Savage storm (8 page)

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Authors: Phoebe Conn

BOOK: Savage storm
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"I will explain it to you if your mother didn't, Johanna," Iris remarked impatiently, thinking her companions impossibly innocent. "I'll even draw pictures if you need them."

Before Johanna could summon the courage to respond. Erica spoke up, "I'm certain none of us needs your lessons. Iris, but speaking of drawings, let's ask to see the sketches of

the men again. I didn't really get a chance to study them very closely and Td like to. We could at least learn each man's name and that would be sure to impress them favorably. Why don't you ask Mr. Royal tomorrow if we can have the sketches, Gabrielle?"

"You want me to be the one to ask him? Why don't you just ask him yourself?" The question had caught Gabrielle off guard and her confusion was apparent in her voice. She didn't want anyone to think she knew Jason Royal better than they did, but clearly Erica suspected something more had happened between them than what she'd observed.

"Oh, no reason." Erica stifled her laugh with her hand, but now the others were curious and waited quietly for Gabrielle to respond.

When the silence became so thick it was nearly suffocating, Gabrielle forced herself to reply nonchalantly. "I don't mind asking him, but I'll wait until he's in a reasonable mood since I've found him to be a bit quick tempered."

'Then I'll ask him," Iris offered brightly, eager for an excuse to talk to the attractive young man. "I think he is the nicest of men, so considerate and polite, not in the least bit moody. He'll not refuse me."

"That settles it then; you ask him. Iris. Now let's go to sleep. Dawn will come unbearably early if we don't." Gabrielle changed the subject quickly, glad the matter of asking Jason for the sketches had been taken off her hands, since he'd apparently taken the same dislike to her that he'd taken to her stallion.

"Surely they don't expect us to rise with the sun!" Iris shrieked in disbelief.

"Good night. Iris," Gabrielle replied in so emphatic a tone the young woman did not speak again, but though they all lay silent, none fell asleep quickly.

Gabrielle wondered why Erica had wanted to tease her about Jason. Perhaps because he'd been so rude to her that afternoon, to say nothing of the incident with Sunny, but she

didn't want her new friend to think she was attracted to the man for then she'd just tease her all the more. In truth, she didn't even like Jason Royal now that she knew him better. He was bright and he could be sympathetic and sweet when it suited his purpose, but she'd soon discovered how selfish that purpose had been. She blushed deeply at the memory of his kiss and was thankful the others could not see the color in her cheeks. Well, why shouldn't the man know how to kiss? By the looks of him and the ready way he had responded to Iris' flattery, it was apparent he'd had plenty of practice with women. She vowed he'd never have another opportunity to come close enough to kiss her. She didn't understand why he seemed to delight in tormenting her, but she'd not allow him to upset her again. She would simply follow the directions he gave to all the others and do her best to see that Sunny caused no further trouble, for she didn't want the horse to suffer from the heat of his anger either. Perhaps he was as spoiled as Iris, used to having his own way, but that was really no concern of hers since she knew she should think of herself as engaged even if she didn't know which man she'd marry.

She considered it a stroke of good fortune that another bachelor had joined the group they were going to meet, and unaccustomed to such unexpected good luck, Gabrielle included the man in her prayers. She'd have to ask his name, and perhaps Jason could do a sketch of him from memory to include with the other men's portraits. She wanted to be able to thank him and tell him how much his desire to have a wife had meant to her, for without his generosity she'd have been unable to make the trip to Oregon. With gratitude for the appearance of that additional man filling her thoughts, she finally fell asleep, too tired by the day's excitement to dream. She was on her way to Oregon at last, to live the life she'd planned with Beau, even if he would not be there to share it.

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Gabrielle was one of the first to awaken the next morning. She washed hurriedly and brushed out her long hair but left it flowing free as she had the previous day. It was as shiny and straight as an Indian woman's, and had defied all her aunt's efforts to make it curl prettily as the older woman had insisted a young lady's hair should. Its lustrous red color was beauty enough in Gabrielle's opinion, and she had never concerned herself with the matter of curls since she had not been given them naturally. She put on the soft muslin dress she'd laid out before she'd gone to sleep; then as soon as she had buttoned up her shoes, she left the others and ran down the line of wagons toward the horses. She meant to take care of Sunny herself, before he could create any more mischief which would land them both in serious trouble.

