Seduced By My Doms BN (15 page)

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Authors: Jenna Jacob

Tags: #BDSM, #BDSM Erotic Romance, #Erotic Romance, #Menage, #MFM, #Bondage, #Spanking, #Dominant, #submissive

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“You make it almost impossible for me to hold back and be
gentle with you, Liz.”

“Then don’t, please,” I challenged on a sultry whisper.

“Fuck. You’re already begging. You’re killing me,

His voice was calm, but the energy rolling off him was
electric as he cupped his hands behind my knees. His biceps bunched as he
dragged me toward the edge of the bed. Lifting one leg, then the other, James
feathered kisses up and down the inside of my thighs before setting each of my
feet flat on the mattress. Eye level with my pussy, he stared at my exposed sex
as if it were a piece of art.

“I’ve been dying to taste you ever since I smelled your
feminine spice in the parking garage last night. I’ll give you a free pass this
first time, Liz, but after that I expect you to beg, loud and long.”

“A free pass for what? I don’t understand.” Thick, anxious
breaths tore from the back of my throat. “What do you mean?”

“You can come when you’re ready, this time.”

“This time?”

“Yes. But next time, you have to beg my permission before I
let you shatter.”

“Permission? Why do I need

…” My question died on a throaty moan as James dragged
his tongue up my center in a long languid swipe.

Gripping the sheets, I cried out as he raised his head. A
feral gleam danced in his dark eyes as he traced the tip of his tongue over the
pouty flesh of my pussy. Pressing his thumbs against my labia, James spread me
open, still holding my gaze as he flattened his tongue and licked me with the
same blood-boiling fashion as before. Bucking beneath his assault, I cried out,
wanting to demand more.

Holding me prisoner with his penetrating stare, he peeled
away my defenses, one layer at a time, as he explored my folds. Stopping to lap
my juices, James plunged his tongue deep inside my core as I ground my clit
against his nose. Delving deeper, my quivering tunnel clutched at his tongue.
James sucked and licked my pussy with mind-bending perfection while I fought to
hold back my release and savor each exquisite second.

My skin felt tight, as if attempting to contain the bliss he
bestowed would soon have me bursting at the seams. Looping my legs over his
wide shoulders, I locked my ankles at his nape before linking my fingers around
the back of his head. Keeping his mouth where I needed it most, I rode the
pulses of electricity spreading outward as my limbs tingled and tensed. The
muscles of my thighs tightened like the threads on a bow as I keened in
desperation to hold back the powerful orgasm throbbing wildly inside me. As if
sensing my struggle, James lifted his mouth from my cunt.

“Come. Give it to me, Liz. I want it now.” His command was
rough and harsh.

James lowered his head once again and laid siege to my clit
while driving two fingers into my quivering cunt. Sucking the hypersensitive
bud between his lips, James batted the swollen nub with his tongue. Thrusting
his fingers in and out of my sweltering pussy, I arched my hips off the bed.
Taut muscles shook and I screamed out his name as I shattered over his mouth.

Milking and sucking at his embedded fingers, the powerful
orgasm rolled me under, pounding into me with a force I’d never felt before.
James groaned in approval, greedily sucking my clit as sparkling white lights
detonated behind my eyes. Screaming with each wave of ecstasy that tore through
me, I ground my pussy against his mouth until the nerves of my clit grew too
sensitive and the blissful pleasure turned to pain.

Releasing my clit, but not stopping, James feathered his
tongue in tiny circles around my pulsating nub. Shrieking, I tried to push his
face away from my center. When he didn’t budge, I dropped my feet onto the
mattress and tried to inch away, but that attempt failed as well. Chuckling,
James’ deep, baritone voice vibrated over my aching tissue making my tunnel
jolt and constrict even harder around his fingers, and still he continued to
bathe me in tender torture.

“Stop,” I begged as my voice shook in a desperate cry.

The painful pleasure was too much…too soon after such a
colossal release. I tried to squeeze my thighs together, but his broad chest
pinned me open and accessible to his every whim. Attempting to scoot back
again, James pressed a firm hand to my belly, keeping me fixed to his mouth.
Suddenly he lifted from me, his eyes narrowed in a look of warning. Then
without a word he slapped his wet fingers over my enflamed pussy.

