Second Nature (23 page)

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Authors: Ae Watson

Tags: #Crimson Cove Mysteries

BOOK: Second Nature
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Chapter Twenty-Seven

All Hallows’ Eve


He wrapped his arm around
my waist and pulled me into him. His Batman costume suited him and made me
think things I shouldn’t. I poked Jake’s good shoulder, his right one. “No

“That's all me, baby.” He

“You’re an idiot.” I
rolled my eyes and let him force me to waltz. It wasn't pretty, but he was very
good at dancing, even with a bum shoulder and healing broken toes, so I looked
like I might be too.

“Perhaps. But Andrew is
behind bars where he belongs and Tom has fessed up to our dads about mailing
the stupid blackmail letters to Vincent, Rachel, and your mom from places he
visited so Andrew wouldn't out him for having an affair. I hate to get cocky,
but I think we might be on track for an awesome year.”

I pulled back. “Andrew
wasn't working alone, and he’s not talking to the police. We aren’t on track
for anything. There’s still part of the team missing. You guys all got
complacent at the end of summer when we hadn’t heard anything from the killer
and then
here we are.”

“The girl whore wore the
same dress as Sierra. She’s all that's left of Andrew’s psychotic breakdown
team. And no one’s scared of girls.” He mocked me from behind his mask. It was
hard to take him seriously when he looked so sexy. “Did I mention how hot you
look in your Catwoman outfit?”

“Yeah and you made that
dirty joke in the limo about what bats eat. It was gross and Vincent laughed
and you pounded knuckles, and I rolled my eyes and Lindsey didn't say

The way Lindsey was staring
off into space now while Vincent talked to the guy next to them was upsetting.
She was Princess Peach and Vincent was Mario. I’d almost laughed at first,
seeing him in costume, but Lindsey had threatened me that it would be my fault
if he never wore one again.

“She’ll come around.
She’s just traumatized. That was some scary shit.”

“I’m glad she didn't see
the half of it.”

He pressed his lips into
the side of my head and muttered, “I’m sorry you did. I wish I’d been there.”

I pulled back, giving him
a crazy look. “Dude, you shouldn't even be here. The doctor hasn't cleared

“God, I wish I could just
close that steel trap of a mind of yours for one night.” He sighed and spun me.
“I got my early acceptance into Princeton today—let’s talk about that.”

“Of course you did. Did
you even apply?” I laughed bitterly.

“Yes, by being born.” The
dance ended, and he wrapped an arm around my waist and led me over to where
Lindsey and Vincent were standing. He was chatting up a guy from the football
team they all called Sergio. It wasn't his name, but he answered to it. I
didn't know why.

Lindsey’s eyes darted to

When we got close she
reached for me, taking my hand and walking away from the guys. Vincent’s eyes
lingered on her as he spoke, the way they always did. I had to wonder if Jake
trusted me more than Vincent trusted her because his eyes stayed on Sergio’s as
he laughed and nodded at whatever was being said. Or maybe he just didn't care
about me the way Vincent did.

“You all right?” I asked.

“No. I keep thinking
something else is going to happen. It’s Halloween. If I was a serial killer I
might pick Halloween to be my D-Day.”

“New Year’s.”

She gave me a look.

“New Year’s. I would pick
New Year’s. Everyone is drinking. No one is expecting the Spanish Inquisition.
Everyone is dancing and having fun. And they even have a goal: midnight. It’s
like a ticking time bomb, waiting to go off—” I cut myself off and looked
down, not wanting to meet the horrified look on her face. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay.” It wasn't,
but lying was a comfort for her. “I was thinking, it must have been Andrew in
the hoodie outside my pool house. He was the only one missing from the beach
that night we did the vodka blood pact. And he’s about the size and shape of
the person I saw. He would have been able to slip in and around all our houses.
The staff would have let him in. And he’s always been overlooked because of the
weed smoking. People see him as a total pothead.”

“That makes sense. I bet
that was how he was able to walk around Ashton’s PI team too. They were
watching us all the time.” I nodded. “Or maybe Andrew knows Lucinda or maybe he
hates us because his dad was bankrupt and ours aren’t and so he was trying to
break them all.”

Her eyes widened. “What?”

“Yeah. His dad was bankrupt.
Maybe he killed his dad to get the life insurance. Maybe he just went crazy or
always was. There’s no real point in trying to find the answer to Andrew. We
need to focus on ourselves and getting past this.”

“I won’t ever get past

I smiled at her, not
mocking her pain but trying to offer love. “You will. We are just like anyone
else who goes through something traumatic. We have to decide if it defines us
or if we define ourselves.” I looked at Jake. “He’s still him, even after
everything. Sometimes when he’s sleeping he screams and cries. He wakes Ashton
up. His mom told mine that he even peed the bed once the first week he was

“Jeeze, Lain!” Lindsey

“But he still gets up and
he goes to physiotherapy, he’s seeing a shrink, and when he sees me he says
gross stuff to me that never goes anywhere. We don't do anything but kiss and
hug. I don't know if he even wants to do anything else or if he’s respecting
me and my need to take things slowly
. He’s honestly trying,
and he’s seen the worst of this.”

“No, you have. He might
have suffered the worst, but you have seen the worst. I’d almost think this is
a vendetta against you personally. You were the first to find Rachel. Your dad
gets screwed over and your parents get separated. Your house gets torched. Your
dad’s threats against a dead person are stolen. The boy you like gets run out
of town. Your boyfriend ends up kidnapped and left for dead. You find him and
almost lose fingers and your sanity trying to save him. You find Mr. and Mrs. Henning,
granted it was with me, but you were there for them both too. Then you find the
servants’ mass grave. Lainey, how are you still functioning, and why is this
person trying so hard to mess with you?”