Jason and Clayton Home shared a tent rather than occupying a wagon, and being an early riser by necessity, the young man had placed a small mirror in the notch of a tree so he could see to shave himself in the dim light of dawn. He usually chose the far easier custom of growing a beard while on the trail, but with so many young ladies to escort he wanted to look his best in hopes his appearance would aid his cause. He wanted to appear the most proper of gentlemen so he would continue to have their respect and, more importantly, their

obedience. Respectability was not usually so important a virtue in his estimation, but he knew in this case it should be and was acting accordingly. When he saw a blur of blue rush by he turned, startled to see Gabrielle up and about so early.

"Miss MacLaren!" he called loudly to catch her attention as he laid his razor aside.

Gabrielle had been afraid he'd see her, and feeling as though she'd been caught plotting some evil deed, she came to a halt and turned slowly. Her wide innocent gaze provided no hint of her apprehension, however.

''Yes, Mr. Royal?" she responded sweetly, not daring to hope he would be in a more pleasant mood than when she'd last seen him.

He was clad only in his buckskin britches and moccasins which had leggings attached so they fit like a pair of boots. His bare shoulders and back were deeply tanned as if he seldom wore a shirt outdoors, while his broad chest was covered with a tangle of dark curls which tapered to a thin line as they grew down his flat stomach to disappear beneath his belt. He provided a most appealing sight, muscular yet lean, his unusual height and classical proportions making him as attractive an example of the perfection of the male form as had ever been born. When he made no move to don a shirt Gabrielle tried to focus her attention upon his face, but his bare torso was difficult to ignore and she wondered if he weren't well aware of the effect his striking good looks had upon a young woman. That thought infuriated her so greatly she clenched her fists at her sides and hoped he'd finish whatever he had to say promptly.

Jason wiped the last trace of soap from his face with a hand towel as he walked toward Gabrielle. That he was so handsome a man was something he'd realized with delighted surprise when he'd reached his late teens. Like his height and strength, his more than pleasant good looks had evolved quite naturally as he'd grown to adulthood. Now he was used to them and no longer gave his appearance much thought. Since he meant to

say no more than a few words to the auburn-haired beauty, it had not occurred to him to dress fully before he did so. The Oregon Trail was such a long one he knew they would see each other too often to worry over such details as completeness of attire before they spoke. In her pastel blue dress Gabrielle looked as fresh and sweet as the spring morning, and he hoped her manner would be as agreeable as the day promised to be.

''If you can offer some help to your wagonmates so they can manage a horse without mishap, I will be grateful as I have no time to give riding lessons."

Gabrielle relaxed immediately when she realized Jason wished to discuss the other young women's comfort rather than criticize her. "Yes, I'm sure everyone understands you have other duties. We had no opportunity last night to discuss our travel arrangements, but I will give whatever help is necessary to see we are not a burden to you." She was sincere in her promise, for the last thing she wanted was to have her new friends singled out as being unable to take care of themselves. ''I will encourage everyone to ride for as long as they wish today, but I don't want anyone to overdo and suffer for it tomorrow."

Jason combed back his dark curls with his fingertips as he gave the matter further consideration. He knew a novice rider could suffer considerable pain as a result of such unaccustomed exercise.

"Yours is the only sidesaddle, will that present a problem?"

"No, for I seldom use it. I prefer to ride Sunny bareback since that's so much more comfortable for the both of us." Now that they were talking so easily Gabrielle began to smile, her earlier fears of a confrontation forgotten. That he was so scantily dressed no longer caused her concern because his manner and appearance blended into such a pleasing personality for a change.

Jason was aware that their conversation was progressing smoothly, but now he had to give an order he wanted obeyed. "I can't allow you to ride without a saddle, Gabrielle. The

terrain we'll cross is too difficult. If Sunny stumbled you'd topple over his head, and I can't risk the possibility that you might be seriously injured."

