Rough: Daunting Temptation (Coral Gables Series Book 1) (8 page)

Read Rough: Daunting Temptation (Coral Gables Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Drucie Anne Taylor

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Rough: Daunting Temptation (Coral Gables Series Book 1)
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"Guys, I am sorry, but I'm beat. I will go home," I tell them when they have sat down at the table.

"You've drunken alcohol, Camille. You shouldn't drive," Delsin says.

"One bottle of beer. That's not going to kill me." I hate it when people treat me like a child.

"That's enough. If you're tired, you can sleep in my bed. I will take the sofa in my room," he offers.

"That's nice, but completely unnecessary."

"Sweetie, I think he's right. You shouldn't get behind the wheel when you've had alcohol," Ave interrupts.

I sigh. "You also drive when you drink."

"I've had my license a few years longer. Plus, I'm a guy," he counters.

"As if it were a matter of gender," I grumble. Why do they suddenly have to act up like that?

"Camille, just stay here. I won't lie next to you, I won't touch you, I will sleep on the couch like a good boy. I'll give you one of my t-shirts so you don't have to sleep naked," Delsin insists. "And now eat something. I don't remember seeing you eat anything all day."

Now that he mentions it, I realize that that's true, but I won't tell them, or they're going to spoonfeed me next. "Okay," I concede.

Ave puts some lasagna on my plate as I sit down. His smile is genuine.

Finally, my phone rings. "Excuse me," I say and take it from my pocket. "It's Thalia, I need to see what she wants." I get up and take the call. "Hi, Thally."

"Hi, Cami, you need to come home, like now!" she cries loudly into the phone. I hold it a little away from my ear.

"What happened?" I ask. The way she sounds, I somehow doubt that she is faking it.

"Colton came over, and then he lost it and we had a row. I … I'm bleeding, Cami." Now she is crying in earnest.

"What?" I yell into the phone.

"Take it easy, I'm only acting so you can get out of there," Thalia whispers.

I take a deep breath. God, I feel so relieved.

"Is everything okay?" Delsin asks.

I turn around and raise my finger to indicate that I am still talking.

"Thally, I … I'm coming, okay? Please try to calm down," I say soothingly.

But then Delsin stands next to me and takes the phone from my hand. "Thalia, right? Camille mustn't drive, she drank alcohol … No, I will not let her drive … yes, I know you think I'm an asshole … Don't worry, I don't intend to screw her … Will you please stop that shit … And no, she's not coming home tonight. Save your act for tomorrow," he says and then hands me the phone again.

"You're staying here tonight, even if it means I'm going to have to lock you up in my bedroom," he whispers.

I hold the phone to my ear. "Are you still there?" I ask, irritated.

"Yes, I am, and Delsin Rough really is an asshole. Fine, Cami, I tried my best. I'll see you tomorrow and then you must tell me what went down." She giggles and hangs up.

Completely dumbfounded, I let my hand sink and stare at Delsin, but he merely shrugs and says: "Your food is getting cold, Camille."

"You okay, Sweets?" Ave asks.

"I … I think so," I stammer and return to the table, where I sit down without a word. I stare at my plate of food and eat it, equally mute.

They praise my cooking.

"We could use a cook here. Are you up for that, Camille?" Ave asks.

I shake my head and look at him. "What?"

"Would you be up for the job of house chef? This lasagna was really awesome," he repeats.

"I … no," I answer and get up. Mechanically, I stack the empty plates and carry them into the kitchen.

"I'll do the dishes," Avery announces, jumps up and joins me next to the sink. He pushes me aside. "I'll take care of that, Sweets. Go to bed. You look tired."

"Okay," I agree and leave the kitchen to go into Delsin's room.

He follows me and takes a t-shirt from his closet. "I think we have some extra toothbrushes in the bathroom cabinet," he tells me.

"Thanks, Delsin." I take the shirt as he hands it to me. Then he guides me to the bathroom.

"You don't look well, Camille," he says in a quiet voice.

"I'm fine," I lie. Fact is, Thalia has given me a bad fright. Even though it was only an act, it reminded me of something that happened a long time ago. Not a good memory, and something I have rarely told anyone. The reason why I do not have a boyfriend. The reason why I want to wait for the right one, before I give away my virginity. I step into the bathroom, close the door behind me, and pull the scrunchie from my hair. It falls over my shoulders in soft brown waves, but I don't really notice. I splash cold water on my face, trying to clear my head, but it doesn't help all that much.

Dressed in Delsin's t-shirt, I leave the bathroom and return to his room. He is putting sheets on the sofa. "I can sleep on the couch," I say quietly.

He gives a start. "Good heavens, Camille! I didn't hear you come in."

"I'm sorry. But really, you take the bed, I take the couch," I suggest.

He shakes his head. "No, no. It's alright. I take the couch, even if that means a sore back."

"Then … let's both sleep in the bed. It is large enough for the two of us, and you promised you wouldn't touch me," I negotiate.

He sighs. "Are you sure? What if I lay closer to you than you're comfortable with?"

"I can live with that."

His lips curve into a sexy smile. If I didn't know better, I would think he is trying to flirt with me.

I walk over to the bed and lie down. Of course I keep my eyes on Delsin, who folds the sheets and puts them away. "I'm going to take a shower and then I'll come to bed as well. I'll be quiet, in case you fall asleep fast."

"Okay," I nod. Then I turn on the side that will face him when he'll be lying next to me. I close my eyes.

"Good night, Camille. Sweet dreams."

