Scales (Shifter Rescue 1) (4 page)

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Authors: Sean Michael

Tags: #BIN 07445-02401

BOOK: Scales (Shifter Rescue 1)
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Az leaned into him, legs parting. “Make room.”

“Not a bad start.” Drill stroked once. “What else?”

“I want to move, into you.”

“Mmm. Yeah.” He wrapped his free hand around Az’s waist and tugged Az back as he stroked the lovely cock once more. Next time he’d have to make sure they were both naked.

Az’s cool skin was fascinating. He kept stroking, moving Az as he did, rubbing against Az’s back and ass. The cock in his hand began to heat, the blue tinge on the skin growing darker.

“Wonderful touch, my dragon?” Drill was pretty sure he knew the answer, but he wouldn’t have Az hurting.

“Keeper. Keeper, I… Wonderful touch.”

Smiling, he buried his nose in Az’s neck, breathing in as he continued to stroke the blue cock. The scent there was… the air before a snowstorm, heavy.

“You’re amazing,” he whispered, fingers sliding over the head of Az’s cock, finding drops of pre-come there.

“I… I’m dripping.”

“Yes. And soon you’ll come. And it will feel like nothing you’ve ever felt before,” Drill promised.

“It’s okay? I’m okay?” Az asked.

“It’s a good thing, my dragon.”

“Good thing. It feels… achy.”

“That’s going to increase.”

“More? It gets bigger?” Az sounded shocked.

“Oh, Az. It gets so much bigger.”

His dragon moaned, hands opening and closing on his thighs. Drill moved his hand faster, really beginning to work the long cock. Az whined softly, the sound wild in the air, needy.

“That’s it, Az. Let the feelings move through you.”

“It’s frightening,” Az admitted.

Yes, there would be many parts of things that would feel frightening. It was all new, so even stuff that was amazing might be scary.

“You must trust me that it’ll be good in the end.” Drill had Az’s best interests at heart.

“Yes, keeper. I believe in you.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear. What happens next will be very big,” Drill warned.

“Will it hurt? The first time I changed it hurt.” Az panted the words out, eyes huge.

“Some things will. This will not.” Drill squeezed harder.

Az arched, body bowing impossibly. Jacking Az with intent now, Drill silently urged his dragon to come, to experience his first orgasm. His sweet boy shuddered and shook, seed pouring from his lover, his dragon. It was also blue, bright, almost electric. How amazing. Definitely magical.

Drill held Az close, still touching the beautiful cock.

“Keeper. My keeper.”

“My dragon,” Drill replied, cradling Az close.

“Yours.” Sweet baby.

Drill loved the sound of that. His very own dragon. His.

Chapters Four


God, that had been magical. Truly.

“We should both be naked,” Drill suggested, wanting more.

“Naked.” Az nodded, agreeing, but not moving.

“Do you want to help me?” he asked.

“Help. Help, yes.”

Drill turned Az in his lap, then took Az’s fingers and brought them to the buttons on his shirt.

“I would have your skin, your touch,” Az said softly.

“You can have all of me.” He was Az’s now.

“All of you, and you have all of me!”

The simple joy in Az’s words made Drill grin. Being Az’s keeper was going to be an amazing thing.

“Take my shirt off, Az. I want to show myself to you.”

His shirt was stripped off, then Az began working on his jeans, the buckle seeming to fascinate Az.

“You like that?” Drill asked.

“Tell me about it. It shines.”

“It’s the buckle for my belt. You see the entwined wolf and bear on it? That represents me. Oh, and the buckle keeps the belt closed, which keeps my pants up,” he added.

“Wolf and bear.” Az stroked the buckle, eyes gleaming. “Wolf and bear like my keeper.”

“Yes. Hey, is that okay? Are you allowed to have a keeper who isn’t a dragon?” He had no idea how anything truly worked for dragons. Not that he would let Az go if this wasn’t usually done -- he had no intention of losing his dragon.

“Dragon keepers aren’t dragons. Dragon keepers are…” Az opened his arms, stretched them wide. “Everything. Everything to us.”

“You make me feel very special.” But it was Az who was the special one.

“You are bigger than special. So much. You are my own.” Az beamed at him. “We are together, connected deep.”

“We are.” Drill’s hand throbbed, telling him it was true.

“Bigger than special, keeper. I vow it.”

“I vow it back, Az. I will be worthy of being your keeper.” He wanted to be the best keeper Az could have, better than anyone else could be.

