Romantic Promises (Alluring Promises Series, #2) (24 page)

BOOK: Romantic Promises (Alluring Promises Series, #2)
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He turned around and stalked back at me with angry strides. My heart beat furiously inside my chest wondering what the hell he was doing. I backed against the wall as he stared into my eyes. “What is this between us?”

I shook my head as I my eyes locked with his. “I…I don’t know.”

“Do you…are you interested in me at all?” He looked furious and confused all at the same time.

“I…” I glanced away unable to meet his gaze and unsure of how to describe what I felt for him.

A mixture of emotions surged through me. I flicked my eyes back to his and straightened my posture as my mind reeled with an overwhelming flood of desire. I pushed off the wall, thrusting my body against his, causing him to step backwards until he was flush against the opposite wall. Confusion was all over his face as he watched my every move.

He kept his arms outstretched, not touching me, probably because of that stupid joke I just made. I pushed my finger into his chest to make some point I wasn’t even sure of as angry words flew out of my mouth, “I’m attracted to you and hate you at the same time. You excite me and confuse the shit out of me.” I swallowed as he glared into my eyes, waiting for my next move, both of us breathing heavy.

“Everything you do annoys me. All the attention you get at the office drives me insane. Every woman who looks your way and you give attention to makes me jealous and I have no idea why.” I pressed my lips together, angry that I just admitted to that as I went ahead full force with everything I wanted to say to him.

“I have these overwhelming feelings and urges and can’t do a damn thing about them, even if I wanted to. I set that damn policy in place for a reason — so that this type of shit doesn’t happen at the office and yet here we are, fighting as if we’ve already screwed.”

A glint of excitement sparked in his eyes as he lowered his hands to touch my shoulders. His soft hands gripped me tighter making sure I could feel the point he was surely going to make to me. His voice was husky as he whispered, “It’s just gonna continue back at the office. We keep going back and forth taunting each other and I know it’s killing me. Is it killing you, Vanessa?” He leaned forward and grazed his lips along my ear. “We’re just attracted to each other. Let’s have one night that no one in the company will know about. Ever.” He tried to convince me.

I glanced away as I tried to debate the repercussions if we just went ahead and screwed this attraction out of each other.

“Vanessa?” I looked back, staring at Matt’s lips wanting nothing more than one full night of pure hard core sex with him. His mouth curled into a smirk as he lowered his voice. “Just one night, Vanessa. We get it out of our system and then it’s as if nothing happened when we get back to the office,” he repeated.

My breath quickened as my body already knew what it wanted. I answered him by slamming my mouth against his as he kissed me back just as hard. I felt his arm slip around my waist as my arms grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him closer to me. I wanted to devour his mouth with mine. I didn’t think anymore, I just wanted to

Chapter 13


Having Vanessa in full control of this was beyond my wildest dreams. I’d never imagined she would take the reins, pushing me against a wall and kissing me with such reckless abandon. That fucking policy can kiss my ass.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my key card. We were inches from my door and I maneuvered so that I could swipe my card and open the door. As our lips thrust against each other I realized how badly she really wanted this too. I pulled her inside my room and then pushed her against the wall and kissed her with everything I had, thrusting my hand through her hair, pulling her closer to me.

She pulled away slightly and I watched her swallow and her eyes darted away quickly. She seemed like she was trying to catch her breath, but I wasn’t sure. “We keep going back and forth and I know it’s killing me. I can tell it’s bothering you too or you wouldn’t be so bitchy towards me at work,” I growled. “You have nothing to worry about. I don’t like to date and never do romance. This won’t go further than just our one night together.” I watched her eyes dart around as if searching for answers. “Vanessa, do you want to be here with me and have sex?” I asked her, remembering her little stupid joke about sexual harassment.

The fact that she would even joke about something like that in her field pissed me off. Not to mention, in the back of my head I wondered if she really was serious. Every woman I’ve ever been with wanted to be with me and I never had any doubt about it. Vanessa…she left me with nothing but doubts. Doubt if she even liked me. Her body told me she did. My God, her mouth tasted insane. My mind started to wander how sweet she would taste.

