Scarred Hearts (Blackrock) (50 page)

Read Scarred Hearts (Blackrock) Online

Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: Scarred Hearts (Blackrock)
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"Babe I love you" I say into his ear "I know and I am a lucky guy" his lips seek out mine again as the song continues. Sliding my tongue into his mouth I want to taste every part of him, our tongues dance a sensual dance together, colliding against one another. He licks the roof of my mouth and my bottom lip driving me crazy, I take his bottom lip into my mouth biting gently making him groan. "I want you" I say against his lips, he pulls back looking at me with hooded eyes filled with desire "I want you beautiful" we slip off the dance floor going into the back kitchenette Knox locks the door behind us grabbing me his lips crash into mine in a fierce passion, I pull my dress up to my hips as he lifts me onto his hips. I hear a zip and feel his hard cock against my flesh, he pushes into me hard causing me to cry out. He pushes hard and fast kissing my neck and collar bone "Darlin you're beautiful" he whispers.

I fist my hands in the back of his hair as he takes my mouth again, his tongue greedy to taste me as he plunges inside of me, his hand slips down between us taking me over the edge almost at once, I cry out his name panting as he pushes again "Take me baby" I whisper sending him over the edge, he pushes one last time emptying himself inside me. Knox holds my legs pulling out of me "Damn darlin you get me all worked up" he smiles helping me to the ground. We fix ourselves then return to the bar "Hey babe can you get us some shots it's nearly midnight" he nods making four shots and grabbing a bottle of champagne from the fridge. He hands me the champagne flutes and bottle while he brings the shots. I slide into the seat Max and Paige are still dancing when Knox joins me. He waves Max over to us "Here Max" he hands him a shot "Cheers" we say together then slam the Goldstrike, It's been a while since I had it and I savor the burn. Knox and I return to the dance floor for the last half hour on this year, just before midnight the DJ shuts off the music as we all start counting.

TEN! The whole bar erupts NINE! EIGHT! Knox wraps me in his arms SEVEN! I am smiling up at him "I love you" SIX! "I love you too" FIVE! Max and Paige are beside us FOUR! THREE! TWO! We all shout ONE! Auld Lang Synge plays through the bar as we all hug and kiss each other. Knox has me in a vice grip "Happy New Year Darlin, I love you" I smile at him with tears in my eyes "Happy New Year babe, I love you too" he locks lips with me again swaying gently to the music. "Happy New Year Knox" Max says beside us, Knox grabs his brother hugging him tight "You too Max" Paige and I hug barley able to speak for the tears. I hug Max "happy New Year Max" I whisper he squeezes me tight "Happy New Year sis, love ya" he kisses me on the cheek.

Knox pops the champagne pouring us all a glass "Happy New Year to all of us, lets hope next year is better than this one" he says, we raise our glasses and I whisper a Happy New Year to Summer and my Nan.
This year has been really trying and painful so I am grateful its over and looking forward to spending next year with Knox, maybe my heart will mend and I will get a happy ever after. We sit down for a few minutes watching the revelers dance and sing kicking balloons around and blowing party whistles.

The music is back to a thumping base "Who wants to dance?" We all get up to dance the new year in Knox has his hands on my hips as grind into him letting the music take me over "Damn darlin" I turn in his arm kissing him "Only for you babe" we dance until the last call bell rings "That time already?" Knox nods at me biting his lower lip, I put my lips to his licking where he is biting as he releases his lip I crush my lips to his. He pulls away after a few minutes "Do you want another drink?" he asks "No babe, I'm good" He leads me over to the booth where Paige is alone "Hey where is Max?" she points to the bar, turning I see him talking to some guys including Sean "Yeah let's stay here" Paige and I laugh filling up our glasses.

About thirty minutes later Knox turns on the house lights and starts the clearing out ritual of shouting "Its time to go home" Paige and I don't budge just keep drinking well I do anyway. "So are you and Max ok?" I ask watching her, she gives me a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes "Yeah I guess, you and Knox seem better" she says deflecting "Yeah we are great, he is one handsome hottie" I smirk watching him as he approaches "Hey ladies we are closed but if you want to stay after hours I accept all major sexual favors" he leans in kissing me "Does that work for you darlin?" I say laughing, he smiles shrugging "Thought I'd try" I slap his ass as he turns away. "He is too funny" Paige says smiling "Yeah I know, what can I say" we both sit in silence for a few minutes as the last guests leave.

Knox Pays the DJ and the bar staff before they leave, Paige is yawning "Stop you'll make me start" check my watch I see it is three am usually this place is empty by two thirty but tonight it was a little nuts. Knox flops down beside me resting his head on my shoulder 'Tired babe?" He nods as Paige yawns again "Paige! Stop it" she giggles as I yawn. Max walks over "I, am beat folks I think I'll call it" he helps Paige out of the booth as Knox helps me.

He turns off the lights as we make our way out the back entrance; we all walk to my car saying goodnight Max and Paige keep walking. Knox wraps his arms around me "I love you darlin" I shiver "I love you too" I say teeth chattering, Knox takes off his jacket putting on me "You look beautiful Bailey, I am happy we are together" I place my hands on his face "Me too Knox, I love you more than should be allowed" His lips find mine in a soft sweet kiss.

