Seduced By My Doms BN (26 page)

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Authors: Jenna Jacob

Tags: #BDSM, #BDSM Erotic Romance, #Erotic Romance, #Menage, #MFM, #Bondage, #Spanking, #Dominant, #submissive

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“Open your mouth. Let me watch you suck Ian’s cock, baby.”
The knot in my stomach cinched at the sound of his silky voice.

Ian fisted his cock with one hand and cupped my chin with
the other. Opening for him, I swirled my tongue over the clear glistening bead
at the tip, savoring his slick, salty taste. He guided his shaft inside my
mouth I felt my lips stretch while I worked him inside.

Sliding my mouth up and down his heated shaft, I flicked my
tongue along the sensitive underside. Ian cursed as I relaxed my throat, taking
him deeper. Gripping his thighs, the muscles tightened as he thrust his hips.
With a hiss, he gripped my hair, plunging in and out of my mouth with his own
tempo as I hungrily sucked at every inch.

Lost in the splendor of Ian’s coarse hairs tickling my nose
and his earthy scent, I was semi-aware of the sound of a condom wrapper tearing
open. Anticipation mounted. I wiggled my ass, anxious to feel James drive deep
inside my pussy. Instead, he moved in near my face and cupped my nape, holding
me still, watching as Ian stroked in and out of my mouth.

Bound by them both… not with rope, but their formidable
Dominance, they held me at their mercy. A new understanding of submission
filled me with purpose and pride. I’d never thought that giving pleasure could
be so rewarding, but the way James and Ian made me feel—like I was the most
adored woman on the planet—made me want to please and serve them even more.

If this was submission, I could easily hand my power over to

James nibbled on the lobe of my ear as he cupped one of my
breasts in his hand. Strumming his thumb over my beaded nipple, a noise of
delight fluttered in the back of my throat.

“The image of you sucking his cock is going to burn in my
mind for days, sweetheart,” James murmured. “But then so is the memory of
driving into your sweet, tight ass.”

Moving away from me, James sank his fingers into my hips,
then slammed the full length of his cock into my pussy. Screams of surprise and
pleasure vibrated over Ian’s cock, and he cinched his fist in my hair tighter
as a feral growl rumbled deep in Ian’s chest.

“Meet his thrust, little one,” Ian demanded. “Slam that
pretty pussy on him. Ride James hard for me.”

Wildly bucking against James’s cock, I swallowed Ian’s shaft
deeper. The sensations were indescribable. I felt as if I were floating
away…leaving my body. It was the same feeling I’d felt the night James
introduced me to the vampire glove. Safe and secure beneath their command, I
let the weightless peace carry me away.

“Touch your clit.” James’ hoarse whisper sliced through my
gossamer clouds. “It’s time to come for us, sweetheart. Come for your


Sliding a hand to my pussy, my fingertips grazed James’ wet shaft
as he relentlessly drove into my cunt. Settling over the hard nub, James eased
a wet finger into my ass and I clutched around him with a gasp. Ian barked a
curse then tugged my hair, tilting my head, driving deeper.

Their palpable strength was born of control; the control I
readily gave them, and I felt drunk on the power they doled back to me.

Gripping the base of his cock to hold back his release, Ian
pulled from my mouth. James pounded manically, then suddenly stilled. Like a
freshly lit fuse, demand sizzled and sputtered through me. I was ready to
ignite, to detonate once again, as the three of us seemed to teeter on the
precipice as one. Panting and trembling, Ian drove through my lips, over my
tongue, and wedged at the back of my throat.

“Come now, Liz. Shatter for us, little one,” Ian commanded
on a thin, harsh cry.

Their shouts of ecstasy mingled into one giant thunderclap
of rapture. Riding the storm roiling through me, I gulped Ian’s hot seed as it jettisoned
over my tongue and shot down my throat. Whimpering, my body convulsed and my
pussy clutched at James’ imbedded shaft, milking and sucking as he roared and
emptied inside me.

Long minutes passed as our bodies hummed in satisfaction.
Ian slowly eased from my mouth and James followed suit. As I slumped to the
mattress, the steady beat of my heart resonated in my ears. Ian curled in
alongside me and wrapped me in his strong arms. Seconds later, James climbed
onto the bed behind me, surrounding me in a safety net of warmth and affection.

You were wrong, Sally. Being bad is better than good.
It’s amazing.

