They also provide shelter for many species of deer and many smaller animals as well. Thus undoubtedly Reed people make good friends. They can be relied upon to help friends in need and can often feel drawn to animal causes because they have a natural need to protect.
If a Reed person loves you deeply, or a cause deeply, they will defend that person / child / animal / cause with everything that they have. They can be ferociously protective especially if they sense imminent danger.
Reeds are inherently strong and flexible withstanding the worst storms and easily regrow after fire damage. Thus Reed people can seem to have an iron will. They make excellent supporters of both people and causes just as the reed is used as a very strong and durable yet light support.
A reed person in a happy relationship makes the best partner. They will support you in everything that you do and that support is unwavering and as strong as the reed itself.
They are intensely loyal and can be relied upon indefinitely once they have given you their word. These people are also drawn to every type of career. This is revealed in the huge range of uses that reeds are used for, everything from paper and wind instruments, to brooms and thatching.
Also true to the reed nature Reed people are generally good looking in an understated way. The reed has crimson flowers that turn into seeds which the birds find irresistible. Similarly Reed people are colorful and draw a crowd of admirers. But like the unassuming nature of the reed, Reed people are often very humble about their appearances. They seem to be totally unaware of how beautiful their flowers are when in bloom or how invaluable their seeds are when in fruit.
Reed people are their own worst enemies because they can be so self critical. They underestimate their value in friendships and partnerships. They are naturally gifted in many areas and whatever they turn their attention to will prosper, just as the reed in nature grows into wild thickets even in the face of adversity.
It is an honour to know a Reed person, however try to avoid unleashing their cutting edge. A last word of warning. Without the water that sustains the reed in nature, the reed will become hollow and empty. If you try to take a Reed person away from their family and friends (to a different country perhaps) you will destroy their spirit and they shall also become hollow, feeling the “gap” desperately to the point of illness and desperation. There is no worse fate for a Reed person.
Ruis / Elder
November 25 - December 22
The elder tree is known as the “Lady of the woods”. Anyone familiar with the elder tree will know that it can have a main trunk but often has multiple stems. This is reflective of the Elder person who is multi-faceted. Each stem is a strong aspect to the Elder personality. These people have many interests and become well versed in all of them. Thus the multiple strong stems of the tree represent this.
The elder tree is usually full and rounded, perfectly shrubby but always busy. The Elder person can seem just as full, they have busy meaningful lives and like the shrub that represents them can be full bodied, voluptuous and a little overwhelming. Although often elder trees land up having flat tops reminiscent of the shape of yarrow. Thus once Elder people have achieved what they set out to achieve they “level” off and spread outward instead.
However elder wood is very soft and full of sap which is why it is never practically used as a fuel (other than its otherwordly associations). This insight reveals that Elder people are easily wounded and soft hearted. In fact elder wood “screams” as the sap explodes from the wood when added to the fire. This reveals that Elder people can put up a huge cacophony of indignation and anxiety when placed in stressful situations.
The light grain of elder wood gives us the insight that Elder people are mostly mild mannered, gentle and bright. They can grasp concepts easily if they can just sit still long enough to listen (they're too busy growing).
Walking into a room it is easy to spot the Elder person. The elder tree is over run with elder flowers that turn into elderberries. The flowers are heady, intoxicating, and contain yeast. That is the effect of the Elder person in a room. They may be minding their business but there presence is heady and there appearance attractive. Others are drawn to the Elder person because in that presence you feel intoxicated, giddy and courageous. There is something about the Elder personality that frees the inhibitions of those around them.
They are naturally attractive but by no means graceful and authoritative like the Oak, or Birch. However they have a natural magnetism that the opposite sex finds hard to resist. Even when they are not good looking there is an attractiveness and appeal about the Elder that is inexplicable. It is interesting to note that the fragrance of elder flowers repels flies. Similarly the Elder person will usually land up with a worthy life partner and not a person that will treat them like excrement (where flies like to lay eggs).
Similarly the unruly, untidy appearance of the elder tree gives you a head's up about the Elder person. They can be sprawling, gangly and untoward. Like the shrubby elder tree they tend to use up a lot of space and spread themselves out. However this same aspect can be positive because their spreading out nature insists that they are never boring, always branching out in new directions, discovering new subjects and making new friends. Although the spreading out aspect can make for untidiness.
Elder people will always bare fruit, just as their botanical namesake does. Sooner or later, their constant branching out into new avenues shall pay off. It may take the Elder a long while to flower and fruit, but with these people it is inevitable. They are naturally lucky and the fruitfulness of the elder tree ensures that they are always provided for and that hard work is rewarded.
The elder tree has a reputation and association with all things magical. Similarly the Elder person is drawn to subjects of a spiritual or magical nature. The lore of this tree states that the sap from the leaves grants one sight into the land of faery. Similarly Elder people have an uncanny ability of knowing the unseen hidden aspects of another’s personality. They easily pick up body language and nuances.
They are also fiercely protective and this is true too of the elder tree. The elder tree is a tree that has the reputation of giving safe harbor in a storm as it is never struck by lightning. The Elder person is steadfast in that it shall always be the one to rescue friends living through their own storms. The Elder person will provide food and shelter to friends in need, just as the botanical elder does.
Anyone who knows the elder tree and its personality knows how futile it is to try to tame this unruly plant. It is futile for another to try to tame or shape the Elder person. Just as when one prunes the elder tree, it seems that that area grows back fiercer and more unruly than it was before, and this is the Elder nature.
When they feel their freedom is being curtailed they are known for striking back by doing exactly what you told them not to, but to the extreme.
