Secrets Uncovered (12 page)

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Authors: Raven McAllan

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Secrets Uncovered
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“Talking of which, why has no one told me what’s been found out about that bloody van and my hermaphrodite? Has he-she-it just vanished into thin air? Aliens and all that?”

Jess waggled her finger even as she laughed. “You know as much as I do. Poor Finn has had to move into the other lodge because they’re staking out Keepers Cottage. No one’s been near or by since she fiddled with the lock. Lachy is looking gray, bloody Donny has gone on the sick with, allegedly, a bad back and David and Jeff are working their asses off. Finn seems to have a shotgun permanently attached to her arm, oh, unless it’s a bow and arrow, and I won ten quid on the lottery. Term’s still got too much to run, and I swear students get thicker each semester. How’s that? Oh, and you’re whining.”

“I’m sorry.” Kath sighed. “I’m being a brat. And even that won’t get me a good flogging. Oh shit, that sounds bad. I mean, I don’t really want one, well, I do but I don’t. But a few swats wouldn’t go amiss. I even asked Emma, and she gave me the go ahead. However, your lovely brother says no, and I can understand where he’s coming from. But I need the sting, Jess. Dammit, I’m not being sick, I’m well past the three month mark, and horny as hell. In fact, that state of body is permanent. I want to wear my new corset, do my nails, put on my fuck me gently new flats and show off my bump with pride.”

“Very good, pet. Then you’d better go and do it then.”

Kath spun round to see Jeff leaning on the doorjamb, and Jess making good her getaway. “Sir?”

“You’ve been a good girl, pet, and waited almost patiently. So tonight you can have your present. Now I’m going next door so you can greet me properly. I’m early, but I thought you might need a little help to get ready.” His eyes glinted and Kath wanted to run and fling her legs around his waist and run her clit over his cock as they both loved so much. Except she knew it would be a lumber and Bump wouldn’t be too pleased at being squashed.

“Yes, Sir.” Kath dipped her head. Her body on fire with the excitement of the unknown, unexpected, something that was going to happen, scenario. She followed Jeff into the lounge.

Jeff sat in his chair and stretched his legs out. The stance emphasized the length of his thighs and the rigidity of his cock. Kath licked her lips. Seeing him in that position made her damp, and when he stroked his cock over his denims, tracing its length, she swallowed hard. She wanted him in her, and not just in her mouth. Her channel would have forgotten what it felt like to be full.

She sat on her chair and noticed how much larger the swell of her tummy was. As Jeff began their evening ritual and touched her bump, Kath felt something strange. A soft flutter deep inside her.

“Oh, God, one of them is moving. Here.”

She grabbed his hand as he lifted his head to stare at her, a question in his eyes.

“He or she’s moving. I felt a twitch. Oh shit, I know it says you won’t feel it yet, but I reckon whoever it was is saying hello, Daddy.”

Kath wanted to cry. How perfect was that?

Jeff blanched and rubbed his eyes. “Pet, that’s the loveliest thing. So would you like your present?”

She grinned. “Oh yes, please, Sir, but what about the rest of our protocol?”

“That’s part of the present. That chair is getting less comfortable for you, isn’t it?”

Kath wrinkled her nose, she might have known he’d notice that. She wriggled. “Yes, Sir, but I can still get up from it.”

“Just. Come on, let me show you what’s going to happen.” He held his hand out and helped her to her feet. “We’re going to do this now.” He walked to the bedroom door. “Close your eyes, pet, and let me lead you.”

“No blindfold? Er, I mean no blindfold, Sir?” Kath giggled as Jeff tapped her bum and rubbed each larger-than-they-were-a-few-months-before globes.

“I’m remembering these, pet. I’m jotting them all down in the notebook you gave me.”

“Ohh good, Sir.” She shut her eyes. “I’m ready.” Jeff’s arm steadied her as he put it around her shoulder and urged her forward. She counted the steps. Even this small act of surrender to him made her skin tingle. She was in his hands and dependent on him for her welfare. The fact he trusted her to keep her eyes shut was more arousing than if he had blindfolded her. Kath loved it. Her pussy muscled clenched and unclenched with each step, and by the time she’d counted ten, she could feel moisture on her thighs. It was as well he stopped and turned her to one side, or she’d be rubbing her thighs together and trying to come. Even though each night Jeff played with her clit, and she sucked his cock until he shuddered and came, her climaxes were steady and beautiful but not explosive and body shattering. It was different, though no less beautiful, and left her sated. Generally those long, carefully built-up feelings suited her more mellow moods. Not at that moment. Now she was on fire and every step increased the heat by several notches.

