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Authors: Eve Vaughn

Tags: #Romance

Run (18 page)

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Aya balled her fist at her side, trying to remain cool in the face of the woman’s obvious disdain. It was on the tip of her tongue to tell Susan to fuck off but she stopped herself. Why would she give the woman the satisfaction of making a scene and why did she care what some stranger thought of her? It couldn’t be because she was actually jealous. Over Dare? It just wasn’t possible.

“I’m a busy man, Susan. And as you can see, I have no need of you as an escort.”

Susan pouted and ran her fingertip along his arm. “But surely you can see, I’m not one of your stuffy business contacts. I thought we were a lot more. We always have so much fun.”

Aya noticed the muscle flex in Dare’s jaw. That mostly happened when he was annoyed about something.

“Susan, just because you sucked my dick a few times doesn’t mean that I owe you anything beyond a ‘nice job’. Now, if you’ll excuse us. I see some people I’d rather be talking to. Give my regards to your father. I hear things are going to be rough for him in the following weeks.”

Susan released Dare’s arms as if she had been scorched. She looked like someone had punched her in the stomach. Aya might have felt sorry for the woman had she not been so rude. Dare led her away from Susan but they barely made it a few feet before another woman pounced on them. This time it was a blonde. “Dare! It’s so great to see you here. There’s been a lot of speculation on whether or not you would show up, since you didn’t come to last year’s gala. I’m so glad I ran into you. Geren and I would love to have you over for dinner one night,” she gushed like they were old friends.

“Hello, Maxine. You’d have to get in contact with my man of business to see if I can fit you into my schedule.”

“Well, of course.” She smiled and then turned her attention to Aya. She hesitated for a moment. “Who is your lovely date? I don’t believe we’ve met. That’s a Ballentine, isn’t it?” The blonde held out her hand as if she expected Aya to take it.

Aya’s heart began to race. It was the woman from La Boehme, the one who had her arrested. She was the one who had started this sequence of unfortunate events in her life. Anger coursed through her veins as she remembered how Maxine had tripped her just for the sake of laughs, costing her the hard earned credits she needed to purchase her uncle’s gift and even worse her freedom.

Aya glared at the hand and back up to Maxine. She wasn’t willing to bite her tongue this time, not for this bitch. “No, we haven’t formally met. I would like to think that you wouldn’t do to the people you know, what you did to me.”

Maxine glanced at Dare with uncertainty and back to Aya. She laughed. “Are you joking? What are you talking about?”

“Of course, you don’t remember what you did because it was nothing to you. You see a homeless person on the street and call the enforcers because you don’t want them loitering on the street when you walk by because stars forbid, you might accidentally touch one. And you’d do this without giving a thought to what happens to that person or how they got there in the first place. You will dine on your fancy food and expensive alcohol and laugh at how you had some Dreg taken away while he’s fighting for his life in prison.”

Aya felt Dare dig into her arm but she wouldn’t be silenced. “You might see a girl come into a shop that you frequent but you don’t think she belongs there because her clothes are old and don’t have a designer label. She doesn’t have millions of credits of cosmetic surgery done on her to make her look like a plastic monster. So instead of minding your own business, you decide you want to put her in her place. When the girl fights back, you summon the enforcers to take her away and it doesn’t occur to you, she’s worked very hard to save up for a present for a very special person in her life. You’ll have a spa treatment later that day and have a laugh that the Dreg had it coming because she had no business being there. So no,
I’m not joking.”

By the time Aya had finished her tirade, recognition dawned on Maxine’s face. The blonde’s mouth fell open. “Well I…I’m sure you must have mistaken me for someone else.” Maxine glanced to Dare who remained thankfully silently. “I’ll check with your assistant so we can set up that dinner.” She scurried off as quickly as she appeared.

Aya had imagined running into that bitch again but she didn’t expect Maxine to run away like a coward or refuse to acknowledge what she did. Coward.

“Do you feel better after that little outburst?” Dare’s words were spoken softly so it was hard to tell what he was thinking.

“When you brought me here tonight, you didn’t say I had to play nice with your friends.”

“These people aren’t my friends and I don’t give a damn what any of them think.” As a server walked by, he took a glass of champagne from the tray and gave it to Aya. “Here. You need this.” Aya was surprised with how her encounter with Maxine didn’t seem to faze him.

She took it but didn’t drink. “I’m not much of a drinker.”

