Scarlet Vamporium: Vamporium #2 (28 page)

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Likewise the grape vine can quickly and easily change direction, this “changed my mind” aspect of the Vine person can be confusing and disorienting for the people around them. The vine requires a constant supply of water in order to produce fruit.

Yet this water mustn’t touch the leaves of the plant for when it does it creates mildew problems. Similarly Vine people expect and require a great deal of emotional support, which needs to be ever present and constant in order to flourish.

However they are displeased by emotional displays of hugging, kissing, holding hands, all of which are distasteful and create “mildew” problems in their relationships. This can also be misinterpreted as selfishness on the behalf of the Vine person. They expect to be nurtured and cared for, yet are not considerate of the emotional needs of their partner or unfortunately sometimes the needs of their children.

The Vine personality embodies both the party aspect of the grape and the aloof aspect of the pumpkin. This can make them unpredictable and extreme. The Vine personality can seem extreme because they can be jovial one moment and moody the next. This dual nature of Vine personalities can create difficulties in marriage and partnerships.

The cycle of all vine foods insist that they have both a rainy wet season, and then a hot and very dry season. Without these opposites the vine does not flourish. Similarly the Vine personality can swing from clammy and cloying to aloof and uncomfortable.

The Vine person definitely embodies both of these aspects. They can either love you or hate you. Yesterday they romantically pursued you and contacted you constantly, yet today the dry hot aspect of their personality has decided that you aren’t exactly what they want and so blow you off when you inquire what went wrong.

It is this aspect of the Vine personality that can be disconcerting. When they are your friend, they are great mates and dependable especially socially, however without expressing why, they can severe all contact and move onto the next thing, leaving behind them a wake of confusion and hurt.

Another aspect of the vine is that it’s sprawling by nature. Likewise Vine people can lean toward untidiness.

Anyone who has ever tried to pick a pumpkin knows what an awful experience it can be. Pumpkins and their leaves and vines are full of fine hairs that pierce the skin like splinters. So be very careful when dealing with a Vine person because when their ego has been bruised all of those splinters jump out to prick you in retaliation.

Although both the pumpkin and grape embody another Vine trait. Both of these fruits are more commonly used in a transformed format. The pumpkin needs to be cooked to be consumed with relish, and similarly the grape vine is more commonly used in the making of wine and vinegars. Thus the Vine person is often seen as a catalyst for change and transformation. Whenever change is occurring, there will be Vine people involved.

Unfortunately grapes (the pique of Vine success) spoil quickly. This aspect influences the Vine person in that successes are relatively short lived. Therefore the Vine person can feel that they are constantly striving to achieve, yet when their boat sails in, it leaves again as quickly as it arrived, creating a never ending cycle in the Vine persons life.

It is unfortunate that Vine people often embody another aspect of the grape. Later in life Vine people can become embittered, mistaking their acidity for sarcasm or wit.

A positive trait of the vine is that it grows easily in almost any well drained soil. Similarly the Vine person can be comfortable in almost every environment. They easily prosper wherever their interests take them, however their lack of staying power can work against them in regards to career.

When choosing a career the Vine person is attracted to security. Therefore any company with a long history which offers security benefits is ideal. This again is reflective of the Vine person craving a sturdy support system.

When it comes to health and vigor Vine people are identical to their plant counterpart. When conditions aren’t ideal vines are prone to mildew and black spot. Similarly Vine people fall ill easily when unhappy or stressed and tend to be plagued by colds and flu.

Out of all of the Gods in myth and legend, Bacchus would be the hero of the Vine personality. He embodies the Vine love of socializing.

A party with loud music, lots of dancing and amphoras overflowing, pretty girls and handsome boys, the Vine person enjoys them all.


Gort / Ivy

September 30 - October 27


Ivy is an evergreen ground cover. Once established it quickly covers unsightly walls and fences. Ivy people are also evergreen in nature, remaining steadfast, unchanging and consistent. The garden ivy needs at least four hours of sun a day, revealing that Ivy people need some attention to be happy.