“Ah,” I screamed. “What was that for?”

“I wasn’t done yet.”

“But I can’t take anymore. It’s too much.”

“Yes, you can.” He smiled wickedly. “I’ll show you.”

Holding his palm to my abdomen, James blew across my pussy. I
shivered. The cold air left a tingling sensation over my clit and folds as
James slid his fingers deep inside me once again. Twisting his wrist, he delved
deeper, and as if he possessed some internal road map, he began strumming that
magical spot hidden within. Moaning, I rolled my hips while James intently
watched my reactions. A beguiling expression played over his face.

“This time you’ll have to beg me for it. Beg loud and long,

“Why?” I groaned, writhing and gasping when his fingers
wiggled over the right spot.

“Because you can’t always have what you want
you want it, little one.”

“That’s not fair,” I groaned like a petulant child.

“No. Taking you to the edge and keeping you there isn’t
fair. I don’t like playing those kinds of games. But if you don’t follow the
rules, that’s exactly what I’ll be forced to do.”

“Games are for children,” I scoffed. “I’m a woman. A woman
who wants to feel you inside her… A woman who doesn’t want to hold back when
she needs to come.”

“I see a lot of patience training in your future.” He

“Training?” I issued a humorless laugh as I squirmed on his
embedded fingers. “That’s what you do to
I’m not a sub.”

“So you say,” he replied cryptically. “Beg me for it, Liz,
or you won’t come at all.”

Without another word, James began working my clit with his
flat tongue. Up and down, side-to-side, effortlessly rekindling the fire with
each exacting stroke. Worried I couldn’t muster a second orgasm, James’
commanding skills had me reevaluating my doubts.

Holding me with a sharp gaze, he summoned ribbons of ripples
and quivering quakes from inside me. Concentrating on my swollen clit, James
played my body as if he conducted a concerto. His fingers and tongue were the
symphony, my whimpering cries…the song.

Joining his other hand to my sodden opening, I gasped at the
feel of his cold fingers. They quickly warmed as he gathered my slickness, then
swirled the moisture around the puckered rim of my ass.

“Yes,” I whispered. “Please.”

“Please what?” he murmured against my clit, strumming my
g-spot incessantly.

Nectar spilled from me like a river, as shock waves of
delight lashed up my spine. He pressed harder against the gathered rim of my
ass, prodding me to say the words out loud. Too self-conscious to ask that he
slide his thumb up my backside, I dipped my hips, causing one fingertip to
breach my ring.

“You like that don’t you?” James taunted.

When I didn’t answer, he stopped teasing my backside. I
groaned in frustration. A spark of caution flickered through his eyes before he
lifted his mouth from me.

“You’ll ask for what you want, or get nothing at all.”

“I can’t…it’s…”

“Embarrassing?” he challenged with a smirk.


“Baby, my hand is deep inside your tight, hot pussy. My
mouth and chin are covered in your silky sweet juices. We’re way past
embarrassment. And if you’re still thinking about anything but pleasure, I’m
not doing my job here.” James waited several long seconds for me to reply, but
I couldn’t force the words from my lips.

“Tell me,” he wheedled, coaxing me further by flicking his
tongue across my clit.

“My ass,” I gasped. “Put your finger in my ass.”

“That’s a demand, sweetheart,
a request.”

“Oh for the love of…” I exhaled on an irritated sigh.
“Please. Will you
put your finger in my ass?”

Saying the crude words made me feel tawdry. But at the same
time, asking James to fulfill my desires felt liberating.

“You’d like to ride my thick, hard cock stuffed deep in your
ass, wouldn’t you, baby?”

Oh god, yes. Keep talking dirty to me, James.

“Yes,” I hissed as images of his thick shaft stretching and
driving into my delicate tissue suffused my mind.

“Oh, my, my. You kinky little beauty, where have you been
all my life?”

In a dead-end relationship, with a man who… Stop.
wasn’t the time or the place to start ruminating about Ryan—especially not with
James’ mouth on my clit and his fingers strumming a decadent rhythm inside my
pussy. Slowly he began breaching the gathered rim of my ass as he devoured me
in earnest once more.

