Rough: Daunting Temptation (Coral Gables Series Book 1) (13 page)

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Authors: Drucie Anne Taylor

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Rough: Daunting Temptation (Coral Gables Series Book 1)
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"He's not worth endangering your future, so don't even think about beating him up, Delsin. I am infinitely thankful that you were there to help me, but you don't have to do more." I keep my voice low on purpose, forcing him to concentrate on what I am saying. "I'm okay, now that the fright has subsided."

"Why were you out with him anyway? I thought you wanted to go to bed early?" he asks.

"Oh well ... I am sorry now, but that was my pretext because I didn't want to come to your party," I stammer awkwardly.

His hand presses mine. "I was wishing I'd see you there, because I haven't seen you since Tuesday."

"You left," I whisper accusingly. "That hurt my feelings."

He stops at a red light and looks at me. "I still think that you are too good for me, but I'm not going to leave again, okay?!" The earnest tone in his voice reassures me.

I nod quickly. "Okay."

Five minutes later, he parks the car in front of their house. He opens the door for me and holds out a hand to help me get out. His car is a sports car, but I don't know the model. I hold on to his hand as he throws the door shut and pushes the button on the key. The locks click shut. Holding hands we walk into the house and then into the apartment.

Delsin leads me into his room, to the bed, where he studies my face again. "Sit down, Camille," he says softly.

I plop down on the soft mattress.

"Would you like a drink?"

"Yes," I nod and watch him walk out of the room.

"If you want to take a shower, go ahead, Avery will be here any moment. He just sent me a text," he calls from the kitchen.

"Okay. Can I go right now? I want to ... wash off any trace of Ethan, and I'd only need a t-shirt," I call back.

"Take one from my closet."

I walk over to his closet, which is surprisingly neat and orderly. I take out a t-shirt and one of his skater shorts.

In the hallway, he crosses my path. He holds a glass in each hand and two bottles of beer in the crook of his right arm. "I thought that maybe you wanted something to calm your nerves, so I mixed you a whiskey and coke."

I take the glass he holds out for me. "Thanks." Then I drink it down in one long gulp.

"Okay. I guess you were thirsty. And I see you've found something in my closet. You know where the bathroom is."

"Yes. Off to the shower," I answer softly and slip past him.

I disappear into the bathroom quickly, because I can feel his gaze on my back and behind. The feeling is not uncomfortable at all in his case, but I know we have to keep our distance if this friendship is supposed to grow. I undress and step into the shower.


When I have toweled myself dry and put on Delsin's clothes, I can hear a loud discussion in the living room. Avery and Delsin are arguing. I open the door quietly so I can overhear what they're saying.

"Why did you have to take her here if you say you don't want to get into her pants, Delsin? I could have stayed with Camille until Thally and Hailey came home, instead of being sent in to fetch her things. You know Camille is a sensitive person. You saw her cry," Ave grouches.

"Take it easy now, will you? You know I like her a lot. Yes, I admit I'm also hot for her, but I cannot start a relationship. Camille wants one, I don't. I'm not good at commitments, but I want her to be okay, to be happy. Plus I still feel I ought to go out and punch Ethan until he's ready for a hospital bed. How could he do this to her?!" Delsin rants.

"You knew from the beginning that this would be no ordinary friendship. First you all but stalk her, next you drag her here to screw her, pulling the emergency brake in the last minute, thank god for that. And then you avoid her, only to start it all over again. Camille cannot deal with this rollercoaster shit, I know her well enough to be able to say that much."

I can't? I'm coping well enough so far,
I think. I strain my ears to hear the rest.

"I know that, and I cannot take it much longer either. Ave, I've fallen in love with her, and I know I am not good enough for her. I'm not even sure whether it really is love, or whether my brain is playing tricks with me! I can talk to her, joke with her, but also have a serious conversation. Hell, I love every damn trait of her personality! One moment she hates me, the next she returns my kisses - how do I know where I stand with her? I don't want to hurt her, god forbid, or else I'd have slept with her already, or at least told her in no uncertain terms how much I want her, but she deserves a better man," Delsin says defensively.

"Hold your horses there. Rewind and come again ... Did you just say you've fallen in love with Camille?" Avery asks.

"I believe I have, yes. She makes me feel ... things. It's not really lust ... well, okay, that too, but this weird, warm feeling is stronger than lust. I simply feel better when she is near me, and I want her to feel better, too. If I had my way, I would hold her in my arms and kiss her the whole day long," Delsin explains in a lower voice, so I really have to strain my ears to hear it all.

"And yet you sleep with other women," Ave remarks coldly.

"Since I got to know Camille a little better, I haven't slept with another woman, Ave!"

I finally step out of the bathroom because I think I have heard enough. I close the door loud enough so they can hear it. Then I walk to the kitchen.

"Keep your fingers off Camille, you got me?" Avery warns.

"I'll do my best," Delsin replies, and now his voice sounds small. Then I can hear their footsteps.

I pour myself a glass of water from the tap and drink it in small sips.

"Camille?" Delsin calls.

"In the kitchen," I say and put the glass in the sink. Then I go into the living room. "I was in the kitchen," I explain again and look at them both. It's still early, and I remember their party. I guess they want to go there again. "I can go home if you want to return to the party," I offer.

"No way. You're staying here," Delsin says.

Ave sighs. "I have to show up there soon, or else Pearl is going to be upset again. Don't do anything stupid, both of you, okay?"

"Me? Never," I say and give him a shy smile.

"I'll take care of her, man. No need to worry," Delsin says soothingly.