She pulled my head back by my hair and looked me in the eyes. “Just one night, nothing more after this. Just to get this out of our system,” she confirmed as if we were making some sort of pact or agreement. I smiled at her before our lips crashed, pressing so hard as if we couldn’t get enough of each other. Our tongues lashed against each other trying to fuck before we were. I grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it up and over her head. Leaving her mouth that split second was such an incredible overwhelming void. I wanted to fill that void quickly, as I crashed my lips back onto hers. She tasted so incredible, her mouth was perfect as if she were made for me. Kissing her was insane — fiery and fierce.

She pulled on my shirt and we had to pull apart again and that same empty feeling filled me. She was going to be the death of me. Her mouth, her tongue, her grip on me was more than I could stand. I wanted more, so much more from this woman. I reached down and undid the button on her pants and pulled her zipper down. Her pants fell to the floor and I knew I had to look as soon as I touched her naked ass. I pulled back slightly so I could take her all in. A lacy grey bra with purple flowers barely covered her perfect breasts. I continued to glance down her flat taut stomach to her matching thong. Fucking perfect hour glass shape. I ran my hands softly along the side of her stomach resting my hand on her hip bones, grabbing them hard as I growled, “Damn, I love your curves.”

My eyes went back to hers and I watched them half close as I had said that. She deserved to hear more. She needed it, I could tell. I pulled her gently away from the wall and she stepped out of her pants that welled on the floor at her feet. Still in her heels, my hands not leaving her hip and my mouth not straying away from hers, I guided her to the bed. I stood her in front of the bed and continued kissing the hell out of her. I pulled back slightly.

“Vanessa?” I watched her swallow and loved that I was giving a slight torment to her. She was waiting. Wanting me. She pressed her lips together as her eyes pleaded with me. I was loving every second of her wanting me. She’s barely given me any other signs that she wanted me before this and I was going to relish in it.

“Hmm.” She responded barely audible. I took my shirt off and watched her eyes graze over my chest. She licked her lips seductively and I decided I’d make her wait more. I was going to draw this night out as long as possible. As much as I wanted to fuck her hard and fast, if this was going to be our one and only night to get it out of our system, I was going to go slow and enjoy this.

She reached her hand out to touch me as I started to unbutton my jeans and pull them down. I watched her eyes again as she lowered them to glance at my hard cock strained against my boxer briefs. I pulled off my socks and shoes as she stood there staring. Then I stood in front of her, my eyes wandering over her body. Her choice of lingerie was fantastic and the shade of grey against her soft skin made me want to devour her quicker than I’ve ever wanted to with any other woman. She put her hand on my chest again and I watched her body quiver from just barely touching me.

I placed my hand on her shoulder and ran my finger underneath her bra strap softly. I stared deep into her gorgeous grey eyes as I ran my fingers slowly back and forth until I finally pulled it down off her shoulder. She gasped as it fell slightly and I gently glided my finger over her breast tenderly, bringing it down to circle her hard bud straining against her bra. I cupped her breast tightly and watched her head fall back with pleasure.

Her throat was left wide open and I leaned in and lay soft kisses until I couldn’t take it anymore and had to press my lips harder against her throat, kissing it and licking her neck. Her salty taste filling my mouth making me want more. I wanted to taste her. I wanted to taste everything about her. My mouth brushed against her throat, grazing her jawline before finally finding her mouth again.

Filling that void I was craving since I left her mouth before, I grabbed her hair from behind and pulled her closer to me as if I couldn’t get her close enough to me. Our tongues entwined and she pushed harder against me. Her hands wrapping around my back as she pressed herself tightly into me. A moan escaped her throat and I thought I was going to lose it. I wanted to hear her moan more. I wanted to feel her writhe. My plan of going slow was quickly abandoned. I wanted more of Vanessa.

