Seduced By My Doms BN (18 page)

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Authors: Jenna Jacob

Tags: #BDSM, #BDSM Erotic Romance, #Erotic Romance, #Menage, #MFM, #Bondage, #Spanking, #Dominant, #submissive

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He took a sip of beer. “Okay, getting back to the Dom code,
one of the most important rules is to never disregard a sub’s
, no matter what.”

“Oh, really?” I asked incredulously. “You disregarded mine
awfully fast.”

James shook his head. “I explained that earlier. I even gave
you the option to stay on my lap or not. Did I
you do anything
you didn’t want to? No. And I never will.”

Slanting his lips over mine, he kissed me long, hard, and
passionately. When he pulled away, the room slightly spun as I opened my eyes.

“I need to hit the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” Untangling
himself from me, James stood and shoved a hand in his pocket. Dropping a
twenty-dollar bill on the table he winked. “In case the pizza comes while I’m

“I’ll take care of it,” I assured him.

When James turned and walked down the hall, I leaned across
the couch to stare at his ass.

“You’re as big a
as I am,
Liz,” James called over his shoulder.

“What are you talking about?” I gasped, quickly sitting back

Did he have eyes in the back of his head?

“Nice try,” he laughed. “Uh, Liz?”

Leaning over once more, James’ reflection on a mirror at the
end of the hall stared back at me. How the hell had I missed that, I wondered.

“What can I say?” I shrugged. “I like the view.”

“I like yours too,” he smirked before turning and
disappearing into his room.

Not thirty seconds later, the doorbell rang. Grabbing the
money off the table, I hurried to the door. Pulling it open, I blinked.
Standing before me was the sexiest pizza guy I’d ever seen. Tall, swarthy and
wearing an expensive Italian suit, tailored to accent miles of lean muscle. His
professionally styled hair matched the color of his eyes—deep, rich milk

The same as James. Remember him? The guy who just rocked
your world? And umm, what pizza dude dresses like that?

One side of the man’s mouth curled in a sexy little smile,
wiping away the warning from the little voice inside my head. The short dark
scruff staining his jaw and chin made me want to scrape my nails over his
bristly hairs. Instead, I gripped the door
one hand and thrust the twenty at him with the other as I stared, speechless.

Earth to Liz. Wipe your chin and snap out of it. You
think James is going to start flipping cartwheels when he comes out of the
bathroom to find you drooling all over this guy?

“Where’s Destiny?” the man asked.

His question popped my balloon of awe.
Who the hell is
Destiny, and why would she be at James’ house? Unless… Dammit! He’d lied. James
involved with someone.

“I don’t know,” I snipped, finally dragging my gaze to his
empty hands. “My apologies, I thought you were the pizza delivery man.”

A slow, erotic smile crawled across the sexy stranger’s
lips. His eyelids drooped as he trailed a sensual hooded gaze up and down my
body. Without warning, he pushed through the portal, driving me backward as he
shucked off his coat and tie, tossing them to the floor.

“Oh, so that’s what we’re going to play tonight, huh?” he
softly chuckled, still stalking toward me until he’d backed me to the wall.
Pinning my arms above my head, he licked his lips then leaned in close. “I
think I’m going to enjoy this.”

“Game?” I squawked.

My body tensed, but the man didn’t seem to notice. If he
did, he obviously didn’t care. Staring at me as if I were a medium-rare cut of
steak, his gaze stilled on my lips.

“Yeah, I can do pizza delivery all right. As long as I can
bite into a big slice of you.”

Crushed between his strong body and the wall, his thick
erection pressed into my stomach. I fought the insane urge to melt against his
pricey suit and inhale the erotic scent of his cologne.

Suddenly, his expression hardened and even though his rugged
scent still filled my head and my heartbeat hammered in my ears, I knew I’d
just invited a lunatic into James’ house. Panting in fear, I couldn’t erase the
image of this hunk ripping off my clothes and fucking me up against the wall.
Jesus, what the hell was wrong with me?

He’s going to fuck you all right—the crazy bastard is
going to rape you. Run!

I tried to push him off me, but he shook his head. “Now,
now. Don’t be upset. I know you wanted pizza, but there’s been a fire at the

Confusion swirled with my fear, and my brows drew tight.

