Secrets Uncovered (14 page)

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Authors: Raven McAllan

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Secrets Uncovered
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“I saw a wee green car at the far end of the car park, and she walked to it, got in and drove away,” Ross said. “Though on reflection I don’t remember hearing the exhaust as the car went through the cut. You know there’s usually an echo when anything goes through it.” The cut was a twenty yard cutting through the rock, which Jess and Jeff’s father had made for his children, so they felt it was an exciting way into their home.

“Seeing as we didn’t have a drawbridge,” Jess had explained to Kath years before.

Jeff stood up and pulled Kath to her feet. “I think we’ll adjourn to our living room. I guess no one’s in the right frame of mind for anything else.” His tone rather dared them to say anything to the contrary. “Ross, I’m sorry you got lumbered with all this shit.”

Ross laughed. “Well you know it’s a relief in a way. She so made me think I was a crap Dom and at least I know now I might not be.”

“Oh, you’re not,” Kath said without thinking and blushed as Jeff roared with laughter. “Oh, sorry, Sir, but seriously, Sir.” She paused. “May I explain, Sir?” she asked Jeff.

“Of course, pet. Once we go and sit in the lounge to wait for David.” The lack of a salutation for David told Kath the time for high protocol had ended. She followed him and Ross upstairs to her own home. Jess grabbed her arm and held her back for a moment.

“You okay?”

Kath grinned. “Yeah, why? Are you?”

“Of course, even after my punishment session. I was being a bratty sub, but I was seriously worried that Ross might affect our reputation.”

Kath shook her head. “Nah, he’s a Dom all right, however that stupid Arperony person was no sub. Whatever it is that’s going on, it stinks.”

Here I am, nicely rounded, enjoying the sting once more, and some shitebag is trying to upset my happiness and my future. Well, not if I have any say in the matter.


Chapter Ten




Even a few days later, Jeff was still, in his own words, fit to be tied. His head ached and his teeth were sore with the effort of not grinding them together. Ross had been beside himself for not knowing something was so wrong. It hadn’t mattered how often Jeff and David told Ross it wasn’t his fault, Ross was of the opinion he should have seen some unseeable sign.

David was annoyed Arperony had disappeared like she had the hounds of hell after her, and even on his motorbike he’d seen no trace of her. The green car had been left a few hundred yards down the drive. When Jeff reported it to young Donaldson, the policeman, he’d taken it away, and said it had been reported stolen, nothing else. It was so unlike young Donaldson to be so reticent. Jeff wondered just what the story behind the car was. He’d been convinced Arperony must have ditched the car then used a bike herself, and not bothered with headlights. He’d seen faint tracks, but there was no way of knowing how long they’d been there.

“I did her checks when she applied,” Jeff said, as they all—he, Kath, David, Jess, Ross, Lachy and Finn sat around his and Kath’s large dining table with the remnants of a Chinese take away banquet on the surface. Donny was still allegedly suffering with a bad back. Although, as Finn pointed out acerbically, it didn’t stop him driving to the pub for a pint. She’d hear him over revving most nights around midnight. Why no one picked him up for drunk driving was a mystery, until Finn said, she realized he drove to the end of the drive and walked—or stumbled in and out of the village.

“Nothing came up,” David said as they discussed the situation. “She gave her real name as Arwen Penny, and everything checked out. An office manager for a soft furnishing business in Carlisle, who commuted. So either she’s really that whilst moonlighting as a white van woman on the side, or someone’s gone to a lot of trouble to set up a completely new persona for her. And if so, why?”

That was something no one could answer. By the time they’d discussed and argued and eventually laughed, it was almost midnight, and Jeff wanted nothing more than to get Kath into bed, snuggled into him and his aching cock pressed up against the cleft of her ass. Sadly not inside that special hole, but he was happy to wait for that.

As he locked the door behind David, who had promised to get working on his computer once more the following day, Jeff stretched his aching muscles, and raised his arms high above his head to get rid of the kinks in them. Sadly he mused, sore muscle kinks, not ones he could enjoy. He rolled his shoulders and walked down the hallway toward their bedroom. As he reached the door, a piece of paper on the floor caught his eye and he stooped to pick it up.

