Seduced By My Doms BN (17 page)

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Authors: Jenna Jacob

Tags: #BDSM, #BDSM Erotic Romance, #Erotic Romance, #Menage, #MFM, #Bondage, #Spanking, #Dominant, #submissive

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“Please what?” he growled.

“Let me come. Oh god, I need…”

My desperation was beyond need. I was frantic to come. My
pussy gripped James’ pounding cock and my limbs began to tingle. The familiar
hum of release vibrated in my ears as my cunt gripped him tight.

“Shatter around my cock, baby. Fuck, I need to feel you.
Come for me, Liz. Come hard,” James roared.

Bucking wildly, I arched my hips off the bed. My muscles
tensed as my pussy clamped around his cock, seizing him inside me. James
savagely pressed past my contracting core as I screamed his name and shattered
like fine bone china.

My rippling tunnel milked and clutched at him in
uncontrollable spasms. James let out a thunderous cry as he erupted into the
thin barrier of latex.

Rippling aftershocks quaked through us both, and James let
out a low, satisfied groan while his cock twitched inside my quivering cunt.
Releasing my wrists, he wrapped his arms around me and rolled me onto my side,
still coupled around him. Laying face-to-face, James smiled and drew me in
tight against his damp chest. Spent and boneless, I closed my eyes, branding
his virile scent to my soul.

Long minutes passed before our ragged breathing evened out.
Nestled in his warm embrace, I could have stayed there forever, and when James
gently eased from inside me and climbed from the bed, I groaned. Hugging my
arms around me, I tried to cling to his ghost as I shivered, protesting at the
absence of his body heat.

“Here, baby,” he whispered as he tucked the covers around
me. “Stay warm. I’ll be right back.”

Without a word, I nodded, then pulled the layers of material
tight around me. Warm and toasty, I didn’t even open my eyes as James began to
peel the covers away. Clutching the sheet, I refused to let go. I was fine
wrapped up in my cocoon; besides, all I wanted was to drift off to sleep for a
few minutes. James chuckled, then lifted me off the bed, sheet and all.
Startled by the sudden movement, my eyes flew open wide.

“What are you doing? Where are you taking me?”

“Well, I’m not planning to drop you in the front yard,
naked, like a garden gnome. I drew us a bath.”

,” I purred as I burrowed my
face against his hard chest. “Do you always spoil women this way?”

“Sweetheart,” he replied in a deep drawl. “I haven’t begun
to spoil you yet.”

Peeking up at him beneath my dark lashes, I spied a twinkle
in his eyes that told me he meant it.

“Then… spoil away.”

“I fully intend to.”

Peeling off the sheet, James helped me into the spacious spa
tub. Easing into the hot, swirling water, I sighed.

“Oh, my god,” I moaned. The bubbling warmth surrounded me
and seeped deep into my bones. “If I had a tub like this, I’d never leave the

James just smiled as he reached behind me to lift my hair
out of the tub. “Hang on, I’ll be right back.”

Dashing out of the bathroom, he returned with a large hair
clip in his hand. Motioning for me to lean up, I obeyed. As he gathered my hair
and secured the plastic prongs, that same twinge of jealousy returned. How many
other women had worn the clip?
importantly, how many of them had worn it more than once? Was James the male
counterpart to my mother, Sally? The thought of never having the chance to make
love to him again left me feeling hollow and empty.

For a woman who doesn’t want to be like her mother, you
sure rush to judgment awful fast.

Reaching up to touch the clip I decided there was no time
like the present. Though I didn’t want to, I prepared myself for the worst.
“You’ve asked, but I haven’t. Are you involved with anyone, James?”

He didn’t answer until he stepped into the tub and eased in
beside me. Studying me for a long silent moment, he shook his head. “No. You
told me there’s no one waiting at home, which I saw for myself today. Though I
have to say I can’t believe men aren’t lined up outside your door, as beautiful
as you are. How long have you been single?”

‘Honesty is very important to me. In fact it’s a deal
breaker if someone lies to me.’

