Seduced By My Doms BN (29 page)

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Authors: Jenna Jacob

Tags: #BDSM, #BDSM Erotic Romance, #Erotic Romance, #Menage, #MFM, #Bondage, #Spanking, #Dominant, #submissive

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“Demanding little sub, aren’t you? Guess you need to be
taught a lesson,” Ian taunted in an edgy timbre.

When he wielded a powerful slap across my ass, I jerked.
James sucked down my startled scream as the sweet sting spread down my legs and
inched up my spine. Unrelenting, Ian slapped my ass with a firm hand. The blows
landed stronger, growing in intensity. When he paused, I purred over James’
tongue, but when Ian savagely bit into my burning butt cheek, I ripped my mouth
from James and let out a long, loud howl.

“Yes,” I hissed. “More. Oh god. Please don’t stop. I need

James knelt on the bed in front of me, fisting his cock with
ruthless strokes. The swollen leaking crest a hairsbreadth from my lips, I
could feel the heat radiating off his shaft. Hungry for a taste of his tart,
glistening essence, I opened wide and stared at him with a pleading expression.

“Beg for it, girl,” James demanded on a raspy whisper.

“Please, Sir. May I suck your cock?”

“You’ll do more than suck it, sweetheart. You’ll worship my
cock. Make love to it with your mouth. Show me the need to please that burns
deep inside you.”

“Yes,” I purred as I lifted my chin, opening wider for him.

Threading inch after glorious inch past my lips, James
hissed and cursed when I swirled my tongue over the tip. Capturing his salty
slickness, I moaned, savoring his masculine flavor. James gripped my hair again
before slowly rocking his hips, drawing his cock back and forth over my tongue.

Ian splayed his fiery hand over my burning buns, then
trailed the fingers of his other hand between my legs to pet my pussy. Plunging
his fingers in deep, he withdrew them to toy with my clit. Lifting away, he
spanked me again before repeating the process. I tightened around him, gripping
at his embedded fingers with the muscles of my cunt, but Ian pulled out again,
leaving me moaning and aching for more. Over and again, he spanked and stroked,
taking his time to draw out each conflicting sensation. My ass was throbbing,
but so was my pussy. And with each blow Ian administered, a cool breeze wafted
over my wet folds, pitching me back and forth between fire and ice.

“I love the feel of your mouth around me, baby. Hot, wet,
and so damn silky,” James drawled in a low growl. “That’s it, just like that.
Take me deeper. Swirl that sweet, sinful tongue all around me. Worship my dick.
Make love to it. Yes. Christ, that feels so fucking good.”

James’ praise inspired me to bring him even more pleasure.
Bobbing up and down on his shaft, I couldn’t wait to feel him shower my tongue
and throat with his slick seed. Ian caressed my smoldering ass, dipping his
fingers inside my wet center once more as I increased the tempo and pressure
around James. I bucked and writhed on Ian’s hand as he strummed his thumb over
my clit.

Whimpering, I sent tiny vibrations over James’ velvety
steel, causing him to mumble curses of delight. Dragging his fingers out of me,
Ian gripped my hips and launched his cock into my cunt in one ruthless thrust.
Pressure and pleasure spiked and my eyes rolled to the back of my head as he
pumped in a desperate rhythm.

A clap of thunder shook the house, rattled the windows and
nearly drowned out the harmony of lust that echoed in my room. Mother Nature’s
violent crescendo seemed synced to my own rolling rumble of release, but my
mouth was stuffed full of James’ cock. There was no way to ask permission.
Unwilling to disappoint them again, I jerked back. Releasing him, I cried out
on a mournful wail. Gripping my jaw, James plunged deep to my throat. I wrapped
my lips around him, drawing hard on his slick shaft. Stilling suddenly, I felt
his racing pulse throb over my tongue.

“Come,” James bellowed as his cock swelled and he exploded.

I gulped down every drop as he jettisoned over my tongue and
down my throat. My cunt compressed around Ian’s driving shaft before I bared
down hard and clutched around him. Violent spasms ripped through me as I
shattered. Digging his fingers painfully into my flesh, Ian let out a roar and
followed us over. Still nursing on James’ cock, tiny ripples of warmth surged
from his crest. Contentment and rapture etched his face as he gazed down at me.