“Open your eyes, pet.”

She did as he asked and blinked. The chair set near the fireplace was higher than most of the chairs she’d seen. It was the right height for her to sit on without bending over much. In front of it was a matching footstool and beyond that, a bench.

“Sir?” It looked like a spanking bench, but surely not?

He smiled. “Chair for you, bench for me to sit on for now, and to bend you over after the babies are born. It’ll go into the playroom. Just so you don’t think I’ve forgotten. The footstool will be used as and how I think fit. If, and only if you feel up to it, once I come home each evening, we’ll come and play for a while. Otherwise a kiss as I arrive will do me nicely. Remember though, all you need to say is ‘chief’, and I’ll know it’s tea and toast not cock and come.”

She liked the sound of that. “So if it’s cock and come, what do I say?”

He stroked her nipple and she nearly hit the roof. The gesture was as unexpected as it was arousing.

“How about, please, Sir? Can I have more?” He twisted an imaginary mustache with one hand and mimed the swish of a cane with the other.

Kath burst out laughing. “Then, please, Sir. May I?”

“No, get dressed in that sexy new corset, and let me fasten you in it. Then cover it with the skirt I’ve put in the dressing room for you. Put on those fuck me flats and let’s go and party.”

He winked, whistled and walked out of the room, leaving Kath to stare after him with her mouth open. Jeff in his playful, but still all out masterful mood wasn’t something she’d seen a lot of over the past few months. To see it back was brilliant.

“And let me watch you get into the corset.” He called back from the other room. “We have half an hour or the party will start without us.”

It better not, and it’ll take me half that time to paint my toes.

Maybe bare nails were the way to go? Kath looked longingly at her shelf of nail polish and turned away. Just for once, her toenails could see the world without armor. Anyway, at the rate she was growing, they might as well get used to it. To see them, let alone reach them was soon going to be a fond memory. Thankful she’d showered and washed her hair earlier, and Jess had styled it for her, Kath put on the minimal make up Jeff liked and took her corset out of the cupboard. She ran her hands over the soft velvet, reveling in the luxurious texture as it crossed her fingers. The deep midnight blue shimmered in the lamplight, and the silk ribbons slid over her palms like the finest wine. The skirt he’d put over the ladder back chair was new to her. Softly paneled, it glittered with tiny sequins and made her mouth water. How much of her it covered was debatable. So what if she did look like an elephant at a festival? She was proud of her bump and pleased Jeff was too.

Attached to the waistband by a safety pin was a thong, and a note—


Thought you might like this.


He was right. Kath put the thong on and it sat snugly under her bump. Then she took the skirt and the corset and went back into the bedroom. Jeff waited for her, wearing what Kath called Dom delivering leather trousers and her favorite black T-shirt. She actually salivated at the sight. If she thought she could do it with any elegance and still be able to get up again without groaning, his stance would have made her be on her knees before you could say safe word.

“Hello, pet, are you ready to get dressed?” He looked toward her new chair, but didn’t say anything. Kath wanted to fling her arms around him and tell him how much she loved him, and respected him and wanted to give him everything. But surely, she reasoned, actions spoke louder than words.

“Yes, Sir.” She walked as best she could—seriously it was ridiculous to waddle so soon—across to the chair and sat down with her head bowed and her hands on her bump. Was that another flutter? Kath wasn’t sure but decided it was a sign that Bump, or maybe she should say Bumps plural now, were happy.

Jeff stood in front of her and lifted her chin with his hand. “I love to see you like this, pet. Our children growing in you. You’re radiant and glowing. If I could show you off like this I would, but you know that will never happen. This is for us. Ours, no one else’s. But now you in that corset and skirt? That’s a different matter. So, maybe a short greeting, pet, before we go?” He sat on the bench, legs apart. The height brought his cock to her face level, and without thinking about it, Kath moved her head forward and rested it in his lap, before she brushed the length of his cock with each hand.

