Secrets (Swept Saga) (15 page)

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Authors: Becca Lee Nyx

BOOK: Secrets (Swept Saga)
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I stared at her wet hair. It made her look exotic and wild. I loved seeing her with wet hair, because she looked like she could take on anything with pure primal instinct and make it submit to her will. “Crystal, do you know just how beautiful you are?” I asked her. She gave me a soft smile, “I doubt I’m all that pretty.”

“Well that would be where you’re wrong.”

“Please, I have one breast that is bigger than the other. I have this huge black mole on my right butt cheek, I have horrible Sasquatch feet, and my ears stick out.”

“Hey, don’t say that, that’s my girl that you’re talking about. Besides, your breasts are perfect.” And to prove it I took off her bra. “See how nice and round they both are? They are full, perky and perfect. I bet you any man would fall to their knees to be in the presence of their glory. And that mole on your butt cheek, it just means that an angle thought your ass was so beautiful he decided to give it a kiss of approval. But these Sasquatch feet that you speak of? I have seen no such thing, instead I see two beautiful well balanced platforms for a woman who is going places in life and is going to change things in her wake. They hold you firm to the ground, and move your body towards your goals. Your ears are the holder of your hair, and the speaker for all the things you want to hear, they only stick out because they hear the things that other people miss, they carry to you the secrets of your success hidden between the words of everyone’s voices. You’re able to hear the truth with those ears, and I speak it to you right now, you my dear are entirely perfect.”

She stared at me unable to speak, but her eyes said it all. She heard me and she believed me, an act that is carried out by her lips meeting mine as she kissed me with such heat and passion, that I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to control myself. I matched her enthusiasm and swirled my tongue inside her mouth. She returned the favor, and started licking and kissing my body. My dick was hard in anticipation of feeling her warm wet mouth on my cock. She wasted no time in revealing my shaft. She flicked her tongue around the tip, and then she engulfed it, swallowing it whole as she sucked and bobbed her head.

I couldn’t help but to thrust my hips into her my body wanting more. She picked up speed and sucked with such force. I’m in pure ecstasy and I’m about to unload into her mouth. I stopped her just before though. My breath was ragged when I drew her face up to mine and kissed her. I reached down to her pussy and rubbed her over her panties. They were soaked with her juices and I couldn’t wait to taste them on my fingers and smell her essence. I pulled her panties down, cupped her cleft, and slid my fingers inside of her wet and waiting pussy. She spread her legs to make it easier to maneuver my hand around and I worked on rubbing her nub and sliding my fingers in and out of her.

I watched her face as she moaned and her body squirmed beneath me. “I want your cock inside of me” she said between breaths. My dick was hard and ready to go, but I wasn’t ready yet to give her what she wants. She was enjoying this and I wanted her to enjoy it just a little bit more.

“Oh God, Gabriel, I want you inside of me I need you inside of me. Fuck me.” She moaned. I worked her pussy faster bringing her to the brink. I could feel her pussy start to clench, then I pulled my hand away. Her eyes popped open and she looked at me with hunger. I laid her down on the leafy floor of the cave; our bodies are warm from our shared pleasure. I grabbed a condom out of my pants and rolled it onto my dick.

I guided my cock into her entrance and slid in and out of her. She threw her head back and bucked her hips as I teased her. I took my cock out, rubbed it on her clit, then slid it back in. She moaned and I quickened the pace. I thrust so hard into her that my balls slapped against her ass. The only sounds that I heard were the rain outside, Crystal’s gasps and moans, and the sound of our sex. I watched Crystal’s face her eyes are closed, her mouth it opens and little noises escaped her it as I continued to bring her pleasure.

I felt her pussy clench around my dick and her moans got louder. I knew she was about to come and I wanted to come with her. I kept up the rhythm and her moans turned into screams as I brought her to a climax. Hearing her voice was all it took to send me over and I grunted her name as I found my release. I lay down next to her and held her in my arms. I traced my hand across her body. Crystal was no longer cold and I was happy I could warm her up.

Just as suddenly as the storm came, the clouds cleared up and revealed bright sunshine in its wake. The birds came back out singing their songs, and Crystal and I gathered our clothes and put them on. They were still wet, but this time we weren’t freezing. I asked her to stand in the opening of the cave and I took a picture of her; forever capturing the memory and satisfied smile on her face. Then we stepped through the opening of the cave and looked out over the horizon. A bright rainbow arched across the woods up to the sky. “Have you ever wanted to chase a rainbow to the end?” She asked me.

“I have.” I answered. It had always been something I’ve wanted to do, but I was always busy doing something else when there’s been a rainbow in the sky and didn’t have the time to chase it.

“Want to see what we find at the end of the rainbow?” She asked.

“I do, but I can’t say I’m looking forward to an Irish leprechaun, although I wouldn’t protest his pot of gold.”

“What do you have against leprechauns?”

“They terrify me.”


“It’s true. I have nightmares that they pop out from underneath my bed, club me over the head and I wake up in a pot over a fire, and I’m not able to escape. Somehow I watch as they turn my body into a stew and eat me.” I shuddered.

“Remind me to never again ask you about your dreams. That’s really messed up.”

“Don’t you ever have nightmares?”

“I do, but I don’t remember them.”

“Oh c’mon, I’m sure you remember something you’ve dreamed about that scares you.”

She took a deep breath then said, “The only nightmares that I’ve had lately is that you leave me for someone else.”

“Crystal, you know that will never happen. I’ll never leave you. I’ll always be here no matter what.”

“I know that, but I still wake up in cold sweat because you’re gone and I can’t find you.”