“You’re so fucking beautiful when you shatter. Your eyes,
half open and glassy like you’re so far gone, yet right here with us. And the
way you let your inhibitions free…you’re the most erotic woman I’ve ever seen.”

“You’re like a damn drug, Liz,” Ian stated, his voice rough
and thick. “I’m addicted, little one, like I’ve never been before in my life.”

Nuzzling my cheek against James’ thigh, his coarse hairs
tickled my cheek as I drank in the warmth of his body all the way to my bones.
Ian slowly pulled from my fluttering pussy as James leaned over and slung his
arm around my waist. Pivoting, he flopped to the bed, pulling me alongside him.
Seconds later, Ian slid in next to me as well, and we three huddled together.

“I hate condoms,” Ian mumbled with a scowl. “I want to feel
you, little one, skin to skin. Not through a damn piece of latex. Are you on
the pill?”

“Yes,” I murmured. “I’ve been on birth control since I was
thirteen because of irregular cycles. And I’m clean. I went in and got tested
after Ryan left.”

“No more condoms then,” James announced. “We’re both clean.”

Another huge clap of thunder rocked the house. Startled, I
yelped and jerked. My heart thrummed wildly in my chest. James and Ian started
to laugh, and as the brief punch of adrenaline sputtered in my veins, I
chuckled too.

“Afraid of thunderstorms, baby?” James teased. Pulling me
against his chest, he wrapped his arms around me protectively. “I’ll keep you
safe from the big, bad booms.”

I swatted his chest and laughed. “Let me up, you big goof.
I’m not afraid of anything.”

“How about getting caught in bed, naked with two men, by
your boyfriend?”

The sound of Ryan’s familiar but angry voice slammed me,
bigger and
than the storm raging outside. Wrenching
from James’ arms, I bolted upright in bed, staring at Ryan standing in the
doorway. Hands on his hips, his mouth was pressed in a thin, tight line. He was
glaring at me in a combination of shock, rage, and devastation.

“Ryan,” I yelped. “What are you doing here?”

“I fucking live here, Elizabeth,” he screamed in disgust.

Ryan trailed a scathing stare over Ian and James. I felt
their bodies tense, yet both men placed a reassuring hand on

“What the fuck is going on here? What the hell have you
done, Liz? Two men? At once? Have you lost your goddamn mind?” Ryan spat.

“We need to talk,” I stated flatly.

“You think?” Ryan snapped in a mocking retort.

I’d never seen him act so hostile, never heard him speak so
curtly before. I prayed he didn’t do something stupid, like try to start a
fight with my

. Knowing they
were more than my lovers, but my protectors as well, filled me with courage. I
was going to face this ugly, embarrassing situation unfolding before me with

“Christ, look at yourself, Liz. I leave for a few months,
and you turn into a fucking whore. Just like your mother. Guess the apple
doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it?”

My guts tightened, along with my heart. Ryan knew just what
to say that would cut me to the bone, and it did. Had I truly turned out like
my mother? So desperate for affection—for the touch of a man—that I’d dragged
myself into the gutter? Was I nothing more than a weak, lonely woman seeking
affirmation by proffering my pussy and ass?

No. You, James, and Ian have something magical. Don’t
you dare let Ryan diminish the beauty of what you share with your
. They
and so much more.

I darted a glance over my shoulder to find James and Ian’s
faces were set in a cold and stony fury. Yes, they were my
but this wasn’t their battle, it was mine. Yet, so taken aback with Ryan’s
insult, I was at a loss for words.

“What’s next? You plan to fuck the entire Chicago Cubs
baseball team? Is this just a warm up for the main attraction?” he asked,
waving his hand wildly toward the bed. “What the fuck, Liz? You don’t even like

“Yes, I do,” I argued.

“Not with me you didn’t. Maybe I needed to grow another dick
to satisfy you. Is that what it is?” Ryan scoffed.

Without giving me time to answer, Ryan turned his focus on
James and Ian. He pinned them with a ferocious glare. “Hate to break the news,
but spring training is over, boys. Time to get your dirty cocks out of my
girlfriend and out my bed. Hope you enjoyed her, because you won’t ever see her
again. I’m back and she’s mine.”

“Shut up,” I screamed.

Ryan’s mouth dropped open. With an incredulous stare, he
shook his head. “No.
shut up, Liz. Don’t open your cock-sucking
hole until I tell you to. Got it?”