He stood, letting his undone jeans fall down his hips. Toeing off his shoes, he stepped out of them and the pants. Now his dragon could see him as naked as Az was.

Az leaned in, cheek rubbing along Drill’s belly. Damn. That cool, smooth skin felt like nothing else, and Drill’s prick took definite notice, firming up. Soft fingertips trailed over his prick, gently tracing his need. Drill groaned, hips jerking restlessly.

“It’s good? It doesn’t hurt?” Az asked.

“It doesn’t hurt. It didn’t hurt you, did it? When I touched you here?” He took hold of Az’s cock.

“No. No. It ached.”

“A good ache. You won’t hurt me, I promise.” Drill stroked Az’s cock gently, reinforcing how good it felt.

“You smell good. I like that. The others -- the bad men -- they didn’t smell good.”

Drill wrinkled his nose. “I would imagine slavers reek of sorrow and death.” He tugged more firmly on Az’s cock. There was no place for slavers here between them.

“Yes!” Az echoed the touch. “Keeper!”

“Yeah. A little tighter, Az. You won’t break me.”

“I will not break you. I swear.” Those fingers tightened.

“I trust you, my dragon.” His voice had gone a little rough at the firmer touch, his pleasure letting itself be heard.

“Good. I will die protecting you.”

This little one? Protecting him? Drill wanted it the other way around. “You will never need to die for me, Az. And I will protect you from everything and everyone.” He grabbed his dragon, pulled Az close, rocked his dear one.

Pressing their cocks together, Drill stroked them slowly. Up. Down. Up and then Az’s touch joined his, the strokes making his eyes cross. Drill’s breath came a little faster, his need growing. Az rested against his chest, both of them touching together.

“Feels so good, Az. Your skin is the same as mine, but it also feels different, cooler.” Drill had never felt anything like it, shifter or simple man.

“Different and the same.” Az smiled, swooped down and licked his nipple playfully.

Drill shivered, gasped softly. “Do that again.”

“Yes, keeper.” Az lapped, again and again, trilling softly.

Drill felt his balls draw up against his body. “Going to make me come,” he warned.

“My keeper likes to go.”

He laughed softly. “Come. I like to come.”

“Yes. Come and go for me.”

That was adorable. It was going to make him smile every time Az said it.

Sharp little teeth nibbled at his nipple, teasing him, making sure Az had his attention.

“Az…” A shudder went through Drill, his cock getting even harder in their hands. It wouldn’t take much more.

“Yes, keeper. Go. Go.”

“Yes, my dragon. Just…” Drill flicked his finger across his slit on the next upstroke and cried out, bucking as he shot.

Az growled softly, leaned down to lick at him, lap him clean.

“Oh. Yes, please.” His beautiful dragon was a sub through and through, his instincts spot on.

Az made amazing noises, sweet and happy, and they vibrated about his prick.

“Have you heard of blow jobs, Az?”

That bald head tilted, curious. “Keeper?”

“You’re almost doing it. It’s where you take my cock into your mouth.”

“Oh.” Az leaned down, licked again, again, then wrapped his lips around the tip of Drill’s prick.

“Oh, fuck!” His hands curled against Az’s skin.

Those amazing eyes glanced up, looking at him.

He reassured his dragon. “Good, Az. So very good.”

That earned him a smile and then Az went back to exploring his cock. Drill leaned back, spread his legs, giving Az as much room as he could. Az settled against him, humming and licking, tracing him. His prick never really went down, Az keeping him hard. His sweet curiosity was a drug.

Groaning as Az’s tongue flicked across his slit, Drill dropped his hand over the bald head, stroking. The smooth skin fascinated him, drew his fingers. It was almost as interesting as the not-quite-cold tongue and mouth on his cock.

Az’s eyes were closed, body relaxed as his dragon sucked, and Drill kept stroking Az’s head, watching, feeling each suck, the touch of Az’s tongue. His own eyes wanted to close, but more importantly, he needed to see.

“So good, Az. You’re a natural.”

He thought he could feel Az’s pleasure at his praise, and he dragged his fingers along Az’s spine. God, such interesting skin.

“Am I pretty? A pretty dragon, keeper?”

That was an easy question and Drill answered quickly. “You are beautiful, my dragon. Stunning.”

Az rubbed his cheek against Drill’s belly, warm with pleasure.

“Will you keep sucking me? Please?” Drill asked.

“Yes, keeper. Over and over until you come and go.”

Grinning, he nodded. “Yes, Az, until I come and go.”

