Satisfaction Guaranteed (24 page)

Read Satisfaction Guaranteed Online

Authors: Tuesday Morrigan

Tags: #Contemporary Multicultural

BOOK: Satisfaction Guaranteed
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“I know, sweetheart,” he whispered before thrusting back into her. She gasped

when his cock surged past the rhythmically clenching muscles of her sex to fill her.

Satisfaction Guaranteed


“Yes…just like that. Slow…and…deep.”

Rome punctured the last three words of Sela"s breathy statement with a

withdraw, thrust, and withdraw.

The sight of her smile of pleasure shone in the brightly lit room as she lifted

her hands to pull him closer. He lowered his head, allowing her arms to drape

around his neck. Rome found himself looking deep into her soulful brown eyes as he

loved her.

The closeness he felt as he thrust between her thighs doubled his pleasure.

“You feel so good,” he groaned as he surged into her sheath, sliding past tightly

clenching muscles, teasing her flesh with every stroke.

“Good,” she sighed in agreement as she wrapped her arms around his neck and

pulled him closer. “So good,” she purred.

Rome closed his eyes and loved Sela harder, pounding into her with all he had,

using the years of desire he had felt to power his actions.

Sela clawed at him, running her nails down his back, and whispered breathy

pleas of need into his ears. Every sound, every whisper spurred him on until he felt

as though fire licked through his veins.

Sweat beaded his back and clung to her silky skin. With every stroke Sela"s

hard nipples moved across his chest, teasing the flesh. The simple touch shouldn"t

have been much, but it highlighted the closeness of their bodies. It wasn"t the first

time he had been with Sela. They had spent the last two nights together, but each

time they came together, the sex got better.

More intense.

Impossibly more satisfying.

“Now, Sela. Now!” he grunted the words as the pleasure began to be too much,

and he felt his whole body tighten with the pending release. His balls ached with

the need to find satisfaction, but he wanted—no, needed—Sela to come with him.

“Oh Lord, yes! Rome, I"m coming,” she called out as the tremors rocked her

body. Rome could feel her orgasm as her sheath milked his cock, tightening and

caressing his turgid length until he could no longer ignore the allure of satisfaction.

“Sela,” he groaned and pumped himself into her, spilling his release.

For several moments Rome was so shocked by the strength of his orgasm, he

couldn"t move. Once he had collected himself, Rome looked down and whispered into

Sela"s ear, “Aren"t I crushing you?” He pulled back to see her reaction to his


She looked up at him and grinned. Her eyes were bright with sexual bliss. “I

kind of enjoy the weight.”

He smiled and put the full force of his body on hers. Sela groaned and then

laughed. “Okay. I"ll say uncle. You win.”

He rolled them over until he was on the bottom. “God, you"re good,” Sela

murmured into his mouth. He growled her name when Sela rocked her hips and


Tuesday Morrigan

rubbed her nipples against his chest. His cock stirred to life between them, jerking

hard against her stomach.

Rome smiled against her sweet mouth as his cock epitomized how he felt.

He might have been good, but being with her was a thousand times better. He

kissed her hard, swiftly, possessively on the mouth, with the growing passion he felt

as he maneuvered them onto their sides. He moved his hands all over her body.

Memorizing her shoulders, tracing the line of her spine. Cupping the fullness of her


He broke off the kiss. “Want to try something?” he whispered into ear. She

looked at him with wicked mischief in her soulful brown eyes.

“What is this something?” she purred as she ran her hands down her back.

“Turn around, Cupcake.”

One midnight eyebrow lifted in question. “Trust me.”

She gave him a smoky smile. “I always trust you, Rome.” Then she turned over

as he had asked. Rome grasped her thighs and lifted her hips into the air so she was

on all fours. She shrieked at his actions. “Give me warning, will you?”

He leaned forward and nuzzled her neck. “What, and ruin my excitement?”

Then he lifted her hair and stroked the back of her neck with his tongue. He

caught the sensitive flesh between his teeth and sucked. She shivered and gasped,

her sweetly rounded ass driving him crazy. He licked his way to the curve of her

bottom and paid particular attention to the small of her back. Sela made the most

delicious sounds when he kissed her there.

Sounds he found himself addicted to.

He gripped her bottom and parted her cheeks. Sela stilled. He waited for her

response. He didn"t have to wait long. She glanced over her shoulder and looked at

him in confusion. “Rome?”

“No one"s ever taken you there?”

She licked her lips slowly. “No,” she breathed out in a shaky whisper.

One hand moved over her hip and across her waist to cup her sex. “Relax, Sela.

We don"t have to go there tonight.”

She turned around without responding. Rome felt the blood in his ears roar as

he realized that Sela hadn"t told him they were never going there. If he worked

things right, he might be able to go where no man had gone before.

It surprised Rome how badly he wanted to be the first man to give Sela the


The only man, his mind whispered. Immediately Rome shook off the feeling of

possessiveness. He could not feel such things for Sela. She was not his to own.

Not yet at least.

“Do you like that, Cupcake?” he murmured into her ear as he fingered her sex.

Sela nodded and shivered beneath Rome as he ran his fingers up and down the

Satisfaction Guaranteed


puffy lips of her sheath, making sure to tease her clitoris with each glide. As he

moved his fingers over her clit, Rome slowly palmed his cock, never stopping the

torturous movement even though it felt like he was playing with fire. He felt like he

had reached the end of his self-control, and each stroke of his hand pushed him

closer to edge, but he wanted Sela nice and wet before he thrust into her sheath.

