Secrets (Swept Saga) (14 page)

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Authors: Becca Lee Nyx

BOOK: Secrets (Swept Saga)
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It’s one thing I love about her and it’s one thing that plagues me. I don’t get how someone as small and pretty as her can be so determined and break down all of my barriers. She really gets down to the core of me and I feel so exposed when I’m with her. She’s so genuine, funny and smart. I find that I’m my true self when I’m with her.

Sometimes late at night, I’ll wake up and want to be the person that I am with her all the time. I grab my phone pull up the menu to text Kelly, call things off with her and apologize for the way I’ve treated her. But then I remember that Crystal is fucking Gabriel on the side and I wish him away and close my eyes. Really she’s no better than I am and we probably do deserve each other. If she can lie to me about whom she’s with, and then it’s okay for me to carry on with Kelly.

Crystal; why do my thoughts circle her so? She’s the air in the lungs, she’s the reason I live. She’s the one that pushes me forward each day towards my goals. I hope to one day make her permanently mine and I want to be able to lavish her. But first I have to make it through college and get a decent job. I have no doubt that my parents would be thrilled for us, but then there’s that pesky Gabriel. He even takes my sweet girl out on a motorcycle. It’s a terrible device and not something Crystal should even be within a thousand feet of. If I had my way she would never sit on something so dangerous. Then again if I had my way she wouldn’t be with Gabriel.

I want to destroy Gabriel and tear him apart piece by piece. I want to ruin him for good and teach him to not play with other people’s things. If only I could get the point across and reveal the message comes from me. It’s a good thing I’ve met Tiffany. She’s my eyes and ears.

I met Tiffany shortly after finding out about the flyers. Crystal left the room and we talked about them. She told me her plan to bring Emily down and I was all for it. Like I said no one fucks with my girl. I promised to fund her little plan for revenge and in return she promised to report Crystal’s activity to me. Yeah it’s probably and low move, but I don’t care. If I’m going to outdo Gabriel then I need to know what it is about him the makes Crystal want to keep him around.

She tells me what they talk about, when they fuck and what they do. That’s how I found out about the lake. Crystal told Tiffany all about it and Tiffany then told me. I want to fuck her in the same spot he fucked her, but I wanted to make it memorable. I doubt she’ll forget that night. I try to make every time memorable with her. I want her to dream of my cock coaxing her to come. I want her to fantasize about me and want me. I want her hunger to grow stronger and her body to succumb to me each time I tell it to. I like the games that we play in the bedroom. I like teasing her and controlling her. I like watching her writhe beneath me as she bites her lips as she tries to hold back the climax that is edging closer and closer that will only come if I allow it to.

I love that power that I have over her. I feel her body want me when she’s around me. It’s in the little ways that she moves. The hair on her arms stand on end when I touch her. Her eyes burn with desire when she looks at me. She licks her lips in anticipation of the acts that we are about to commit.

Apart from sex there is such an easy way about her. The friendship side of our relationship only grew stronger when we started having sex. She calls and texts me often, bursting with news about how much she likes her new roommate, and the friendship that they have, or what she’s learned, sometimes she calls me and spouts off a phrase in Russian. I’ve actually been studying the language and sometimes I call her up just to tell her that I love her in Russian, or have a simple conversation that is just a phrase or two. In person she smiles and laughs. Her eyes light up and I truly enjoy making her laugh and smile like that. I love being the light in her eyes. I want to be the joy in her life. I want to be the air that she breaths, and her reason for living. I wish I was fully her everything, just like she's my everything.

I see her smile in my dreams both awake and asleep. I make it my goal to make her smile like that every day. In reality even though she’s screwing Gabriel on the side, I don’t care. All I want is her and I’m almost willing to have her anyway I can get her. I feel like it makes me a weak person, but damn it I love her and I don’t want to lose her. To lose her would be life without air. My whole being and drive would be gone and I’m afraid I would wither into nothing. I would simply exist without her in my life. So for now I enjoy every chance with her that I get no matter how I get it and I continue to work behind the scenes to get Gabriel away from her.

