Scales (Shifter Rescue 1) (3 page)

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Authors: Sean Michael

Tags: #BIN 07445-02401

BOOK: Scales (Shifter Rescue 1)
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“I am the only one of my siblings that is blue.”

“You’re special to start with -- that makes you extra special,” suggested his keeper.

Az ducked his head, a blush covering him. Extra special.

“I want to brag about you, tell everyone I have a dragon, but I won’t because that would put you in danger. As it is, I need to talk to security, make sure you’re safe here once we move to proper quarters.”

Az nodded, but the words continued to make little sense.

“You’ll have to tell me everything you want in our home, Az. A nest? A bed? Chairs or large chaise lounges and wide sofas?”

“I like nests. I like stretching out, too.”

“Do you like shiny things?” Drill asked.

“Oh, yes. I like to swim. I like to play games. I am not a strong flyer.”

“I’m not sure where you’d go flying anyway. Most people don’t know that dragons actually exist, and the ones that do tried to steal you and sell you. It would be dangerous for you to fly.”

“I can make ice,” Az offered, hoping to make up for any disappointment over the lack of flying.

His keeper’s eyes lit up. “Really? How? Can I see?”

Az nodded and took the water, pouring it out of the glass and into a bowl before concentrating on opening his heart, focusing the chill there, and he blew, the water freezing solid.

Drill touched it, then knocked it with his knuckles, laughing. “That’s amazing!”

Az preened. It wasn’t fire, but it was different.

“That’s totally wonderful.” Drill looked around, then came back with a glass of juice and the bowl that had a few berries still left in it. Upending the fruit, Drill poured the juice into the bowl. “Do it again!”

Laughing happily, Az blew, the juice freezing easily.

“That fucking rocks.”

His keeper looked so pleased.

“Thank you. Thank you.” Az bowed playfully, then found himself blinking up from the ground, his true form had taken hold. He hadn’t realized he’d returned to his true form when he’d begun to freeze things. Perhaps that didn’t work in man form.

His keeper knelt next to him, hands sliding over his scales. “And you’re beautiful.”

“Sorry.” He was more tired than he’d thought.

“You don’t have to apologize. Only a few hours ago you were still drugged.” His keeper kissed the top of his nose. “You’re safe now, Az. I promise.”

“Safe. Can I sleep?”

“You can sleep, Az. You want the bed, or should I make a nest from the covers and blankets?”

Oh, his keeper was so good to him. He wanted to sleep, together. Warm. He headed over and made things nice, soft, so that his keeper could rest too.

His keeper laughed softly. “Or you could do it. That looks nice and comfortable.”

Az settled on the blankets, trilling for his keeper to come.

“Hmm?” Drill came to him. “Do you need anything, Az?”

My keeper
. He called again, trilling louder.

“That’s a beautiful sound. Is it your language?” Drill sat next to him, hand sliding on his scales.

Oh, petting
. He bobbed his head, singing to his keeper. Drill shifted, moving closer and leaning against him. The petting continued. Good keeper.

Az sang until sleep took him and in his dreams, the songs went on and on.

Chapters Three


Drill stayed with Az until he was sure the dragon was really asleep. Then he grabbed a chair from one of the other rooms in the basement and put it in the corner so he wouldn’t disturb Az, and dialed up Pirou on his phone.

“Drill? Is everything okay?” Someone was worried.

“Everything is very okay.” He had a dragon. His own personal fucking dragon. He looked at his hand, the bite marks throbbing slightly, even though Az hadn’t even broken the skin, as he thought about how he was Az’s keeper.

“Oh, good. He has big teeth. I worried.”

Drill chuckled, looked at his hand again. “He’s very gentle, actually.”

“Oh, excellent. Does he have a name you can share?”

“His name is Az and he can talk. Dragons are real, Pirou, and they speak.” He wouldn’t share that he knew what Az looked like as a man -- he’d promised his dragon he wouldn’t talk about it.

“What do we need? What does he need? How do we make him comfortable?” Pirou asked, ever the caregiver.

“I’m ready to take my brother up on his offer of rooms, Pirou. I want a suite on the top floor. Lots of windows, a king-size bed, a couple of large chaise lounges and the biggest couch you can find. He likes shiny things -- oh, and a huge hot tub, a pool if you can manage it, and a good supply of board games.”

“It will take me a few days to arrange everything, but I can do it. Is there anything you need right now?”

