Rough: Daunting Temptation (Coral Gables Series Book 1) (17 page)

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Authors: Drucie Anne Taylor

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Rough: Daunting Temptation (Coral Gables Series Book 1)
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I look into his eyes. "My horse is going to be put down."

"Do you want to fly to Austin earlier, to say goodbye?"

"I don't know. I would like to, yes, but we still have a week of classes ahead of us," I answer in my small voice.

"Difficult decision. How long have you had this horse?"

"For ten years," I whisper.

The waiter brings our drinks. Delsin ordered a pitcher of Coke, which the waiter now puts on the table, together with two glasses.

"Well, do you want to see your friend again? If so, I will arrange for my father's jet to get you to Austin."

"Your dad has a jet?" I ask, surprised.

"Yeah. One of his sponsors has placed it at his disposal," Delsin explains.

"I'm going to call my mom and ask her when Peach is supposed to be put down. Maybe Avery got it wrong," I say and take a sip from my Coke. "Or this is really about my other horse. Buster, the horse I went to tournaments with, he's really, really old, so probably that is what they were talking about." I sigh. "In any case, this is a bucket of crap!"

Delsin puts his fingers on my hand on the table and strokes me. "I'm sorry for you. Well, my offer stands: If you want to go, I will take care of it. My dad can send the jet to the airport, which would save you the money for the plane ticket."

"What about you? Would you come with me?" I ask in my small voice.

Delsin cocks his head to the side. "I would, but I have two important competitions next week. I must not miss them. But I could follow you right after?!"

I nod slowly. Our pizza arrives. I remain silent during the entire meal and stare at my food. I cannot eat more than two slices.


When I get home, I call my mother.

"Cami, how are you? Did Hailey talk to you already?" she rushes when she picks up the phone.

"Hi, mom. I'm okay, I think, and how are you? No, I didn't talk to Hailey, but to a friend. Who needs to be put down?" I ask impatiently.

"I'm fine. Put down?" She sounds surprised. "Nobody is going to be put down any time soon. All the animals are fine. Hailey must have misunderstood me," she says, sounding almost amused.

I breathe a sigh of relief. "Good god, I was so worried about Peach."

"I merely asked Hailey whether she knew when you're going to come home, but there was a lot of noise on her end. She must have heard something completely different."

I shake my head at the unnecessary confusion.

"I wanted to book the flight on Monday, and fly on Saturday next week, mom," I say.

"Fine, then I'll get your room ready by then. And how are things in Miami, apart from weird worries?" she asks.

"Really great. I ... I have a boyfriend," I blurt out, grinning now.

"What's he like?"

"He's awesome. Well, maybe not all the time, but I really like him. His name is Delsin Rough, and he would like to visit us during the break and help out on the farm," I tell her happily. I feel so relieved that none of the horses has to be put down.

"Yes, it would be nice if Buck and I could get to meet him," my mom giggles. "Tell me more about him."

"Oh, mom, I can't. You have to meet him in person. But I feel safe with him and ..."

"You love him?" she prods.

"I don't know. I feel good when I am with him and ... I feel all weak in the knees when he looks at me or whispers to me, but is that love, mom?" It's a genuine question, because I am still confused by my strong feelings for Delsin. "I mean, only last week I felt like strangling him, and now all I want is to kiss him all the time."

My mom laughs. "If you aren't in love yet, you're well on the way, judging from the way you're talking about him."

"I'm looking forward to being home again," I change the subject, because I am feeling awkward all of a sudden.

"And we're looking forward to you coming home, Cami. Tell me as soon as you know what time you'll arrive on Saturday, and take care, my darling."

"I will, mom."

"Bye, darling."

"Bye," I say and hang up.



Chapter 8


In a good mood, or rather, in a better mood, I have been preparing for the party. Thally did my hair in an upswept do and lent me her little black dress. I wanted to look great for Delsin, though I am wondering whether the dress is not a little too revealing. But he'll know he'll be the only one who gets to see what's underneath. I hope he knows that. I am wearing my fancy black sandals to go with the dress. As I realize that the styling session has made us forget the time, it is already eleven at night. I look at Thally. "Are you coming along?" I ask her.

"Yes. Good idea. Why not?" she decides.

"Great. You are ready to go anyway," I grin.

"Yeah. All dressed up and then Colton stood me up. Really great," she complains.

"Well, we're going to find you some distraction tonight," I say with a smile.

"You're going to be distracted enough by Delsin I'd wager. I still can't wrap my head around how you managed to talk him into committing to a relationship," she admits.

"He talked me into it, not the other way round," I tell her, and her jaw drops at that.

"Camille Brooks, you're taking me for a fool."

"Thalia Leroux, I would never try that," I laugh and put on my denim jacket.

"I don't believe it. Delsin Rough asked you to be his girlfriend. That's ... that is really and truly unbelievable," she murmurs.

"Let's go. He'll be waiting already."

"Okay." Thally follows me into the hallway. "I'm going to grab my handbag and coat. Are you driving, or should I ...?"

"It would be better if you drove, because I don't know if I'm going to stay over at his place," I explain and take my own handbag from the hook on the wall, putting my usual stuff inside.

I hold the door open for Thally, who is wearing her hair open. The bob suits her very well, highlighting her feminine features. I envy her those wonderfully curved lips. Mine are full, but look like rubber boats, I sometimes think. They don't fit with my tiny nose. But apart from that complaint, I am really rather content with the way I look.

Finally she is ready to go. "All set."

"Okay." I leave it to her to lock the door and wait outside.

"I'm curious whether Delsin has a good-looking friend to spare. Colton and I have this open thing going, so ..." She leaves the sentence unfinished as we walk to the car.

"You might like Coop," I muse.

