Read Salene's Secrets Online

Authors: Laura Jo Phillips

Salene's Secrets (42 page)

BOOK: Salene's Secrets
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“How would you like to have Kar’s cock in your mouth?” Talus asked.  Her eyes closed without her permission as she shivered again.

“She’d like that a great deal,” Jon said.

Talus gave her nipple a slow hard pinch.  “How would you like it if Kar shoved his cock all the way into your tight little throat?” Talus asked, his voice deepening so that she would have almost sworn she could feel it brushing her skin.  He reached up and stroked her throat lightly with one finger.  “His cock would stretch your throat so much that we’d be able to see the outline of it as he shoved himself in deep.  So deep that you’d have to wait till he pulled out before you could even breathe.”  Salene moaned, her body shifting restlessly.  Talus went back to teasing her nipple.

“She wants that so much she’s clenching on my fingers like she’s gonna come,” Jon said. 

“That’s good,” Kar said.  “I can hardly wait to see her with a cock in her throat.”

“Me neither,” Talus agreed.  “How would you like to feel a cock buried deep in your ass?”

“She’s a little uncertain on that one,” Jon reported. 

“I guess we’ll have to teach her to like it,” Talus said.  “That’ll certainly be fun.”  Salene looked into Talus’s eyes and gasped to see them almost black with desire.  He smiled at her, that new smile that she was just beginning to understand.

“I think we should spank her ass until she begs us to fuck it instead,” Jon suggested.  Then he grinned.  “She likes that idea, too.”

“Since it’s our duty to see to her happiness in all things, I suppose we’ll have to do that,” Kar said, pinching her nipple again before bending down to suck it into his mouth.

“The first chance we get, we’re going to remove all the hair from your pussy,” Talus said.  “Permanently.  It’ll be so soft and smooth, and so sensitive you’ll feel every tiny little whisper of air that touches it.  We have all sorts of rings back home that we made just for you.  Some are smaller, some thicker, some weighted with jewels, and some have little dangling charms that will brush your exposed clit when you move.  Once your pussy is bare and smooth, we’ll put a tight, weighted ring on your clit.  That’ll make it swell up more, and then stretch it so that it sticks out from between your pussy lips.  Then we can see it and touch it and spank it whenever we want.”

“She likes that,” Jon growled, and Talus’s smile widened.

“I think it’s safe to say that spanking is going to be a regular event for you from now on,” Talus said. 

“Would you like to do something really naughty, Salene?” Kar asked.  “Something that would force us to punish you?  We’d pull your pants down to your ankles and lay you over our laps and then spank your ass until it was hot and red and so sensitive you wouldn’t be able to wear panties again for a week.”

“I think she’d like us to spank her pussy,” Talus said tightly.  He lowered his mouth closer to her ear so she could feel the heat of his breath as he spoke.  “We’d spread your legs wide, then we’d take turns spanking your pussy until it’s swollen and red and hot and juicy.  Perfect for fucking.  Then we’d flip you over onto your hands and knees.  One of us will fuck your pussy, one your throat, and the other will spank your ass.  When we come, we’ll rotate so you’re being fucked at both ends and spanked all at the same time, over and over until we can’t come any more.  And, just so you know, we can each come five or six times without needing a rest.  Your poor little ass will be on fire by then, and you’ll be so full of come you’ll taste it for days.”

Salene was panting, her hips arching against Jon’s hand, almost mindless now with the need to come.  “She’s gushing, Talus,” Jon said.  “I think she’s going to come just from listening to you talk.”

“Wouldn’t that be something to see?” Talus asked, his voice a deep, hot growl.  He reached down to stroke her clit which was now swollen, red, and hard.  “Poor little clit, so sensitive and unprotected.  Whatever we do to it, you’re going to feel it much more strongly than you can even imagine.  For example, if we decide to pinch your clit, the pain and the pleasure are going to be intense.”

As soon as Talus finished speaking he pinched her clit hard and held it for a couple of seconds.  Salene shuddered and groaned, sure she would have exploded in orgasm if he’d held on for just another second.  She was panting so hard that her throat was raw from it, but she barely noticed. 