I gently leaned her back onto the bed and watched as she propped herself up on both of her elbows, staring at me, wondering what would happen next. She was pressing her lips together, the wanting look on her face was fantastic as I glanced down at her bent leg.

I pulled up that same leg and took off her high heel, letting it drop to the floor. I kissed the inside of her ankle and another moan escaped her perfect lips. My tongue glided along the inside of her leg as I gently nipped at the inside of her knee. Another moan. I continued the inside of her thigh, laying soft kisses just before arriving at her perfect mound. I kissed her just on the side of her mound and ran my tongue right inside her hipbone, kissing her soft sexy skin right there. I could smell her perfect fucking scent and could see how wet she was for me through her thong. I ran my lips right over her sex, pressing my mouth against her, right against that lace that kept me from plunging my tongue into her. I groaned knowing I wasn’t going to be able to stop my need for tasting her sweet pussy.

I grabbed both her legs and spread her open for me. Her hips raised slightly knowing what was coming. She wanted me. This, I finally could figure out about her. I finally felt like I knew exactly where I stood with her and I was going to drag this out as long as possible. I kissed her hipbone, nibbling just slightly with my teeth. My lips grazed across her soft skin to the other hip bone, not wanting to leave any inch of her skin untouched. I grazed my teeth along her other hip bone, her hips raised slightly as I heard her she moaned, “Oh, God, yes.” Her hands found the top of my head as she grabbed my hair with her fists. I had her riled up so much and I was going to enjoy every second of it as I blew cool air right over her pussy. Her breath hitched as I pressed my lips against her clit. The lace was keeping her from pure pleasure and I knew it. She writhed, trying to grind her hips into my mouth.

“You like that?” I whispered.

“I...oh god. Please I don’t think I can take any more. You’re killing me.”

I pressed my mouth against her sex again and moaned, “Mmmm.” I glanced up briefly, “that is my intent, Vanessa. I want you to need me. Do you need me, Vanessa?” I glanced to see her nod her head quickly as she ran her fingers through her hair and cupped her own breast. Fuck that was the hottest thing I’d seen.

I wasn’t about to rush this between us. I intended to make sure this night would be completely unforgettable, for both of us. If she wasn’t going to do this again because of that stupid policy she put in place at the office, then I was going to drive her fucking insane tonight. What sucked was that it was driving me just as insane. My cock was throbbing inside of my boxers and I was dying to remove them and have her grab me. I drew in a deep breath trying to contain my excitement. I glanced back up to see her pull down the lacy cloth of her bra and grab her nipple. Her fingers pinched her rosy bud tightly as she moaned.

I slipped my fingers just under her thong strap on each side and slowly…slower than my liking…tugged on each side. She eagerly raised her hips as I pulled them down over her ass. Fuck. Her ass. I couldn’t wait to flip her over. Matter of fact, fuck it, I flipped her onto her stomach before she could protest or know what the hell I was doing and pushed her knees slightly under her.

Holy fuck. I’ve never seen a more perfect pussy. I could see her wet sex and couldn’t wait to devour it. I nipped at her ass cheek, and she jerked forward as she felt it and screamed out, “Ohhh.”

I grabbed her hips, pulling her back towards me as I dipped my tongue, tasting her perfect sweetness. Holy fuck, her taste was the best thing I’ve ever had. I flicked my tongue back and forth, dipping into her. She moaned the sweetest sounds I ever heard and I wanted to hear more. I let my tongue glide against her clit, rubbing back and forth as she moaned and pushed her hips back, forcing my tongue further into her. I continued to press harder as I felt her pussy start to convulse with my thrusting. I slipped two fingers into her, searching for her perfect spot as I continued to rub her clit with my tongue, until I felt her shudder with pleasure as moans filled the room of her ecstasy.

Chapter 14


I’ve never had a man go down on me from this position and the feeling was so incredibly intense. My ass up in the air, I was exposed like I’ve never felt, as his tongue assaulted my pussy making me come harder than I’ve ever come with any man. His fingers explored inside of me, making the most delicious feeling I’ve ever felt, as I came down from the most perfect orgasm. Holy shit, I was never going to be the same after this man.