“Well it’s a dream and I’m here right now and I’m telling you I won’t go away.” I pulled her in for a hug, and then we continued our walk into the woods towards the rainbow.

We never did get to it. We went towards the spot that we thought we saw it end but it had already disappeared as all rainbows do. No leprechauns and no pot of gold, but Crystal and I had a great time going after something both of us have wanted to do.

By the time Crystal and I made it back to my motorcycle our clothes were dry, and we rode off towards Bates. I was reluctant for the day to end, but it had to. As the saying goes, all good things come to an end. I just wish I could take that day with Crystal and relive it over and over. She was so relaxed, so friendly and nothing got between us. I saw for one of the first times what it would be like to be with her uninterrupted.

When I got back to my room, I grabbed my laptop and pulled up my blog. I checked the fundraiser and found that I had all the money that I needed to put a good down payment on the building that I wanted. I was so excited and updated about it.

The next day I saw Crystal after she had a date with Ryan. She asked me to stay the night and how could I say no. I felt bad leaving her like I did, but Ryan was planning to see her and I didn’t want to be around when he showed up. Besides, I had to call up the owners of the building and see if we could come to some arrangement.

I pulled out my phone and found the number in my address book. I wanted to meet them in person. I clicked on the number and the phone rang on the other end. I counted the rings and I felt like my stomach was in knots. I could barely believe this was happening. Finally, I was making my dreams come true.  

After what seemed like forever a voice answered on the other end of the phone. I asked if I could arrange a meeting, and once I said what it was regarding my heart sank at the reply. The building was bought the day before, they wouldn’t say who but they apologized. After all this time and all this money so many people have put into my dream I feel crushed. How am I going to explain this to my supporters? I don’t want to disappoint them as much as I am but they deserve to know the truth. The only way to keep them on board with me is to be honest. It’s what they count on and it’s the kind of person I am.

The only thing I can do now is find a new place to buy and I’m not sure how easy that will be. I’ll have to search around the area for a building in just the right place. I want it to be in an area that’s easy to get to, and not so far into that area that safety becomes a concern.

If I’m going to follow through on my plan I’m going to have to search out the area for myself. I hopped on my bike and rode off into the neighborhood. I passed by the building I originally wanted with a sad glance. I wanted it to be mine so bad. But if there’s one thing I learned it’s to never give up even when the odds are against you. I circled my bike around and pegged out a few buildings that could work. I wrote down the addresses and phone numbers, and then I rode back to my dorm. 

Once I was there I updated my blog and explained my failure and gave my plan of action. I explained that the money would stay where it was until a new building is found. Shortly after I posted my phone rang. I answered and a voice on the other end told me that they heard I wanted their building. I listened to them talk and nearly fall over when they offered to sell it to me at nearly double to cost. For the area it’s overkill, but the location was perfect for what I want. I told him that I’ll need some time to think it over and hung up. What do I do now? I didn’t have that kind of money, I could raise it, but I could find something else for a cheaper price. It all comes down to how much I want that building and what I was willing to do to accomplish my dreams. It was something I would have to think about I didn’t want to make any rash decisions.

Chapter Eleven






haven’t had as much time for Crystal as I would like. The tests for Finals have been brutal. Between studying, raising funds on my blog and Caden, I’ve been busy. I mentioned a building that was I looking at on my blog, and when I called the owners to look into it, it was already purchased. This is twice now that I’ve been bought out of a place just before I’ve made an offer. It’s not right and it makes me angry. I want my readers to know exactly what their money is going to fund, but maybe I should be more secretive about it. I feel like I have an enemy who’s after me trying to put me down and not let me win. This building is important to me for more than one reason. Not only do I want to provide a place for the neighborhood kids to hang out, but I plan to move into the building and bring my brother, Michael as well.

He called me the other day. He sounded more depressed than usual and I’m worried about him. He kept saying that things were worse. My dad hit him and my mother. While my father was verbally abusive, he never laid a finger on any of us. I know I should call child protective services and report him, but that means that my brother gets saddled with a foster family and becomes part of the system. A system that I will have to fight to get him to come back; If he can just hang on a little while more, I’ll be able to get him out and help him. Then maybe I can work on getting my mother out as well.

Today I hate my father. I hate him for all the things he did to me and what he’s doing to my mother and brother. He’s an evil vile man and I’m ashamed to share the same DNA as him. My hate for him drives me to try harder and do better. I will make something of myself and I will be successful.

I update my blog and explain that another building I was interested in has been bought. I continue the update about the importance of studying and making good grades. I wrote not only as a motivation to my followers but as a motivation for myself. I need to make the most of my tests.

I remember what Justin did for me when I had an important test coming up. He would make study cards and ask me questions about the material. I felt so stupid when I would get a question wrong and beat myself up about it. At one point I said it was too hard and I was going to fail, so what was the point. Justin put the cards down and looked me in the eyes, “Gabriel, you’ll only accomplish what you believe about yourself. If you say you’re going to fail, then you will, if you say you’re going to do well then you will. It’s time you start saying that you can instead of you can’t.”

“But this is so hard. I can’t concentrate and I get everything wrong.” I protested.

“Gabe, there are many famous people that failed before they found success. It’s okay to get questions wrong while studying. That’s the whole point. Make your mistakes now, and then there won’t be any when you take your test.”

Justin always knew just the right thing to say to encourage me. I wish he was here right now. I wonder what he would say. I imagine his southern voice, kind eyes and patient smile. If he was sitting here right now he would tell me to keep pressing forward and not give up on myself. “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” He would mutter to himself more than once when a project didn’t work out how he expected it to.

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