The world went dark, as a hood covered him down past his shoulders. Over the musty smell of sacking, he caught the familiar and cock-swelling scent of Kath, and her favorite Jo Malone cologne. She’d gotten over her aversion to it and was able to tease him with her scent once more.

So something she’d planned. No wonder she’d looked as if she couldn’t see their guests far enough for the last hour or so. Amused, he waited to see what happened next.

The cold metal of his spare cuffs clicked onto one wrist, before he felt a tug on it.

“Color, Sir?” Kath’s voice was hesitant, as if she wasn’t sure he’d go ahead with whatever she’d gotten in mind. He had no reason not to, not yet. In truth, he was amused and aroused. It had been a long while since he’d subbed, and even then it was when he’d trained as a Dom. In his mind, he wasn’t fit to do anything to a sub that he hadn’t experienced himself. Not every Dom or Master agreed with him, but Jeff couldn’t care less.

“I asked your color.” Her voice wavered, and he realized he’d not answered her. Even through the hessian he could hear the worry in it.

“Sorry, pet. I’m green as long as you’re sure.”

She laughed. Deep, throaty, cock-hardening, cum-inducing sex and seduction. “Oh I’m very sure, and before you amber and say am I okay, are the babies okay and anything else you can worry over, I’ve had all this okayed by Emma and Tom.” She paused. “Okay?”

She’d thought of everything. In his dark cocoon, Jeff laughed softly.

“Yes, pet. Green and excited.”

“Right.” She sounded relieved. “Then will you trust me not to let you fall over, and follow me? Let me lead you and you stay hooded?”

“Of course.”

She circled his other wrist with the spare handcuff and the metal clicked. These didn’t even have the inch or so of chain between them like the Velcro ones he used on Kath. Jeff hoped to hell one of them could remember the combination for the locks.

“Good.” There was a wealth of satisfaction in her voice. So much so, he didn’t have the heart to tell her he could see under the bottom of the hood. He couldn’t for long. Even as he moved his head slightly to angle his line of sight toward his feet, the material was caught around his shoulder and the sliver of light disappeared. So he really
going to have to trust her. She twirled him around several times, and even though he tried to keep track of what was where, Jeff couldn’t be certain in which direction he was facing.

“Two steps forward.”

He reckoned that got them into the bedroom—or not.

“Now stand there until I get your trousers off.”

It was both scary and hot, standing unseen, not really sure where he was and feeling his sub’s fingers at his waistband and moving his zipper over his hard and throbbing cock. Thankfully Kath put her fingers between the teeth and his engorged flesh as she lowered the tab inch by slow inch and left the material to drape around his ankles.

“Oh you like this don’t you, Sir?” Her fingers stroked over his cock, and slicked what he decided was his pre-cum over the skin.

“Ah, yes, pet.” He more than liked it. As she swept each side of his trousers away from his cock, and the material began to slide down his legs, the heat of her mouth surrounded his dick and enclosed him in its depths. She began to lick and suck, and Jeff stated to tremble. He was giddy, unstable on his feet and had nothing to hold on to. Before he had to cry ‘amber’ and ‘stabilize me, please,’ she released him with a soft plop, and eased his trousers over his feet one at a time. He was glad they both went barefoot whenever possible.

“Now we’re moving again.” She led him over a soft carpet and onto tiling before back to carpet. The minx was deliberately trying to confuse him.

“Stand there. Right, now let yourself fall backwards.” Her hands pushed on his shoulders and, taken unawares, he had no option but to do as she asked.

The soft coverlet of their bed hit him behind his knees as he fell, and before he had a chance to react, his feet were lifted and he was swiveled onto the bed.

There was silence, and Jeff wondered if she was busy, or just looking at him. His cock jerked and he heard her laugh. “Impatient, eh? I like that.” There was a soft click and he felt the link between the cuffs part, and his right hand moved to stretch out across the mattress, and fastened to the long chain link that was a fixture there. The same happened with his other hand, then his feet. Jeff could only imagine how he looked extended in a star shape.

“Perfect. My very own Sir Jeff’s Cross.” Kath giggled. “Would you like to watch now?”

Would he ever?

“Yes please, pet.”

The mattress dipped as he imagined Kath knelt on it. Then the bindings of the hood loosened. As the sacking lifted over his shoulders and off his head, the gloom lightened. But not a lot.

