Seduced by the CEO (11 page)

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Authors: Lexie Davis

BOOK: Seduced by the CEO
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“I can give you all the orgasms you need, baby. Just
give me the okay.”

Kristin knew she was drunk, but that comment from … what
was his name? Randy? Ryan? Roland? She couldn’t remember, but it was
inappropriate. It was difficult to walk into The Black Rose and not be horny.
Men receiving oral sex sat all around while some fingered the women. She was
surrounded by sex. But Randy-Ryan-Roland was not coming anywhere near her tonight.
It was on the tip of her tongue to say she was with Micah and give him some
bullshit about Micah throwing him out of the club for saying such a thing, but
she didn’t want to give away his identity.

“Maybe some other time,” Kristin said instead. And
then remembering Micah’s admonishment about the club rules and her safety,
added, “I’m taken.”

After hours of drinking and enjoying the platonic company
of several single men in the VIP lounge, Kristin decided it was time to excuse
herself and go home for the night.

“Are you okay to drive?” Jamie asked. “You had like
three margaritas.”

“It wasn’t three, but I’ll call someone.” Kristin
didn’t wear the outfit she had bought for her first time at the club, choosing
instead to change from her work wear into a short black skirt and a tight black
t-shirt. She went with black flats—no heels—as well.

“Ooh. The mystery lover?” Sable asked, sipping on her
fruity cocktail. She’d been eying one of the single men in the room all night
and Kristin was fairly sure that if given the chance, she’d pounce on him.

“No.” She reached for her phone. “More like a cab.”

“We’ll meet him one day,” Lyn commented. “I don’t know
what is with all the secrecy.”

“She doesn’t want us to steal him away.” Jamie smiled
at her.

Kristin gripped her phone. “I’ll talk to you guys

She left them after saying their goodbyes and went to
the front door. Roxy eyed her curiously as she handed her phone to her.

“Will you call Micah? The room is spinning for me
right now.”

Roxy wiped her hand on a rag. “Lightweight drunk?”

Kristin nodded and laid her head on the bar. “I only
had one drink but we did shots with those guys.”

Roxy took her phone and dialed his number. Kristin
waited, watching as the bartender smirked at whatever Micah had said.

“Awe. You think I’m beautiful? That’s so sweet but
it’s not why I called.” She paused. “Little Miss Muffet had too much to drink
and she needs a ride home.”

Kristin pressed her fingers against her temples. She
didn’t know what they took shots of but it was some powerful stuff. Roxy
laughed at whatever Micah had said and hung up, handing the phone back to her.

“He’s on his way.”

Kristin closed her eyes. The next time she opened
them, Micah was helping her off the bar stool. People had gathered around, some
staring, and she couldn’t have felt more embarrassed. He didn’t say anything as
he walked her out to his car, conveniently parked in the front. He settled her
in the front seat and she lay back, closing her eyes again.

She didn’t know where he might take her. Didn’t really
care. When they got to their destination, he unloaded her from the vehicle and
carried her inside.

“Do you need anything?” he asked, taking her phone
from her and setting it on the kitchen counter. They had gone to his place and
Kristin frowned at him.

“Why didn’t you forbid me to go?” She walked to his
sofa and plopped down. “I don’t drink that much but whatever I had could knock
an elephant on its ass.”

He laughed. She took in his casual dress, a basic
shirt with a pair of jeans. She’d never seen him wear jeans and damn, they made
his ass look good.

“You have a nice ass.” She closed her eyes with a
smile. “A nice cock, too. There was so much oral sex going on in that place I
couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to suck you off.”

When she opened her eyes, he stood over her. She
blinked a few times.

“I’m fairly certain you have no idea what you’re
saying, but the fact that you’re saying it, and you’re too fucking drunk to
know any better, is creating all kinds of problems for me right now.”

“I know what I’m saying.” She pushed up from her spot
on the couch. When did she lie down? “Where am I?”

He shook his head and reached for her. “Bed. Sleep it

“I thought I was in bed.” She stood, wobbly, and
glanced around. “How did I get here? Did I drive?”

“No.” He ushered her down the hall toward his bedroom.
“Do you want to change clothes?”

She’d already crawled into his bed and curled up with
his pillow, sideways. Oblivious to the world, she closed her eyes and drifted
into sleep.

Sometime later, Kristin woke feeling like she’d been
hit by a bus. She groaned, clutching her head as she glanced around the room.
Micah was nearby, talking to someone, and she peered toward the bathroom door,
spying him with a towel wrapped around his waist. He had the phone to his ear
as he went about his morning routine.

She rolled to her back and stared up at the ceiling.
Her vision blurred as the light pouring through the windows threatened to blind

“Are you up?” Micah asked, coming out of the bathroom.
She groaned her response and he laughed. “That’s what I thought. I’ve got an
aspirin for you in the kitchen. Some hot coffee and breakfast if you want,

“Did you come get me?” She glanced around the room.
“Please tell me I didn’t drive here.”

“No, you didn’t drive.” He was mildly amused. “I guess
you don’t remember what you said to me last night?”

She sat up. “No. What did I say?”

“That I have a nice ass.” He pulled the towel off and
she swallowed hard peeking between her fingers at his perfect ass. “And a nice
cock, too. You wanted to know what it would be like to suck me off.”

Kristin’s eyes widened as she dropped her hands from
her face. “You’re lying. I didn’t say that.”

He grinned as he dug through the drawer for a pair of
boxers. “Oh, you said it.”

What the hell was wrong with her? She’d only given
oral sex once, to Rick, who claimed she didn’t know what she was doing. Why
would she say something like that to Micah?