Az’s happy little smile was gorgeous, adorable, and Az set back to fellating him. Drill wrapped his fingers around Az’s shoulders, digging in. Then he leaned back, hands opening, closing, over and over.

“Just like that, Az. It won’t be long.” The pleasure was beginning to ride him again. How lucky he was to have a lover who kept him hard and gave him another orgasm on the heels of the first.

Az moaned, leaning hard against his thighs.

Drill’s eyes wanted to close, but he didn’t let them. He needed to watch as Az sucked him all the way to climaxing. His dragon. His boy. His Az. His.

Crying out, he came, pouring his seed into Az’s waiting mouth. Az licked and lapped, swallowed and moaned against him.

“I hope I taste good to you, Az.”

“Salty.” Az cleaned his prick, and shit, he was sensitive now.

“Come give me a kiss. I wish to taste myself on your lips.”

“A kiss. I like a kiss.” Az pushed up into his arms.

Wrapping his hands around Az’s back, he brought their lips together, tasting himself on Az’s tongue.

He’d been given a blow job by a dragon. By his dragon. It blew his mind, no pun intended, though it would have been a good one.

It also made him the luckiest shifter alive.

Chapters Five


Az watched his keeper sleep. It was his job to protect his keeper, watch for the bad men and make sure all was well. He was so tired, though. So very heavy. But his keeper was lovely, so big and strong. He would be happy when his keeper woke and could watch over him for a while.

The knock on the door sounded like a shot. “Drill? Honey, it’s Pirou.”

Az growled, puffed up as big as he could, and roared.

His keeper shot up out of the little bed, eyes going wide, and a scream came from the other side of the door.

“What? Az, are you okay?” his keeper asked, hands shooting out to touch him.

No. No, he was tired and he was scared and he wanted someone to help!

“Drill? Are you there?” came a voice from the other side of the door.

His keeper blinked a few times, then stroked his muzzle. “Shh. It’s okay, Az. That’s Pirou. He’s a good man and I want you to meet him.”

Az shifted, restless and scared and worried.
Tired. Worried. Scared. Keeper.

“Shh. Shh.” His keeper kissed his muzzle and encouraged him onto the nest on the bed that smelled like Drill.

“Give us a minute, Pirou,” Drill called out.

“Okay. Okay. I have food and stuff for you.”

“We’ll be right there.” His keeper stroked his scales, petting him, gentling him. “Pirou is a good man, Az. In fact he’s the one who found you and rescued you from the slavers. He’s the one who brought me to you.”

Sorry. Sorry, Az was sorry. But he was tired and had been scared by the knock while his keeper slept.

“Shh. Easy. I’m going to let him in so he can meet you.”

Az wrapped himself in a blanket, hiding his wings, staring with eyes that felt gritty.

His keeper dropped another kiss on his head, then went to the door. “Come on in, Pirou.”

“Hey. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten anyone.”

“It’s okay, Pirou. Az hasn’t met very many people who have been nice to him. Come meet him.”

The one called Pirou had a tray with him that smelled very good.

“Hello, Az. I’m Pirou.” The little man was scared but smiling.

“Please say hello, Az,” his keeper asked. “Pirou would never hurt you, and I think the two of you will become firm friends.”

“Hello,” Az whispered. “Please don’t be scared.”

“Oh, you talk!” Pirou sounded pleased by this.

“Isn’t he wonderful?” His keeper sounded very proud.

“Absolutely. I’m so pleased to meet you. I hate that someone was mean to you,” Pirou told him.

Yes, he did too.

“So what did you bring us, Pirou?” His keeper leaned toward Az like he was telling a secret. “If you ever need anything. Anything. Call Pirou.”

He blinked. He needed his keeper -- that was all.

“Well… did you bring anything else, Pirou? Blankets and pillows?” prompted Drill.

“Yes. Yes, of course. Blankets, pillows, a television. There’s a soft sofa, too.”

“You had help bringing that down, I hope.” Drill slipped a pair of boxers on, covering himself partially. “Let me help you bring it in.”

“Of course I did, especially if by help you mean I had someone else do it altogether.”

His keeper laughed, and Az thought that was the best sound ever. It warmed him, made him lift his head from the blankets and pay closer attention. He wanted to know about the things that made his keeper happy.

“Let’s bring this stuff in then,” suggested his keeper.

Drill went out the door with Pirou, but they were back again right away, each at one end of a very soft-looking couch. It was long enough for both of them, and it came out wide enough he wouldn’t hang off the front of it.

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