“I don’t know,” I answered, mindlessly. At least I
I said the words out loud.

The rapture James bestowed rivaled any force of nature, but
then the things he did to me weren’t natural, at least not on a level that I’d
ever experienced. Like a madman possessed, James consumed me while the synapses
in my brain misfired, collided and ricocheted in a conflagration of euphoria.
His beguiling skills and natural command proved to be an intoxicating
combination that both thrilled and frightened me. Helplessly, spiraling higher
and faster, I clung to the precipice, keening in need.

“Beg for it, Liz. Make me believe how desperate you are for
that mighty orgasm.”

“Please. James, please. I can’t hold—”

“Come,” he roared. “Shatter for me, gorgeous.”

And I did, even stronger than before. The cries of my
release reverberated in my ears as James watched me. The fire of awe burned so
brightly in his eyes, it brought tears to my own.

Easing his finger from my ass, then from my pussy, he kissed
the pouting flesh of my mons. He murmured praises in that that deep, sinful
voice of his, sending a strange sense of accomplishment to warm my heart. I
tried to catch my breath while my tunnel clutched and quivered as powerful
aftershocks rippled through me. James eased off the floor and climbed onto the
bed, then wrapped me in his arms. I could smell my pungent spice…taste my own
tart flavor as he pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

James lightly scoffed. “I should be thanking you. Watching
you explode like that was a sight to behold.”

“Hmmm,” I purred.

He drew his finger up my stomach and circled my breasts.
“You stay here and rest for a minute. I’ll clean you up, and then we’ll head to

“What? No.” Glancing at his leaking cock, swollen and in need,
I shook my head. “I want to take care of you. Besides, you’ll never be able to
shove all that back inside your jeans.”

He chuckled and shrugged. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll

He didn’t want me to pleasure him. Why? “I don’t understand.
You gave me the most powerful orgasms of my life, but you won’t let me do the
same for you?”

“Liz,” James began apologetically. “I ache to use you hard,
but if we don’t go now, we’ll never make it to the restaurant. When I finally
slide deep inside you, I won’t be able to stop long enough to order a damn

“Who needs food?” I murmured. Cupping his cheek, I silenced
his reply with a kiss.

Desperate to return the pleasure he’d given me, I deepened
the kiss and pressed my naked body against his. He made a noise from the back
of his throat that sounded like ‘nice try’ before gripping my hair. Tugging me
from his mouth, James halted my attempt to sway him.

“Who’s in charge here?” he asked, his expression hard and
stony. Rolling me to my back, he pinned me beneath him with his strong body.

“It doesn’t matter who’s in charge,” I argued. “I’ve had my
fun, now it’s your turn.”

“Oh, it definitely matters, sweetheart,” he warned. “But I
am curious, exactly what would you do
I let you take control?”

“I’d suck your cock,” I boldly declared.

His cock jerked against my belly and the spark that flared
in his eyes told me that James wanted that, too. I was probably breaking some
stupid Dominant rule, and I knew James wanted to call the shots, but if I was
ever going to wrap my tongue around his cock, it was time to turn up the heat.

“I’d suck it deep inside my mouth. Glide my tongue over
every throbbing vein,” I whispered enticingly. “Take you down my throat until
you filled my belly with your thick, hot come.”

A knowing smirk curled one side of his mouth. “You’re going
to be a handful.”

“Is that a yes?” I eagerly asked.

“No,” he responded firmly.

I blinked in shock.
What the hell? What man in his right
mind turned down a blowjob?

“Why not?” I asked incredulously.

“Because you’re topping from the bottom, my beautiful brat,”
he chuckled.

“Topping from the bottom? What’s that?”

“It’s when a submissive decides how and what a Dominant is
going to do to her. You’ll follow my rules, my wants, because that’s

“So, because I
to give you a blowjob, you’re
turning me down based on the fact that you didn’t tell me to? No offense, but
that’s like cutting off your nose to spite your face. That’s the most fucked-up
logic I’ve ever heard. What’s wrong with two people having hot sex without
maneuvering around a bunch of ridiculous rules?”

“That’s three.” James smirked.

“Three what? What is it that you’re keeping count of?”

“Spankings, of course.”

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