Scales (Shifter Rescue 1) (5 page)

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Authors: Sean Michael

Tags: #BIN 07445-02401

BOOK: Scales (Shifter Rescue 1)
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Az stood up, actually went to explore, his curiosity bigger than his fear. Drill smiled at him as he went back out with Pirou, and they brought back a large TV. It was very thin and fit on the far wall. How exciting! He knew all about these -- you could see pictures of the world and laugh at funny things!

Drill and Pirou dragged the little bed away next and replaced it with a large mattress on the ground, piled high with blankets and pillows. Several of the pillows were put on the sofa instead of the bed.

A tiny fridge came in last, Pirou opening it with a flourish. “It’s full of meat, berries, and water.”

“Thank you.” How lovely. A den of their own. Az was very pleased. His keeper had been right, of course. Pirou was a good man.

Pirou nodded. “Your rooms are being prepared, but that takes time.”

“This will keep us very happy, Pirou. You rock.” Drill gave Pirou a quick hug, and Az tried not to let it make him growl. After all, Pirou had just brought them many lovely things.

Pirou went to the door. “There will be water and food delivered every day until we get you settled, but if you want anything at all, you know all you have to do is call.”

His keeper smiled. “I know. And you can come visit us if you want. We’d like that, wouldn’t we, Az?”

“I won’t roar. I promise.”

“Thank you, Az. It’s so good to meet you properly.”

He bowed, then galumphed back to the couch, perching atop it.

Pirou laughed and clapped his hands. “You are so beautiful.”

That made his wings flutter, the pride warming him.

“Yeah, he is.” His keeper’s gaze was also very warming.

Pirou smiled and nodded. “Time to go.”

“Thank you, Pirou. Given all this, I can’t wait to see what our rooms look like once you’ve got them put together.”

Pirou gave him a wave and a last admiring look, then he was gone and Drill locked the door. Az watched, head on his claws, perched carefully on the back of the sofa.

Drill grinned at him and went to the little fridge. “Are you hungry for more meat, Az? Or would you like some berries?”

“Berries…” He wasn’t too hungry.

“Will that always be your answer?” His keeper pulled a large bowl full of different kinds of berries out of the fridge.

“Always. Berries are the best.”

Drill grabbed the remote from the TV and came to sit on the couch. “Come sit next to me.”

“Yes, keeper.” He slumped down, crashing onto the cushions.

Laughing, Drill offered him a single strawberry. He stretched his neck out, carefully grabbing it with his teeth. Drill rubbed the scales beneath his head and on his belly, humming for him. Oh, that felt good. He trilled with pleasure, resting heavy in the cushions.

“You’re a hedonist, Az.”

Okay. He could be whatever. He liked being.

“That’s not a bad thing,” Drill told him and offered another berry -- a blue one this time.

He opened wide. His keeper tossed the berry right into his mouth. Az snapped it up, the flavor exploding for him.

“I might have found a favorite new pastime.” Drill picked up a raspberry.

“Berries!” This was fun!

Grinning, Drill tossed the berry into his mouth again. Az caught it, eating happily. So good. So bright. Sweet.

Touching one of the buttons on the remote, Drill made the TV come to life with images and sound. Az stopped to watch, the images interesting him but not for long.

“Do you like movies? Comedies? Sports?” His keeper continued to rub his scales, the movements random, lazy.

“Do I? I like funny things.”

“Yeah? We could watch a funny movie and eat our berries. Or we could get to know each other some more.”

“I like knowing.” He didn’t care. He wanted to be here with his keeper. That was all that mattered.

The TV went black again, and his keeper put aside the remote. “You should shift back again then.”

“Shift back?” Az tilted his head as he repeated the words.

“Turn into a man for me.”

“Oh.” He would try.

It was hard and he was tired, but he would try. He closed his eyes, thinking hard.

“You don’t have to,” Drill told him, fingers rubbing the top of his head. “But I would like to kiss and touch you some more.”

His keeper’s words and touch made it easy, the man coming to Az in a rush.

Drill’s touch changed, became more sensual. “Your dragon is stunning and beautiful, but your human form turns me on.”

He nodded, not sure what Drill meant but knowing it was a compliment.

Cupping his skull, Drill pulled him forward, mouth landing on his. He went easily, so happy to connect, to taste. When Drill hummed, it brought with it delicious vibrations. Drill’s lap was warm, and his keeper held him close. Stroking him, Drill’s big hands warmed him.

