Seduced By My Doms BN (28 page)

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Authors: Jenna Jacob

Tags: #BDSM, #BDSM Erotic Romance, #Erotic Romance, #Menage, #MFM, #Bondage, #Spanking, #Dominant, #submissive

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“Come here,” Ian whispered as he opened his arms.

He didn’t need to give the command twice. I sat up and
launched myself into his warm embrace. James melded in against my back. His
heated breath caressed my ear as he slid the robe off my shoulders and began
massaging the tension from my neck.

Enveloped in their indulgence, warmth, and strength, a
palpable vibration pulsed within my veins, and righted my whole world. The
tightness in my chest eased, as did the churning in my belly. Closing my eyes,
I drank in every drop of affection they offered.

Finally, the cyclone of questions, doubts, and fears that
plagued me slowed. Ian and James patiently and methodically helped me align my
thoughts and feelings. Plucking each emotion one by one, they aided me to
understand that not only were my feelings perfectly normal, they pointed out
the reasons behind each of my tattered emotions.

“I don’t want to lose you, either of you,” I confessed
almost defiantly.

“We don’t want to lose you either, gorgeous,” James replied
in that buttery, rich voice that sent tingles down my spine.


“Are you feeling better, more centered now?” Ian asked,
brushing his hand over my cheek.

“Yes. Thank you. I’m sorry I didn’t call, or reach out to
ask for help.”

“As long as you remember to do it next time, we’ll be fine,”
Ian assured me.

“Next time?” I gaped. “You mean I have to go through this
stuff again?”

“It’s quite possible. But since you’re going to share your
work schedule with us, we’ll know when we can push you hard, and when we need to
go easy on you,” Ian explained.

“And if you don’t communicate with us, we’ll paddle your
ass, and not in a pleasant way,” James chided as he cupped my cheeks and drew
his lips to mine.

“Kiss me, James,” I murmured against his mouth. “Please.”

“I am,” he replied. I could feel the smile tug his lips

“Harder,” I moaned.

“I don’t take orders from subs. Patience, girl,” he growled
against my mouth.

“I don’t have any when I’m with you two.”

“We’ll be happy to help you find some, little one,” Ian
offered with an evil chuckle.

Lifting the hair off the back of my neck, he pressed a sweet
kiss to my nape. I had no doubt he possessed the skills to help me find all
kinds of things, and oh, how I would let him…let them both.

James toyed with my lips, sliding his tongue over the seam
only to pull back when I opened to take him inside my mouth. Their hands and
fingers danced in lurid petition over my arms and breasts, down my stomach, and
to the slope of my spine. Slowly pulling away, I noticed James’ dark eyes were
dilated with desire.

“Have you eaten today?”

I shook my head no.

“Audible answers, little one,” Ian reminded, pinching the
tip of my hard nipple.

“Ah…no, Sirs.”

“Get dressed. We’ll take you to brunch,” James instructed as
he and Ian stood and walked toward the door.

Once again the irrational feeling of being left in the cold
swarmed me. Reaching out for them, a twinge of fear tugged my belly. “Please.
Will you stay with me?”

Even to my own ears, my request sounded childish and weak.
When they stopped and turned, their expressions were etched in compassion and
understanding. I knew I could lean on them, not only until I had a better
foundation beneath me, but always.

James ate up the distance between us, then pulled me to my
feet. Dragging me against his chest, he held me tight for several long minutes.

“We’ll wait right here while you dress,” Ian soothed.

Rationally, I knew they’d only be two rooms away, but that
strange feeling of isolation had returned, and I couldn’t seem to shake it.

“Why am I so desperate for your touch?”

“Your psyche craves reassurance,” James replied, slowly
releasing me. “What you’re feeling is normal. Remember, you’re raw and
vulnerable. Just know that we are proud of you and that you’re very important
to us, Liz. Take a minute and remember what it feels like to be floating in
your submission. That will make the panic fade away.”

Ian and James sat on the bed and waited as I pondered what
clothes to wear.

“Choose something soft and comfortable, little one,” Ian

“Don’t you want me to look nice for you two?” I asked.
Eyeing my yoga pants with longing, I feared something less casual was in order.

“You always look beautiful to us, Liz,” James flattered me.
“We want you to wear something you’ll be relaxed in. It will help smooth any of
the jagged edges we might have missed.”

Protecting my emotions down to what damn clothes I wear?
They never failed to amaze me, in or out of bed.

Twenty minutes later, James pulled his big black truck into
the parking lot of a quaint mom and pop diner. Ian swore they had the fluffiest
pancakes on the planet.

