Rough: Daunting Temptation (Coral Gables Series Book 1) (11 page)

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Authors: Drucie Anne Taylor

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Rough: Daunting Temptation (Coral Gables Series Book 1)
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He reaches out his hand and places it lightly on my shoulder. The other hand, the one with the cigarette, moves to my cheek. I squint a little when the smoke gets in my eyes.

"Why would I turn into a jerk again? I really like you, and I wish we would be real friends. So it would be stupid of me to act like an asshole."

"True, but that did not faze you Saturday," I counter.

"Camille, look at me."

I slowly raise my eyes to meet his.

His thumb brushes my lower lip tenderly. I turn my head away. "If you don't stop that, I will have to ask you for a kiss after all."

He clears his throat, probably to stifle a laugh, but I am not sure. "I'm close to breaking the promise myself." Then he pulls back his hand.

I can feel my frustration flare up inside. I punch him in the stomach, hitting a wall of muscles. There is no strength to my punch; it's not about hurting, it's about showing my feelings. "Why can't we just go ahead and be done with it? We circle each other like tigers their prey, but … but …" I'm getting so upset that I forget all the things I want to throw at him.

"Because you're too good for me, Camille," he says calmly.

"I don't want to be too good for you. I want …" That is all I can say, for Delsin lifts me up onto the hood of his car and kisses me. I pull the black cap from his head and kiss him back, equally hungry for more, and stroke his hair. Delsin spreads my legs coming in closer, and my thighs wrap around him. This time, I don't want to let him go.

"What do you want?" he asks when he breaks the kiss for a moment.

"I want you," I breathe.

"What does that mean? I cannot give you the relationship that you want, Camille. That'll never happen," he says with regret in his voice.

"I don't care, as long as we remain friends afterwards," I whisper and kiss him again.

He pushes me away a little. "Then come home with me now, even though I'm probably going to regret it later."

"I'm not going to regret it if you'll be my first," I say softly, but with conviction. I look straight into his eyes.

He breathes another kiss upon my lips. "Then you should go get your things, because I am not taking you home afterwards. You're going to have to sleep at my place."

Again, his thumb brushes my lower lip, plays with it.

"Okay." My legs open and I slip down from the hood, but only after I have kissed him once more.

"I'll be waiting here," he says.

I nod and run back to the house. The bulge in his pants has not escaped my attention, and so I wonder idly how large his package may be. When I unlock the front door, I hear an engine start and turn around. Delsin is still leaning against his car. I take a deep breath and rush up the stairs.

"Cami?" Thalia calls.

"Not now. I'm off again," I yell breathlessly and run into my room. My phone vibrates in my pocket. I take it out. A new text, which I open impatiently.

You're worth more. Sorry. D.

I rush to the window. He has driven off. The tears blur my vision when I turn the key and lock myself into my room. Why did I think he would do me the favor to sleep with me?

"Cami?" Thalia's voice comes again, then a knock on my door.

"Please leave me alone. Both of you," I say with a sniffle.

"What did Delsin say or do to make you cry?" she wants to know.

"Nothing. Just leave me alone."

"Cami, talk to me."

"Leave me alone," I cry, throwing myself across the bed, where I abandon myself to the fresh pain of another rejection.




Chapter 6


I cancelled the study date with Ethan and he talked me into going out with him on the weekend. That weekend has come, but our date is set for Sunday. That way, I will be able to say I have to get up early on Monday, and he'll understand. Important stuff to do on Monday. Well, let me think: I'll have to goad my dad into buying me a plane ticket, because the break starts next week and I desperately want to go home. I've already put aside the hundred dollars I won off Thalia and Hailey, so maybe my budget will pay for the flight. Still, there's something I have to do on Monday. Like … shopping. Getting groceries. Definitely, that's on my list. And it'll be good for me if I don't have to see Delsin all the time. I mean, he's got my number, but he hasn't called since he ditched me like that. A friend would call, wouldn't he? What he is to me, what I am to him, I have no idea anymore. It seems we're friends who have the hots for each other, but don't get around to doing anything about it. This back and forth is driving me crazy, and I am frustrated. Why does this have to happen to me? I only wanted to have a harmonious time in college. In the big city, because I've been living in the countryside so far. Well, it's not the real countryside, for I live thirty minutes away from the city, but I like it. I had just started to get a little bored at my hometown, and I wanted to celebrate my independence by choosing a college that was far away from home.

Now I miss my mom, Buck and Steve. Steve is my best friend at home, only a few years older than I am. At fifteen, I had a major crush on him, but he was in a relationship. I have no idea whether he still is.

I am considering skipping the final lectures and flying home early. There's hardly any relevant stuff going on during the last week of the term. I wrote my last exam today, the rest is negligible. I got all the credits I need to be admitted into my second year.

"Sweets, long time no see," Ave greets me as he joins me.

I sit under my tree – pardon me, my palm tree – and look up at him. "Hi, Ave. Yeah, I wasn't in the mood to see anyone, not even Thally and Hailey."

"How come?" he asks and sits down next to me.

"Let's say, for various reasons," I stall.

"Let me guess. One of them is Delsin?"

Of course he's hit the nail on the head. "That's correct."

"Is this about him disappearing on Tuesday?" he asks.

"Yeah. I don't understand why he has to keep rejecting me like that. What have I done to him?"

Ave exhales loudly. "He likes you. He doesn't want to risk a friendship by dragging you into his bed. Granted, it's shitty of him to kiss you over and over again, but it's also stupid of you to go along with it every time. And then … well, Delsin is like that. He thinks with his dick instead of listening to his heart."

"I wouldn't have minded if he had listened to his … you know … on Tuesday," I say haltingly.