James’ words on the elevator echoed in my mind. I somehow
had to find the courage to tell him about Ryan. The fact that I’d spent years
settling for a part-time relationship made me look weak and pathetic. Not to
mention how James would take the news that Ryan had no clue yet that I’d moved
on with my life—or was at least attempting to.

I opened my mouth then closed it, only to open it again.
“It’s… No. I mean it
a very complicated relationship.”

Leisurely, James lathered his hands with soap and cocked a
curious brow as he maneuvered me in the buoyant water. Facing the gray and
white travertine I was relieved that I wouldn’t be forced to see his expression
when I explained my on-again/off-again relationship with Ryan, James began to
massage his slick palms over my shoulders.

“Tell me about him,” he quietly, leaning in close to my ear.

James listened without comment as he gently strummed his
fingers over my body. After I’d revealed every paltry detail, he leaned in and
brushed a kiss to my neck.

“First, thank you for sharing that with me. Though I don’t
know you well, I think I’m a pretty good judge of character. You don’t strike
me as the type of woman who would idly sit by and let a man treat you so

Being honest with James had forced me to be honest with
myself. And though the swirling water in the tub still steamed, a cold chill
seemed to permeate my bones.

I lowered my head as the confession softly spilled off my
tongue. “I was afraid of being alone.”

Pulling me to face him, James cupped my chin, forcing my
gaze. “But he left you alone, numerous times.”

“True.” I nodded weakly. “But I knew he’d always come back.”

“Because you let him?”


Admitting my weakness, a chunk of humiliation slid through
my like a polar ice shelf. I’d never put voice to the scared little girl inside
me, not even with
. Perplexed and confused, I
had no idea why I’d shucked off my layers of protection with a stranger. Wasn’t
it enough that I’d shed my clothes and let him see me naked; shown him all the
imperfections of my body? What the hell had possessed me to slice open my soul
and let him inspect that as well?

“Tell me what happens when he comes back again? Because we
both know he
come back.”

I shook my head. “I’m not convinced he’ll ever come back.
Not after all this time. But if he does, it won’t matter, it’s over.”

“And you’re prepared to tell him that?”

“Yes,” I replied with conviction.

“So, you’re not afraid of being alone anymore?”

“I haven’t quite conquered that yet, but I’m finding out that
I’m not such horrible company after all.”

James smiled. “No. You’re not. You’re quite impressive
company, little one.”

His stomach rumbled and I chuckled. “We missed dinner with
your friends.”

“Ah, they’ll get over it,” James replied with a cocky grin.
“I’d rather stay here with you and order something in.” Brushing his thumb
against my bottom lip, his dark eyes glistened. “I want to learn more about
you, Liz. Discover all your secrets, dreams, and desires.”

A tremor of arousal skittered through me. “I’d like to know
yours, too.”

James rinsed the suds from my body, then handed me the soap.
I took my time bathing his rugged body. Running my slippery hands over his back
and chest, it almost felt as if I were drawing in his power and strength.
Sliding my palm over his rigid cock, I wrapped my long fingers around him,
gently stroking his throbbing length. His stomach rumbled loudly once more, and
I burst out laughing.

“My body needs fuel. I have a big night planned for you,”
James stated with a wicked smile.

“Oh, you do? Like what?”

“Like it’s a surprise. Come on. Let me dry you off, then
I’ll order a pizza. How’s that sound?”

“It sounds wonderful. I’m starving. But I still want to know
what you plan to do to me.”

“It will be a
surprise, unless of course
you keep asking, then…” he warned with an arch of his brows.

Flashing him a cheeky grin, I quickly bit my lips together.
Out of the tub, James reverently dried every inch of my skin. Kneeling, he
lifted one foot then the other, dragging the towel between each of my toes.
Watching in awe, I reached down and threaded my fingers through his damp hair,
amazed that he made so effortlessly made me feel like a princess; a very
pampered princess.

“Go ahead and put your clothes back on,” James instructed,
dragging a dry towel over his back. “After dinner, and conversation, if it’s
not too late, I’d like for us to drop by the club.”

Remembering how James had alleviated my fears about Genesis
in the car, I gathered that same reassurance around me as I dressed. He
wouldn’t hurt me, and he certainly wouldn’t let anyone else—two facts I took
tremendous comfort in.