“You really like pancakes, don’t you?” I grinned at him.

“I’m a pancake connoisseur,” he replied, puffing out his
chest as if his self-imposed title was meant to impress.

“No. You’re a human garbage disposal,” James teased. “I’ve
never known anyone who can pack away as much food as you do.”

“I can’t help it that my metabolism runs high,” Ian excused
himself with a crooked smile. “Besides, I need to save all the calories I can.
I’m planning a strenuous workout in the near future.”

The carnal flicker in his eyes left no question as to what
kind of workout he had in mind.

“Are you implying that I need to
up my carb intake?” I smirked.

“We’ll take care of your carbs and everything else,” Ian
replied with a grin.

“Oh, that’s right. I don’t have the freedom to choose my
meals when I’m with you two,” I jabbed with a smirk.

“No. But you do have the freedom to tell us what you don’t
like,” James interjected.

“Anchovies, bell peppers, pickles, black walnuts, iced
coffee, and caviar,” I rattled off quickly.

“That’s good to know,” Ian chuckled.

As we walked into the clean but dated diner, both men
settled a hand at the small of my back. The conversation with Savannah in the
bathroom of Maurizio’s played in my mind. Yes, people were staring. Some wore
expressions of surprise, disgust, and I thought I even caught a couple glimpses
of envy.

‘I don’t’ live my life to make anyone happy except my
Masters, and if the rest of the world doesn’t like that, they can just kiss my

Taking our seats at a table near the back, I was grateful that
Savannah had shared her courageous philosophy. Borrowing her daring spirit, I
held my head high as Ian and James held out my chair. For me, a woman who’d never
colored outside the lines of proper moral conduct, breaking free to scribble
all over the page felt wickedly scandalous. Scooting in close to me, James and
Ian continued to touch and caress me. Their constant physical connection did
smooth out the remaining prickly edges of my

Eating as much as I could hold, I watched Ian continue to
shovel fork after fork of pancakes into his mouth. I marveled how the man could
eat like a horse, yet carry the frame of an athlete. James leaned back in his
chair and patted his stomach. Giggling at his distended belly, I excused myself
and trekked off to the ladies’ room.

Making my way back, I saw an older woman bent over the table
with her chin resting on her palm. She seemed to be taking great pride in
showing off her implanted assets to both Ian and James. Inching closer, I
paused, shoving down the little green monster rising inside me. There was no
reason for me to feel jealous. I’d agreed to be their submissive, not their
girlfriend. Yet, they both made me feel as if something deeper than submission
was at work between us. Watching the sway of the woman’s ass as she openly
flirted with my
chafed. I wanted to sidle up
beside her and kick her jiggling butt.

“Did you know that a cougar is the largest cat that can
still purr?” she asked in a low seductive voice.

“No. I didn’t know that,” James replied dryly with a roll of
his eyes.

“You don’t say?” There wasn’t an ounce of emotion in Ian’s
tone as he wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin.

“How about you two stud-muffins try and make me…purr, that
is? I won’t disappoint you.”

The bitch was desperate, but obviously my
were not impressed.

Extending a finger toward Ian’s chin, the woman’s
shimmering, candy-apple acrylic talon resembled a weapon of mass destruction
rather than a fingernail.

Quick as a cat, Ian snagged her wrist and stood, drilling
her with an icy glare. “I’d rather fuck a blow-up doll.”

“I’d rather fuck my fist,” James added. Standing too, he
tossed several bills onto the table.

The woman blanched and yanked free of Ian’s grip. I couldn’t
help it; I laughed. The woman jerked her head my direction, shooting me a look
of fiery daggers.

“Sorry to burst your bubble, sugar, but they’re going home
with me. I plan to put them in a coma before the six o’clock news,” I touted
with a plastic smile.

Beneath the heavy layer of makeup, her face turned bright

“Not if we put you in one first, gorgeous,” James growled.

Moving in close, James and Ian didn’t even glance back at
the brazen broad. As we left the restaurant I noticed dark clouds rolling in
from the southwest. The scent of rain hung in the air as we climbed into James’

“I think we should make Liz keep her word, don’t you?” James
smirked as he started the engine.

“Yes, I do.” Ian agreed wholeheartedly. “How many lovers
you put into a coma?”

“I—I…hang on a second. I wasn’t tossing out a challenge. I
was simply trying to save your butts from queen-cougar back there. She looked
more dangerous than any animal I’ve seen at the zoo.”

“Saving us? Is that what you want to call it?” Ian smirked.
“I think you were marking your territory, little one.”

“Well, maybe, just a little.”

“Uh-huh,” James grunted. “Maybe a lot.”