"You, too," I murmur. As soon as the door closes, I see the memory before my eyes, like a movie reel: He strikes out at me. I see it in slow motion. It happened shortly before my accident. Kieran was clever; he only hit me where my clothes would hide the traces. Never in my face, always in my chest or my stomach. Sometimes even in my abdomen. "Oh please, dear god, make it stop," I murmur, violently rubbing my eyes. I won't be so stupid ever again. I will not fall for some jerk again. Never again.
One sheep, two sheep, three sheep,
I try to count in my head, because I don't want to remember. For a long while, I had kept the memories at bay, and it was not a problem, but Thalia brought it all back with her call.

Counting sheep really is making me sleepy and finally, I fall asleep.


In the middle of the night – at least that is what it feels like – I suddenly wake up and sit up with a jerky motion. I am drenched in sweat. I gently pat the bed searching for my alarm clock, but instead, I feel skin. I give a start. "Where am I?" I murmur.

"Camille?" a voice says.

"Yes?" I reply, feeling lost.

"Why are you awake?" he grumbles and turns on the bedside lamp.

After my eyes have had the chance to adjust to the sudden light, I recognize Delsin. "A weird dream."

"Do you want to talk about it?" He looks at me with a mixture of sleepiness and concern.

I lie back down. "No. I'm fine, it's okay." Then I force a smile so he won’t worry.

Delsin studies me for a moment. "You have that look on your face again. The look that makes me want to kiss you," he whispers.

I turn my head away and stare up at the ceiling. "Is this always going to happen? I look at you in a perfectly normal way and you feel the urge to kiss me?" I demand.

"Probably yes, but I'm trying to resist the urge. It's just that I feel attracted to you. I don't know why, but it's a fact." He reaches out with his hand and strokes my cheek.

Involuntarily, I close my eyes. His touch feels soothing, and it leaves me with a feeling of security.

"If you want me to kiss you again, I want you to ask me to do it," he whispers.

I take a deep breath. "That's not going to happen."

That makes him smile. "We'll see, but I'll leave you alone until then, like I promised."

"Thank you."

"One more thing."

"What?" I ask and face him again.

"Will you give me your new phone number?"

"In the morning, okay?" I stifle a yawn.

"Alright," he grins.

When he doesn't say anything else, I put my hand underneath my cheek and close my eyes again. Then I feel his lips on my forehead. "Good night, Camille."

"You too, Delsin," I breathe and look into his eyes once more.

He returns my gaze and then it happens. He kisses me softly and I kiss him back. He rolls me over on my back and glides on top of me. One hand cups my cheek, while the other caresses my breasts and slides down to the hem of the t-shirt.
Is it really going to happen now?
I suddenly think. His fingertips trace the waistband of my panties, while his tongue conquers my mouth. The tips of our tongues are playing with each other and then tangle in a passionate dance. Delsin's hand, which was at my cheek a moment ago, slips under my neck and holds me. I feel his other hand tug at my panties and raise my behind a little so he can pull them down.

He interrupts the kiss. "Are you sure you really want this?" he whispers.

"Don't you?"
Oh god, what am I saying?
I don't have the slightest idea why I am suddenly this willing. Yes, he is a looker, and yes, he is making me crazy, though most times, in a negative sense.

"I want it, but I was asking you," he says softly.

I utter a sigh. "I think I want to have my first time with someone who is experienced."

"Wait, you were being serious when you said you were still a virgin?" he asks, perplexed.

I nod slowly.

Delsin pulls his hand back. "Then you should do it with the right guy, not with me." He glides off me and lies on his back.

Oh please!
"Okay," I murmur and turn away from him. "Let's just forget what happened," I add a little more loudly.

"Right," he says and switches the light off.

I fall asleep with a strange feeling. Why did he reject me?





Chapter 5


I slipped out of the apartment early Sunday morning, and I spent Monday avoiding Delsin. Now it's Tuesday and I am sitting in my chemistry class.

Ethan is sitting next to me, trying to explain the different processes and experiments, but I seem to understand zilch. The year I lost between high school and college, the year I didn't study anything, seems a barrier now. I passed all the classes in my first semester, but barely so, and the second one must yield a better average. "I'll never be able to get all of this into my head," I whine in a desperate tone.

"Of course you will. You just need to have some patience with yourself. Nobody can get it all in a day."

"You understand this stuff," I say in my small voice.

Ethan smiles at me. "Granted, but I even liked chemistry in school."

The bell rings and professor Chimney ends the lecture. "Remember there is going to be a test on Friday," he announces.

"Great. I need to know all of this by Friday. This is the end," I whisper.

Ethan pats me on the thigh. "If you want to, we can study together."

"Would you really do that? I can be a rather difficult student."

He nods. "I'm free tomorrow, and then you still have Thursday to repeat and memorize. We'll make sure you understand all the material. It's only today's stuff that bothers you, right?"

"Yeah. I just can't seem to get this structure," I explain.

"Don't worry, we'll get it together. Shall we meet in the library then?" he asks.

"Sure. Around three pm?"

"Make it four, that's the earliest I can manage," he says with a smile.

"Alright then. I'll see you tomorrow at four." I grab my books and notepad, put them in my backpack and leave the lecture hall.

It is lunch time and I am really hungry. But I am not heading for the main cafeteria; I will sit under a tree and eat my sandwich. Thalia, Hailey and I have chosen one special tree as our meeting point whenever we don't want to eat in the overcrowded cafeteria.

Five minutes later, I reach our tree. Hailey is already sitting in the grass.

"Hey there," I greet her amiably.

"Hi, Cami. How was chemistry?"

"Awful. Chimney wants us to write a test on Friday, and I don't have the slightest clue. Thank god Ethan offered to study with me tomorrow." I sit down next to her and rummage through my backpack, looking for the sandwich.

"Isn't that the cute blond guy?" she asks.

"Yes, that's him. Blond, grey eyes, a great body, tall … wow," I tell her with a grin.

She giggles. "What happened? That's not your usual line."

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