“You still curious?”

She rolled her eyes which only served to hurt her head
more. She clutched the side of her skull and groaned. “Not right now, no.”

He pulled his boxers on and came toward her. He kissed
her temple then kissed her cheek before squatting down in front of her. “You’ll
feel better if you take an aspirin and eat something. I have coffee, but I know
you like your Starbucks. I’ll go get you something if you want it.”

He was taking care of her. The thought made her happy
inside. She’d been a little more abrupt with him and his hangover but he was
catering to her every need.

“I’m supposed to be at work right now, aren’t I?” She
only slightly regretted that she didn’t realize that before.

“Yeah, but your boss says you can have the day off.”
He smoothed his hands along her thighs. “You worked hard this past week and I
pestered you on your days off. You can have a personal day today.”

She nodded, then immediately regretted it. Micah
laughed and kissed her forehead before he stood. Kristin stared at the
bathroom, hoping will power would make her hangover lessen and she could actually
walk enough to use the toilet. Micah had disappeared down the hallway and the
idea of him seeing her off her A-game was bothersome. She wasn’t a needy
person. She definitely didn’t make a habit of drinking herself into the mess
she was in.

“Here.” He came toward her with a bottle of water and
two pills. He handed her the pills and undid the water, handing that to her as
well. “Take the aspirin and drink the water.”

Helpless to do anything but, she popped the pills and
swallowed them down with a mouthful of water. Micah stared at her for a moment,
hands on his lean hips.

“What the hell did you do at the club last night?”

She shrugged, drinking more of the water. “We chatted
with some single men in the lounge. Did shots.”

He didn’t look too happy about her chatting with men.
“Nothing else?”

“No.” She sat the water aside. “Well, not me. I don’t
know what the others did.”

“I had three call in sick this morning. Plus, you. It
just so happens to be the four who went to The Black Rose last night together.”

Kristin stood. “I never intended to miss work. I told
you about it anyway. You told me to have fun with my friends.”

She went to the bathroom and closed the door. Walking
slowly to the toilet, she used the facilities then went to the vanity to wash
her hands. Her eyes widened at the sight in the mirror staring back at her. Her
hair was a mess. Makeup had melted across her face, giving her two black eyes
like she’d gone a few rounds in a boxing ring. She reached for a towel,
momentarily pausing to bask in its softness before she tried to clean up the
mess on her face. Her hair was a lost cause. She needed a shower and a

Micah rapped his knuckles on the door. “Hey, Kristin?
I’m going out for a few minutes. Are you okay by yourself?”

“Yes.” She finally got the black makeup off. That was
the last time she used “waterproof” mascara.

“If you want a shower, go ahead. You can find
something in my closet to wear afterward.”

She stared at the glass encased shower. Oh, she wanted
a shower. The stupid thing looked like something she’d find in a spa and that
only made her crave it more. She stripped her clothes off and turned the faucet
on. Water hit her from three sides while it rained down on her head from above.
She stood there at least ten minutes letting the hot water wash away most of
her physical ailments. It felt too damn good to move.

Micah was in a rare mood that morning, she determined.
She didn’t expect him to be okay with her missing work for a hangover. But
taking care of her surprised her the most. She didn’t
know what she expected, but his willingness to help her when she felt horrible
was shocking.

She finally got to a point where she could finish her
shower. After washing her hair, she scrubbed her body clean. The simple notion
made her feel better. Almost like normal. She wrapped herself in a soft towel
and went to find something to wear.

Micah had to be lying about what she had said in her
drunkenness. There was no way she would say something like that to him. She
found a t-shirt in his closet and pulled it on. She searched for a pair of
shorts but ended up going with his boxers. How the guy didn’t have any basic
shorts was beyond her.

She wandered down the hall to the kitchen just as
Micah came through the front door. He had two coffees in his hands and a look
of pure interest on his face.

“Here.” He gave her the one he wasn’t drinking. The
smell of the dark roast drifted through the air and made her mouth water. She
sipped it and moaned.

“This is better than an orgasm.”

He arched an eyebrow. “I’m disagreeing with you

She ignored him and drank her coffee. What was she
going to do all day? Her hangover was not completely gone, though she could sit
upright and move about without actually hurting. That had to be a major

“I got something for you.” He handed her a bag she hadn’t
noticed before. “Open it.”

Kristin peeked inside. “What the hell is that?”

“Well,” he snatched the bag from her and pulled the
gadget out. “This is a harness and that is a vibrator.”

She stared at him.

“Don’t look at me like that. You’ll like this brand of

“Doubtful.” She sipped her coffee. “Is this for me
missing work?”

“No.” He met her eyes. “This is for you talking to
single men in my club.”

She rolled her eyes. “Jealous?”

“Yes.” He met her eyes. “You’re not single. You’re

She eyed the gadget. “So you’re punishing me by what

“When you go to work tomorrow, you’ll wear this.” He
held her gaze. “No panties. I’ll keep the remote.”

Maybe her mind wasn’t as clear thinking as she had
once thought. “Why?”

“You wanted an orgasm…”

What the fuck did she say to him last night? “I wanted
an orgasm?”

“Roxy told me about you flirting with the single men.
One offered to give you all the orgasms you wanted.” He leaned against the
kitchen counter. “Clearly, since I can’t be with you every second of the day,
this is the next best option.”

She blinked a few times. “I don’t know what you’re
talking about.”

“Yes you do.” He put the gadget back in the bag. “The
mixture of intrigue and uncertainty in your expression says all I need to

“Whatever is on my face is from my mind trying to
process things at a rabbit’s pace while only being capable of going as fast as
a turtle.”

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