Rough: Daunting Temptation (Coral Gables Series Book 1) (10 page)

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Authors: Drucie Anne Taylor

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Rough: Daunting Temptation (Coral Gables Series Book 1)
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Hailey wears a frown, too, as she brings me her fifty.

"Thanks, ladies," I giggle and look at Delsin. "Let's go to my room and I'll explain it to you. Or better yet: Go ahead. You know the way."

"Okay," he says, still looking puzzled as he goes down the hallway carrying two pizza boxes.

"If you hadn't said he had to be here by eight, we'd have won," Hailey grouches.

"You wanted this bet, and you wanted to raise the stakes," I grin.

"There goes my visit to the beautician," Thalia whines.

"You could give me the money later. Mine will last me until Friday," I offer.

But both of them smile and quote in unison: "Thou shalt honor thy gambling debts."

"Okay, okay. If you insist. I'll be eating dinner in my room then." I turn around and stroll into my room, where Delsin is waiting. I close the door behind me.

"That was weird," he says.

"Did you expect anything different from me and my friends?" I ask with a broad smile.

"Somehow, I did. What did they give you money for?"

I am amused by his puzzled expression.

"They were so certain that you would show up here tonight and that you would ignore my refusal. I didn't think so and said you would not be here by eight. First, we bet ten dollars each, but then they insisted on putting in a fifty each, and ..."

"Because I showed up past eight, you won a hundred dollars," he finishes my sentence.

"Exactly," I nod and sit down next to him on the bed. "Why did you ignore my refusal?" I want to know.

"Because a refusal only serves to awaken my ambition. Given the number of brush-offs I've already got from you, I guess I'm going to have to get on your nerves for a good while," he grins.

I laugh softly. "Don't do this to me."

"Why not? Remember how I like it when you get angry," he chuckles.

"How about less talking and more eating then?" I suggest and open one of the two pizza boxes. I make a face. "Tuna?" I ask, the disgust obvious in my voice.

Delsin's grin becomes a soft smile. "I brought pepperoni for you. Avery told me that's what you prefer."

I open the second box and my mouth curves into a smile. "Thank you, Delsin." Then I take out a slice.

"Enjoy," he says, but I can only mumble a "thank you," because I am already eating.

He laughs and takes out a slice of his tuna pizza.


We have eaten in silence, with him watching me devour the entire pizza hungrily.

"You really were hungry," he concludes when I take a sip of water afterwards.

I nod. "I admit the two cups of yogurt for lunch were a bit stingy."

"And here I was wondering whether you're one of the girls who seem to live on cotton balls dunked in orange juice," he teases.

My laughter bubbles from my mouth. "Most definitely not. I think that's obvious. If I ate like that, I'd have my ideal weight."

Delsin studies me. "Don't tell me you feel fat."

I shake my head. "Nope. I do not feel fat. Actually, I feel quite at home in my body."

He exhales, sounding relieved. "Good. I thought I had to give you a piece of my mind. You really look great, and your body is awesome."

I take care not to look him straight in the eyes, because I don't want to tempt him again. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. Go ahead," he says calmly, kicks off his shoes and lies down on his side, bracing his head with his hand.

"Why ... did you decide not to ... sleep with me after all?" I ask hesitantly.

"Camille, you're still a virgin and, as much as I like your body, I think you ought to experience your first time with the right man. Not some guy like me. The first time is for lovers, not for horny jocks," Delsin says in an earnest voice, though he is still smiling.

This time I look into his eyes, because I want to know whether he is telling the truth. "And if I wanted you to be my first?" I ask.

"I still wouldn't sleep with you, because I don't want anything steady and I don't sleep with virgins," he explains, his eyes holding my gaze.

The answer doesn't satisfy me at all. "That means you don't really think I'm that hot, or else you would want to sleep with me," I venture.

"Camille, you're the first woman in a very long time who genuinely interests me, but I am just not the right one for a relationship. I don't do relationships. Plus, you don't even like me."

"I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't like you. Or rather, I wouldn't have let you kiss me."

"You do know a guy could get whiplash when he's faced with your mood swings, don't you?" he asks with a grin.

"Possibly," I smile.

"Still, I'm not the man for you. We can be friends, and I'd like that, but that's all there is to it," he finally states.

"I never wanted more than friendship, because I know you only want to have a good time, while I am looking for a relationship," I sum up and lie on my side as well.

"Then we ought to find a nice man for you, right?"

"Oh, please don't. I prefer to find him myself … or let him find me ... There is no way I would let you pick a boyfriend for me," I murmur and roll on my back.

"Alright." He scoots closer. "Even if you don't like me all that much ... It's nice talking to you. I truly enjoy it."

I smile up at the ceiling. "Why did you kiss me? It can't be my eyes alone."

"It was more what they told me," Delsin whispers.

"Well, what did they tell you? Don't make me ask you for every detail, that's irritating," I giggle.

"Your eyes give away what you really feel. And, apart from that kiss at the party, they have been telling me the same thing over and over again. Every time, they seemed to say:
Kiss me, Delsin
," he whispers.

I chortle. "I've never heard such starry-eyed bullshit before."

He laughs with me, but it comes out forced. "Yeah, I think I've never told anyone such bullshit before either."

I look at him. "You're not the bastard my girl friends keep telling me you are. At least not at the moment," I say softly after my laughter has subsided.