Leaning against the kitchen counter, James ordered the pizza
while I grabbed a couple beers out of the refrigerator. Moving to his man-cave
family room, we snuggled together on the couch where we relaxed and started
delving into each other’s childhoods. I opted to let him go first, not wanting
to spoil his appetite with my loathsome past.

I smiled as James told me how he’d grown up with a slew of
brothers and sisters on a farm in central Iowa. All his brothers and sisters
were married with families of their own—he was an uncle twelve times over—yet
his siblings had all settled near his parents’ farm. James told me that he’d
always been interested in law enforcement, but wanted more excitement than the
rural community he’d grown up in could offer. So, he packed his bags, kissed
his family goodbye, moved to Chicago, and enrolled in the Police Academy.

He told me the story about Joshua’s crazy ex-sub—who almost
killed Mellie—and how James had skirted the rules that ultimately led to him
to resign from the force.

“I’ve always been a bit of a rebel when it comes to rules.”
He shrugged. Though James seemed amiable about being forced to give up his dream,
I wasn’t sure I’d be as accepting if I had to give up nursing.

“Besides, Ian offered me a job,” James continued. “One that
doesn’t force me to follow a chain of command. About the only thing I miss from
the force is working with a partner. There was a certain comfort in knowing
that someone always had my back. Granted, the private security business is a
hell of a lot less dangerous, but I’m actually much happier now.”

“So you don’t like to follow rules, huh?” I grinned.

“Only the rules of the lifestyle. Those are non-negotiable.”

“But I thought negotiating was a good thing.”

“It definitely is.” He nodded, then took a swig of beer.
“I’d be derelict in my duty as a Dom if my submissive didn’t know what I expect
of her.”

“What exactly do you expect?”

“Honor, honesty, communication, and respect. That’s the
foundation; the rest builds over time.”

“So do
have rules to follow,
like subs?”

James softly laughed. “Yes, we do. It’s called the Dominant
Code of Conduct.”

“Is there a code of conduct for subs as well?”

“Oh, yes.”

I had little trouble imagining the gist of that doctrine.
one: Do what the Dom says. Rule two: see rule one.
My flippant response
lay on the tip of my tongue, but I bit it back.

“A submissive honors her Dom by how she represents him;
whether in a group of
or other
, she always defers to her Owner. Communicates, openly
and honestly about her feelings, physical and mental well-being, or anything
else that affects her life, because it ultimately affects her Dom, too.

“For Dominants, the rules lean more toward nurturing and
paying attention to the sub’s needs. By using her strengths and weaknesses he
can help her grow: open her up, and push her limits. I abide by the standards
of SSC. That stands for Safe, Sane, and Consensual, or RACK, which is Risk
Aware Consensual Kink. In essence, it means both parties consent to what is
taking place during a session.”

“That’s where negotiations begin, right?”

“Before you play, yes.”

“But we didn’t negotiate anything before you spanked me.”

“That wasn’t a session. That was…” He flashed me a
clit-throbbing smile.

“Fun,” I blurted out.

A mischievous sparkle danced in his eyes. “I can’t wait to
introduce you to

The memory of that slow, rolling warmth spreading over my
ass made me squirm. James could easily entice me to lie across his lap again,
probably too easily.

“So how do you push a sub’s limits?”

“Take her to the edge, physically or mentally, while paying
close attention to her responses.”

“You mean to see how much pain she can take.”

“No. Not always. Some boundaries are emotional. Some are
physical. Before I start pushing your limits, we’ll have already negotiated
everything out first.”

I swallowed tightly. “What if I don’t want to have my limits

James flashed me a wolfish grin. “I can read the expression
on your face, Liz. You’d love me to tie you up. To bind you in that soft rope
so you’ll be at my total mercy. That would be pushing your limits enough to
start out with. Building enough trust and knowledge of another person to engage
in such things is a slow process.

The beer bottle trembled in my hand. James reached out and
wrapped his fingers around mine. “I’m not talking about doing that today. It’s
still too early for that. But hopefully someday soon.”

I swallowed tightly, wondering if or when that day came, I’d
wear the same dazed, serene expression as the woman in the photo.

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