Satisfaction Guaranteed (27 page)

Read Satisfaction Guaranteed Online

Authors: Tuesday Morrigan

Tags: #Contemporary Multicultural

BOOK: Satisfaction Guaranteed
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glanced pointedly at the clothing still on the ground.

“Shit! Sela, I"ll come back and get it later.”

He might. And he might not. “Before we leave you"ve got let go of me, walk

across the lot, and pick them up. Then we have to walk all the way up the stairs

because I"m not taking the elevator looking as I do.”

His chest rose and fell quickly, moving with the pace of an asthmatic. She

could see in his eyes he knew she was telling the truth, and he was dismayed by the


Looking as she was, Sela couldn"t reenter the building. He had to turn around

and retrieve the coat. Or…

She gave him her sexiest smile. “Or we could do it right here.”

He wrapped his arms around her waist, and she knew his decision. “Option

number two.” Before she could respond, he kissed her hard, moving his mouth over

hers with demanding purpose until she opened for him. His tongue thrust through

her parted lips as he lifted her hands, holding them above her head. “Keep them

there,” he growled against her mouth before licking her lips. At his words the

already turbulent needs inside Sela blossomed until they seemed to be

overwhelming her. She could feel the viscous evidence of her desire leaking from her

pussy, sliding down her thighs.

Long, strong fingers gripped her thighs and widened her stance, until she was

lewdly open to his gaze. And for several thundering seconds, that was all Rome did.

He simply stared at her swollen, heated flesh, as though he was trying to memorize

every inch of her.

Sela felt the heat creep up her face as his scalding gaze never wavered.

“This pussy belongs to me.”

It was a declaration. He didn"t really expect or even want her to say anything

in response. But Sela knew she couldn"t stop herself from replying. “Yes, it belongs

to you.”

He lifted his gaze. None of the fire had departed. If anything, it burned more

brightly. “Forever.”

He wanted everything. Everything she was. Everything she had been. And he

was promising her his everything. “Yes, forever.”

“You are mine.”


Tuesday Morrigan

She had thought she had reached the point where nothing he said could shake

her. Sela realized she was wrong. Something so simple shouldn"t have seared the

soul so deeply, but it did. “Yes, I"m yours. Forever.”

“Forever,” he murmured as he wrapped his hands around both of her wrists,

crossing them above her head. He lowered his head and brushed his mouth across

hers in a possessive kiss that branded her heart and soul as his.

She felt his thick penis against her belly and began moving against it, trying

desperately to get him to thrust it into her. Her actions caused him to inhale

sharply, sucking the air from her lungs before deepening their kiss. Her lungs

burned, and her pussy ached, both needing sustenance. As though he heard her

silent plea, Rome pulled away, breaking off their kiss.

“Somebody has been a bad girl.”

Her mind filled with hazy lust skittered to a stop before backtracking to try to

decipher his words. Belatedly, Sela realized she had lowered her hands and was

gripping his shoulders.

She slowly lifted her gaze to his.

“Like I said. Bad girl.”

His hands dropped between their bodies, and he worked his pants, removing

his belt from the loops. She licked her lips slowly. He lifted the belt until it hung

before her eyes. Then keeping his gaze on her face, he lifted first one hand, then the

other, and bound her wrists above her head. “Drop it again, and I won"t let you


She nodded weakly as all the blood in her body rushed to her clit. Sela had

never heard anything more erotic in her life.

When he dropped to his knees before her, Sela felt her mouth go dry and her

pussy cream until she was openly weeping her need. She widened her legs without

any command and lifted her hips, brazenly begging Rome for what she knew only he

could give her.

The fingers of his left hand landed on her inner thigh, near her knee. Slowly,

oh so slowly, he trailed his fingers up her leg until they reached the juncture where

thigh meet groin. He teased the area that was just shy of her pussy and not quite

her leg. Something hot and wanton grew in her belly before moving lower until it

blossomed between her thighs.

“Please,” she moaned, needing his hands on her aching flesh.

“Tell me what you want?” he asked. His voice was huskier than anything she"d

ever heard before. He was not unaffected. Feeling like she was under the control of

a warlock, Sela gasped to tell him what she wanted. What she needed.

“I want…I want…” she breathed out, but she couldn"t seem to finish the

sentence even though the promise of satisfaction was so close she could taste its

silken flavor on her tongue.

“It"s okay, sweetheart,” he replied. She watched the descent of his head

between her thighs until his mouth hovered over her sheath. Sweat beaded her

Satisfaction Guaranteed


forehead and upper head. Desire threatened to rid her off her sanity. “Mine,” he

said in a rough voice one last time before giving her what she needed and putting

his mouth on her sex.

She curled her back and clenched her fingers into fists at the slick, hot feel of

his tongue on her clit. Up, down, and across, Rome worked his tongue over her

clitoris until she felt her limbs go loosen with satisfaction.

“Christ! Rome!” Sela screamed as her muscles tightened. Her body

temperature felt like it spiked as her release rushed through her blood. She closed

her eyes and sank into the pleasure.

Lord, he was good at that. Almost too good.

“Open your eyes, Cupcake.”

She did, slowly, feeling as though her lids weighed a thousand pounds.

“Such a beauty. And you belong to me.” He delivered the words as he brushed

his fingers over swollen lips of her sex. She was wet, aching, and her body still

hummed with sensual bliss.

“God, yes,” she sighed as she rolled her hips, trying to get closer to a deeper,

more fulfilling touch. Even though she had just come, her body was not quite

satisfied. It knew there was something more pleasurable waiting in store.