“More blankets, a couch, a couple of bowls and lots of bottled water. Um… He loves berries, but isn’t a fan of vegetables. You might want to make sure the kitchen is well stocked with meat. I think he eats more than your average shifter.”

“Good to know. Meat, berries, water.” Pirou sounded like he was in his element -- this was something Pirou was good at, something he could do.

“And let’s keep it to ourselves that we have a dragon here. We need to make sure security is up to par.”

“You, me, the boss, right?”

“I’m not sure my brother needs all the details… you could just tell him I’ve found someone.” Drill wasn’t ready to share yet, and he knew Drongo would want to come see when he heard there was a dragon in the building.

“That works. I… Thank you. Thank you so much.” Pirou’s relief was obvious.

“You’ll have to come meet him properly, Pirou. You’re going to love him.”

“I’m sure I will. I’m just so glad he’s safe. I hate those slavers. Hate knowing…” Pirou sighed. “Well, you know.”

“I know.” How many shifters had been lost to them?

“I’ll have construction start immediately and have your things delivered.”

“Perfect. And keep this end of the basement off limits, please.” Drill couldn’t emphasize their need for privacy enough.

“Will do. Get some rest and enjoy your new friend.”

“Oh, I will. Thank you.” He hung up and moved back to the bed.

Az was snoring, muzzle on his claws. His dragon was stunning just by being. A dragon shifter. It was the thing of myths, or legends and far beyond anything anyone would believe was real.

Drill stroked the smooth scales, listening to the sound they made, clacking together. Shiny and metallic, and yet soft to the touch. It was like stroking cold silk, if it was liquid.

A happy trill sounded, and then Az landed in his lap. Or at least some of Az did; this dragon wasn’t in the least bit tiny, though it wasn’t enormous by any stretch of the imagination. The scale-rubbing seemed to be special for Az so Drill kept doing it, moving his hands over as much of Az as he could reach.

Az purred and rumbled, making the most amazing noises for him. Drill felt them deep in his belly as well as heard them. When Az rolled over and offered him that glorious silver belly, it made him laugh. He wasn’t sure if he should rub gently or more roughly, like he would if Az were a wolf.

He started off gentle. These scales were… delicate, like flecks of mica, soft and glinting warmly in the low light.

“Stunning,” he murmured quietly, fingers dancing on the beautiful belly. His dragon. His sweet boy. “I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again,” Drill vowed.

“It was frightening.” The words were soft. “They hit me but I would not change. I will change only for you, keeper.”

“I am honored, Az.” His beautiful dragon had a strength of will.

Az nuzzled his chest, long wiry whiskers tickling.

“Beautiful beast.” He stroked Az’s muzzle.

Az arched for him, exposing the long throat. Drill pressed his lips against it, the scales there warm and cool at the same time. He could feel the steady, strong beat of his dragon’s heart.

He took a deep breath. He and Az were joined now, he knew that. He knew Az’s bite had been huge, his acceptance just as big. He was going to have to research this. Figure out what was myth and what was real information. He didn’t even know how much Az needed to eat, whether he needed special materials to keep his lovely scales clean and shiny. Did Az bathe?

Drill didn’t want to have to ask Az everything -- he was the keeper and he was pretty sure he should know many of these things already.

They were a complicated pair, he and Az.

Az swallowed, then draped his big, heavy head over Drill’s shoulder.

“You’re a snuggler, aren’t you?” It was a little funny and a lot endearing to have this beautiful dragon snuggling him.

“Mmmhmm. We like touching.”

“We? I’m interested in what
particularly want.”

“You. I’ve never had a keeper.”

“Not to be mean, but I’m glad. I’m part wolf and we mate for life. I don’t want you to have any other keeper than me.” He was feeling more than a little possessive of Az.

“No. One dragon, one keeper.” Az sounded so sure.

“Good.” The wolf in him was well satisfied by that.

Az began to touch him, incredibly careful with the heavy claws on Drill’s human skin. It was rather spectacular, how gentle this dragon could be.

Those claws traced him, circled his nipple. Drill sucked in a breath, his pecs pushing toward the touch.

“Good?” Az asked.

“Yes. More, please.”

“More.” The single word came out as a purr.

“Mmm. I’ve never been touched by a dragon before.” Drill found he liked it.

“I will pet you as much as it pleases, keeper.”

