Sandy's Story (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 3) (18 page)

BOOK: Sandy's Story (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 3)
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Luc threw his head back and laughed. “You certainly do.” There was something about this human he couldn’t wrap his head around. Usually, all humans revolted him. This human had a feisty spirit, and she made him laugh. Sandy would be furious when she figured out about the memory cleanse. He couldn’t wait. Luc reached for her hand, and she took it. He chuckled to himself. Luc liked Sandy all hot and bothered. Not like some giddy schoolgirl.

Luc and Dee walked through the caverns, and she looked up at him with a curious expression on her face. “It must’ve cost a fortune to run electricity down here, but the different colored lights reflecting off the stalactites are phenomenal.”

He leaned next to her ear and said, “What if I told you it was magic lighting the caverns? Would you believe me?”

“Aw, you’re trying to pull my leg.” She giggled and followed the natural stone steps down to the pool. He watched her as she descended to dip her toes in the water. “The water is warm. Is it deep enough to jump in?”

Luc waved his hand and said, “Jump away.”

Dee submerged herself into the clear blue water. Luc watched as she rose to the top and broke the water’s surface. “Wow, it’s very deep. I couldn’t touch the bottom.” She swam over to the edge and placed her chin on top of her hands. “Aren’t you getting in?”

Luc began to undress, and Dee screamed, “Aren’t you going to get your suit?”

“No, darling, I prefer to skinny dip.” Luc dropped his jeans, and Dee turned her head. He entered the pool and swam to her and turned her to face him. The blood rushed into Dee’s cheeks.

Dee playfully splashed water on him. “Keep your distance, mister.”

Luc shook his head in disbelief. He looked up to the cave’s ceiling and then said, “I can’t take another minute of this bullshit. The school-aged kid routine doesn’t do a thing for me.” He snapped his fingers and said, “Daireann, wake up.”

* * *

Sandy nervously glanced about the cave’s chamber. She slowly backed against the stone wall of the pool. She gritted her teeth and shouted, “How in the hell did you get me into the pool and who put this swimming suit on me?”

Luc chuckled and treaded water, inching closer to Sandy. “Now that’s more like it. Caiojezeal must have a thing for little girls. I told him to give you a memory wipe, not make you a kid. I’ll talk to him. Music, cocktails?” Soft jazz bounced off the walls, and a frozen margarita materialized in Sandy’s hand.

Sandy pushed herself up on the stone ledge to climb out of the pool. But Luc flipped her around to face him using his powers, not his hands. “I’m not through playing with you in the pool.”

A lithe female demon angel sauntered into the pool room. Her bronze skin shimmered in the reflective light. Her short black hair was slicked back behind her pointy ears. Her
eyes were a deep azure. She reached down and took the drink Sandy had discarded. Something about the female reminded Sandy of a magical fairy in the storybooks. She ran her fingers through Sandy’s hair with care. “What’s she doing here? I didn’t think you were into humans.”

On the opposite side of the pool from Sandy, Luc sat on the stone ledge, kicking his feet back and forth in the water. “I’ve never been into humans. But there’s something about this female that intrigues me. Are you jealous, Sazae?”

Sazae stripped off her clothes and dove into the pool. She swam over to Luc and ran her hand between his legs. “No, I don’t have to be jealous. The human female hates you.”

“Hate is such a lovely word.” Luc turned to Sandy and asked, “Please, tell me you hate me, and we’ll be moving in the right direction, love.”

Sandy’s lips thinned over her teeth, and she clenched her jaw. “I despise you.”

Luc clapped his hands. “Oh, happy day.” He grabbed Sazae and crushed her with a kiss. “Sandy, watch. I want you to see what you’re missing. But, most important of all, I want to smell your arousal when I take Sazae.” He jumped into the pool and entered the female demon angel, and Saze arched her back in response while emitting moans of pleasure. He shouted to Sandy, “I said look, human.”

Sandy went wild with fear when Luc made Sazae appear in Sandy’s image. Luc crooned, “See yourself as I enjoy the ride.” He grabbed Sazae, who looked like Sandy, by the head of her hair and pushed her under the water.

Sandy retched onto the stone floor.

He laughed and said, “Do you taste me in your mouth?”