“Now I feel like a dork. I don’t have any right to be
possessive. After all, I’m just a sub.”

“Oh, you have every right,” James assured me, pulling onto
the highway. “You’re not just a sub, you’re
sub. We’re as much
yours as you are ours. Don’t kid yourself.”

His claim sank deep inside me, warming and comforting.

“Home, James,” Ian instructed with a wicked laugh. “It’s
coma time.”

As we pulled into my driveway, the skies opened up. Digging
my keys from my purse, lightning flashed and thunder cracked before we dashed
from the truck. Cold rain lashed my face. I let out a squeal as I slipped on
the wet grass. James reached out and snagged me by the arm, spinning me toward
him before I landed on my ass. I crashed against his chest, then he slanted his
lips over mine. We stood in the pouring rain, kissing and getting soaked to the
skin. Ian moved in against my back, kissing my neck and sipping the water
running down my face.

“You’re wet,” Ian laughed in my ear. “Come on, let’s go
inside so we can dry you off and make you wet in other places.”

“You’re too late,” I giggled. “I’m soaked there too.”

James let out a feral growl. Grabbing my wrist, he tugged me
toward the house. Drenched and laughing like loons, we stood under the dry eave
as I unlocked the door. Inside the house, we stripped out of our wet clothes as
if it were the most natural thing in the world. Tossing everything into the
dryer, I found it amazing that I no longer felt self-conscience about my curves
or imperfections. They’d freed me from the critical mindset I’d harbored about
my body.

Streaking down the hall, I grabbed a stack of towels from
the linen closet just as the air conditioner kicked on and spilled cold air
from the vents. Shivering as I dried off, James and Ian converged around me,
blanketing me with their toasty naked flesh. Dueling erections prodded the
crack of my ass and my soft belly. Reaching behind me, I slung an arm around
Ian’s neck as he nibbled my shoulder. Leaning in, I peppered kisses over James’

“Thank you for warming me up. You two are like a couple of
blast furnaces. I like it.”

“We don’t want you warm, gorgeous,” James murmured
enticingly. “We want you hot, panting, moaning, and screaming while you put us
into that coma you promised.”

A soft chuckle rumbled in the back of my throat. “I was
hoping you’d say that.”

“Never deny passion or lust,” Ian
before dragging his tongue up the side of my neck.

Quaking beneath the tingling, tickling sensation, I squealed
and drew up my shoulder. Ian issued a disapproving grunt, then pulled back to
land a sharp slap on my ass.

A sensual purr rippled off my tongue. “More. Please.”

“Please who?” James growled in my ear.

“Please, Sirs,”

“We need to get you on your hands and knees, gorgeous. I
think it’s time we fired your pretty little ass up,” James taunted in a low
suggestive tone.

“Yes. I think that’s a wonderful idea,” I agreed,
frantically nodding my head.

I couldn’t seem to race to my room, or scramble onto the
bed, fast enough. Poised on all fours, I giggled as I wiggled my ass
impatiently before dipping my forehead to the mattress.

“My, my. You seem awfully greedy, little one,” Ian chided
with a little laugh.

“I am. But it’s not my fault. It’s both of yours.”

“So we’re to blame for you behaving like a wanton little
minx, is that it?” The warmth in James’ laugh sent shivers down my spine.


Peeking past my hips, I watched as they moved to the edge of
the bed, James on my left and Ian on my right. Trying to curb my impatience, I
wondered if they would spank me together. Imagining the feel of their firm hands
alternating over each cheek, sending that luscious burn to sink deep, made it
increasingly difficult for me to remain still.

Running a fingertip from the back of my neck all the way
down my spine to the crack of my ass, Ian leaned in close to my ear. “Condoms,
little one?”

“Nightstand. Top drawer, Sir.”

The familiar sound of scraping wood and the rustle of condom
wrappers made me quiver.

“Well, well…what do we have here?” James taunted as he
climbed onto the bed, holding my vibrator in his fist.

“Toys. Girl toys,” I snickered.

“I see that. Do you play with your toys like a bad girl
often, sweetheart?”

“Not as often as I should, if last night’s orgasm marathon
was any indication,” I quipped with a mischievous grin.

“Your sassy, little mouth is going to bring down a world of
trouble on your ass,” Ian warned before sinking his teeth into my right butt

I squealed, but my laugh was cut short as James leaned in to
claim my lips. Moaning into his mouth, I sucked his slick tongue as if it were
his cock. Grunting in approval, he cinched a fist in my hair. Whimpering, I
rocked my hips, silently begging for Ian’s fat cock to plow deep inside my

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