Enveloped in their rugged bodies, I closed my eyes and let
the darkness pull me under.


Opening my eyes, a wave of panic crawled over me when I
realized I couldn’t move. Almost laughing at myself out loud, I remembered I
wasn’t at home—alone in my bed—as usual, but wrapped in James’ and Ian’s arms
in the private room at Genesis. Soft masculine snores filled my ears and I
smiled. Stretching as much as their heavy bodies allowed, the tug of raw,
tender tissue proved last night hadn’t been a dream.

James and Ian had awakened me with kisses, licks and growls,
throughout the night, demanding even more mind-bending orgasms, which I readily
gave beneath their clever, surreal command. I wanted to dance and shout, but
tangled beneath the weight of their arms and legs, I simply snuggled against
their heated bodies and basked in the afterglow, sated and beyond content.

It’s Sunday. You have to work. Remember?

I squeezed my eyes shut and issued an inward groan. Twisting
toward the nightstand, I didn’t see a clock illuminating the darkness. With a
disgruntled sigh, I wiggled out from beneath their limbs and scooted off the
end of the bed. Reaching out blindly, I carefully made my way toward the
bathroom, or at least what I thought was the direction of the bathroom. Taking
two more steps, I bashed my toes into something hard and inert. Dropping to the
floor, I grabbed my toe.

“Shit,” I hissed at the unwelcome pain.

“Who’s there?” James barked.

The room suddenly filled with blinding light.

“Me,” I moaned, squinting against abrupt brightness.

“Why are you on the floor? What’s wrong?” he asked. Leaping
from the bed, he hunkered down next to me.

“I stubbed my toe,” I groused between clenched teeth. “I’m
sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. Do you know what time it is?”

“Are you all right?”

“Yes, I’m fine. I just need to know what time it is. I have
to work today.”

“Ah, let me find out.”

Rising, he plucked his jeans off the floor. I couldn’t help
but stare appreciatively at his naked body, and the way his muscles bunched and
flexed. The thought of calling in sick so I could crawl back into bed with him
and Ian hovered in my brain. Unfortunately, my conscience wouldn’t let me. I couldn’t
put more work on Cindy’s shoulders simply to revel in the pleasure my gifted
doled out. James turned toward me and my gaze stilled
on his cock. Watching it grow thicker and longer before my eyes, I swallowed
tightly and licked my lips.

“You have to be in at noon, right?” he asked, cringing as he
looked at his phone.

“Yes. Why? What time is it?”

“Ten forty-five,” he sighed.

“Oh my god, I’m going to be late,” I gasped.

“No you’re not. I’ll make sure you’re on time,” he assured
me. “Hop in the shower here, and I’ll take you home so you can change.”

“But that still doesn’t give me enough—”

“If you sit there arguing with me, you
late.” His brow arched in a purely Dominant expression. “Get your sexy ass in
the shower. Now.”

With an exasperated scowl, I jumped up and hobbled to the
bathroom. After taking the world’s fastest shower, I toweled off. As I brushed
my hair, James walked into the bathroom—completely dressed—and handed me a foam
cup of coffee with one hand. In his other he held my wrinkled clothes. Groaning
in appreciation, I reached for the caffeine first.

“Thank you
much,” I said before taking a long
sip of liquid heaven. “Is Ian awake yet?”

“No. He sleeps like the dead. When he wakes and finds you
gone, he’ll call me,” James promised. Turning, he started to leave the

“You don’t have to leave. I don’t have anything to hide.
Especially after last night.”

“Yes, I do. Or you
be late,” he warned,
sliding a hungry gaze over my body.

A shiver zipped up my spine as I fastened my bra, then
tossed the dress on over my head. Racing out of the bathroom, I snagged my
shoes and purse, then followed James out the door. We hurried down the long
hall and out to the parking lot before climbing into his truck.

Maneuvering through traffic as if he were an Indy racer,
James passed the slow-assed, Sunday drivers. Nervously, I watched precious
minutes tick by on the dashboard clock.

Stopping at a red light, James turned to me. Sympathy was
written all over his face. “You’re going to be raw for a couple of days.”

“I’m not as sore as I thought I’d be. In fact, I kind of
like the throbbing reminder. It will keep the memory of last night sailing
through my brain all day. It was really incredible,” I confessed shyly.