Caiojezeal entered the pool room and saw Sandy giving Luc underwater oral and frowned. He glanced across the pool, and another Sandy was throwing up on the stone floor. Caiojezeal swiftly reached down and lifted the real Sandy into his arms. He glared at Luc and hissed, “You are one sick bastard.”

“Yeah, well, what’s new? Into kiddies, CJ? What’s up turning my Sandy into a little girl? Just leave her with the memory of me in the pool. I want the image burned into her brain. Erase everything else.”

Sazae emerged from the water. Luc had returned her appearance. “What’s wrong with her?”

Caiojezeal gritted his teeth and replied, “Ask your husband.” Sandy glared at Luc before burrowing her face into Caiojezeal’s neck.

Luc threw a stream of greenish, glowing fire swirling around Sandy and Caiojezeal that bounced off the walls of the cavern as they walked away. Laughing, Luc yelled out, “You can run, Sandy, but you can’t hide.” Luc laughed again and yelled, “Hey, great idea, let’s play hide and seek later.”

Caiojezeal held Sandy in his arms as she shivered. “It’s okay. He was playing mind games with you. You must stay strong, or you’ll not last here. He didn’t touch you. He just made the illusion seem real. Look at me. Come on, look at me.”

Sandy lifted her head and cried, “Where’s Baldric? Why hasn’t he come for me? He’s supposed to protect me. That vile thing in the pool. I hate Luc. Help me, Caiojezeal. Please help me escape.”

Caiojezeal walked into her bedroom and sat her down in a chair next to the fireplace and draped a blanket over her shoulders. “You’re in shock. Your emotions will change from one minute to the next. Anger and then fear one minute, and then next you’ll be in denial, and the next after that, you’ll be overcome with anxiety.”

He crouched down next to her. “I know Baldric. He’ll come for you. Based on my experience with the AAF, they probably restrained him. The AAF needs him thinking clearly, not busting down the doors getting you killed. That’s what Luc wants. He’s deliberately using you to get to Baldric. Don’t help him do it.”

Sandy’s hands trembled as she held herself tightly. “I…I was abused as a child. What Luc just did to me in the pool, well, he abused my mind. I have to get out of here. Help me.”

Caiojezeal stood and placed his hands on the mantle. He stared into the fire. “I’m trying to find a way to assist you without going against a direct order. Under Luc’s authority, if I go against him, I’ll get thrown into the Eternal Blackness, and you’ll be alone.”

Caiojezeal knelt back in front of her and held onto her thighs. “Do what you must to survive, whatever you must. There are other prisoners in the caverns. Other wards like you. They’re doomed because Luc has lost interest. Once he possesses your power and the essence of your soul, you’ll no longer hold his favor. Play his game. Become an award-winning actress and just maybe, when the AAF infiltrates the compound, you’ll still be alive.”

Sandy closed her eyes and said, “I need to sleep if I’m to fight that wretched being. Make me sleep.”

Caiojezeal lifted Sandy from the chair and placed her on the bed. He put his hands over her eyes and Sandy slept.

* * *

Night fell quickly, and one by one the AAF angels, guardians, and wards retreated from Everglade Farms. All except the Legion left to protect the exterior boundaries of the farm. Baldric placed his hands on the doorframe as he stared up at the sliver of a moon and the twinkling stars. He waited for what seemed to be an eternity, and when the coast was clear, he ported to the edge of Nelson Doune Farms.

In the top of a hundred-year-old oak tree, Baldric watched and listened for any signs his position had tripped Luc’s sensors, but no alarms rang out, and no demon angels appeared. The outline of Luc’s Arrington Estate was impressive. The main house set on a hill with open lots in the front and back of the property. Any human could detect encroachment from all angles of the main house. A half dozen human guards stood atop the main roof with automatic weapons. Only two guards watched the outbuildings and barn. The enemies’ weakest flank. He made a mental note.

Baldric wasn’t scouting weak links tonight. He had to see if Sandy was here. He had to try to find her through their pairing cord of light. He settled himself in the sturdy branches and allowed his mind to travel out of his body and along the pairing chords of light.

Mental images flashed across his mind. Sandy had been brought in through the side door of the main house. He saw Caiojezeal carrying an unconscious Sandy in his arms. Baldric’s pairing scent flared. His scent became stronger the further he traveled along the cord. He centered his emotions so he wouldn’t set off an alarm among the demon angels stationed around the estate.