While she thought his command unreasonable since he had complimented her ability to ride, Gabrielle was so surprised by his use of her first name that she did not respond immediately. She could not help but smile, for he seemed unaware that he'd addressed her in so informal a manner. Trying to be just as agreeable she attempted to see his point. If she were going to teach the others to ride, she ought to set the best example possible no matter what her personal preference might be. She supposed his concern for her safety was only natural since he was responsible for them all on the journey, and so she put aside the thought he might have some reason to pay particular attention to her well-being.

"I have no desire to suffer any injuries either, Mr. Royal, and since you know the trail so well, I will have to accept your judgment of what is best. Do you have enough saddles for all of us.*^

Enormously relieved that she'd not responded with a fit of temper or begun to argue, Jason broke into a ready grin. "Yes, and one is sure to suit you. It will be easier if the ladies use the same mounts and saddles each day. Paul can see to the horses before he hitches up the oxen."

Taking her added responsibility seriously, Gabrielle responded with sudden enthusiasm, "I think I'll teach those who don't know how to saddle a horse how to do so since that knowledge might come in handy too. I don't want Paul to be overburdened with work when we can do some of it ourselves."

Impressed by her ambition, Jason paid her a sincere compliment. "You are a remarkably independent young woman. Miss MacLaren. I suppose you all are or you would not be embarking on such a perilous journey, and it is my hope you will find one of the men awaiting your arrival worth your efforts." Yet he could still not imagine Gabrielle liking any of his acquaintances well enough to marry him.

"Now that you mention it, I was hoping you could make a sketch of the latest bachelor to go with the others. I am especially grateful for his interest in us, even if it is a bit late, and Vd like to be able to recognize him so I can thank him when first we meet. What is his name?"

''Joshua Taylor, but Tm afraid I won't be able to provide a drawing as I'm not certain we've ever met. At least if we have, I don't recall his face well enough to draw him for you."

Gabrielle tried not to let her disappointment show as she replied, "Well, I shall just have to recall his name and when Joshua Taylor is introduced to me, I'll thank him then."

Jason could think of no other reason to detain the attractive Miss MacLaren; yet he did not want to let her go when she was smiling so prettily. She was a very charming creature and he racked his brain for something else to discuss. He could hear everyone beginning to stir, the aroma of simmering bacon and freshly brewed coffee filled the air, and he reminded himself he could not afford to dally with her any longer.

"If you want to take Sunny back to your wagon now you may, I'll see Paul brings a saddle when he brings the other horses for your group."

"Thank you," Gabrielle called over her shoulder as she began to walk away.

When Jason Royal behaved in a reasonable manner, she thought him very likable, and she hoped he would continue to be as polite once their trip began. As she led Sunny back to her wagon, she found it difficult to suppress a smile and told herself she was being very foolish to daydream about him when she'd already agreed to marry a man waiting in Oregon. For all she knew, Jason Royal had a wife anxiously awaiting his return to Oregon City, but that sudden thought, no matter how unlikely, filled her with dread. "Don't be such a silly fool!" She cautioned herself, and reaching her wagon she turned her thoughts to the task of making ready to depart. Jason Royal was handsome and bright, but while his company was usually enjoyable, she'd no time to give him any further thought

that morning.

While Erica had not ridden on horseback since she'd been a small child, she nevertheless felt confident to do so. Barbara's enthusiasm for the trip led her to agree readily and she soon talked Johanna into giving the matter a try. Margaret and Marlene, however, were terrified by the prospect while Iris thought the idea ridiculous.

"Of course I know how to ride, I use a sidesaddle, but I've no intention of riding the entire way^ I'll sit beside Paul, and since Margaret and Marlene don't want to ride either, they can sit in the back of the wagon."

Gabrielle tapped her foot impatiently. "I didn't say you had to make the whole journey seated upon a horse. Iris, but since you do know how to ride I think you should consider giving it a try since it will relieve the monotony of the trip."

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