Secrets Uncovered (13 page)

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Authors: Raven McAllan

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Secrets Uncovered
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“Kath needs to know you still want her as your sub,” Emma had said in her doctor knows best tone. Her husband Tom had agreed.

“Deeds as well as words, Jeff. Everything is fine. Her blood pressure is spot on, there’s no hidden illnesses or scares, nothing. She’s having a model pregnancy. Okay, I’m not suggesting you Shibari tie her and swing her around or draw wax patterns on her tummy, but a nice gentle spanking or any other kink you think she’d like and you’re comfortable with is fine. This trimester is the one she’ll glow through. Now’s your chance to let her glow in other ways.” Tom had smiled. “Hey, I’m an obs-gynae guy, married to another one, and we worked it all out by trial and error. You’re lucky, because we’re removing that from you and giving you the benefit of our experience, BDSM and pregnancy as well as medical.”

He held on to Kath as she received what he’d been taught.

“Oh, Sir, oh my, oh yes, oh glory, oh…” Kath babbled as she took deep shuddering breaths. “Oh, Sir…”

He chuckled. When Kath fell apart it was complete. “Better, pet?”

She let her breath out in a whoosh. “Oh yes, Sir. But please, Sir, what about you?”

“Ah, for a moment I thought it was going to be please, Sir, may I have some more and I thought my ability to sate you had diminished.”

“Oh no,” Kath rushed into speech, and he was so tickled he didn’t try to stop her. “I’d have to say chief, because I feel as wrung out as a damp dishcloth, but as happy as a passed over chicken on a food farm.”

“Where on earth do you get your analogies?” he asked. “No, spare me, pet. What about me, what?” She looked at his cock, which he reckoned had imprinted the weave of denim on itself. “Ahh. Now it’s my turn to wait. Let’s go.” He wished it wasn’t. Kath’s reaction had him wired. He knew it wouldn’t take much to set him off. Already he knew his pre-cum was coating his cock, and wished he’d put boxers on and not gone commando as they both preferred. Hindsight was a wonderful thing.

After a swift adjustment of his dick under the leather,
yeah, wet and slick, go figure. I hope to hell there’s no chafing,
he pulled
Kath’s skirt down and rubbed her belly.

She giggled. “Are you all wet and sticky?”

“Minx.” He scribbled circles over her bump. “Now then, little ones, time for sleep, Mummy needs to have some

“Aw.” Kath kissed his cheek. “Jeff Sutherland, you are a really lovely man, do you know that?” She stroked his arm as he pulled her to his side. “I so needed that.”

“Good, well if you’re a good girl, you’ll get some more later. Now let’s go and see what’s going on.” He opened the door that led into the club’s public area and Kath followed him. She stopped dead. It was empty.

“Is there anyone here?”

“Of course. Look.” Jeff opened the door into the club proper, and indicated the shadowed area at the far side of the room. “This is not a ‘let me get Kath so wet she’s going to want to come for a week and nothing more’, it’s also because Ross needs an audience, and we don’t want to overwhelm him or his sub. So it’s in the house, so to speak. Something’s amiss and David and I want a woman’s opinion. So you and Jess will watch as well.”


Kath inclined her head. It still sounded weird to hear Jeff talk about Jess participating in a scene, even as an onlooker. She and Jess had accepted it a lot easier than Jeff, even though he’d said he was fine, and realized that Jess was a sub. Saying and accepting it was your twin trussed up and being caned by your partner and best friend was two very different things. Both Jess and Jeff had taken a while to be able to view each other scening with detachment. As Jess said on more than one occasion, they often felt each other’s pain, good or bad. Eventually they warned each other whenever possible, and learned to ‘embrace the pain’.

Kath followed Jeff across the room to where David sat on a soft chair with Jess curled up on a cushion next to him. Jess looked up, her eyes twinkling, and as much of a smile as she could manage with a ball gag in her mouth and made several swift hand gestures. No one but she and Kath knew they’d perfected a way of communicating without words. They either used such gestures, or nips and pinches. It had worked to great effect the first time Jess had been brought to the club. David, as their driver, had insisted she follow the protocol of being blindfolded. It was something neither he nor Kath had known was at that time a hard limit. They’d compromised by Jess shutting her eyes, and Kath using their code to show her where they were going.
Oh, so she’s been mouthy. I wonder what about?

David nodded. “Jeff, pet.”