"You want to experience your first time with a one-night stand?" he inquires.

I heave a sigh and lean my head back against the trunk of the tree. "I simply want to do it with someone who is experienced. Someone with whom I can be sure he isn't like … he's not going to hurt me."

"That he isn't like … who?" Avery asks, digging deeper.

"Kieran," I whisper.

"Who is that?"

"My ex. We split up more than a year ago."

"And why do you want your lover not to be like Kieran?" he goes on.

I feel his eyes on me, but I don't know if I can tell him the truth. "Let me put it like this: If Kieran didn't get what he wanted, he got really angry and you had to get out of his way quickly," I explain evasively.

"You mean he was an asshole," Ave states.

"An asshole that's history now. Anyway, I expected that a first time with Delsin would be comparatively good. Not romantic maybe, but also not terrifying. I know I was utterly naïve."

He nods slowly. "To change the subject, let me ask you a different question: What are you doing over the summer?"

"I'm going to fly home, spend the break working on my mom's farm, and I will turn twenty. Then I will return. That's it," I say. I look forward to it.

"Sounds good enough."

"What are your plans?" I ask.

"I'm going to stay in Miami. My grandma lives here, and she practically raised me. You see, my parents were very much into traveling. I don't know how long she'll be with us, so I'm going to keep her some company," Avery explains.

"Not all bad either. We may not be having a glamorous break, but as long as we're having a good time, I've got no complaints," I say with a smile.

Ave puts an arm around me. "We'll have to speak on the phone at least twice a week in order to tell each other what we're up to."

"That's a promise. But we have to take turns, or my mom will kill me when she sees the phone bill," I giggle.

He laughs. "And we don't want that to happen."

"Nope. Not really."

Music suddenly blares from the pocket of his coat.
So I'll be holding my breath. Right up till the end.

"Excuse me." He pulls out his phone. "It's Delsin," he says with an apologetic look on his face.

"That's okay. Take it." I smile at him so he doesn't feel bad about it.

"What's up?" he says into the phone. There's a pause.

"Nah, I'm not in the mood for a party … Because I want to spend time with Sweetie Tweetie … What do you mean, why? She's my best friend and I won't see her over the summer, so … I don't think she's up for another party with you, after you dismissed her like you did … Delsin, listen: I'll ask her, but if she's not up for it, I won't come either, okay? … Yes … yes … Don't burn down the house … And you're in charge of cleaning up tomorrow," he says and looks at me.

"You don't have to skip that party because of me. I'm tired and want to stay home anyway," I whisper.

"Sure?" he asks.

I nod. "Yes. I'll stand in front of my closet and pick an outfit for my date with Ethan."

"Okay … Delsin? … Yes, I'll be there … You heard her, she's not in the mood … I will not convince her, no … you can do that if you want, if you care so much about having her there."

I roll my eyes. "I'm out of here and heading home. Bye, Ave."

"Bye, Sweets," he says as I turn around and walk away.

I would have liked to spend the evening with him, but not for the price of having to see Delsin. I want to avoid him for a good while. Better yet, for the rest of my time in college. Or his time in college, for he will be done with it before me.

Still, I don't want to allow the thought of Delsin spoil my mood.
Why do I want this guy so much?
I ask myself. That triggers the next question:
Why does he keep brushing me off?
I sigh. It is really unbelievable that I let this guy into my heart, this guy whom I ought to hate because he treats women like crap. Yet I have opened my heart to him, I realize, though I only met him recently. And after a few wonderful kisses. I like him, but he cannot like me, or he would call me. I haven't heard from him, haven't seen him. Granted, I haven't called him either. But I was the one being ditched, so it's not my turn to chase him down. At that moment in my train of thought, my phone rings. "Yes?" I say.

"Hi, Camille. It's Ethan. I realized that Sunday isn't going to work out, so how about dinner tonight?"

"Why not, yeah. I have no plans for tonight. But we should probably go to dinner somewhere further off campus, for I told Avery I'll be staying home," I explain.

He exhales audibly. "Are you and Avery going out?"

"Nope. I just didn't want to have to attend one of Delsin's parties, because I don't want to see him, that's all," I say. "No need to worry."

His next breath comes out relieved. "Good. I'm kind of frightened when I see Avery's muscles."

I laugh at that. "No need to be afraid either. He is quite athletic, that's true, but he dislikes violence."

"That's good to hear. Shall I pick you up at six then?" Ethan asks.

"Sure. Six is perfect, gives me enough time to get ready."

"Six it is. See you soon."

"Looking forward to it. Bye, Ethan." I hang up and walk home with a broad grin on my face.


I have no idea where Ethan will be taking me for dinner, so I put on black chinos and a red blouse. Both garments are a bit tight and I hope I do not look old in them.

It is almost six. Hailey and Thally are out again, but that's fine with me. Either they're out with some guy or other, or they finally went to the library to return all their overdue books. They've had several return reminder slips in the mail already.

I study myself in the mirror of my closet. "You do look old," I tell my reflection. "Phone … phone, where are you?" I sing and fetch my phone from the desk. Ethan has to tell me where he wants to go, so I can decide what to wear. I dial his number and wait.

"Camille?" his voice greets me.

"Hi. Where do you want to go for dinner? I'm a little undecided what to wear," I explain.

"How about Pizza Hut or McDonald's?" he laughs.

"Very funny. I'm serious."

"I wanted to take you to the Greek place. The new beach restaurant. So I'm thinking a dress, or whatever you feel comfortable in," Ethan suggests.

"Okay, then I'll change quickly."

"You do that. I'm waiting in the parking lot," he says.

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