Scarlet Vamporium: Vamporium #2 (27 page)

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The matured oak tree gives fruit in the form of acorns. As unpalatable as acorns seem they are in fact a valuable food containing both protein and carbohydrates. It has saved the lives of many peasants in times of famine. They are still used in pig fodder. Acorns also yield a durable black dye and when mixed with alum yield a brown dye.

These aspects give us insight into the Oak personality. Oak people are good providers, providing both food (acorn) and clothing (dye) without complaint. These wonderful people will provide stability and financial comfort to their loved ones, give friends safe harbor in times of need and will give freely of their energy, expertise and time to their circle of friends and family. The oak tree asks for nothing in return in nature. All that the oak tree needs to survive is water. Therefore if the Oak person feels loved they shall continue being both friend and doormat to the people they care about, asking for nothing in return. The color dyes produced by the acorn again reveal the “blend into the background” characteristics of the Oak person.

Overall the Oak person is constant. The enduring aspect of the oak tree ensures that the Oak person is solid, grounded and reliable. The longevity of the oak tree sees the roots, trunk and branches as strong, durable and ever increasing. Thus the Oak person knows who they are, where their strengths lie and secure in their vision of the future.

The oak tree will outlive every other tree in the landscape. Similarly Oak people will endure all that life throws at them. Their stamina will see them outlast all of their foes, even making them good athletes because of their stamina. But more than the physical, Oak people have mental stamina. If there is a riddle to be solved in life, the Oak person will remain focused long enough to solve it. This aspect also makes the Oak person naturally optimistic.

Because of the longevity and durability of this tree it is viewed as the mightiest of the trees in the druidic belief system. It was a tree dedicated to all of the major gods in mythology including Zeus, Jupiter, Thor, Dagda and Perun. It is the symbol used by the royal clan Stewart and was so important that the leaves appeared on British money (sixpence and shilling). From King Arthur’s round table to the groves where the druids worshipped, to the crowns of royalty the oak tree symbolizes authority, supremacy and royalty.


Tinne / Holly

July 08 - August 04


Holly trees do not do well in the shade of other trees. Similarly Holly people do not like to be dominated or dictated to. The Holly person works well alone without a boss constantly peering over their shoulder checking up on them. They are independent and reliable. If a Holly person gives you their word they shall do everything in their power to follow through.

There are two characteristics of the holly tree that reveals that they do not like possessive or suffocating relationships. First is the soil preferred by holly trees. Any soil that does not have standing water (emotionally needy partners or friends). These people need good soil drainage and likewise they need to be able to feel independent even when cohabiting with another.

The second characteristic is their beautiful prickly evergreen leaves. These leaves only occur to the height where grazing animals can no longer reach and then the leaves become smooth.

Thus the Holly person does not want constant hugging, touching, needy partners. If you give them the space they need, their prickly countenance and attitude will soon smooth out for an easy-going, happy relationship.

This relationship aspect refers to every type of relationship. However this prickly aspect of the holly tree influences Holly people into being intensely private individuals and in the negative aspect can make them secretive.

Holly trees are evergreen. Thus Holly people are constant and reliable. These trees are amazing in that when icy conditions have gripped the landscape their beauty continues. No matter how cold the conditions the holly tree remains leafy and colorful.

Similarly Holly people remain optimistic no matter how bleak the prospects are. The leaves of the holly remain attached to the tree for several years before falling and take a very long time to break down. Likewise Holly people do not give up easily. You cannot deter a determined Holly person.

Holly people can also be relied upon for support in hard times. When all of your other friends have deserted you, the Holly person shall remain steadfast. This aspect is seen in nature when all other trees have lost their foliage in winter, the holly tree is the one source of nourishment left for the deer.

The holly tree produces flowers which in turn morph into berries. However in order for berries to occur two holly trees are required. Likewise the Holly person does best when partnered with another. The berries are a source of nourishment for birds but not for people.

The beauty of the holly tree covered in bright red berries reveals that Holly people can be both beautiful and interesting. However the poisonous aspect of the berries which attracts admirers also reveals that the Holly person can poison relationships when they are not paired with a good partner.

Although this same Holly person would never employ the same tactics with their pets. Pets are deeply loved and this aspect shall remain unchanging.

The wood of the holly tree is ivory white throughout except in the very middle. This pale aspect of the holly tree reveals that Holly people really are mild mannered and gentle. Even though at first they can seem abrasive and stand offish (the prickly leaves) once you have moved past the outer surface of the Holly person a totally different reality is revealed.

This timber is also evenly grained and very hard, making it prized for woodwork and inlay work. Thus although the Holly person is mild mannered and gentle, they can be amazingly stubborn and determined. It is also not easy to offend the Holly person. Their wood and bark makes them tougher than one would expect.

The bark of the holly tree has many knots on the otherwise smooth light gray bark. However in many places this bark can be tinged with crimson.

The lichen that attaches itself to holly bark creates the appearance of smooth black lines similar in appearance to oriental script. This insight reveals that Holly people are quirky.

Although light and smooth in appearance their bark reveals that Holly people can have odd habits and that certain circumstances during youth can have a permanent affect on them. These people are also gifted in “changing the subject” when under close scrutiny which makes them uncomfortable.

Holly people are very intelligent but hide this fact. These people can be accused of pretending to be dim-witted and also of hiding their true feelings. However this aspect only lasts until they feel comfortable and secure with another and then they let their guard down.


Coll / Hazel

August 5 - September 1


Hazel trees grow in quarry type soils best. Sandy, dry, rocky and cold. Thus Hazel people are known to thrive from the worst circumstances. Many Hazel people will have had difficult childhood’s with a lot of tough love dished out. In fact the hazel nut trees in Scotland grow in granite subsoil, and in Kent grows in chalk.