“When we spank that sweet, dripping little pussy, don’t think for a moment that your clit will escape punishment,” Talus continued, his voice growing rougher by the moment.  “It’s going to get spanked just as hard.”

“Oh, she liked the sound of that a lot,” Jon said with hoarse approval. 

“Then reward her, Brother,” Talus said, watching Salene’s face as her eyes widened in surprise.  Jon complied with Talus’s request and delivered a firm slap to her pussy, tapping her clit with the tips of his fingers.  It wasn’t nearly hard enough to hurt, but it stung just enough to cause her entire body to shudder and strain in need.

“She’s going to come if I do that again,” Jon said, and her eyes flew open at the sensation of his hot breath against her unprotected clit.  “She’s so sensitive, Talus.  And wait until you taste her.”

“That’s good to know,” Talus said.  “From now on, Salene,
time you do something naughty, or if you’re careless with your safety or if you scare us, you can expect a good hard spanking as a result.  Just for starters.”

Salene’s head went back as an orgasm ripped through her that was so hard and so strong that for a moment she thought she was going to pass out.  Then she felt Jon pushing his cock into her in one long, deep stroke and she came again before the first orgasm had subsided.  He withdrew, then slammed into her again and again, his pubic bone hitting her swollen, pulsing clit with every thrust, preventing her orgasm from subsiding.  Jon roared, shoved himself deep and filled her with come that felt like it came from his toes in a hot, liquid rush.  The moment his hot seed splashed against her cervix she came again. 

She barely had time to catch her breath before Talus was inside of her, fucking her as hard and fast as he could.  He was so excited by the sudden and unexpected culmination of every fantasy he’d ever had, so close to the edge by Salene’s responses, that he knew he wasn’t going to last.  His balls drew up tightly but there was no way he was going to come without taking Salene with him so he reached down and pinched her clit sharply.

Bright white lights went off behind Salene’s eyes.  Then her mouth opened in a silent scream as her muscles tightened and her body arched.  Then wave after wave of pleasure raced through her so fast that she could do nothing more than relax and let it happen.  When she opened her eyes again it was to see Kar above her, an expression on his face that she didn’t understand. 

“I think this might be pushing things, Talus,” he said, looking into her eyes.  “I don’t want her to be sore.”

Salene felt Talus’s hands stroking her right hip while Jon nibbled gently on her ear from the other side.  She shivered, loving the way they touched her, the sound of their voices hot and rough, their breathing harsh, their bodies naked and as sweaty as her own.  Then she looked back up at Kar and smiled.

“She needs all three of us to come inside of her Kar,” Talus said.  “Especially now, after we ramped her arousal up so high.  If you don’t do this, she’s going to be miserable.”

“I need you, Kar,” she whispered.  “Please.” 

“Of course, dearest,” he said, then entered her in a long, slow glide that stretched and filled her.  She gasped as her arousal sharpened despite the trembling of her limbs from the force of the orgasms she’d already had.  It was a physiological need common to Clan Jasani females, she knew that, but knowing it didn’t ease the desperate need that seemed to grow with every breath she took.  Suddenly she needed Kar more than she’d ever needed anything in her life, so much that tears pooled in her eyes and spilled down the sides of her face.

“Help me,” Kar rasped as he pumped into her hard and fast.  She felt Jon and Talus each grasp one thigh and pull her legs wider apart.  Kar stopped, adjusted his position, grasped her hips and lifted her ass from the blanket, then tilted her so that each thrust forced his hot, hard cock to stroke directly against her clit with every thrust.  Her eyes widened in shock at pleasure so sharp it bordered on pain, each thrust ending with his cock slamming into her cervix.  Talus and Jon sucked her swollen nipples into their hot mouths and Kar came hard and deep inside of her, setting her off one last time. 

When her orgasm released her, every muscle in her body went lax and darkness crept in as she fell back to the blanket, unable to summon either the energy or the will to do so much as raise her eyelids.  Sometime later she opened her eyes and saw them sitting around her, still as naked as she was except that she had a light blanket over her.  “You washed me,” she said, her voice a little hoarse.

“Yes, of course,” Talus said, moving so that he was beside her.  “It’s our right and our privilege to care for our woman.”