He blinked in soft scented candlelight, and listened to the dreamy, sensual music Kath had chosen.

“Now, Sir, this is my turn to seduce you. I promise you I’ve had it checked out. Well, in general terms, and I’ve been okayed.”

Kath stood at the bottom of the bed, naked except for her red lipstick and her collar. The diamonds in the necklet winked and sparkled in the candlelight, and her eyes seemed made out of the same gemstones.

“Color, Sir?” The laughter in her voice threatened to spill over, and the swift bite to her lips showed she wasn’t as confident as she sounded. Jeff supposed her worry that he might renege was well deserved, but he knew if she’d spoken to Emma and Tom, whatever was going to happen could only be good for them.

“Green, pet, and I’m noting all this in my book.”

“Oh good, tit for tat, eh?” The way she rolled her eyes and covered her mouth as she sniggered made him laugh.

“Why yes.”

“Damn, I should have brought a flogger up with me.”

“There’s one in the toy box.”

Kath tilted her head to one side and put her finger to her lips. “Hmm. But then I’d need to move you, move me and be very energetic. I have other things on my mind, and I’m impatient. So, maybe another time.” She climbed onto the bed and crawled on all fours until her clit was over his balls. Then she sat back on his legs, her belly barely skimming his cock.

“I have a need to feel you inside me, Sir. To feel you slip into me, coat my channel with your pre-cum, then fill me with your seed. Now if you’re happy with this, I’m going to play with my clit, rub myself over you and make us both come.” She paused. “I’m not taking over as Dom, Sir, but it’s my gift to you if you choose to accept it?”

Kath put her fingers into his mouth so he could suck them and make them wet. Then she circled his nipples, making them slick before she pinched each hard. He almost mewled like a baby. When he’d shown her how he liked that action, he’d never thought to receive it like this.
Damned if I won’t demand this again.

When she repeated the action, his ass lifted off the bed, and his spine arched into the pain. Jeff knew he was a Dom and a Master, and could never be a sub, or even a switch, but this? This was fucking hot.

“Oh goodness, Sir,” she panted as she pushed her hair off her face. “I need you now.” With more haste than finesse, she shortened the chains holding his legs and nudged them to where she wanted them. “Will you keep them like that?”

“For you? Of course.”

She swallowed hard. His love and trust showed in the simple words. Slowly and carefully, Kath moved until her channel was level with his cock. She knelt higher and took hold of him with one hand and used the other to steady herself as she lowered herself gently onto him. Her breath came out in a hiss and all his dominant instincts took over.

“Color, pet.” He snapped the words out before he had time to think. Her reply was as instantaneous as his demand.

“Gah, green and ohh yes…” She hissed the word as she took another inch or so inside her. “Oh, God, do you
how much I need this? How much I’ve
having you in me and filling me and oh shit, I’m going to come if we don’t move. I need all of you, all of you.”

“Then take me, pet. I’m all yours.”

She needed no further bidding. With a smile that went from ear to ear and a breathy sigh that hit him deep inside, she took him farther until he was nestled in her cunt up to his hilt. Then Kath sat heavily on his legs and sighed with satisfaction.

“This,” she said, “is well worth waiting for, Sir.”

Oh yes.
“Then do what you choose. I’m at your mercy.” He shook his hands and the chains holding them rattled. “This time.” And other times as well, he decided. The anticipation brought a sheet of perspiration to his skin, and his breath got ever choppier. When Kath began to move up and down, and rock back and forward, he had no idea how he wouldn’t come there and then. His respect for her as a sub, and not coming until he said so, grew. It was nigh on impossible. He concentrated on giving her everything she needed, letting his ass lift her and relaxing as she relaxed. The rhythm was as old as time, as well known as anything in their lives, but as new and different as anything he’d ever experienced.

Kath bent forward and pinched each nipple hard as he liked it, and her rounded belly brushed his.

“Come for me, pet.” He didn’t care if he’d taken over, he wanted to see her splinter and fall apart for him. Then he could give her the same compliment.

“You,” Kath panted. “You come and show me I can do it, you come for me.” She used her hands to steady herself as she moved her pussy on his cock and clenched her muscles to hold him tight inside her.

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