Kath looked at Jeff who narrowed his eyes, but didn’t speak. It wasn’t very often they followed high protocol, but she guessed it was all due to the young Dom standing over by the St. Andrew’s Cross, and the woman with him. Kath didn’t recognize her, but then she hadn’t been around much lately.

Jeff pinched her arm. “Pet, you may answer. That stool.” He indicated the seat in front of the chair set beside David. “That is yours. I’ll be your back rest.”

“Thank you, Sir. Good evening, Sir David.”

David smiled, and looked at Jeff. “My pet can’t greet you properly, Jeff. She’s been somewhat vocal about some of my decisions today, so a little reflection was needed.” He turned toward Jeff. “Can I have a word? Away from nosy subs.” He gestured toward the far wall and Jeff followed him.

Jess’ fingers twitched. It was all Kath could do not to laugh.

“I said Ross was too timid to be a Dom, and maybe he was a sub instead. I was told if I wasn’t careful I’d find out how much of a Dom he is.”

Kath bit her lip to stop herself laughing and gave a quick
“That would never happen”
response before she sat on the stool and waited for Jeff to return.

Whatever David wanted didn’t seem to upset Jeff unduly, because he smiled as he walked back toward Kath and down so she could lean against him. Her still cuffed hands she rested on the bump. It was comfy.

It seemed their arrival was the signal for whatever Ross and the sub had decided on. Kath watched closely. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but somehow the scenario didn’t mesh. Oh, she thought Ross was a Dom, albeit green and not sure of his powers, but there was no chemistry between him and his sub. Even if it was a tutorial or a non-involved pairing, some spark had to be there. Otherwise you got what she sensed—mechanical and unfulfilling. She looked up at Jeff, who was frowning. He bent his head so as not to disturb the pair in the scene. The sub was manacled to the cross, and looked almost bored as Ross began to tease and sting her with a series of floggers. He untied her and turned her before he began to spank her ass with a crop. Still there was little reaction.

Jeff spoke softly in Kath’s ear, just loud enough for her to hear, and not to disturb anyone else. “What, pet?”

“Either she’s a pain slut and he’s not getting to her, or she’s on something. Something is all wrong.” She took a deep breath. Jeff excelled with floggings on the cross, but since they’d been a couple, he never played with anyone without Kath’s permission, and only then if he was tutoring and Kath was unavailable. “Sir, show him.”

Jeff looked startled.

“Seriously. Blindfold her, and show Ross how to flog her pussy. You’ll know if she’s here for the wrong reason.”

“She’s right. If she’s a sub, she’s not been honest with us.” David had overheard their whispers. “You’re the best to gauge stuff like that. Do it.”

Jeff kissed the back of Kath’s neck again. The sting as he bit before he moved his mouth from her reminded her she was his and he hers. She shivered. She loved that sweet sting only second to the way he pinched her clit to make her fly.

The sway of his ass as he crossed the few yards between them and the scene made Kath’s juices gush. Taut and perfectly defined under the soft black leather, and made for her to hold on to—as she frequently told him.

He spoke softly to Ross who handed Jeff the flogger before walking to sit behind Kath.

“Lean on me, pet.” He touched her shoulder in a totally non sexual way. The intonation was Dom to the finest degree, and Kath responded without a thought. Jess was so wrong if she though Ross wasn’t a Dom. She did as Ross asked, knowing it was what Jeff would want, because he’d also want to know how she felt. Was Ross strong enough, did his actions match his words?

Jeff untied the woman and retied her so she faced the others. He checked the bindings and raised his voice so the others could hear him. “Now, sub, you have your safe words?”

She nodded.

He tapped her pussy gently with the flogger. “Vocalize them, please.”

She mumbled. “Red stop. Orange discuss, green okay.” Her voice was so low Kath strained to hear it. Something teased at her memory. Did she know the woman? She glanced at Ross with a question in her expression. He interpreted it correctly and bent his head. “Do you want to say something, pet?”

“Do I know her?” Kath kept her voice low. Jeff was now telling the sub she would be blindfolded and was she happy.

“I don’t think so. She uses the name Arperony. Does it ring a bell?”

Kath shook her head. “No, Sir, but there is something. Ah well, maybe it’ll come to me.” Beside her Jess gestured to ask her opinion of Ross. Kath licked her lips and signed
. Jess seemed to relax, and as Kath watched, David stroked Jess’ hair, and she saw the ball gag fall to the floor.

“So, sub, color?” It wasn’t very often anyone heard Jeff use that tone. The one Kath called ‘Bow down and lick my cock, feet and the floor for me, before your punishment begins’. He must have a reason for it.