Az nuzzled his whole body against Drill’s. “Hello, keeper.”

“Hello, my beautiful dragon.”

He laughed, joy filling him. “Beautiful dragon.”

“You are.” Drill stroked his cheeks.

“You are too.”

“Except that I’m not a dragon.”

“You’re so much more important than a dragon,” Az insisted. “You’re a keeper.”

“And I think there’s nothing cooler than a dragon. So I guess we were made for each other.”

“Yes!” Yes, most definitely.

“Mmm.” Drill rubbed their noses together, then took a kiss.

“Do you need to speak to your family?” his keeper asked. “Tell them you’re safe?”

“I don’t know how, and I have a keeper now. You are my family.” They left the clutch once they found their keeper, some never visiting again, though most did share time and news with each other now and then.

“I’ve heard of stranger things. After all, I’m half wolf and half bear.”

“Can I see?”

His keeper smiled, looking so pleased. “Yes.”

Az moved from Drill’s lap and gave him room.

“You take the couch, Az. I’ll just tear the cushions.” His keeper stood and moved to the other end of the room. “Don’t be frightened.”

“I won’t be.” This was his keeper.

Drill tossed his boxers next to the bed, then knelt. The air shimmered, and his keeper’s body changed until an enormous wolf with the biggest head stood in front of him, eyes exactly like his keeper’s.

“Keeper!” His dragon wanted out but Az held it in, unsure what he should do.

The huge paws slowly advanced toward him, his keeper scenting him. Then Drill growled softly, calling to him. Az leapt, wrapping around the beautiful beast and snuggling in. So pretty!

Drill chuffed at him before rumbling deep in his chest. Then the big beast moved to the mattress, Az, still clinging, settled down, wrapped protectively around him. He let his human self go and he curled in, petting with his claws. His keeper rumbled and licked at him, cleaning his scales.

So lovely. Az sang a song of his beautiful warm keeper, of the one that loved him. Then the most amazing thing happened. His keeper put his great head back and howled, answering his song.

Az was entranced. Fascinated.

His keeper did it again, then pushed him down with one big paw and rested the huge head on top of his. He settled, eyelids heavy. So sleepy. So warm.

When his keeper began to rumble, the vibrations served to actually send him to sleep.

Chapters Six


His keeper fed Az every last scrap of meat Pirou had brought them. Then Drill fed him the berries. It was fascinating being fed by his keeper, having Drill watch him as he ate. His keeper, who was a beautiful wolf-bear, big and soft and warm. No wonder Drill was such a good keeper.

Stretching, Drill grabbed a bottle of water and took a long drink. Az moaned, fluttered, his tongue sliding on Drill’s throat so he could feel each swallow.

“You are so special, Az,” Drill told him.

“Keeper? Can… Can I ask for something?” he asked cautiously. He didn’t want his keeper to be insulted, to feel that Az didn’t think Drill could provide everything he needed.

“You can ask for anything, Az.” Drill sat up straight, looking at him expectantly, curiously.

“Is there bathing here? Water and washing?” He missed the large open pools of his homeland.

“Oh, yes, of course there is. Not down here -- we would have to venture upstairs.”

“Oh.” Az nodded, settled back down. It could wait.

“I’m not saying we can’t. Just we might want to plan it out, get Pirou to clear the halls.”

Az fluttered, worried. He didn’t want to be a bother. He would be fine without water.

“For today I can get Pirou to bring a large bowl and a cloth, and I can bathe you like that,” Drill suggested.

“I will groom, keeper.” One day he would play in the big water again, but grooming would leave him clean so he didn’t have to have it.

“I will help.”

His keeper was good to him.

Az settled on the ground, rattling his scales, brushing them with his chin.

“Oh, that’s an impressive noise.” Drill looked intrigued.

“Making sure there’s no debris,” he explained.

“What kind of debris?”

“Dust. Skin. Feathers. Once there was a pokey leaf.” One of his clutch had collected the things he found in his scales.

“A pokey leaf?” Drill asked.

“Uh-huh. Under my scales. It hurt.”

“Oh, that’s no good. Is there a special brush or something?”

“I use my chin.” It was a perfect brush.

“My chin isn’t the same, though,” Drill pointed out.

“No. No, your chin is smooth.”

“So I would need some other way to help brush you.”