“Are you as sensual as a man?” Drill asked.

“I don’t know. I’ve only been a man a very few times.”

“There are things we can do as men that we can’t as beasts.” Drill had to admit he was eager to make love to Az.

“Things? Good things?”

“Oh yes, Az. Pleasurable things. Things only two men can do together.” He ran his fingers along Az’s incredible scales.

“Men. I like good things, keeper. I would know good things.”

“And I want to show you all the good things.” Every last one of them.

“All the good things.”

A dragon’s laughter was an amazing thing.

“All of them. Every single one. Kissing. Coming. Blow jobs. Making love.” Drill named a few.

“Blow… Will we make ice?”

“You can make as much ice as you want. Pirou is bringing water and bowls, along with other stuff. You’re going to like Pirou.”

“Yes, keeper.” Such a dear boy.

“Be a man now, Az. I want to kiss you.”

“Yes, keeper. I will be a man for you.”

Drill had a sudden thought. “It doesn’t hurt, does it?” He didn’t want to cause Az pain.

“No. No, it is a challenge. I have to think about it.”

“Ah. Well, I can’t make love to a dragon.” If it didn’t hurt, Drill wanted the man.

“You can’t love a dragon?” Az asked.

“Oh, I can love a dragon, but we can’t…” What had Az called it? “Join.”

“Oh!” Az’s wings fluttered, the action charming as hell. “Yes.”

Drill stroked one of Az’s wings. “Yes.”

Az scrunched his face up, eyes shut tight.

“Can I do anything to help?” Drill asked.

“Call him?”

Drill frowned. “Call who?”

“The man. My man. Can you call for him?”

“Has he got a different name?” Drill asked.

“No. No, just… want. Really hard.”

“Oh.” He smiled, nodded. “I can do that. I really want your man self.” He looked at Az, thought about the human form his dragon had shared. He thought about the long lines, the hairless skin, the bright blue eyes.

Suddenly, like he’d imagined, there stood his dragon in man form, his lover.

Laughing, Drill held open his arms. Az leapt at him, totally unafraid. He caught the slender body easily, their mouths meeting. Az’s skin was cool, oddly refreshing against him. Az’s mouth was hot, though as Drill slipped his tongue between the blue lips.

Drill slid his hand down Az’s back and cupped the sweet rounded ass. It fit perfectly in his palm. He was a bit dry-mouthed, actually, at how well they fit and how good it felt to touch Az.

He squeezed Az’s ass, sliding his fingers along the hot crack.


“Yes, Az?” He stroked the hot line of flesh.

“Such unusual touches.”

He took Az’s hand and brought it to his chest. “Show me what touches you would find usual.”

Az hugged him, then petted Drill’s belly, over and over. It felt good, but it was very limited. Drill was overjoyed by how much he had to teach Az about lovemaking.

“I have so much to show you, Az. So many wonderful unusual touches.” Drill couldn’t wait to get started.

“Unusual touches.” Az sounded so pleased.

“They will become familiar, I swear.”

Az’s touches went on and on, Az stroking him, fingers trailing along his arm. Drill put his hand back on Az’s ass, stroking and moving his fingers back to Az’s sweet crack. Az’s sounds were delicious, low and fascinating, and Drill continued stroking, barely touching Az’s hole. Az wiggled, moving side-to-side, shifting against his finger.

“You like that, hmm?” Drill asked. Az was a natural sub and eager for it, too.

“Unusual wonderful.”

That made Drill laugh with delight.

“Oh, my keeper’s laugh…” The thin blue cock filled, Az obviously entranced.

Smiling, Drill touched the long cock with one finger, sliding it from the bottom to the tip.

“Oh.” Az blinked, his own touch following behind, blue fingers on blue flesh.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Drill did it again.

“Uh-huh.” Az was staring, obviously dazed.

“Have you never had an orgasm, Az?”

Az’s curiosity fluttered about him like a living thing, making it clear that no, Az had not ever had an orgasm.

“Oh, it’s well past time you had your first one.” He encouraged Az to sit on the bed in his lap, back against his chest.

“We’ll start slowly.” He wrapped his hand loosely around Az’s cock.

“What do I do, keeper? I haven’t had my training.”

Drill thought Az had been taught that this training was far more important than it actually was. Being the one to teach everything to Az was a joy. He tightened his hand a little around Az’s beautiful cock. “What do your instincts say you should do?”

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