“Good evening, Sir.” Her hair fell to either side of her head, and the kiss on her neck was as delicate as the brush of a butterfly’s wings. She shivered as the tiny nip that followed it sent tingles rushing over her skin and into her clit. Every day her libido rose another notch, and Kath couldn’t count how many times she’d heard his words in her head,
‘No coming unless I say so, pet’.
She wriggled on the seat and he laughed. “Hell isn’t it, pet? You’re wet and need to come, and I’m saying you have to wait.”

“Yes, Sir.” Kath did her best to sound upbeat.

“Trust me, pet, it will be worth it. Now let’s get you dressed.” He helped her to stand and together they fastened her into the corset. Soft, designed to enhance her breasts and caress her tummy, with silken ties and tiny diamond buttons, it was both comfortable and sexy.

“If we were stopping here, I’d prefer you without the skirt, but I reckon it will work perfectly for where we’re going. So, shoes for now and then barefoot.”

So they were going to the club then? Kath wondered what for. She knew they wouldn’t scene, and as far as she knew it was a night where private parties happened, nothing else. So what did Jeff have in store for her? There was one sure way to find out. Get down there. The silk laces of her shoes were easily tied up her legs, and within minutes she was walking behind Jeff along the corridor to the door that led into the offices of the club. At least she didn’t have to go downstairs just to come up again. Jeff had promised their new house would be ready before the babies arrived, and she could hope and pray they’d move before she needed a stair lift to get into their flat.

Jeff paused at the door and keyed the password into it, then stood back to let Kath precede him. His Dom demeanor dropped away as he shut the door and turned to Kath. “Are you sure you’re okay with this, love? Am I being fair to you?”

She loved the way their dynamics worked. Whoever said there were as many ways of living a BDSM lifestyle as there were people living it was right. Purists might shout and say they weren’t being true to the precepts, but each to their own. They were happy.

“How do you mean? Ohh that’s nice.”

Jeff stroked her back and caressed the globes of her ass over her skirt, which was short and stretched around her like a second skin. His fingers tightened on her butt, and she sighed in pleasure. “Please, Sir, may I have some more?”

“Minx, no. What I mean is you’ll have to watch what’s going on. No participating, no coming and knowing you, very frustrating. If it’ll be too much, we’ll go home.”

“In your dreams. If I can’t do anything then at least let me get my kink by proxy. So when I’m in labor and thinking of ways to tie your cock in a knot, my imagination can take over and give me nicer pains to concentrate on.” She rolled her eyes and licked her lips.

He laughed as she’d hoped he would. Jeff was always a worrier, even before he’d had her pregnancy on his mind. “So be it. Now, pet, shoes off, and may I have your hands.” It wasn’t a question. He held out a pair of soft Velcro cuffs, held about an inch apart by a silver chain. Never had a pair of shoes been shed so fast.

Kath’s juices gathered in her channel and began to edge steadily onto her upper thighs. If he was going to cuff her, then she was going to soon be hot, wet and horny. Second to being restrained over a bench, she loved her hands fastened so she couldn’t use them, even if as now it was in front of her not behind. She held her hands out with an alacrity that had Jeff’s eyes twinkling.

“Poor pet, you have been punished lately haven’t you? Never mind, let’s see what we have to tease you with tonight.” The look on his face told her he knew fine well what was on offer. He fastened the cuffs, and Kath linked her hands behind his neck. She couldn’t help herself. It had been a long while since she’d done that, as usually her hands were restrained behind her. He narrowed his eyes and bent forward to thrust his tongue against her mouth, demanding entry. Kath opened to him eagerly, tangling her tongue with his, sucking and nibbling. Her bound hands stroked the back of his neck, and she moaned into his kiss.

The tap on her ass made her squirm in pleasure, and the finger he then slipped gently into her channel made the muscles there tighten to hold on to it. Kath felt herself teetering on the edge of her climax and shook with the effort of holding back. Jeff lifted his mouth an inch away from hers. His breath feathered over her skin as he spoke the words she so wanted to hear.

“Come for me, pet.”

He pinched her clit, and she flew.

Chapter Nine




Watching his love and sub fall apart was perhaps the most satisfying thing ever. Kath sagged against him, sobbing incoherently as Jeff brought her to climax. The chains on her cuffs dug into his neck as he used one hand to hold her up and the other to tease another climax out of her. The talk he’d had with Emma and her husband had been so worthwhile. Jeff had listened, taken mental note and pulled up his virtual boxers once more.

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