I wish my school work came as easily as my relationship with Crystal did. I find that my classes are a bore and while I want to pass, I don’t want to do the work. Crystal tries to get me to study. It’s cute really because she’s so into it. I find myself faking it just enough to gain her approval. There’s really only one way I’m able to get through my classes. I use the others around me to help me out. With just enough cash they’re willing to do anything for me, and cheating is nothing new in the game. They write my papers and take my notes, they also give me the keys to the tests and I make sure I mess up enough answers just to make sure my cheating is inconspicuous. I have everything I need to pass my finals and while most students would be a stressed out mess, I’m sitting here calm cool and collected. I have this and I’m confident that I will pass with flying colors. Anything to make daddy proud and the money flowing. 


Chapter Ten




can’t believe just how quickly the past few months have gone by, it seems that so much has happened, and I’m barely able to keep up. To say I’m in love with Crystal would be an understatement. I’m crazy about her, and I’m waiting for her to realize that she feels the same way about me. I’m biding my time waiting for that moment.

 There’s so much about her that has made me fall for her. Her smile is amazing, and I feel my heart beat faster when I can bring a smile to her face. She always looks so serious and stressed, and it melts away and I can see her for who she really is just in one genuine smile. I love how her eyes light up when she learns something new or talks about what she wants to do with her life. She has such passion and such excitement. I also love the fact that she is smart. Too many girls dumb themselves down to seem more attractive and Crystal doesn’t do that. I don’t think she knows how to be dumb.

I love listening to her talk, her voice has to be the sexiest voice I’ve ever had the pleasure of hearing. It’s almost musical how her voice changes depending on the subject, and I would love to listen to her serenade me for eternity. I love the way she squeals when she’s scared. The first time I ever put her on a skateboard she squealed and screamed, and I couldn’t help but laugh. I was even holding on to her, pushing her along. She begged me to stop her and when I did she preceded to curse and rant about the skate board. How it is a device from hell and the single scariest thing she’s ever been on.

I asked her to get on it again, but she simply refused. She said something about breaking her neck and not wanting to die. Much to her horror I laughed at her, jumped on the skateboard and took it down the ramp. I saw her mouth hang open in terror as she watched me ride by and pull a trick. When I came back she seemed relieved that I survived the ordeal, and asked me how I’ve managed to not die. I simply replied that I’m not made of glass and then told her about my numerous broken bones. I wasn’t surprised when she told me that she has never broken a bone. I concluded that she needs to live more. I want to take her sky diving. I wonder what her reaction will be. I hope she likes it.

I’ve only been skydiving a few times in my life and it has to be one of the best experiences ever. There nothing like the white noise of the air rushing around you as you hurl to the ground at a near impossible speed. The adrenaline rush and the split second fear that hits right before you pull the cord for your chute is insane. And then there’s relief as the parachute opens and you stop falling and start drifting slowly to the ground. Too soon it’s all over, your feet hit the ground, and it almost feels foreign compared to hanging in midair. It only makes me want to do it all over again. If I could wish for one super power it would be the ability to fly. To be one with the clouds, sky and see everything from above at all times would be amazing. I often dream that I have that ability, only to wake up with the limits of gravity. I find myself feeling depressed and struggle to cheer up the rest of the day.

There’s only two other things that make me feel as good as when I sky dive and that’s spending time with Caden and Crystal. Caden is such a good kid. He has a good heart and wants to do right. He stays out of trouble, but he gets picked on a lot at school and he has low self-esteem. I try my best to make the most of my time with him and build him up. I want him to see himself for the great kid that he really is and stop believing the lies that everyone keeps feeding him. He finally got the cast off his arm, and he was so excited. He was so excited that he showed the doctor how he was able to write with his right hand. He’s had to have some physical therapy though to combat his weak muscles from all that time in the cast, but he hasn’t let that slow him down. We’ve been skateboarding, bike riding, and rock climbing. I made sure he was extra careful and didn’t push himself too hard.