“I’m afraid I don’t have the pizza you wanted, but I
have a nice big sausage right here.” He dipped his hips and ground his cock against
my pussy. “I’m sure you’ll find it hot, tasty and oh, so satisfying.”

Gripping both my wrists with one firm hand, he reached down
with the other and began unbuckling his belt. He really was going to rape me.
Finally, fear cut through my idiotic haze.

I shoved against him with all my might. “Get the hell off
me, you sick fuck.”

Stumbling back, surprise burst over his face. As he opened
his mouth to say something, I lifted my knee and drove it between his legs like
a battering ram.

A whoosh of air exploded from his lungs as he doubled over
and dropped to the floor.

Like a flamethrower, adrenaline fired through my veins.
Turning, I sprinted down the hall.

“James. Oh god. Help. James,” I screamed at the top of my
lungs. “Get a gun…a baseball bat…anything!”

As I rounded the corner into his room, James came barreling
out. Slamming into his solid body, I felt as if I’d hit a brick wall. Knocking
the air from my lungs, I nearly landed on my ass in the middle of the hall.

His eyes were wild with a worry. “Liz. What’s—”

“Rapist,” I gasped. “Front room.” Tears were already sliding
down my cheeks as fear consumed me.

“Rapist? What the fuck?” James snarled.

I nodded, still struggling to fill my lungs with air as
James darted past me. Shoulders squared, chest expanded and both hands balled
into fists, I followed close behind him as he stormed toward the family room.

“There.” I pointed to the pervert still on the floor,
struggling to rise up on his hands and knees.

“Mother fucker,” the man coughed then groaned. “What the
fuck… Son of a bitch.” Strangling on another cough, he growled. “Fuck!”

James looked at the man, then flashed a confused glance my
way. He turned his attention back to the guy on the floor, who was clutching
his crotch and writhing in pain.

“Ian. What the hell are you doing?”

Ian? James’ boss, Ian?
“Oh shit,” I mumbled.

“That crazy fucking bitch just jacked me in the balls,” he

“You were going to rape me,” I cried.

“No, I wasn’t,” Ian shouted then groaned.

James’ expression grew more perplexed by the second.

“Then what was all that crap about the pizza shop burning
down, and the big hot
you had for me in your pants?”

“Ah, hell.” James scrubbed a hand down his face.

“Role play, sweetheart,” Ian barked with a scowl before
turning toward James. “Where’s Destiny? I thought we were supposed to—”

“Shut up,” James ordered. A look of fear lined his face.

“Isn’t she that pretty, blonde sub I met at the hospital?” I
asked in a suspicious tone.

More like
blonde with a flawless skin,
perfect body, huge boobs, and plump red lips. The same sub that looked like she
wanted to gag when Kerr had approached her.

“Yeah, she’s blonde. She’s the sub we share,” Ian choked as
he rose to one knee, his face crimson read and dotted with sweat.

“Oh fuck,” James murmured. Turning an ashen shade of pale,
he closed his eyes and hung his head.

You are busted, asshole. Wait…share? They share her…what
the hell did that mean?

“Share?” I gaped. “Share how?”

“Exactly how you think. We—”

“Ian,” James barked. “For the love of… Shut the fuck up.”

They fuck her…together? Oh, no…James claimed he wasn’t
involved with anyone. Sharing the bitch and letting his boss fuck her with him,
is pretty damn involved.

Anger and shock nearly took me out at the knees. I wanted to
rail at James, but stood there gaping at the two men, totally dumbfounded.
Though feeling like the most gullible idiot on the planet, the thought of being
fucked by both handsome men at the same time had my heart beating double-time.
My mouth turned dry as a desert. Ian gave off an equally Dominant and erotic
vibe as James did.

Destiny…you lucky little bitch.

Jealousy burned, but instead of visualizing the beautiful
blonde writhing between the two gorgeous men, I saw myself. I could practically
feel my pussy and ass being stretched and filled as they drove into me,
stripping me of all my inhibitions. The visual dancing in my mind scorched
nearly every brain cell I possessed.

Good girls don’t do slutty things.

The sound of my mother’s voice echoing in my ears promptly
extinguished the lusty fire flickering inside. James played me like the fool I
was. While his look of remorse appeared genuine, it did little to alter the
fact that Destiny was
route, planning to have sex
with both of them.