The soil preferred for ivy is loamy, compost rich and fairly moist. Similarly Ivy people require a nurturing home environment to flourish into healthy adults. They have emotional needs that require “watering” however the rewards of looking after your Ivy person this way are numerous.

Like their botanical counterpart Ivy people “hold” things together. The roots of the ivy plant are numerous, fairly deep and spreading, thereby “knitting” the soil into place preventing erosion. Likewise Ivy people are the “backbone” of their family and social circle.

They ensure that gatherings keep on taking place bringing all of the people they care about together. Similarly Ivy people never lose touch with friends or family that have moved away. They refuse to allow life to “erode” their relationships or to undo the hard work they’ve achieved.

Like their roots Ivy people are good networkers, establishing a large varied circle of friends and business contacts.

The botanical ivy is a quick grower once established and does not stop growing. Similarly Ivy people never stop growing in every aspect. They constantly give themselves new goals and steadily grow toward their fulfillment. Ivy people continue to expand on their knowledge in spiritual, relationship and career aspects. This makes Ivy people excellent and rewarding students.

The quick growing aspect of the ivy plant when it is used to cover unsightly borders is again insightful into the Ivy nature. No matter how ugly life has been to the Ivy person, they manage to conceal it well. Viewing a mature Ivy person you cannot begin to imagine what their cheerful evergreen leaves are hiding.

When ivy covers a wall it holds on with a death tight grip and grows over the same place again and again fully concealing all that lies beneath it. Thus no matter how often you probe into the life of the Ivy person, they will never reveal what they do not wish you to know. They maintain a “death grip” on their secrets and no amount of nagging, probing or weeding will reveal them. Ivy does not like being disturbed and this kind of probing behaviour can annoy an Ivy person. They can stubbornly grow over the area you tried to reveal with more vigor ensuring that what they wish to hide remains hidden.

This aspect also reveals that Ivy people can be entrusted with the biggest secrets. Even torture cannot make them “talk”. These people would make excellent secret agents, or scientists working for the government.

The ivy plant is a vigorous grower and similarly Ivy people remain focused on their goals. Once committed the Ivy person shall see every undertaking through from beginning to end. When they decide to put their energy into anything, they do it wholeheartedly and with enthusiasm. This quick growing aspect also reveals that Ivy people are quick thinkers and grasp ideas and concepts quickly.

The way that ivy grabs onto whatever wall or fence it is covering also reveals that Ivy people can be quietly stubborn and very determined. Although Ivy people need to be careful of holding onto partners that same way, thereby stifling the joy out of a relationship. Ivy people need to be aware that their “wall” will always be there, so they do not have to be insecure and hold on tightly.

The ivy plant has no flowers, however it is possible to determine male and female leaves. Likewise Ivy people are not showy at all. They do not brag, boast, or crave the limelight. Mostly in the shade, Ivy people are accustomed to walking in the shadow of their siblings or business partners. However they are happy with this arrangement just as long as they get their due acknowledgement and appreciation from time to time (the four hours of sun).

The fact that Ivy people have no flowers reveals that they are true to themselves in every moment. They will never pretend to be something that they are not, or to try and impress you with tall tales or adornment of fine jewelry and make-up. If taking an Ivy person on a date do not be surprised if they do not dress up for the occasion. This is probably the most earthy sign in the tree zodiac.

Growing so close to the ground also reveals that Ivy people generally fly under the radar. Nothing that they do will draw attention or make them stand out. They may get annoyed with the fact that they blend so well into the scenery thereby having to reintroduce themselves to the same people five times before they are remembered.

It takes a lot of pruning and cutting back before the Ivy person gets annoyed. There is a type of ivy called poison ivy. Thus when an Ivy person has had enough they are very adept at blackballing, shunning and excluding another. Make no mistake they shall ensure that you are aware of every party they have planned that you are NOT invited to. Very slowly the poison ivy aspect of the Ivy person will make you feel so uncomfortable that you would rather just leave their circle altogether.