"That's exactly what I am worried about," Avery counters. His laugh comes out forced. He comes over to me and kisses the crown of my head. "If he cannot behave, call me," he whispers.

"Will do," I say softly.

"See you later," he says, and is gone the next moment.

I look at Delsin. "I'm sorry you can't go to your party."

"That's no big deal. I'll throw another one tomorrow," he grins.

"I see," I nod and rub my neck where the water from my wet hair tickles me.

"Do you want to watch a movie maybe?" he asks.


"Then don't stand there and stare. Let's go into my room, the TV in here is too small to enjoy it properly," he smirks and points to his room.

I push myself off the door frame I have leaned on and go ahead. Delsin is right behind me. His words are echoing in my head
. I've fallen in love with her ... I've fallen in love with her.

"Where are you spending the summer?" I ask.

"We've had this topic before. I'm staying in Florida," he answers and walks over to his TV set. On the rack below there's a drawer he now opens. "What do you want to watch? I've got horror, action, sports, comedy. Anything really, just no romantic movies."

I shrug helplessly. "Anything. I don't know."

"How about this one?" Delsin asks and shows me a DVD cover. "It's a horror movie," he explains.

The Descent, I read and nod. "Alright."

"In case you get frightened, you can snuggle up to me and hide your face against my chest," he grins.

"Maybe I will."

Then he puts the DVD in and comes to me. He takes off his shoes and lies down, head propped up on his pillow. "Maybe you want to come closer already?"

"Okay." I crawl across the bed and lie down in his arm, with which he has reached out for me. He puts it around me, places his hand on my upper arm and strokes my skin.

"You're wearing my favorite t-shirt," he whispers when the movie starts.

"Do you want me to pick another one?"

"No. But Avery brought a whole bag of stuff from your place, so maybe you'll find a nightgown in there."

"Okay, then I'll change into that." I slip from his arm and look into my bag, which is lying on the sofa.
Oh no, why did he have to pick that one?
I think to myself when I see the black silk nightgown in there. It's like a negligee, and whenever I see it in my closet, I wonder why I ever bought it. I sigh and pull off his t-shirt, throwing it on the sofa. "It would be nice if you didn't stare at my back like that," I smirk. I can feel his eyes on me.

Delsin clears his throat. "Sorry."

I laugh softly and pull the nightgown over my head. Then I pull down the shorts and take some panties from the bag. Not easy to put those on without giving Delsin an eyeful of my backside. In the end I give a mental shrug and simply pull them up. If he has seen my behind, so be it. I turn around and go back to the bed, where Delsin lies, breathing hard.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I'm just trying to block out that view," he admits and pulls me back into that half embrace.

"Oh. Hm. Maybe I shouldn't have changed after all," I muse aloud.

"No, no ... I like what you're wearing," he says and gives a chuckle.

We cease talking after that, and concentrate on the movie instead. At one scene, I give a violent start. A family has a car accident, and only the mother survives. I hide my face against Delsin's chest because it's gross and brutal, the way the father and child are mangled. "Oh my god," I whisper.
Why did I have to say yes to watching a horror movie?

"You want to watch a different movie after all?" Delsin asks.

"No, it's okay. I only got a fright," I say softly and look back at the TV screen.

The next part is not very spectacular, until those women climb into a cave. Which is not particularly exciting either, until they suddenly land in a pile of bones.

One woman holds up a camera and then there is some weird monster, which gives me another bad fright. After that scene, I barely look at the screen, instead hiding huddled against Delsin's chest while he caresses the back of my neck soothingly.

"Now you can look," he says.

I raise my head, and of course the most disgusting scene of the whole movie is playing out. "You creepy little bastard," I curse him as I bury my face in my hands. "I won't trust you anymore."

He laughs. "I'm sorry."

"No, you're not," I say grimly.

"I am, really."

"I don't believe you," I bitch.

Delsin pulls me closer to him, places a finger underneath my chin and raises my head so I look at him. "I only wanted to tease you a little."

"You succeeded. Happy?" I whisper and look into his deep green eyes.

He looks away first and focuses on the TV screen again. I snuggle back against him and close my eyes.

"Please tell me when it's really over," I ask him softly.

"I will."

It doesn't take long until he tells me the movie is over and I can open my eyes again. I won't be watching another film of this type with him, that much is certain. Next time I will force him to watch a love story, because then it'll be his turn to be afraid. I pull away from him and look into his face. "You didn't put those beers anywhere in here, did you?"

He shakes his head. "Ave and I drank them already. But I can get you a new one from the fridge."

"No need, I'll go get one myself," I smile and get up. Then I walk out of the room extra slowly. This is my revenge for the terror of having to watch the movie. I hear him murmur something, but cannot make out the exact words. In the kitchen, I take two bottles of beer from the fridge and then sashay back into his room. "I brought another one for you, too," I announce, watching him undress.

"Thank you."

"I didn't look for a bottle opener; do you have one in here?"

"No, but I have a lighter," he says as he folds his shirt and jeans.

I take a few steps toward him and hold out the bottles. He pulls the lighter from the pocket of his jeans and opens the bottles with it. He takes one of them from me and clinks it against mine. "Cheers."

He raises the beer to his lips and takes a large sip. I do the same.

"We could watch another movie now, something funny to take your mind off the first one," he suggests.

"Okay." I sit on the bed and look at him, at his perfect body. On his chest, there is a tattoo of two swallows, which I have never noticed before. My eyes roam the muscles of his chest and then move upwards, study his face, then zoom in on his lips.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Camille?"

"Am I not supposed to look at you?" I ask daringly and hold his gaze.

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