“It was beyond incredible, gorgeous.” He smiled. “But I’m
not talking physically. I mean emotionally. It’s not good that you have to rush
away from us like this. We both need to give you aftercare this morning, to
help with the letdown.”

“Letdown?” I asked. A wave of panic slammed me. “Did I let
you two down?”

“No. God, no. You were more than words can express. I’m
talking about an emotional letdown. If it hits, you’ll understand what I’m
talking about. I want you to call me today, so I can keep tabs on how you’re
doing…emotionally. Understood?” His strong, silky Dominant tone snagged every
ounce of my attention.

“I will.” I nodded.

Unsure of what to expect, I hoped whatever James was talking
about held off until after my shift. He whipped the truck into my driveway and
walked me to the door. After leaving me with a toe-curling kiss, I watched him
leave, then dashed to my bedroom and dressed for work. Trying to tame my wild,
wet hair, I gave up. Shoving it into a ponytail, I ran out of the house and
jumped into my car.

Weaving in and out of traffic, I pulled into the parking
garage with two minutes to spare. Sprinting down the stairs to the ER, I
miraculously clocked in on time. Slumping against the wall, I tried to catch my
breath, wondering if Ian woke up to an empty room, and hoping he didn’t think
I’d run out on them. Tears swelled in my eyes for no other reason than I missed
him, missed them both.

My absurd reaction took me by surprise. Sure, we’d had a ton
of life-altering, mind-blowing sex, but we hadn’t had time to talk about my
budding submission. I didn’t know if I met their expectations in that regard or
not. Filled with unanswerable questions, I felt as if I’d been cast away to a
deserted island: isolated and alone.

Not once, did they make me feel dirty or slutty, but shame
began leaching through my veins. I’d actually begged and pleaded for two men to
pound into my body like a whore. My stomach pitched. I swallowed down the bile
rising in the back of my throat.

No. No. No. What you shared with those amazing men last
night was beautiful. They claimed you as their submissive. Remember how you
felt…that glorious serenity that surrounded you? You will not let your mother’s
bullshit rule or ruin one minute of your life anymore.

The voice in my head soothed and calmed me. Sucking in a
deep breath, I focused on Ian and James and the curtain they’d lifted from my

Cindy rounded the corner. She took one look at me and her
eyes grew wide. “You look like hell had a yard sale. What happened to you?”

“Nothing,” I replied with an absent wave of my hand.

“Something did,” she countered. “You don’t look very good.
Are you sick?”

“No. I don’t want to talk about it, okay?”

“Oh shit,” she hissed under her breath. “Did Ryan contact

“No, it’s nothing like that. Just drop it, okay?”

Her eyes grew even wider and a goofy grin lit up her face.
“Someone got laid, didn’t they?”

“And someone else needs a damn hearing aid,” I warned with
an angry scowl. “I’m not talking about it. Besides, I need to go to work.”

She snorted and inched in closer. “What’s his name?”

Pushing off the wall, I sidestepped Cindy and stormed toward
the nurse’s station. Like a puppy, she followed right on my heels, whispering
questions—one after another—begging me to spill the details. I wasn’t about to
share the gory details of my debauchery with not one, but two men. Nor was I
going to confess that I might very well be a submissive. Hell, I hadn’t even
had time to process the idea myself. I knew I couldn’t explain it to her, at
least not rationally.

My saving grace came in the form of Dr. Samuel Brooks, as he
barreled through the double doors. Every ounce of attention Cindy had pinned on
me instantly turned toward Sam. Her face glowed like a kid on Christmas

“Cindy. Liz,” Dr. Brooks greeted with a wide smile.

“What brings you to the ER, Doctor?” I asked, forcing a
nonchalant tone.

“Meeting a patient,” he answered, darting a glance toward
the trauma rooms. “I take it she’s not here yet.”

“No,” Cindy blurted out, as she quickly sidled up next to
Sam. “But I’ll be happy to set up the room for her arrival.”

With a wolfish grin, Sam nodded. Extending his hand toward
Cindy, he pinned her with the same exacting stare that Ian and James had given
me time and again.

“After you, dear girl.”

Oh shit
. He even addressed her like a sub. And
poor, clueless Cindy had no fucking idea what she was getting herself into. In
a matter of days, she’d know about Sam’s kinks. Was she even ready for that? A
rush of panic tore through me. I had to say, or do something to warn her. But
how without confessing the things I’d done over the weekend?

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