He raised a brow. “No? You worked in a bar and didn’t drink?”

“I didn’t say I never drank. I’m just not a fan of it.”

“Maybe because you haven’t had the good stuff. Have a taste.”

Aya took a sip and then another. It was amazing. “Mmm. It’s good.” Aya swallowed a mouthful and then giggled at the way the bubbles tickled her nose. Before she realized it, the glass was gone. She stole a guilty glance at Dare and widened her eyes when she noticed him smiling. It wasn’t a smirk or the cruel twist of his lips that she was used to seeing but a genuine smile. There was no doubt that that Dare was an attractive man, but the smile had transformed him into something so beautiful, she couldn’t believe he was actually real.

“Take it easy with that. Though the taste is pleasant, it can easily go to your head. Care to dance?”

Who was this stranger and what had he done with her tormentor? Feeling suddenly shy under his lustful glance, warmth heated her cheeks to a blush. “I’ve never really danced before.”

“Just follow my lead.” He took the glass away from her and held it out. It was immediately taken by a watchful waiter who disappeared just as quickly as he appeared.

As Dare led her to the dance floor, the crowd parted, some whispered to each other and pointed while others just stared. Dare didn’t seem to notice, however, as his green gaze was focused on her. Aya trembled with nerves unsure of why she felt a fluttering in the pit of her stomach.

Once they found a spot she assumed Dare was satisfied with, he pulled her body against his, splaying his large hand over her back. He clasped her other hand in his and slowly moved to the rhythm of the seductive sounds of the band. Aya looked down at the floor, nervous she’d step on his feet.

“Look at me, Aya. You’re doing great.”

She couldn’t stop the smile turning her lips. “You’re good at this. Did you have to take dance lessons as a child?”

Dare chuckled. “No. Actually, dance lessons weren’t something on my approved list of activities.”

“Oh? Then how did you learn.”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“Try me.”

“A couple servants taught me. I was about ten. I was walking past the staffs’ quarters and I heard this lively music. Of course like any child, I was curious to see what was happening. A handful of the staff was dancing. They were having a party and I was fascinated. They seemed so full of joy as they moved. They weren’t the dour servants I was used to seeing. So I went in to the room and they all stopped. I told them to continue, so they did. There was one particular pair who was really good. I asked them to teach me their moves. I’d sneak away from my tutors whenever I’d get a chance, and dance.”

Seeing this side of Dare, made Aya realize there was more to him than she realized. There were hidden facets about him, parts that she actually liked. And that in itself was disconcerting. Aya didn’t want her pulse to race this way or her body to ache with need for his touch. She didn’t want her lips to miss his and she especially didn’t want to care. She wanted to blame it on the champagne she’d consumed but knew that wasn’t it.

Quickly she changed the subject, certain they were headed for dangerous territory. She glanced away nervously. “Uh, this is some event.”

He released her hand and cupped her face. “Aya…” Dare slowly lowered his lips. Aya could only watch the slow descent as she was hypnotized by the tender look in his eyes.

Chapter Fifteen


Dare’s lips barely skimmed Aya’s when the heavy clasp of a hand fell on his shoulder. “Dare, I’ve been looking all over for you.”

Foster seemed to have a knack for interrupting him at the most inopportune times. With a frustrated grunt, he pulled away from Aya. “Well, you’ve found me. Is there any reason why you’re interrupting me?”

“I just wanted to come over to make sure that my friend is here and not some imposter.”

Dare tapped his foot on the floor impatiently. “Exactly what is that supposed to mean?”

“You know word spreads fast amongst this group. There’s a rumor going around that your lovely date sent Maxine Walters running off in tears. I thought I’d come over and introduce myself to the woman who did what so many people have been dying to do for years.” Foster turned his attention to Aya and Dare pulled her within the crook of his arm to keep his friend away.

Foster raised a brow. “What? I’m not allowed to speak to her?” He held out his hand to Aya which she took to Dare’s annoyance. The handshake lasted seconds longer than Dare thought was necessary. “Name’s Foster. Believe it or not, this guy is my friend. I’m probably his only friend, actually.”

Aya smiled. “Then you deserve a medal. He’s not exactly the easiest person to get along with.”

“You’re not kidding. I don’t know if you remember me but we’ve run into each other before.”

“Yes. I remember seeing you at The Run.”