"I don't want to act like one with you. The day at the beach has shown me one thing: You are special, different from the girls I tend to sleep with. Don't look down on me now, but these girls can't measure up to you. Camille, you're pretty, you're clever, quick-witted and everything a man could ever wish for," he whispers hoarsely.

I turn on my side again to look at him. My eyes stare into the dark green pools of his. Tentatively, I scoot closer.

"What are you doing?" Delsin asks.

"Well. Avery always takes me into his arms when we talk. And my day was shitty enough to make me want to be in somebody's arms," I explain calmly.

"Oh." Delsin reaches out his arm and I snuggle up to him. He puts his arm around me and softly strokes my side. "How did you and Avery meet?"

"When I enrolled for my classes, we had a cupcake accident," I smile.

"A cupcake accident?" he repeats.

"Yes. I was leaving the building, concentrating on my phone screen as I was texting my mom. He was walking in the opposite direction, we literally ran into each other, and then his cupcake stuck to my cleavage," I tell him, remembering the incident with amusement. "To make up for the awkwardness, he invited me for a cup of coffee, we started to talk and immediately felt connected."

"Oh. That means you are
?" he asks, surprised.

I laugh. "Yes, that's what he called me in the beginning, until he changed it to
Sweetie Tweetie

"I see. I always thought you were a more recent friend of his, and it seemed strange that he would still call you his best friend."

"I told you we had an instant connection. Delsin, how old are you, if I may ask?"

"I'm twenty-three, and you?"

"Nineteen, almost twenty," I answer.

"When exactly?"

"During the break, when I won't be here."

I can feel his laughter vibrate in his chest. It tickles me a little, but I enjoy the sensation. He smells very nice, too. I think it's that Calvin Klein scent Avery uses as well.

"So when exactly?"

"July twenty-fourth. I told you it'll be during the summer break."

"You're from Texas, right?"

"Yeah, from Austin. Why?"

"My dad owns a house there. We could celebrate your birthday there," Delsin suggests. His hand moves higher and his thumb strokes my temple.

"You would come all the way to Austin for my sake?" I ask, perplexed.

"Yes, why not? We're friends, right?"

"I won't deny that, but the ticket is way too expensive, and I cannot afford to throw a party," I admit.

"Then it'll be just the two of us, and maybe you can show me what your life there is like," he says.

"I could do that. On one condition."

"And what would that be?" he asks.

"If you want to visit me, you're going to have to help out on our farm for a day," I smile.

"You want to see this body drenched in sweat?" he teases me.

My smile widens and then I laugh out loud. "You bet I do."

He joins in my laughter, until we both shake with it. In the end, we cry from laughing so hard and we moan loudly, because our bellies hurt.

"They're probably thinking we're having sex right now," Delsin gasps.

That makes me break out into laughter all over again.

"Cami, you're alright in there?"

Delsin and I sit up straight, look at the door and guffaw like we're crazy. "Yes, yes, I'm fine," I call out breathlessly.

"They're really going at it in there," I hear Thalia say.

"No, we’re not," Delsin calls. "Come in and see for yourselves."

The door to my room is opened, and I fall back on the bed when I see the dumbfounded expressions of my friends.

"We heard your moans!" Hailey says accusingly.

"Because we were laughing so hard," Delsin explains, still sounding breathless.

"That was no moan from laughing, that was a moan of pleasure," they both decide, almost in unison again, which only makes me howl with laughter again.

"Oh god, you're killing me," I gasp, because my stomach really hurts now. I cannot seem to stop.

Delsin tries to explain it all calmly: "I think it would be hard to have sex fully clothed, and as you can see, Camille and I are still wearing all our clothes. We were fooling around, but there certainly was no sex involved. Not even close. Anyway, I should leave now. We're all going to have to get up early tomorrow." He gets up and stretches.

I look at my friends and, with a shooing motion, indicate they should leave the room. They nod, still not completely convinced.

"Bye, Delsin," they say.

"Bye, ladies."

Hailey and Thalia leave my room, but I can hear them in the hallway, wondering whether we could have gotten dressed so quickly, and deciding they're going to grill me later.

Delsin looks at me. "Will I see you at lunch tomorrow? The cafeteria?" he wants to know.

"Nope. I prefer to sit outside to eat my sandwich. Fresh air and all."

"Okay. I guess we're going to cross paths anyway, or else I'll find you under your palm tree." He winks at me.

"Tree, palm tree, where's the difference?" I giggle.

"Good point. See you tomorrow, Camille." He walks to the door.

"Delsin, wait."

He turns to face me again. "What is it?"

I stand. "I'll see you to your car. That is the least I can do after you gave me dinner, a hug and a lot of laughter." I slip into my house slippers and join him at the door.

"You don't have to walk me out."

"But I want to," I say and we walk out.

Delsin follows me. Downstairs, he stands next to me. "How tall are you, Camille?"

"5.5. And you?"

"6.3," he says. "And when you wear shoes?"

"In heels, I'm around 5.10."

"How do you women manage to not break your necks when you walk in those things?" he asks, perplexed.

"It's a matter of practice. I wear them since I was sixteen. When I am not working at my mom's farm, that is."

"I'd really like to visit you in Austin," he says softly.

"In the summer break, Delsin."

We walk to his car, where he lights a cigarette and looks down at me. "Why do you look at me like that?"

"Like what?" I say, irritation immediately mounting again.


I shake my head, smile and look away. "That isn't true."

"Yes, it is. Your eyes always give you away, Camille."

"I'm just wondering when you're going to turn again into the moron I want to strangle," I whisper.

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