I’ve been thinking about letting Crystal meet him, but I’m not entirely sure if it’s a good idea. I’ve let her into my life, and I’ve told her about my past, but I’m not sure if I’m ready for her to see the kind of work I do. I love her and I want her to be in my life but there’s a part of me that isn’t ready to let her into that part just yet. I think what I would need from her is a choice. I want to know that she feels about me the way I feel about her. I want her to truly be mine one hundred percent instead of sneaking around all the time and scheduling our lives around Ryan’s constant demands.

I do see it sometimes from time to time, it will be a stolen glance, a nuzzle of the neck, or the way she moves around me. I can feel from her that she does care and she does love me, but she hasn’t admitted it to herself. It’s almost as if she’s scared to admit that she’s in love. I don’t know where that fear comes from but I can tell she’s not ready to explore it. I want her to realize on her own how she cares about me, and while her indecision drives me crazy, I am not in a hurry to make her choose. I refuse to be like Ryan. I will not force her.

There are times that I wake up suddenly in the night because I hear her voice tell me that she’s chosen Ryan. She wants to be with him and has no room for me in her life anymore. In those dreadful moments I feel like my heart has stopped and a deep sickening pain has taken its place. It’s hard to breathe, and my eyes hurt from trying to keep the tears away. In those moments I grab my phone and pull up a picture of her smiling face. A smile that was just for me and me alone. I know because Ryan was nowhere near the day that picture was taken. It’s what I would consider the perfect day.

Ryan was off working or something, I really don’t care about him other than the fact that he didn’t contact Crystal and she didn’t talk about him; at all.  I decided to take her on Dragon Head’s trail. I entertained her with the story about the Prince slaying the dragon to free his only love. Of course she didn’t believe the story, but she liked it all the same.

We walked hand in hand down the path. The leaves were in the height of the fall change and showed off their brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows. Squirrels scampered across the path searching for acorns and birds fluttered from tree to tree and chirped at us with their sweet tunes. There was just enough chill in the air that I doubted we would come across any snakes.

Crystal and I filled the time by chatting or just enjoyed the scenery around us. We were getting close to the cave at the end of the trail when clouds began to gather, and it was getting darker. A wind began to pick up and it whipped and whirled around us. Crystal gave me a worried look, but I wasn’t worried at all. If we got caught in a sudden rain storm, the cave would provide plenty of shelter. 

As sure as the clouds gathered sprinkles fell and tickled our faces. Soon the droplets became bigger and began to fall more frequently. Crystal looked more worried. The sky lit up with a flash of lighting and thunder boomed so loud that it felt as if the ground was shaking. As if on cue the downpour began.

I pulled Crystal forward, faster and faster until we were running along the path. By the time we reached the cave we were both soaked. Crystal shivered under her soggy clothes and I pulled her close to me hoping that I could warm her with the heat of my body. She shivered and shook, her teeth clattered and I knew this was a time for desperate measures. “You’re going to have to take your clothes off.” I told her.

“I-I d-d-don’t s-s-see how-w-w th-that w-w-would help.”

“Believe me it would, your clothes are wet and with the wind blowing it only makes you colder. You know how an air conditioner works, right?”

“W-what d-d-does an air con-con-condition h-h-have to do w-w-with th-this?”

“I thought you would know this one.” I answered honestly surprised. “Anyway the idea is that the air is compressed through a coolant and comes out cold through the vent. In this case your clothes are covered in coolant, the water and the air blows through them and cold air reaches your skin and makes you cold…er” I finished, and stared as Crystal stripped her clothes off. It didn’t take much to convince her. I didn’t want her to feel out of place so I took off my clothes too. She left her bra and panties on and that was fine with me. I decided to not make her feel too uncomfortable by leaving my boxers on. I found a semi soft place on the floor of the cave that was covered by leaves and offered my lap to Crystal who was still shivering but not as much.

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