One night. Just one night I had with him because of my own stupid policy. Not that he would probably want me again. Not when he could have any woman in the world. This was my one night with him and I was going to enjoy it. I thought he was going to be quick and had hoped it would leave me unsatisfied so that I wouldn’t want this any more. But no, he had to go and do…that.

He lay kisses on my ass as I came down off my intense release. He quickly flipped me onto my back and I looked at him on his knees, still in his tight boxer briefs. His hard length seemed massive as I watched him stand up on the side of the bed and pull them down slowly. He was watching me and I couldn't help as my gaze fell down to his hard cock. His fucking amazing hard cock.

I swallowed and suddenly had an overwhelming need to kiss him there. I got up onto my knees and reached out to touch him. His silky smooth shaft was so long and I ran my fingers up and down his length. I reached out to touch his balls and lightly fondled them. He moaned and gently grabbed a fistful of my hair. I was actually doing something right in this department. Adrenaline rushed through me and I no longer cared if he was going to make fun of me like Charles did for whatever slurping noises I would make. I felt this overwhelming need to wrap my mouth around him.

I leaned forward more and let my tongue glide on his tip. His salty slick taste encouraged me to wrap my lips just onto his tip as I swirled my tongue around him. He moaned again and the feeling of power overtook me. The need to make him come from my hands and mouth wrapped around his hard length engulfed me as I took him further into my mouth. I tipped my head back slightly so I could take him in further.

“Fuck yes, Vanessa. Fuck that feels so amazing.” His words encouraged me to continue as I licked his length to make sure it wasn’t to
o wet from my saliva. I wasn’t going to make the same mistake with him as I did with Charles. Like Charles, Matt might never let me do this again. As I cupped his balls and took him into my mouth again, the horrible thought entered my mind that this was the only time I would do this with Matt, since we swore this was our one and only night together.

I looked up at him from under my lashes to see his face in total ecstasy, watching me, as he slid his fingers through my hair. His bottom lip was sucked in through his teeth. I ran my tongue from his sac towards his tip as I watched him press his lips together and try to gather himself. His head fell back as he moaned, “Dear God woman, you are fantastic.”

He said I’m fantastic. I ran my mouth along the outside of his length laying gentle kisses with my lips before taking him again into my mouth. He was so large there was no way I could fit him entirely down my throat. Well, without choking. I gripped my fist around the bottom of his cock, holding pressure just underneath where I felt him throbbing, as I took his tip in as far as I could sucking him in and hollowing out my cheeks as I pulled him in and out of my mouth.

“Holy fuck,” he barely breathed the words out, making it sound more like a growl. Then I felt that dreaded pulling me up from under my arms as he tossed me back onto the bed. My heart dropped that again, I didn’t please a man down there and I’d never be able to.

He crawled onto the bed with a searing heart-dropping mesmerizing, “I’m going to take you so fucking hard” look. My heart almost stopped as he reached for a condom on the nightstand. I had no idea when he put it there, or maybe because we were in his room he already had it ready for whatever woman would be his choice tonight. He ripped the packet open and I watched him as he placed it over his cock as he stroked himself while staring down at me. Both my breasts were propped outside of my bra and my nipples were so hard, my pussy so wet and more than ready for him.

My heart was throbbing fast inside my chest as I tried to gather my thoughts back from being “pulled away” to stop. I really thought I had it down this time and wasn’t making that damn slurping noise. Why had he stopped me?

He grabbed my thighs and spread them out, slightly massaging my inner thigh as his hand grazed against my clit again, bringing my focus back to pure pleasure. Air rushed out of my chest as I realized how badly I needed him inside me. Giving him pleasure made me so full of lust that I probably should have made myself come while pleasing him.

He bent down, taking my left nipple into his mouth as he began to suck, gently nibbling on it. His hand cupped my other breast firmly, as he took my other nipple gently pinching it. I couldn’t help glancing down to what he was doing and became distracted by his muscular arm that was holding himself up. His muscles rippled in his arm as he balanced himself so that he could please me by taunting my breasts.