“Sela Newton, the most well-behaved girl in Brushwood.” Rome breathed the

words against the shell of her ear. Each and every syllable skirted down her spine,

touching nerve endings on its descent, heating up a path that threatened to light up

her already flaming libido.

Christ! He was something.

“Are you going to be a good girl?” His tongue rimmed the outline of her ear,

teasing and torturing before foraging into the limb. She squirmed beneath him

before going lax and sighing when he took the lobe into his mouth and suckled.

He released the sensitized earlobe. “Are you, Sela?”

It took her a moment to remember what he was talking about. He had

effectively wiped her mind clean of everything but him.

Was she going to be a good girl? Did she even want to be a good girl? Her

whole life she had played the part of a good girl. She always did what was best for

those around her, even if it meant she suffered a little. Case in point, her current

job. She loved London, but she hadn"t wanted to move there initially. But the job

paid exceptionally well, even when she considered her increased living expenses.

And she needed the extra funds to help support her mother.

“Sela?” His fingers, slick with her dew, parted the lips of her sheath. She

waited, breath held, for him to do something, anything. And then it came.

Her eyes drifted shut, and her lips parted on a breathless scream when his

fingers closed around her clit and pinched hard.

The fine line between pleasure and pain was blurred as Sela felt herself

hovering dangerously close to ultimate satisfaction. She was going to come again.


Tuesday Morrigan

Shocked beyond belief by her body"s response, hard breath sawing in and out of

her lungs, Sela struggled to respond to Rome"s question. “No. I don"t want to be

good. I just want you to want me,” she managed to get out.

The pressure on her clit eased up. She closed her eyes as a groan of dismay

was torn from her mouth. She had been so damned close.

“And what are you? Who are you?” His fingers tightened around her clitoris

just a little. It was not nearly as hard as she needed, but it was enough to keep her

body keyed up.

Lord, have mercy! A woman three seconds away from coming hard, she


But she wasn"t about to admit that. Instead Sela rocked her hips. Rome

responded immediately. His free hand grasped her right hip and held her immobile.

“Answer the question, Sela and I"ll give you what you want,” he whispered against

her mouth.

She moaned against his lips. As far gone as she was, Sela knew Rome could

ask for anything and she would give it to him as long as he promised her an orgasm,

so she answered the question.

Sela knew she wasn"t a good girl. Not really. It was just a facade she presented

to the world. And even though Rome brought out her inner vixen, she wasn"t bad

per se.

Who was she?

“Yours. Your woman.”

“Fuck,” he groaned and leaned his head against hers. “You really know how to

throw a man for a loop.”

She breathed deeply and drank in the scent of his skin. “I don"t understand.”

He smiled and pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. “I was expecting good or

bad. I was not expecting you to say…”

It was her turn to smile. “Hmmm, now I understand,” she whispered against

his mouth before pressing her lips to his. It was both the words she had said and

the timing that had thrown Rome for a loop. She broke off the kiss. “Now, about

that question you were asking?”


“Tonight, with you, I don"t want to play my typical role.”


She could hear the excitement in his voice. Rome probably knew exactly what

she was saying, but he wanted her to spell it out so there would be no confession.

“I want it bad. When I"m with you I want to be as naughty as possible.”

His fingers tightened in her hair until she was forced to look into his eyes. “Are

you sure? Because there is no turning back.”

Satisfaction Guaranteed


Lord, she hoped not. “Yes, I"ve very sure.” Sela had been ignoring her own

desires for way too long, but with Rome she felt free enough to indulge in her most

carnal desires.

“God, Cupcake.” The rich sound of Rome"s groan reverberated through the cool

evening air as he lowered his head. Pleasant heat slammed through Sela at the feel

of his mouth against hers. From the first touch she knew Rome finally let himself

go. He slanted his lips over hers and placed hungry pressure over her mouth.

Willingly, Sela opened her lips for his tongue. It plunged deep. Wicked need colored

its every stroke, feeding Sela"s burning desire until she was forced to break away

from the kiss to voice the need smoldering inside. “Rome, I can"t wait any longer. I

need you.”

A slashing smile filled with wanton promise was his immediate response. Then

his fingers danced along the sensitive flesh covering her belly until they reached her

sheath. “Yes. Oh my gods, yes.” The words were muttered ragged breaths of air.

Just when Sela thought the pleasure of his touch couldn"t get any better,

Rome"s finger brushed across the head of her clitoris. She jerked hard against his

chest when he repeated the caress, playing particular attention to the right side of

her clit, the more sensitive area. “Oh…my…Lord.”

“You"re so wet…and hot. I need to be inside you. With you.”


Rome backed up until he was up against the hotel"s brick wall. “Come here,

Cupcake,” he murmured in a deep, compelling voice as he gestured for her. A shiver

of excitement ran down Sela"s spine.

Butterflies of excitement danced in her belly as she walked over to him.

Although she had been with Rome before, Sela felt as excited as a virgin. Only she

knew the bliss to be had in Rome"s bed.

She stood before him, barely an inch between their bodies. She could feel the

heat of his flesh, couldn"t help but drink in the scent of his skin, and try as she

might, she couldn"t ignore the allure of the wicked light in his eyes.

Rome"s lashes lowered, and then his fingers skimmed over her right hip,

teasing the suddenly sensitive skin. He licked his lips, drawing his wet, pink tongue

over the plump flesh with slow, almost intricate care. She watched him, feeling the

act deep in her sex.

When his fingers moved over her bottom, a sigh escaped her lips. His hands

felt so warm, almost hot on her already heated skin. It was pure decadence and so

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