“That’s enough,” James growled. “You’re not going to speak
to her like that.”

“No. You’re not. In fact, you should leave now,” Ian warned.

“I don’t take orders from anyone. You two motherfuckers need
to get some fucking clothes on and get the hell out of my house before I lose
my temper.”

James launched from the bed, but didn’t charge Ryan.
Instead, he stood like a statue, as if trying to decide if he wanted to use his
words to diffuse the situation, or his hands—which were clenched into fists.

“We’ll leave when the lady asks us to leave,” James
countered between clenched teeth.

Ryan threw back his head and laughed.
“She’s no lady. She’s a fucking slut—just like her mother—a worthless bunch of
slutty holes you two cowboys filled with come. Playtime is over. Get the fuck
out. Now!”

Ian growled and bolted off the bed, positioning himself
between Ryan and me. No way did I intend to sit there while the three of them
turned my bedroom into a wrestling ring.

get out, Ryan. Leave
house and
don’t ever come back,” I ordered.

Scurrying off the mattress, I stormed past Ian, who gripped
my arm and shoved me behind him. James rounded the bed. The two men moved in
toe-to-toe with Ryan. Standing on tiptoes, I peered over Ian’s shoulder and watched
my ex raise his head, sizing up his opposition. Fury drained from his face and
he turned a bit pale. James and Ian had a good four or five inches on him, and
a hell of a lot more muscle.

“That’s right,” Ian taunted in a patronizing tone. “You’re
outweighed and outnumbered. I’d think real hard if I were you.”

“Let me tell you how this is going to end,” James
enlightened him in a menacing tone. “You can either turn around and walk out or
we can have you carried out on a stretcher. We’ll even give you ten seconds to
make up your mind.” The evil glee laced in James’ voice was frightening.

“Don’t mistake our generosity for weakness, you stupid son
of a bitch,” Ian snarled.

Ryan pinned me with a brief but livid stare. Clenching his
teeth, he turned and stormed out of the room. The echo of the front door
slamming reverberated through the house. My knees turned to jelly, and I
trembled uncontrollably as I stumbled back and plopped onto the edge of the

Anger, shock, and guilt pinged through me while Ryan’s vile
and demeaning words swirled through my head. Ian and James sat down next to me,
wrapped their arms around me, and didn’t say a word. They didn’t have to… I
could feel the rage rolling off them.

“I’m sorry. That was ugly and awkward,” I mumbled.

“You have nothing to be sorry about, Liz,” James assured me.

“No, you don’t. So that’s the guy you were in a relationship
with?” Ian asked, arching his brows in disbelief. “James told me about him, but
I pictured someone a lot different.”

“Yes.” I cringed.

“Did he ever beat you?” Ian asked in a soft whisper.

“No. God no. In fact, I’ve never seen him like that before.
I don’t know what reaction I expected… I mean, I think I just devastated the
man, but I—I didn’t think he’d come back. This isn’t how I wanted to end things
with him. Yes, I suspected he’d be disappointed we were through, but… I don’t
know where all that anger came from. He’s usually very laid back and…”

“Don’t make excuses for him, Liz,” James replied. “He’s a
grown man who walked away from you for months,
time. Now that
you’ve moved on with your life, he’s acting like a child who has lost his
favorite toy.”

“Only a self-centered prick would think you’d be sitting
here waiting for him to come back after so long,” Ian added with a snarl.

I knew they were right. But it didn’t keep the guilt from
sluicing through my veins or clashing with the ice that remained from the
vulgar names he’d called me. My mother’s voice joined the fray inside my head.

Good girls don’t…
’ The memories made my skin crawl. I had the sudden
urge to take a shower and scrub away the layers of shame coating my flesh.

“I appreciate you standing up to Ryan for me. I—I need some
time to sort this out in my head. I hope you understand, but I think it would
be best if you both left.”

I darted a glance at James and saw his jaw tick in anger.

“If you need to sort, we’re your sounding boards, little
one,” Ian countered.

“We’re not going to let you sit here and work this out

James wore a look of determination. Though the thought of peeling
back the layers of my past wasn’t something I particularly wanted to share with
them, I knew I couldn’t sway them to leave. Honesty came with a price and I’d
pay it, with my pride.

I sucked in a deep breath before exhaling loudly through my
mouth. “I feel guilty for hurting him, and for putting you two in the middle of
it all.”

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