“Ohhh,” I moaned as the air rushed out of my lungs. He cocked his head to the side and then grabbed himself, stroking slightly as he guided his tip towards my wet opening. He looked up at me and ran his tongue along his lips as his gaze scorched mine. He slowly entered me, painfully slow. Annoyingly slow. It was all I could do not to buck my hips up so I could ram his cock into me. God, I couldn’t take anymore and begged, “More Matt, please more.”

That damn side of his mouth quirked up, so fucking sexy as he asked, “Beg me again, Vanessa. Tell me how bad you want my hard cock.”

“Yes, please. I want your hard cock inside of me. I want you hard and fast,” I moaned not caring how needy I sounded.

“Yeah? Vanessa, baby, I’ll give you everything if you keep begging me like that,” he groaned as he grabbed my hips tighter.

I took a deep breath, feeling him fill me as he slowly pushed himself further into me. I wasn’t going to be satisfied until I felt his balls hit my ass. “Fuck me, Matt. Fuck me so hard, please,” I begged again as I looked up towards the ceiling as if there were some answer for me there. I looked back down at him as he thrust himself into me, his balls finally slapped the cleft of my ass hard as he sank himself into me.

“Oh god, yes, Matt, please more,” I pleaded with him.

He sat up onto his heels and pulled my hips towards him. I had no idea what he was doing, but had a fantastic feeling that I was going to love whatever it was. He grabbed my arms and pulled me up. My head jerked up fast making my hair fall around my shoulders and he placed one hand on the small of my back and his other hand grabbed my breast tightly. His cock was buried so far in me it took my breath away. He pulled me tighter to him with his hand on my back and then it slid around to my waist. He guided my hip to make a slight movement that hit my spot just the right way. I did it on my own after that, grinding myself harder and harder onto his cock.

“Oh yes,” I moaned, throwing my head back in pure ecstasy.

“That’s right, baby. Keep going and let me hear you scream my name when you come,” his gruff voice pulling me higher and higher.

I arched my back, my breasts fully on display for him as I continued to climb higher and higher. “Ohhh, god Matt.” I screamed almost as a question as he grabbed my tight bud pinching it hard. Harder and faster I thrust myself on to him, feeling nothing but pure pleasure over and over again. My body convulsed with the most intense orgasm as stars flashed blurring my sight. “Ohh,” I continued to moan.

A caveman sound emanated from Matt’s throat as he quickly pushed me onto my back. He pulled out slowly and then grunted, “Fuck it, I can’t take it any longer.” He began to thrust into me harder and faster taking me right into another orgasm before I had time to come down off the one I just had. My body shuddered again in pure ecstasy as he continued to fuck me harder.

“That’s it, baby, Oh God, keep squeezing my cock with your…uhh.” He groaned as I peered my eyes open again at that perfect time to watch Matt come completely apart inside of me. Most. Amazing. Fucking. Sex. Ever.

He laid on top of me, still inside of me, breathing heavily. He kissed my neck and gave small nibbles until he reached my ear, taking my lobe into his mouth. He kissed along my jawline until he reached my mouth. He kissed me so passionately you never would have thought we just had sex. He slowly pulled out of me and lay next to me, his breaths slowing down now. He got up and ran into the bathroom, I assumed to remove the condom. He slipped back into bed and surprised me by taking me into his arms. I rested my head in the crook of his arm, feeling completely secure and comfortable. He squeezed me tight and then kissed my forehead.

“I didn’t think you’d be so much fun in bed. I had you pegged for a missionary type.”

I scoffed and playfully hit his chest. “Thanks a lot!”

“Nah, I’m just saying that you’re so reserved in public, I thought for sure you’d protest some things.”

I turned on my side and propped my head up with my hand. “Which things should I have protested?”

He smirked. “My mouth on you from behind.” He pulled me tighter and he seemed to be getting hard just talking about it.”You’re a lot of fun in bed.”