Az shrugged, unsure of the correct answer. The thought of his keeper grooming him was a very happy one, but did Drill want to help? And Az didn’t know how it would happen.

Drill chuckled and rubbed Az’s scales with stronger fingers.

“Thank you.” Az ducked his head, stretched his neck out.

Drill took the hint, rubbing along Az’s neck, scratching a little.

“Good. Good, keeper.” And so much nicer than doing it himself.

“Sweet spot, yeah?”

“Sweet. More.”

“Bossy.” Drill kept rubbing, though.

“Bossy? What’s bossy?” Az asked.

“Demanding more.”

“Oh. Is that bad?” He would need to know so he didn’t say anything wrong.

“No. Not at all.”

“Oh.” Az trilled softly, pleased. He didn’t want to be bad.

Chuckling, Drill slowed his touches, pressing a little harder with them. The touches were nice -- not having-a-bath nice, but good just the same.

“I’ll make sure Pirou knows we need a very large tub in our rooms, and see if he can’t find me a brush so I can help. There has to be something made for polishing armor that would work well…”

Az nuzzled Drill’s jaw, loving and thanking him. Such a good keeper. Despite the men and the pokey needles, Az was a lucky dragon.

Drill grinned at him, looking at his scales as they were stroked. “You said you could fly, right?”

“Yes. All dragons can fly, but you have to have very much room and I’m little, so it’s dangerous.” And he wasn’t very good at it.

“I get having to have a lot of room, why does you being little make it dangerous?”

“Most dragons are big.” Big dragons could eat little ones.
Flying left you vulnerable to such things.

“Will the big dragons hurt you?” Drill asked.

“They can, yes. They will eat you, if you get in their spaces.”

“I’m not letting anyone eat you,” his keeper promised.

“Oh, good. I don’t want to be eaten. I think I would taste bad.” He’d seen that on the television Pirou had brought. Bright-colored bugs tasted bad.

His keeper began to chuckle. “I bet you taste good. Very good.”

He fluttered his wings. “The bugs on the television didn’t.”

“I’m not planning to put the bugs on the television into my mouth.”

“No.” Of course not. “Because they’re nasty.”

“But you aren’t. Give me your man, Az. I want to show you how a blow job feels, and I want to know what you taste like.”

Those touches -- deep, warm ones that seemed to almost shimmer with Drill’s need -- began to land on him, drawing his man self. When he had skin instead of scales and a man’s body, his keeper moaned and pressed against him, lips landing on his. A sensation of pure warmth flooded him, made his eyes cross. His own cock was hard, and he could feel a matching heat at Drill’s middle, rubbing on him.

“You have wood.” Drill told him, touching his hardness.

Az liked learning about language. “You give me wood.”


Drill could have all Az’s wood. Az would let him. Az wanted him to have it.

“Now I’m going to taste.” Pushing him down onto his back, Drill shimmied down and licked at the tip of his hardness.

“Oh.” Az jerked, eyes wide as pleasure shot up his spine.

Drill gave him a smug smile and licked again. The touches made him need to press closer and pull away at the same time. It was a little confusing, but mostly wonderful.

His keeper’s hands wrapped around his hips, tugging him closer as Drill’s lips surrounded the top of his need.

“Drill. Keeper. Keeper, I… I might go!”

Drill pulled away and smiled up at him. “That’s the idea -- how else would I taste you?”

He panted, his chest working like a bellows. “That is a big joy.” Az had never dreamed of such a big joy.

“It’s going to get even bigger,” promised his keeper.

“Bigger?” No, Az couldn’t imagine it.

Then Drill took his cock in again, lips closing just below his glans. Az’s eyes went wide, his hips jerking, trying to push deeper. Drill didn’t let him, hands holding his hips down hard. The suction was to just the tip, his keeper’s tongue flicking back and forth across his slit.

Oh. Oh. Oh
. Az fluttered, his body needing his wings, his tail.

Sucking harder, Drill let go of Az’s hips and pulled more of his cock into that hot mouth.

“Keeper. Keeper. Keeper.” Az shook his head, his hands flailing wildly.

Drill nodded, lips sliding along Az’s skin. His ball sac drew up so fast it ached, and when Drill took it in hand, pulling his testicles down, everything ratcheted up higher.

Humming, Drill sent vibrations through his cock and into the balls his keeper still held. Az’s legs spread, wide and then wider. Head bobbing up and down, Drill slid his lips along Az’s cock and pressure built inside him, making him shake.

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