“Now, Rome. Now!” she growled and pushed her hips back, slamming her

bottom against him. The feel of her ass moving over his groin was too much. Rome

picked up another packet, tore it open and quickly sheathed himself before he

grabbed her hips, fitted his cock to her pussy, and thrust into Sela in one stroke.

She shrieked, “Oh my God,” and grabbed one of the pillows that lay in front of

her. For a moment his mind was clear enough to wonder what she was doing with

the pillow. But then she moved forward, pulling his length from her sheath. The

forced withdraw until only the swollen head of his cock was inside her sluiced

through him. He almost staggered at the pleasure. Instead Rome gripped her hips

more tightly and thrust forward. At the same time Sela shoved the pillow under her

knees, lifting her body.

Her new height allowed him to touch her more intimately. She screamed as he

stroked past the tight muscles of her sex to touch her deeply.

“Shit! Yes, that"s it. That"s it. Oh Lord. Don"t stop.”

Rome grabbed Sela"s hips and pulled them back to meet his every thrust. She

moaned and grunted beneath him, spurring him on with every voiced need. He had

never heard anything so seductive before.

But he never allowed it to push him beyond his place of control. As much as

Sela enjoyed the hard loving, Rome knew she would not like the darker part of

himself. He locked that part of himself away as he plunged deep into Sela"s pussy.

He worked his hand between her thighs and pinched her clit. She came instantly,

screaming into the bed"s soaked sheets as a shudder worked her body and shook her

sex. The waves of her release caressed his cock, coaxing it into an orgasm. The

siren"s call of Sela"s satisfaction was too seductive to ignore. Rome grunted her

name and jerked into her one last time before spilling his seed.

“My God,” Sela whispered in awe as Rome pulled her close, rolling their

sweaty bodies so that she lay across his chest. Despite his recent release, his cock

jerked between their bodies. Sela stared at him in surprise.

Why, he wasn"t sure. Over the last few days, Rome had found he could bounce

back from the most intense orgasms really quickly when there was even a hint of

another round with Sela.

He rolled her unto her back and reached for the dwindling pile of condoms on

top of the nightstand. “No, I don"t think I can take any more,” she groaned against

his chest even as she ran her hands down his back and over his ass.

Rome smiled into her hair at her contradictory actions. He loved the fact that

he made her respond in such a way.


Tuesday Morrigan

She reached up and grabbed the condom from his hand. Hot need settled in his

stomach before making its way south to his groin. He loved it when she sheathed

him. Sela always made it a game that left him panting with the need to be inside


Just when he thought she was going to tear the foil open, a slight rumble

stirred between them. Rome looked down into Sela"s smirking face and lowered to

her belly. It grumbled again. He tried to think of the last time she"d eaten and

couldn"t remember. It felt like they had been going at it for days. So he asked her,

“When did you last eat?”

She smiled, her eyes alight with carnal hunger. “Actual food?” she murmured.

The throaty sound of her velvety voice brought to mind images of her going down on

him. She had covered his cock in whipped cream and licked it clean before sucking

him off.

Damn, she was something!

He mentally slapped himself.
Focus, man. Focus
! “Seriously, Sela, what was

the last thing you ate?”

She sighed, obviously realizing he wasn"t going to be distracted by her

sensuality. “I don"t remember. I"ve kind of been preoccupied.”

He had been starving her, feeding his own hunger for her body, without giving

her anything. Rome realized then how hard he had been riding her, figuratively

speaking. When he had called for room service, it was because their sexual games

were missing an ingredient, not because he"d been thinking of feeding.

Or himself for that matter. Rome realized he too was hungry.

He rolled over and picked up the phone. “What do you want?”

She counted off a list of items that made him wonder if she was still a growing

teenage girl. Apparently his surprise was evident, because she finished with,

“What? Don"t act like I haven"t earned it, Rome.”

He smiled and kissed her softly. “The lady has a point,” he whispered before

pulling away. He quickly ordered double what she had requested. When he hung up

the phone, she was watching him with soft eyes. He reached for her and wrapped

his fingers around her nape, pulling her close. “Don"t look at me like that, or we"ll

never make it to lunch,” he growled before kissing her swiftly.

She laughed and smacked his hand away. “None of that. I"m running on

reserves here. We keep this up, and I won"t have to stick to my summer diet.”

He glanced pointedly at her luscious curves. “You stop eating, and I"ll have to

smack that glorious ass of yours.”

She stuck out her tongue and grabbed the television remote. He stared at it in

surprise. He had never put it on. “What do you want to watch?” Sela asked as she

snuggled up to him. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer. “I don"t

really care,” he replied.

She turned her head and kissed his shoulder. “Now that"s my kind of man.”

Satisfaction Guaranteed


He found himself regretting his statement when Sela stopped on Animal

Planet. Apparently they were doing a very boring program on the blue whale. Sela

was enamored. Twenty minutes later he felt like an ogre because he was

considering spearing whales just so the show would end. Thankfully, room service

arrived then. “Don"t worry. I"ll get it,” he told Sela when she started to get off the

bed. He nodded toward the television. “Please turn that off,” he told her as he

donned a robe.

She gave him a smug smile. “I thought you said you didn"t really care.”

“I don"t,” he replied. “I just prefer to talk to you while we eat rather than sit in

silence and watch that.”

“Good answer,” she said before pressing the Power button.

He tipped their waiter and fairly shoved the man out before returning to the

bedroom. He pushed the cart before him. Sela"s eyes widened when she saw it.

“That"s a lot.”

“It"s a good thing we"re both very hungry.”

They ate, talking of the many of the changes they had noticed in Brushwood

over the years. Over the last few days, they had already gotten caught up on each

other"s lives. Brushwood was the only thing left to talk about.

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