No one has ever told me that and I let out a small chuckle.

“What was that for?”

“I just…no one has ever said that to me. Actually, Charles told me I’m a bit clutsy in bed,” I admitted to him as I lowered my gaze. Why had I mentioned Charles, especially as we’re laying here right after sex?

“Well, he’s a fucking idiot then,” Matt told me as his eyebrows pulled in. Then he gave me a small smile as he leaned in and kissed me, “I’d really rather not talk about him though.”

I kissed him back and replied, “Yeah, me neither.” He rolled me so I was laying on my back and he continued to nibble on my ear and lay soft kisses on my neck. His hand tenderly wrapped around my throat as his thumb caressed the side of my neck gently. Then his hand wandered down my shoulder and along the side of my body. His palm pressed firmly against my body down to my hip where he gave a small squeeze as I heard him groan.

Gently his palm moved back up to the side of my breast where his thumb softly rubbed my nipple that now turned hard from his touch. I started to feel a yearning again, which was insane to me considering what we just did. His hand cupped my breast soft at first and then more firmly. “Mmm,” I couldn’t help but moan as a flood of heat rolled through my body leaving me wanting him again.

His hand moved back to my hair as I turned my head for his soft lips. I melted into his mouth as our tongues entwined warm and sweet at first and then built faster and more needy as time progressed. His hand thrust through my hair and pulled slightly at the nape of my neck, pulling me closer to his mouth.

I needed more again and considering I wanted to let everything go tonight, I was going to take it. I moved my body on top of his, wrapping my legs around his hips. As soon as I did that, I felt how hard he was for me already. Again. Just the thought of having sex again a second time in one night shot a thrill through me and I knew I was wet for him already. I moved my hands up and down his strong arms, feeling every muscle he has, down the side of his abs, feeling each ripple and moving my fingers over each one.

He moaned and his hands were back in my hair, tugging me closer for an even deeper kiss. I moved myself so that my opening was right at the base of his cock. I pulled back from our kiss giving him an impish grin. I wanted him again so badly and he was already so hard. That delicious excitement in my sex rolled making my heart speed up even more. I’ve never had a guy twice in one night. I had two partners before Charles, both from drunken nights and believe me they could barely get it up the first time. Charles was never more than a one-timer.

I watched as Matt’s hand reached over to the nightstand and grabbed another condom. He handed it to me as that mouth of his turned up into a half smile. My God, I was loving that more and more every time. Amazing how it annoyed me before. I took the condom from him as I lifted myself to move my hips below his hard cock. Ripping open the package and rolling the condom on him so slowly, taking extra time to rub my thumb hard against his cock, cupping his balls firmly. He moaned as he gripped my thighs firmly.

Excitement flashed through me as I pulled myself up so that I could straddle him. I’ve never been on top and the thought of actually doing that made me grip my breast in anticipation. I grabbed his hard cock in my hand as I let the tip rub back and forth along my wet pussy. I couldn’t stand it any longer and I pressed his cock to my wet opening as I let my thighs lower down feeling his hard cock go deeper and deeper inside of me. “Oh fuck,” I couldn’t help but exclaim as I felt him fully inside of me. My breath was so rampant now and I wanted to control it just as much as I wanted to control Matt.

His hands gripped my thighs as I watched his hooded eyes searching mine, begging me to do as I wanted. His hands moved up and down grabbing my hips, my thighs and squeezing before he gave me that damned grin. “Do it, Vanessa. Take me. Fuck me the way you want to.”

He was so deep inside me. I placed my hands over his as he gripped my hips firmly. I started to move up and down, but that wasn’t the feeling I wanted so badly. It felt amazing, but didn’t give me what I wanted. Slightly frustrated, I whimpered and as I did Matt chuckled. He seemed like he was going to roll me to the side, but I leaned forward and pushed him back down. I wanted to be on top for so long and Matt was going to give it to me.

BOOK: Romantic Promises (Alluring Promises Series, #2)
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