Foster scratched the back of his head like he did whenever he was embarrassed. “Well, uh, yeah, that wasn’t what I was referring to, although I did notice you. But then again, it was hard not to.”

“Oh? Where did we meet?”

“I was there when Maxine pulled that stunt. I wish I could have done more for you that day.”

“Oh yeah, I remember now. You spoke up for me. That was nice of you.”

“It didn’t do you much good. But, I’m glad someone finally told Maxine that she doesn’t shit fire jewels. No one really likes her, but they put up with her because her husband is a senator.”

Dare could only watch the exchange between Aya and Foster while he fought hard to reign in his temper. He nearly lost it when Foster turned to him with a calculating grin. “Dare, you wouldn’t mind if I steal your lovely date for a dance, do you? Of course, you don’t. Come on, Aya, let me show you how it’s really done.” Foster grabbed Aya’s wrist and pulled her out of Dare’s grip.

Dare wanted to yank her back and kick Foster’s ass, but he just managed to stop himself from doing just that. He watched Foster whirl Aya around and she laughed, not the little giggle like earlier but a full out laugh. A vein throbbed in his forehead as his so called friend dipped Aya and made a pure spectacle. What was worse, Aya seemed to enjoy every second of it.

Foster had always been a prankster and knew exactly when he was pushing Dare’s buttons, like now. But unlike the other times throughout their lives when Dare would simply ignore his friend’s antics, this was something he couldn’t simply shrug off. Aya’s smiles and laughs belonged exclusively to him.

Dare normally despised these types of events because they were full of idiotic people who were a waste of his time. The only reason he’d attended this function was because the Sapphire Ball was run by one of his many companies and like with all his investments, he wanted to make sure it stayed profitable. This year was just as over the top as the previous years before, but everyone seemed to eat it up. He’d skipped the year prior because he couldn’t muster the patience to make polite conversation with anyone.

This year, however, was different. He had Aya and all he could think about was how she would look in that jade dress. He could have very easily asked her to model it for him within the privacy of his home but a dress like that needed to be on display in its proper setting, among people where women would envy the wearer and men would lust after her. But ultimately, everyone in the room would know she belonged to him.

Dare wasn’t certain why he’d shared that story about how he learned to dance. Had she probed any further, she would have learned that when his father had found out about it, he’d not only had the entire staff fired, Dare received another lesson about weakness.

Dare shut his eyes and quickly looked away as his father kicked the smaller man in the ribs. He winced when he heard a loud crack. “The next time you look away, Alasdair, you will get exactly what he’s getting two fold,” Aedan O’Shaughnessy roared at his son.

Dare turned his head back to the scene in front of him and forced himself to open his eyes. Larys lay on the ground, his face bloodied and bruised. Both eyes were swollen shut and the only indication that the man, who was now their former groundskeeper, was alive was the whimpers of pain from his cracked lips.

His father bent over the battered man, “If I ever see you in this town again, I’ll have you killed.” To punctuate that threat, he slammed his fist into the man’s face. There was another crack. “Now, get the fuck out of here.”

Dare nearly lost the contents of his stomach. He didn’t know how the man managed it, but he crawled out the room, moaning the entire way.

He had been so sure his father wouldn’t find out about his dancing with the staff. He had figured out how to hack the house system and play certain footage in a continuous loop so he wouldn’t appear on the camera. But, he should have known his father would find out.

Larys had apparently gotten nervous about the other servants’ interaction with Dare so he had run to Dare’s father with the information. Dare had been summoned to his father’s office in their mansion where he watched every servant in the house lined up along the estate lawn where they were all abruptly dismissed from service. Larys, however, was invited to his father’s study for a special reward. It was where Dare had been forced to watch the brutal beating. The other man didn’t see it coming. The more he begged for mercy, the more aggressive the attack.

Once Larys was out of the room, Aedan walked over to his son. He placed a hand on Dare’s shoulder. Dare flinched, frightened that he was next. His father glared down at him. “Do you understand why that happened?”

Unsure what the right answer was, he remained silent.

His father continued. “Because he was greedy and weak. Do you think he came to me about what you did out of some sense of loyalty? Of course, he didn’t. He came to me because he believed he’d be rewarded. He thought he could gain favor just because he gave me information I already knew. Oh, yes, I knew. You may think you’re smart. That little trick you pulled with the cameras threw me for a couple days but I eventually figured it out.”

