at an open table.

“Vanessa, how was your evening last night?” I heard a familiar voice asked. I glanced up to see Evelyn smiling at me. Her friendly smile put me on edge as if she knew what I really did last night. She didn’t because there was no way for her to know I slept with my co-worker last night, going against the very policy she helped me create.

I swallowed and glanced away trying my best not to look guilty, although I felt my cheeks burn red at the thought of what I did last night. “I…stayed in. I was a little tired I guess from all the seminars.” I glanced back at her and asked, “How was your evening?”

“It was fun. You should get out more often. We went to several bars and casinos. You can’t work so hard without having a little fun, right?”

She had no idea what I did last night. I released the air out of my lungs and nodded my head in agreement.

Then Evelyn sat down next to me and leaned in. “Can I ask you something?” That same nervousness returned as I wondered if she knew somehow. I nodded my head wanting her to get whatever she was going to ask me out. I almost blurted that I spent the evening with Matt, but she actually shocked me with the question she asked. “Your co-worker, Matt. Is he…is he seeing anyone?”

My face fell and I quickly grabbed my cup of coffee and took a sip from it, hoping to dissipate any look of guilt that might be on my face. She touched my arm as she added, “I’m sorry. That must have been a bit forward. Ever since Ron and I split up, I just wanted some sort of excitement in my life. I just….” She trailed off and looked away. “I’m so sorry,” she said nervously.

BOOK: Romantic Promises (Alluring Promises Series, #2)
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