Lastly is the stubborn streak well hidden from view of the Ivy person. When ivy roots are established you can cut the plant right back to its roots and it shall grow back better than ever in just one season. The stubbornness of ivy roots is hidden underneath the soil.

Similarly you would have to know the Ivy person very well to know that this stubbornness exists. However the ease with which the ivy grows back again and again reveals that Ivy people are both determined and optimistic. This also reveals that they have excellent memories.


Ngetal / Reed

October 28 - November 24


The common reed (Phragmites australis) is found growing in many types of wetland. They grow in shallow water on large mud beds in fens, swamps, lakes, ponds, estuaries and lagoons. This reveals that Reed people need to feel loved throughout their lifetime. Water always symbolizes emotions. Thus these people have their roots firmly grounded in emotions rather than logic.

Similarly they reflect the quality of the emotions (water) fed to them by friends and family. If they are fed love and respect, that is what they reflect back. However if they are shown inconsideration and neglect (polluted water) then they shall respond in kind.

This concept of the Reed person is often misunderstood as retaliation. If the Reed person in your life is treating you badly, that trait would have been initiated by you (time for some reflection I think).

Reed people are very competitive. In natural wetlands reeds form thick stands thereby crowding out other plant life such as cattails, bulrushes and thistles. This competitiveness comes from a deep seated insecurity that they are under threat. This is a natural emotion considering the reed species.

Highland cattle graze on the reeds, “cutting” them back continuously. This is necessary to maintain a healthy reed ecosystem, however Reed people have this fear. This gives us interesting insight into Reed people. Reed people often feel as though their freedoms are being curtailed. That they are being “punished” when they honestly and openly express themselves.

They counteract this emotional fear by surrounding themselves with like-minded people (more reeds) feeling that there is safety in numbers. However this isn’t possible from a relationship standpoint, when a spouse is being unreasonable. The family of Reed people need to understand that if they are being selfish or unreasonable in a relationship, it was definitely initiated by the other party involved.

The Reed person needs to have the security of family and friends backing them up emotionally in domestic disputes. They need to have the comfort from the family of “safety in numbers”.

The leaves on reeds are long, flat and taper to a point and loosely attached by a sheath for ease of movement. Reed leaves are well known for their sharp edges which have a reputation for cutting hands during harvest (as it is still used for thatching). Similarly Reed people can have a cutting sense of humor.

However when a Reed person is angry they can use the natural characteristics of this leaf to full advantage. In a battle of words the Reed person shall stab you with the sharp point of their leaf and as they withdraw the leaf the edge will slice you even further.

Sometimes the wounding words from an angry Reed person can leave permanent damage, as when the leaf that is so loosely attached to the reed breaks loose because it was stabbed in too deep. This however affects the Reed person very little. They shall quickly forget what they said or how wounding it was as they grow a new leaf to replace the one still stuck in your heart. Reed people are often totally unaware of just how wounding their words can be.

In nature the reed is incredibly durable and very well rooted. They have a quickly spreading rhizome root system that has many ecological benefits. The roots of the reed prevent soil erosion especially during times of flood and provides a home and shelter for many animals. Similarly Reed people love providing shelter for their children and animals.

Their rhizome roots are thick and juicy making excellent food for hungry deer in winter. However these roots are very securely bound into the soil and it is difficult to “uproot” a Reed person. These people do not like change. They become quickly attached to places and people. They rely on their roots for everything, thus the Reed person often has a good relationship with their parents and siblings because this is where their roots are grounded and nurtured.

Without a doubt Reed people are socialites with a wide and varied social circle. They love socializing and being surrounded by people and activity. This reflects the natural world of the reed plant where the reeds are home to many common and rare bird species, crabs, snakes, ducks, geese, grasshoppers, rats, toads, insects and mice.

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