Fucking prick…my scent is still on your sheets.

Obviously James didn’t care.

Anger spiked.

How dare that son of bitch lecture me about honesty and
communication, when he’d done nothing but blow smoke up my ass? And what a moron
that made me for letting him. Damn it, I’d actually believed the

The urge to also kick James in the balls rode me hard.
Thankfully I’d learned the truth before I grew too enamored with the lying sack
of shit. He and Ian were nothing but a couple of kinky playboys trying to get
their rocks off with any woman willing to spread her legs. I felt sick to my
stomach. Clenching my teeth, I balled up my fists, ready to unleash all my fury
on the first one who had the guts to approach me.

“Who is she?” Ian asked James, jerking his head in my
direction as if I wasn’t in the room. “
has a name,” I hissed.
“It’s Liz. I’m a nurse. I took care of James’ friend Trevor last night.”

“A nurse? Good,” Ian groaned. “Come on over here,
sweetheart. Stick your hands down my pants and see if you can find my balls,
would you? They feel like they’re lodged under my Adam’s apple, so reach up
real high.”

“Find them yourself, asshole,” I seethed. “Or better yet,
find them. I’m sure she knows exactly what they feel

Spinning on my heel, I yanked my purse off the coffee table
and raced out the front door, slamming it with a loud bang. Storming down the
driveway, tears blurred my vision while I felt inside my purse for my cell
phone. The rage and humiliation coiling inside me made me want to howl like a

“Liz!” James called from behind me.

“Fuck off,” I mumbled under my breath.

“Liz, goddamn it. Wait up.”

“No. Leave me alone,” I screamed without looking back.

When James gripped my shoulders, I froze. Every muscle in my
body tensed. “Take your fucking hands off me,” I spat.

“No. I need to explain.”

Jerking from his grip, I spun and faced him. “There’s
nothing to explain, James. Thanks for the awesome pity fuck. I’m sure you and
Ian sharing Destiny will be just as
.” Sarcasm singed my
tongue like acid.

Scrubbing a hand through his hair, James shook his head.
“What Ian and I do with Destiny doesn’t mean anything. She—”

“I’m sure it doesn’t.” My lips peeled back in a
condescending smirk. “Just like none of the other women you
including me.”

“That’s not true. You mean something to me, Liz. I know it
sounds absurd since we’ve only known each other a short time, but you
mean something to me. You mean a lot to me. After the scare last night with
Trevor, I forgot that Ian and I had set this thing up with Destiny. But it’s
not what you think. Since I’ve met you, I don’t even want to be with her

“Oh, please,” I scoffed. “Spare me the bullshit. I stopped
believing in fairy tales when I was six.”

“It’s not bullshit, Liz, it’s the fucking truth!”

“You’re all about the truth, aren’t you?” I sneered. “I
don’t believe you. It’s all bullshit. That’s just a line you use on women so
you can stick your dick in them.”

James closed his eyes. His lips pressed to a thin tight
line. Exhaling several deep breaths, his nostrils flared and his jaw ticked.
His attempt to rein in his anger didn’t faze me one bit. I rolled my eyes at
his theatrics, then turned and started to walk away again.

“Fuck,” James hissed under his breath. I heard his shoes on
the pavement as he started coming after me. “At least let me drive you home.”

“No thanks. I’ll catch a cab.”

“Liz. Wait. Quit being so goddamn stubborn and listen to

Stopping in mid-stride, I turned and gaped at him.
“Stubborn? You think I’m being stubborn? You don’t know shit about women
besides how to fuck them. This is called self-preservation, James. Look it up
on the Internet. I’m sure you’ll be enlightened.”

Anger overrode the weaker emotions pinging inside me. Hurt
and humiliated, I felt dirty and cheap. Waving him off, I snorted humorlessly.
“Go home, James. Go get ready for the next lucky whore you plan to fuck

James lunged forward, wrapping his arms around me before
sinking a fist in my hair.

Yanking my head back, he jutted his face in close to mine.

“You’re not a whore, Liz. Don’t ever let me hear you call
yourself one again. Do you understand me?” he growled through clenched teeth.
“What we shared was incredible. You will not degrade yourself or the passion
and magic that we achieved.”

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