This hard ground that hazel trees thrive in encourage the hazel nut tree to have invasive roots, so that they are well grounded and rooted to survive adverse conditions. However given the choice of well drained loam the hazel tree doesn’t just thrive, it flourishes.

The only real needs the hazel tree has is well drained soil and plenty of water. Similarly Hazel people will prevail no matter what their circumstances as long as they are given space and emotional support. When the love and support that they crave is not supplied they can become demanding and selfish (hence the invasive root system). However hazel trees do not like acid soils and thus are never found growing near pine trees.

Despite their tough characteristics Hazel people are romantics. The hazel leaf has a heart shape and this reflects the true aspiration of the Hazel person. Hazel people are on a quest to find unconditional love, and yes they definitely wear their hearts on their sleeves. Hazel people are warm hearted. The hazel tree is covered with downy hairs when young and the leaves always have a furriness about them on the underside. So it isn’t always immediately apparent how warm hearted the Hazel person is, yet once you have discovered their teddy bear qualities you’ll love their warmth and tenderness.

Hazel trees make good understory trees in forest settings and similarly the Hazel person is a good team player. In nature the hazel tree provides nourishment to all manner of forest dweller including squirrels, roe deer, woodpeckers, red deer, rodents, twenty-one species of fungi, moss, lichen and in the lichen category lungwort. Compared to other tree species they are relatively untouched by insects although weevils can pose a problem. Likewise the Hazel person is undoubtedly a good provider.

These people will provide every type of nourishment to their friends and family. Humor when an atmosphere needs lifting, hugs when tears are flowing, food when the family is hungry and mental stimulation when boredom sets in. When the Hazel person has a compatible life partner they are fruitful in every sense of the word.

Although considering the characteristics of the weevil Hazel people do not appreciate small minded people or selfishness, because they are good providers they will never understand the greed and self-centeredness of others. This forest aspect of the hazel tree also sees Hazel people having a large and varied circle of friends.

Although hazel trees generally do have one main trunk they can also produce multiple stems thus giving the tree a bushy appearance. They also start branching out very close to the ground. This insight reveals just how quickly Hazel people want to get on with it. They waste no time branching out into careers and have many interests and hobbies. Hence once an idea grabs them, they waste no time implementing it. This quality makes Hazel people good organisers and businessmen. These trees have a fullness about them which has seen them used as hedging. Likewise the Hazel person lives a full, varied and fulfilling life.

The hazelnut has a mythical reputation of imparting wisdom. These trees can live for hundreds of years, so it isn’t surprising that the nuts contain wisdom. This aspect can also be found in Hazel people. They often have a wisdom and maturity beyond their years.

When asked for an opinion they give it fairly and without hurting anyone in the process. Hazel people easily see both sides to every story and manage to empathize with both parties, making them good judges. Similarly Hazel people can open their mouths to say something and a pearl of profound wisdom drops onto the dinner party table, surprising everyone.

Although the Hazel person has so many wonderful qualities there is one that I am sure they are unaware of. The hazel tree is unlike any other tree in that it grows its fruit a fair distance away from where the “flower” was pollinated. This can make the Hazel person a distant parent. Many parents make the mistake of assuming that being a good provider makes for a good parent.

Providing for and nurturing are two very different things. Thus the Hazel parent needs to be wary of being distanced from their children. I placed “flower” in inverted commas because the hazel tree does not have a petalled flower. This makes pollination easier especially by wind.

However it does take two hazel trees for fruit to bare. Likewise the Hazel person does not put on a flowery display to catch a mate. What you see is what you get with Hazel people. This aspect can even be taken as far as unwillingness to wear make-up and fancy fragrances. Also, like their botanical namesake Hazel people prefer to be in relationships than without.

Hazel timber is very flexible, seeing it used in the making of walking sticks, used to secure other vines as a rope and basketry. It has a tight grain and is both red and white in color. Thus Hazel people are flexible, naturally athletic and always open to new ideas. The grain reveals that they are secure in who they are and are not easily distracted. Even friendships are enduring.

The color of the grain reveals that Hazel people embody both serious and fun loving aspects. They know when to have fun and they know when austerity is prudent. They can also have fun fooling others, telling jokes with a deadpan face just see the reaction they’ll evoke.


Muin / Vine

September 2 - September 29


We all know the vine well. The vine refers to any climbing, fruiting plant, from grapes to pumpkins, however the druids generally used this term for grape vines. With this understanding it goes without saying that Vine personalities like their liquor and tend to overindulge, especially in youth. As with all climbing plants the vine has tendrils to hold onto things and obviously requires a support system.

The nature of the vine is twisting, turning, holding on, and the Vine personality has a tendency to do the same thing. Often this makes them unpredictable and overwhelmingly needy. In nature the vine needs a support on which to climb.

In life the Vine person has this same need and can be overly dependent on those around them. When this support system isn’t available the Vine person can turn to the negative aspect and depend instead on drugs. This is an aspect that Vine personalities need to be aware of and careful of.

However as in nature the vine cares not which support it clings to, just so long as it has a support. This aspect of the Vine person can have them perceived as “user” type personalities. This can also be viewed as the Vine person “climbing” all over other people without consideration in order to reach their goals. Likewise the Vine person is drawn to the easiest possible route to attain these goals. Thus many Vine people fall for “get rich quick” schemes.

The vine in nature has a relatively short life span compared to the other plants in the zodiac and this is reflective of the Vine person. It is easy for them to lose interest or decide that a goal isn’t worth the personal effort. They do not have stamina and staying power for the chess game of life. In this light Vine people can be considered fickle and flighty.

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