“Thank you,” she whispered.  Then she looked into their eyes and for a long moment she couldn’t even breathe. 

“What’s the matter?” Talus asked, tensing worriedly when he saw the tears start to pour down her cheeks.  Unable to speak, she could only shake her head.  Talus scooped her up, arranging her across his lap again so that Jon and Kar could move close.

“Tell us,
why are you crying?” he asked.  “Did we hurt you?”  She shook her head quickly, not wanting them to think that for a moment.  “What is it then?”

“It’s stupid,” she said, wiping the tears that continued to flow despite her efforts to stop them.

“Tell us anyway.”

“It’s just that, the way you all looked at me just now, like you want me.  It’s what I was talking about before.  You’ve never looked at me that way before.”

“We’ve always wanted you,” Talus said.  “The only difference is that now we aren’t trying to hide our true feelings.”

“I understand why you hid being dominant since I did the same thing for the same reasons.  But why did you hide wanting me?”

“We didn’t mean to,” Jon said.  “It’s damn near impossible to hide from one’s Arima.  It’s easier, but still very difficult to hide from one’s
.  We just over did it.”

“We’re sorry, Salene,” Talus said.  “More sorry than we know how to say.”

“You don’t need to say more than that,” she said.  “I understand now.  I really do.  But, if there’s something more you want, will you please tell me?”

“What we just did, the four of us, together, was hotter than any fantasy I’ve ever had and that’s saying something,” Talus said.  “But yes,
, we’ll tell you if there’s anything we want.  That’s a promise.”

“Thank you,” she said.  “I promise, too.”

“All of a sudden I’m looking forward to a very exciting sex life,” Jon said with a grin.  “It’s a nice change.”

“Yes, it certainly is,” Talus agreed while both Salene and Kar nodded emphatically.

Salene looked up at Talus.  “Can I ask something?”

“Sure.  You can ask anything.”

“Did you mean all of that stuff you said a while ago?

Talus frowned.  “What stuff?”

“About the spankings and…the other things you said,” she said, blushing hotly.  Talus smiled at her blush and leaned down to kiss her gently.

“Yes, and no,” he said.  She frowned.  “Fantasy can be an extremely effective turn on, as we all just experienced, but some things are better when imagined than they are in reality.”

“Such as?”

“Spanking you the way Kar and I described would not be pleasurable to you no matter how hot you got from hearing us talk about it,” he said.  “Yes, erotic spankings are arousing and they’re absolutely on the menu, but not to that degree.  Oral sex and anal sex are also in your future but that’s a normal part of sex for
as you know.”  Salene nodded. 

“We really did get a good idea of what excites you, and we’re equally excited to know that you’re desires are the same as our own.  For example, you like a bit of pain with your pleasure, and you’re aroused by the idea of being sexually punished which excites us beyond measure, and we will do exactly as I said if you ever let yourself get hurt.  But we’ll never do anything to harm you, Salene.  We might push you to the edge sometimes, and ourselves as well, but there’s a solid line that we’ll never cross.  Do you understand what I mean?” 

“Yes, I do, perfectly,” she said, smiling up at him.  “Just so you know, I never doubted for a single moment that you’d cause me harm or go too far.”

“Thank you for that,” Kar said. 

“Yes, thank you,” Jon agreed.  “Your trust is precious to us, love, and we’ll never abuse it.”

“I love you,” Talus said, leaning down to kiss her softly.  “I wish more than anything that we could spend the whole night making up for lost time, but I’m afraid that tomorrow is going to be a long day, and you need to sleep.”

“I know, I wish we could too, but I am tired.”

“Don’t worry, dearest,” Kar said, getting up to gather her clothes.  “This was just the beginning.  There’s lots more to come.”

“I’m counting on it,” Salene said with a grin as she reached up to accept the clothing Kar was holding out to her.  She noticed that he was staring at her arm and looked down, spotting the long burn scar that cut across her shoulder.  She immediately pulled her arm back , then crossed them over her chest and started to draw her knees up, but Talus placed one palm against her stomach and bent over to look directly into her eyes.

BOOK: Salene's Secrets
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