After a few minutes, Baldric relaxed and picked up the image of Sandy with Caiojezeal. He walked through the kitchen, past the main foyer, and down a long hallway to the back of the house. Caiojezeal pressed his hand on a hidden wall panel in what appeared to be the TV and entertainment room. A large television, movie projector, and pool table were in the dark hunter green room with dim lighting. The room had only one window with dark gold, and green drapes pulled together.

The hidden panel opened the wall to manmade stairs. As Caiojezeal descended with Sandy, Baldric noticed what looked like compassion in Caiojezeal’s eyes.
Aw, hell, the poor son of a bitch.
Baldric had seen the same look on enough men to last a lifetime. Caiojezeal was hooked. That could work in the AAF’s favor. Turn the demon to the cause, offer leniency, and maybe Caiojezeal would help with the escape plan.

On the second landing, Caiojezeal placed his hand on a rock wall that barely opened wide enough for one person, much less two. Caiojezeal turned sideways and continued down the natural stone steps, and the chamber opened up to reveal the caverns. Magic spells lit the vast underground caverns. Except for the stalactites, the underground caverns resembled a stone palace from antiquity. Baldric’s pairing cord took him deep inside Luc’s lair.

Caiojezeal entered a room with Sandy, and she awoke. She looked confused, and it didn’t take a rocket scientist to know Sandy had undergone a memory cleanse. Baldric listened and watched Caiojezeal turn the dark stone room into a chalet in the mountains. Her bedroom made of stone transformed into an illusion of a rustic pine bed with brightly patterned quilts and soft pillows.

Baldric didn’t know if he wanted to kill Caiojezeal or hug the bastard. Sandy fell asleep, and Caiojezeal left the room. After what seemed like hours, The Dragon walked into Sandy’s chamber. Baldric ghosted to the door when Luc entered, and his chest tightened. Luc placed Sandy in the room next to his own.
Dear Lord, help me
. Luc woke an innocent Sandy, a little girl in a woman’s body, and took her to the cavern’s pool.

Baldric’s cord began to burn bright red as he watched the scene unfold with Sandy and the female demon angel. He had to get his wife out of here fast. Luc never slept with humans, but Baldric read his mind. Luc was thinking about having sex with Sandy. Baldric remembered Luc’s vow from a time in heaven, thousands of years ago. Luc’s words came back to haunt him.
I will lay with any female I choose, especially if she’s promised to you.

Thankfully, Caiojezeal rescued Sandy before Luc made good on his promise. Baldric listened as Caiojezeal pleaded with Sandy to do what she must to survive. Baldric had to get Sandy out of there before Luc took her. It would break their pairing and their bond, forever. Infidelity in any form wasn’t tolerated and would split a pairing whether the act was intentional or not. Luc knew the rules. He knew it would destroy Baldric if he slept with his pairing partner.

Caiojezeal left the room and planted his ass outside of Sandy’s door. Baldric only had a few minutes before his pairing scent raised alarms.

“Sandy. Wake up. It’s Baldric. Please, honey, wake up.” Baldric looked over his shoulder. He was in his ethereal form, but his scent was overpowering in the room.

Sandy sat up groggily in the bed and recognition lit her face. “Thank God, you came. I knew you would come for me.” She frowned and narrowed her eyes. “Why has it taken you so freaking long?”

“I’m sorry, honey. I didn’t know what happened. I had no communication with earth while I was in the command center or the throne room. Once I found out, I ran to you, and the AAF subdued me in a calming chair. Not pleasant, to tell you the truth. Listen to me. I don’t have long. I have to follow the AAF protocol because you aren’t the only captive down here. We’re coming for you and the others. I love you. I have to go before they catch me. I’ll be back. I promise.” Baldric leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips. Even in his ethereal form, he could feel her sweet, full lips.

Frantically, Sandy reached for him and cried, “Baldric, don’t leave me here. Please take me with you.”

“I risk your life and the others if I try to act alone. I promise I’ll be back soon, and that son of a bitch is going to pay for kidnapping you. I promise you, my Daireann.” Baldric dematerialized to the barn.

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