"Happy New Year babe"




This year is turning out to be pretty damn great, I have my girl in my arms kissing the face off her and nothing could make it better. I pull away from her staring into her eyes as blue as the ocean "Ready to go home darlin" she gives me one of her beautiful smiles and my heart melts "Sure babe" I kiss her again only because I can't help myself then reach into my pocket for her keys. We hear car tires screeching, a loud bang and then a scream that froze my blood "Maaaaxxxxx!"

Max? Letting go of Bailey I run reaching the corner I slide in my shoes banging my knee on the ground but I'm up running again, I see a lump in the middle of the road and Paige kneeling down beside it. My heart flips as I reach her, seeing my brother lying on the street blood pouring from his legs and head. "Max! Max!" what the fuck, I look around wildly seeing Bailey on her phone crying then to Paige "What happened?" I shout at her making her jump "A car, a car came and it didn't stop" she cries crumpling to the ground. "Max hold on Max I am here" Jesus there's blood everywhere.

I feel tears coursing down my cheeks as I hold my brother in my arms "Don't die Max, promise me you won't die" I see Bailey put my jacket over his body "I called 911 babe they are coming" I just nod, I can't think. Who would do this? Why? "Max stay with me, please" I whisper to him. I can't loose him he is all I have he is half of me. I hold him as best I can without moving him until I feel hands pulling me away; I swing violently "Get the fuck off me!" I shout, "We are here to help you need to move" My eyes adjust seeing the flashing lights and the two paramedics looking at me, sliding back I let them take over. Bailey grabs me holding on tight "I can't loose him, I can't" a fresh wave of pain hits me bringing more tears. They load Max onto a gurney and into the ambulance, I hand Bailey her keys climbing in with Max "Sir you can't come" the guy says, I look at him "Don't fucking dare tell me to move" I sit down by Max's feet as the guy closes the door. The drive is excruciating, the paramedic put an IV line in Max's arm checking his pulse every few seconds, I grab my brothers leg "Come on Max don't leave me" I want to be sick. I want my brother to jump up saying it is all a joke but he doesn't he lays there strapped with wires and tubes not moving.

We reach the hospital about forever later and they whisk him away from me leaving me alone. "Please wake up bro, please" I hear heals clicking my way looking up, I see Bailey and Paige run to me. "How is he?" Bailey asks, "I don't know" I croak. She sits me down on the plastic chair then sits on my lap holding me as I cry; I can feel her own tears drip onto my hands. I don't know how long I am there, like that with Bailey until I hear a voice talking to Paige. It's a cop, I listen as she tells him they were walking across the road when Max stopped for a minute then the next thing a car hits him and takes off. I can't take it, I have to get up I sit Bailey on the chair as I pace the room. Jesus, why aren't they telling me anything? I need to know my brother is alive.

Hours pass as I wait Paige had her parents come get her but Bailey stayed with me refusing to leave, she really is a rock although she doesn't realize it. Sitting beside her I pull her onto me "You ok babe?" she asks looking at me, I use my hand to wipe away all the black shit on her face "Yeah darlin" is all I can manage, her eyes tear up again raining more tears like a black river. "Darlin you are crying black" I show her my hand and she shrugs "I don't care what I look like I just want him to be ok" she whispers. My heart clenches in my chest "I know darlin me too" holding her brings me some comfort I know she would not leave me even though she can barley keep her eyes open "Close your eyes darlin I'll wake you when they come out" I guide her head to my shoulder tucking her in close as I pray that my brother is ok.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and my eyes spring open to see a nurse, my body is stiff as I try to move forgetting Bailey is there. She wakes up seeing the nurse she jumps off me "Mr. Porter you can come in now" the nurse says, grabbing Bailey's hand we follow her. I see a doctor as I walk into a room he is standing beside a bed, which my brother is laying in. "Mr. Porter, I am Doctor Murphy. I have completed the surgery on your brother; he has two broken legs, a broken pelvis and some swelling on the brain. I have him in a medical coma until the swelling goes down. He will be out for a few days maybe weeks we will have to keep an eye on his brain"

I just nod at the Doctor, and then he leaves. Sitting beside my brother I take his hand "You better wake up Max, I mean it. You can't check out on me now we have too much to do"



Watching Knox hold Max's hand kills me it brings me back to that night when I sat with Summer covered in her blood and Brad's vomit until the paramedics came. Max is in a coma, Jesus I hope he pulls through. The sun is starting to come up I can see the pink tinge to the sky, watching Knox I feel a presence beside me. I look over and my jaw drops, I see an older version of them, standing in the doorway looking at the bed. Knox lifts his head turning around his face pales "Hi son"


To be continued......


A Big Thank you

I hope you enjoyed reading Scarred Hearts and taking the emotional journey with Bailey and Knox. I want to thank everyone who has purchased this book and read it. This is the first book in my Blackrock series and I hope you continue the journey with me.

Thank you


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Playlist for Scarred Hearts:

* Adele: Rolling in the deep

* Enrique Iglesias: Hero

* Eric Clapton: Wonderful tonight

* Fergie: Big girls don't cry

* Hoobastank: The Reason

* John Mayer: Your body is a wonderland, Come back to bed

* Kid rock: Summertime

* Mumford & Son's: The Cave

* Nickleback: Something in your mouth, Lullaby

* Pink: So What

* 3 Doors down: Here without you


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