I blinked and thought
about it all. The plate I’d called full so many times was now actually there.
“If I were the killer, I’d go after me first too. I am the biggest threat to

“Your memory.”

“Yeah.” I nodded.

“I guess I’d go after you
first too.” Lindsey looked around the Halloween dance and sighed. “Who would
you hit next?”

I looked at her. “You.
You are very good at sneaking and snooping and you have that intensely
encrypted phone with secrets about everyone that never leaves your sight.”

“You’re right. I would go
after me next too.” Her eyes widened. “I wonder why Rachel was first?”

“We’ll figure it out. I
know we will.”

Rita shouted as the song ended. She looked so perfect as Princess Jasmine with
Ashton as Aladdin.

His eyes darted to me,
like they did all the time. I offered a simple smile, wishing we’d never had
the conversation we’d had. I wished we’d just pretended our feelings for one
another never happened.

Needing to look away from
his stare, I glanced down at my phone and moaned, “It’s only ten. I feel like
it’s three in the morning.”

“Come on, we can stop by
Rita’s for a bit and then I’ll take you home.” Jake leaned in, kissing my neck
and poking me with the nose of his costume.

Lindsey made duck lips
and sighed. “I don't know if I can make it. I’m bagged.”

“I’ll take you home now.”
Vincent wrapped a fluffy arm around her, looking serious with his huge black
mustache and slicked-back dark hair.

My gaze lowered as I
muffled my snicker.

“We have to say bye to
Rita first. I’ll text you tomorrow.” Lindsey squeezed my hand. I nodded,
holding back the huge laugh I had sitting in my chest.

Vincent gave me a death
stare as he waved at Jake and walked out with her. That was the end of my
control. I burst out laughing, trying to cover my mouth. He flipped me off and
left with Lindsey, also now sniggering.

“If you laugh he’ll never
wear one again. She begged him for three days to wear that.” He pulled me with
his left arm, wincing and holding out the other arm for me. “Is it weird I keep

“Yes. Definitely weird.”

Sierra came running over
in her bride of Frankenstein dress. The guy she’d been hooking up with, Jenson,
had come as Frank himself. “Hey, we’re going to Rita’s. You guys coming?”

“Yeah.” I nodded. I
glanced past her at Jenson. “So you came together?”

She shrugged and toyed
with her crazy black and white hair. “I guess.” She blushed and glanced back at
him, batting her lashes.

“That's cool.” I kept
calm about it. She was like a horse and spooked easily.

“I guess,” she repeated
and giggled. “See you guys there.” She waved and stalked off, sashaying her

“I love that she’s
undaunted, even after everything.”

“I told you, it’s all
about attitude.” He kissed the side of my head and walked me to the car.

Sage was waiting for us
with Rita and Ashton. She was, of course, Cinderella. She hadn’t ever been
anything but a princess for every single Halloween since we were old enough to
trick or treat. She waved, offering the sweetest of smiles. It was the one she
saved for public or when someone she really liked was there.

Most were fooled. I
assumed Jake was too, but he muttered, “That smile means trouble.” He didn't
even try to look pleasant as I walked to her. He seemed annoyed with her, like
he knew something I didn't, or he was holding something back from me.

“You look beautiful.”

She brushed her fingers
over the puffy ball gown. “I’m just glad the dance happened so I got to wear
it. Are you going to come to Rita’s?” Her eyes darted to Jake. She looked back
to me immediately.


“Did Lindsey and Vincent
go home?”

“She’s still really

Sage rolled her eyes.
“We’re all tired, Lain. We have to remember everyone is watching.” She sounded like
her mom. I hoped that day wouldn't ever come for me. She reached for me,
squeezing my hand. “You look super sexy. I’m proud of you for coming out of
your shell on this one. No more Harry Potter costumes.” She laughed and gave
Jake a smile.

He didn't laugh so I did.
I laughed at myself. “How’s it going at Rita’s house?”

She shrugged. “It’s okay.
But I was going to see if Emily and I can come and crash with you.”

I gave Jake a look. “I’ll
see you at the car.”

He bit his lip but nodded
and offered Sage a slight wave.

“Is everything okay?” I
looked back at Sage.

“Emily isn’t liking being
at Rachel’s. It’s creeping her out.”

“It would creep me out
too.” I shook my head. “No offense to her or her family. I just couldn't stay

“Me either.” Sage’s blue
eyes watered, but she somehow got it under control before the tears came out.
“So tomorrow night? Can we come there?”

“Of course. I’ll run it
by my mom, but you know she won’t say no. She’d probably like to have a reason
to not mope.”

“Thanks.” The fake smile
was gone and the real Sage, not the puppet her mother had made, squeezed my

“See you at Rita’s.”

“Okay.” She put the smile
back on and nodded.

I waved to Rita and
Ashton as they joined Sage, and turned away, walking to Jake at the limo.

His driver, a new guy
with a long list of protection detail experience, opened the door for us. When
we sat down, Jake winced and adjusted himself, getting comfortable in the seat.
Everything was still sore.
Especially his heart.
Andrew had been one of his closest friends since he was two years old.

Jake, Ashton, and Vincent
had all been more betrayed than the rest of us. I liked Andrew, but I hadn’t
seen him as anything other than a friend. They saw a brother.

“What did she want?” Jake
looked out the window as all the kids in costumes got into limos and family
cars. The parking lot was filled with black sedan-shaped vehicles. Not one of
us had driven. Freedom was being revoked in ever corner of Crimson Cove.

“She wants to sleep at my
place for the next bit. My dad said that her mom is going to list the house
when the police are done with it. So I have to assume that they will find
something to let until their new house is built and the old one is sold. Until
then, they want to stay where they feel safe. Emily and Mazy feel safe

“So Ashton at my house
and Sage at yours.” He looked disappointed, even behind the mask.

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