"Who's that?"

"A friend of Delsin's. I met him this afternoon. He seems nice enough."

"I see. Nice," she says dismissively.

We get into her car and she asks: "Where is the party?"

"At Delsin's place."

"Okay. I know the way," she murmurs, and off we go.


Thally parks the car in front of Delsin's house. We get out and walk up the stairs. Because the front door is wide open, we don't ring the bell, but I close it. The music blares through the whole building, but Delsin has probably invited all the other students anyway, so there should be no problem with that.

"Ten bucks Delsin is drunk like a fish," Thally says at the door of the apartment.

"Ten bucks he isn't," I answer. Then we walk in and the first person I see is Avery.

"Sweetie, Thally, welcome," Ave greets us and I hug him.

"Hi, Ave. Where is Delsin?"

"In his room. He went in there a few minutes ago, because he didn't feel well," he explains.

"Oh, okay. I'll go and see what is going on." I look at Thally and she smiles back at me. "That's okay. I'm going to stay here with Avery."

"I'll bring you a beer on the way back," I grin and then weave my way through the throng of guests. I didn't think so many people could fit into this apartment. I have grabbed a beer from someone and take a sip.

When I reach Delsin's door, I slowly push it open. "Hi, Del- ... sin," I stammer as I stare at the scene before me: The blond hussy from the skate park is sitting on his lap in her underwear, and it looks as if they are lost in a passionate kiss! Stunned, I can do nothing but stare.

"Camille, hi," Coop greets me from the side and comes closer. When he takes a look at what I see, he also seems shocked. "Oh shit!"

"I've got to get out of here," I say in a choked voice. The music drowns out everything anyway.

"Caramel?" I hear Delsin's voice through the din. "Camille!" he calls as I turn away and push through the narrow corridor that opens in front of me.

"Camille, wait!" he yells, but I don't stop.

Finally, I reach the front door again.

"What's wrong?" Thally and Ave ask in unison.

"I need to leave ... just leave. Right now! ... Please," I stammer and almost choke on my words as the tears start to flow.

But before I can leave the place, Delsin is behind me, grabs my arm and turns me around. "Camille, she just barged into my room and stuck her tongue into my mouth, after she had all but ripped her clothes off. I asked her to leave several times," he tells me in an urgent voice.

"You kissed another woman?" Thally lashes out and wants to punch him, but Ave keeps her in check.

"Please let me go," I whisper without looking at Delsin.

"You must believe me, Caramel, please!"

"Why would she? Go screw yourself, Delsin," Ave yells at him, and Thally chimes in, even though she's struggling against Ave's grip: "If you try to come near her once again, I'm going to punch your face!"

"Please, Caramel." His fingers are under my chin and he raises my eyes to look at him. My make-up is probably beyond redemption by now.

There are so many words on my tongue, but nothing comes out. It all feels too heavy and confused. Why does it hurt so much, it's only been a day? Is it possible that he’s telling me the truth? What am I supposed to believe? The questions hurt my head. The emotions hurt my heart. Everything feels as if there's cotton batting around me. I fear that this is what it feels like when your heart is breaking.

"Let her go already, Delsin," Ave insists, a fraction calmer than before.

"I’m in love with you, my sweet Caramel," Delsin murmurs into my ear.

My tears only flow more freely at hearing that. He would not have done that if he loved me. He would not have allowed this bitch anywhere near him. I shouldn't have given him his second chance this afternoon.

"Let her go, you asshole," Thally screams at him.

Ave lets go of her first, then he comes to us and loosens Delsin's grip on my upper arm. I am certain that I will still feel that grip tomorrow. "Leave her be, man."

Thally takes my hand and leads me out of the apartment. I follow her mechanically. "I am so sorry, Camille. I thought he might change for your sake. But at least it happened here and now, so you know now. It could get worse and worse," she tries to reassure me.

I don't answer that. Instead I follow her in silence. My tears continue to fall as she escorts me to her car.


My phone won't stop ringing, so I have turned it off. In case Avery wants to talk to me, he knows he can call Thally or Hailey any time, and they will get me on the phone. In the hallway I stare at Thally, who helps me slip out of my jacket.

"Do you want to talk?" she asks softly.

I shake my head and take off my shoes. Then I walk slowly to my own room and lie down on the bed after I have taken out the hairpins. I pull up my knees and bend my back like a baby, letting the tears flow freely again. This time, I don't keep my crying silent, instead I sob without inhibition.

I hear somebody's steps approach the bed. The mattress sinks in behind me and an arm is wrapped around me. I grab Thally's hand and press it as I keep letting my tears flow.

"I would gladly take that pain from you," she says softly.

"What happened?" Hailey's voice comes from the door, then her steps, too. She lies down in front of me.

"Delsin was kissing some other bitch at the party," Thally explains.

Hailey pulls me into her arms, while I am still holding on to Thally's hand. At this moment, I feel safe between the two of them, and I am thankful for their presence.

After a long while spent crying, my head gets very heavy and I close my eyes, exhausted.

"I hope Delsin is suffering at least as much as she does," Hailey whispers.

"Believe me, if Avery hadn't held me back, I'd have castrated that jerk. Treating us like crap is one thing, for at least I never expected more than a one-time fling, but he shouldn't have treated Cami like this," Thally says in a whisper.

That is the last thing I hear before I fall asleep.


"Who the hell do you think you are, showing up here now?" Thally yells.

"I am Camille’s damn boyfriend, that's who I am. Let me in, Thalia," Delsin demands.

"Like hell I will! Get lost, Delsin. You've done enough damage for one night. Camille is devastated, and it's your fault. She cried half the night, before she finally fell asleep from sheer exhaustion. You're not going to wake her up now," she rants at him.

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