For the first time, some animation showed on the face of the unknown sub. “Green.”

Jeff covered her eyes, and swished the flogger through the air before he started a set of very precise swats on her mound and clit. After each set of three he got the same response. “Green.”

After fifteen he stopped. “Color, sub.”

She swallowed. “G…Green.”

“And that, sub, is the first lie you’ve told me.” Jeff’s tone was hard. “It would serve you right if I took the cane to your cunt now.” He picked up the long springy cane from the table and let it whistle through the air.

Kath shivered and felt faint. Beside her, Jess jerked and shrank back against her Sir. Both Kath and Jess enjoyed a nice spanking and a good flogging, but the cane on cunt scenario was a big red no.

Arperony—stupid name Kath decided—swayed as much as her bindings let her.

“Then red, fucking red and sod off. Enough. Let me go now.” You could feel the heat in the glare across the room, even through the blindfold.

Jeff pulled the blindfold off her, stared at her for long minutes and lifted her chin with the end of the cane he still held. “So now we have a little bit of honesty, eh? Why are you here?” He dropped the cane and undid the blindfold.

“To be a sub. I’ve changed my mind. Red and release me.” The tone was defiant, and if the look in her eyes could kill, Kath reckoned she’d be choosing hymns and deciding on flowers.

“You’re lying, and we don’t like people who lie. BDSM is based on honesty and trust. You’re dishonest, and I don’t trust you.” He undid the manacles at her hands and feet. She rubbed her hands and shook her head.


“You think?” Jeff sounded amused. “Well, pet.” He infused the title with something indefinable, and Arperony paled and shivered. “Remember you signed the forms to come in and be a member. You signed the agreements, the disclaimers and paid your membership fee. You know the expression, it takes one to know one? Think about it.”

“I want my money back.”

“Read what you signed,” he advised her. “Now, Sir Ross will escort you to the door. If you have belongings, then sorry, he’ll have to go with you to make sure you don’t forget anything. And so you can’t cry assault, Master David and his sub will accompany you both.” He walked back to Kath as the other three surrounded Arperony and escorted her out.

“You won’t last long.” The words were uttered in a low monotone as the woman left the room.

Jeff lifted Kath sideways onto his lap and kissed her soundly. The touch of his lips and the musky, sweaty, male scent of a Dom who’d been working surrounded her and she almost groaned in appreciation. His teeth nibbled her tongue and Kath moved her bound hands to try to encircle his neck again. He swatted the one globe of her ass he could reach easily, and pulled out of the kiss.

“Naughty, not now. The others will be back soon, and we’ll pull out of scening and into discussion mode. I’m sorry our evening’s been cut short.”

Kath had thoughts about that. There was still lots of time left, and she’d chatted to Emma about some ideas she’d come up with and gotten the go ahead. Whatever happened, she intended to try them out sooner or later. As she had no intention of telling Jeff that, she smiled and shrugged.

C’est la vie
. There are other nights.”

“Are you okay, pet? Sorry about that. I could see you go white at the cunt and cane threat, even across the room. I wouldn’t have carried it out, you know that. This whole thing stinks. Ross was worried enough to ask for our help, and your reaction confirmed it.”

Kath bit her lip. “I know, Sir, but something’s niggling me. I’m sure I know her, but how, why and where from I’ve— Oh bloody hell in a hand basket. My attacker. He-she said something like ‘won’t last long’. In exactly the same way.” She hit her head and the chain of the cuffs rattled. “It’s her. Same voice and I reckon same build. Even though the attacker wore a coat, something was damned similar. The way he-she held her head was damned identical to this Arperony person. Go and get her back.”

Jeff stood up then stopped. “Too late.” The others had re-entered the room.

David heard what Kath had said. “I’m on it.” He left the room at a run.

“Damn. I bet I’m right,” Kath said. “So, if I am, what the f—er, what on earth is going on? Why would someone who’s up to no good on the estate bother to pretend to be a sub, and scene?”

“Dunno.” Jess sat on the floor next to the seat David had used and rolled the discarded ball gag around in the palms of her hands. “I went into the locker room with her, and she literally flung a dress over her head, grabbed the rest of her stuff and blanked me except to say, ‘perverts’. I’d bet my next flogging she wore a wig though. It was the first time I’d been really close to her, and it just didn’t work with her complexion. And it was too even to be dyed. Mind you, I was only close to her for a few seconds. Ross showed her the door, and she flipped him the bird as she went out.”

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