If his father knew about it, why did he wait?

Seeming to have read his son’s mind, he stated, “I’m sure you’re wondering why I’m only acting on your transgression now.” He smiled cruelly. I wanted to know how long you’d carry on with your bit of foolishness. I counted every single day you lowered yourself to be around those people and for every day, I devised a punishment. I counted twenty-three days. I assure you, these punishments will be ones you won’t soon forget.”

Dare gulped, shaking with fear at what those punishments might be. There were only a few times when his father had hit him, but each time had been brutal and required medical attention. But, it wasn’t the fear that he would be hit that worried Dare because the physical discipline he could handle. It was the alternative punishment he hated the most. For his last punishment, he’d been locked in a sensory deprivation room for three days. By the time he’d left the room, Dare was hearing voices and banging his head against the wall. His father had said it was a lesson in tenacity.

And that was all because he’d asked the forbidden question about the whereabouts of his mother. He couldn’t imagine what his father had in store for him this time.

Aeden glared down at his son. “Look at you, shaking. Have a little pride, Alasdair. I haven’t even told you what your penance would be, yet. I knew you were weak from the moment you were born. You’re weak like your mother and you’re no better than a Dreg. If you weren’t my son, I would be done with you, but I will make you a man, yet, Alasdair. In this world, only the strong rise to the top. We take because we can. And, we never feel sorry about it. I’m going to take something from you. And each day, I’ll take another thing. Twenty-three days. Maybe then, you’ll stop being so damn weak. Now, get out of my sight.”

Dare hurried out the room without a backward glance. And as his father had promised, the next twenty-three days of his young life were a testament to the strength of his sanity. Dare vowed, then, he would never allow anyone to take anything from him ever again.

Rage flowed through him as Aya started to smile at something Foster said to her. Her smile turned into a full laugh. Foster whirled Aya around and then dipped her making a complete spectacle of the two of them. Dare balled his fists at his sides, as Aya clung to the other man. She said something to him, they seemed to converse so easily as they moved to the music.

Dare was fully aware that his friend had a reputation with women. Having known him for a long time, Dare was aware of Foster’s tricks. And to see him use them on Aya angered him to the point he could barely see straight. When Foster leaned over his lips less than inch away from Aya’s, this was the breaking point for Dare.

The strong take what they want.

Something within him snapped. He pushed his way through the crowd and forcefully pulled Aya away from Foster. “Hey, Dare, what—”

Foster didn’t finish the rest of his sentence before Dare slammed his fist into Foster’s face. Foster went crashing to the ground and a hush rippled through the crowd like a wave. Dare was unconcerned about the hundreds of eyes trained in his direction, nor did he care that his now former friend was spitting blood on the floor. He grabbed Aya’s arm and pulled her along with him.

He needed her to know who the fuck she belonged to and he wasn’t going to wait to get home to teach her that lesson.

Dare didn’t care that she practically ran in order for her shorter legs to match his strides. He’d drag her if he needed to. Wisely, the now bemused party goers gave him wide berth as he made his way through the crowd with his property.

He didn’t stop until he came to a set of elevators and punched in a code. There were suites on the upper level for guests who decided to stay over. He owned one of them, but he’d only used it a couple times since he’d purchased it.

When they were in the elevator, Aya yanked at her arm. “Why did you do that? I thought that he was your friend.”

That she would defend Foster made Dare want to choke the shit out of her. His only response was to tighten his grip on her arm.

“You’re cutting off the circulation from my arm. Let go.”

Dare kept his gaze forward but maintained his hold.

“I don’t understand why you did that? Everyone probably thinks you’re crazy.”

He looked down her. “Don’t ever fucking say that again.”

She opened her mouth to respond, but the elevator came to a halt and the door opened. Dare yanked her out and pulled her along with him. When he came to his door, he pressed his palm against the handprint recognition lock. As soon as the door slid open, he pushed Aya inside.

“Dare why are you acting this way?”

For his answer, he grabbed her by the forearms and slammed her against the door. He smashed his lips against hers.

Aya’s lips were pressed tightly shut, which further incensed him. He pulled away slightly. “Open your mouth for me.”

To his surprise, Aya glared up at him. “Why the hell should I? For once, you treat me like a human being and then you become some psycho when I’m actually having a good time.”

“I can treat you however I want, because I own you. You are mine. Every single inch of you and don’t you ever forget it.”

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