They cannot be tamed, and may seem wild, but are not. When they have finished growing with unruly abandon they settle down into routine and allow others to have a say in shaping their future. But until they are ready your energy will be wasted on them and your reward will be a wilder than ever Elder. Similarly when an Elder person feels hemmed in without enough space, they can be incredibly miserable, sullen and can suffer with illness.
These people need space, without it they will perish and lose their will to thrive. But if you are determined, persistence does pay off. If you are willing to prune your elder tree back three times a year, you will eventually land up with an excellent hedge. However this is not the natural form of the elder tree and Elder people subjected to such abuse will lose their spiritedness. They do not conform without a fight.
The elder tree is not called the 'lady of the woods' without merit. The Elder personality loves nature and the outdoors, and is very fond of animals. Often Elder people are drawn to animal causes and also enjoy anthropology.
Similarly this aspect sees the Elder person watching the natural world around them, observing stars, seasons and weather phenomenon.
Uil-iok / Mistletoe
December 23
Mistletoe is such a magical and revered plant that it stands alone in this zodiac. The Celtic druids used mistletoe to heal everything from a sore toe to a wounded ego. This plant was considered incredibly magical because it is most rare in Oak trees. The reasons and logic employed here shall unfold in its entirety and myths shall be laid to rest. Here are the facts about the mistletoe plant and the Mistletoe person.
It is assumed because of where mistletoe is most commonly found growing, that it is a parasite. When mistletoe seeds are dropped onto a branch and it takes root in the host plant, then yes it has parasitic behaviour, but in fact mistletoe can grow perfectly well on its own when planted in the ground.
Like other plants it can produce its own food through photosynthesis and is not reliant on a “host” plant. It just chooses to take the easy “root.” This insight I find fascinating. How clever are these Mistletoe people!
Instead of struggling their way up the corporate ladder they are quite often just dumped into positions higher up (on a high branch by a bird). How lucky! Mistletoe people are fortunate in that in life most of their wealth and social standing will come to them the easy way (provided by the tree they sit on). Whether it be by winning the lottery or through inheritance, the future bodes well for the Mistletoe.
In nature mistletoe is most often “propagated” through the depositing of the seed onto high branches by birds. This little insight into the “beginning” of mistletoe life leads one to believe that Mistletoe people start life in a home and environment that will benefit them the most. These people are usually born into families that are already financially comfortable and where no struggle is encountered. Similarly the parents of a Mistletoe will provide every little thing that their baby requires. Thus a Mistletoe person could be considered both lazy and spoilt. However, first appearances can be misleading. The “high” aspect of the Mistletoe can also pertain to the fact that these people aim high and are terrified of failure. Failure is not an option.
The mistletoe is in fact a hard working plant, in that it never ceases growth, is evergreen, produces flowers, fruit and seeds. Mistletoe people cannot be accused of being lazy. They are hard workers and achievers. Perhaps they don’t really pull their weight around the home, but they more than make up for that at work. Mistletoe people aim for the stars and usually manage to catch one too.
I find it rather amusing that mistletoe shooting is a sport in America. This plant grows so high up that it is impossible to get it down any other way. If there is a food of the Gods it must have been mistletoe because a mere mortal could never reach it.
Similarly Mistletoe people are aloof and “out of reach” to the rest of us. It would take an extra special person to catch the eye of the haughty Mistletoe.
Know this, if pursuing a Mistletoe person, they are going to make you work for “it”. That song “....climb every mountain..” springs to mind. These people know they are special and not just any old partner will do. So it might seem that they are testing you a little too much, but they need to be secure in the knowledge that “you’re worth it”.
The evergreen nature of the mistletoe ensures that all Mistletoe people are optimistic, reliable and constant. Expect the Mistletoe person to have the charm and personal magnetism to stand out in a crowd.
This aspect they get from the mistletoe being almost the only color in a snowy landscape, and very easy to see, lazing on its high perch of the oak bough. Because these plants form such dense clusters, their beauty definitely has an impact.
The waxy white berries have many birds clambering onto the tree to feed. Similarly the Mistletoe person surrounds themselves with noisy colorful characters. Mistletoe people have “ice-breaking” humor. They can walk into a room, say just one thing, and suddenly the room turns into a place filled with laughing joking people. This aspect sees many an awkward boy steal his first kiss under the mistletoe at christmas.
That is the kind of catalyst the Mistletoe person is. They somehow give their friends the courage to take risks that will yield good rewards. Another aspect of the waxy berries is the wilfulness to help others. Especially those less fortunate than themselves.
However it is worth noting that Mistletoe people don’t just have a pretty face, they have many hidden talents. Like the berry that grows on the mistletoe, these people have hidden qualities. The berry is a known immune booster which has seen it used since 1920 in the treatment of cancer (although only in Germany, Switzerland and Austria) and is considered an excellent treatment for HIV (the druids named it All Heal). However it is well documented by physician, scientist and druid alike that these properties of the plant are only present for three months of the year. Thus harvesting mistletoe is a very precise process. The druids obviously knew what they were doing. Similarly Mistletoe people have many hidden talents and manage to boost everyone around them. If you need to feel good about yourself turn to the Mistletoe person for reassurance.
Like their botanical namesake Mistletoe people can quickly see the whole in both situations and people. They are good judges of character and not easily fooled. From the high vantage point of the mistletoe plant, the entire landscape is revealed.
Mistletoe people can easily ascertain weak points, flawed character and sly behaviour. Unless taken in the right ratio mistletoe berries are poisonous. This is a warning to anyone thinking of hurting the Mistletoe person.
They can nurture you, just as the plant provides in nature, however the same qualities that they use to nurture they can manipulate into tools of destruction. Their humor can lift you up, but they can turn it around to shame you. As lovingly and generously as they give to you, can just as quickly be withdrawn.