Seduced by the CEO (9 page)

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Authors: Lexie Davis

BOOK: Seduced by the CEO
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His hot cock
pressed against her as he gently stroked her sensitive slit with the broad head.
Her jaw dropped with a soft gasp as he aligned himself with her entrance. He
pushed in slowly, allowing her to feel every inch of him. He lifted her hips
and held her there while he withdrew, only to push inside again.

Tears continued to leak from the corners of her eyes
as he fucked her, sending her body into overdrive. Jamie hadn’t been kidding
when she said the orgasms were intense. She had never come so hard in her life.
Micah grunted his pleasure and warm, sticky cum filled her.

It was a long time later when she realized, he hadn’t
used a condom.



“Okay, question of the day…” Jamie grinned. “What are
your thoughts on
A: I don’t like handcuffs.
B: It’s occasionally fun. C: I like to dominate my man. D: Tie me up, tie me

Lyn giggled. “Who comes up with this stuff?”

Sable pursed her lips. “I haven’t really done much

Jamie grinned. “I say D. Tie me up, tie me down.”

Kristin stared at her friends. “I’m with Jamie.”

Lyn’s jaw dropped. “You’ve done bondage?”

Kristin nodded, avoiding Jamie’s eyes. “Scared me to
death the first ten minutes but the orgasms are unlike anything I’ve ever experienced

She squirmed in her seat thinking about it. Micah knew
what he was talking about. He hadn’t let her down either. From the dungeon to
the private rooms, he’d indeed given her what she wanted and made her crave
more in the process.

“Who is the mystery guy?” Sable asked, scooting her
chair closer. “When do we get to meet him?”

“Never.” Kristin smiled and sipped from her straw.
“It’s not a relationship. It’s just sex.”

“You went back, didn’t you?” Jamie couldn’t be avoided
any longer. Kristin met her eyes and nodded. “Room three?”


“Same guy?”

Kristin snorted. “Yes. I’m not a slut.”

Jamie grinned. “Wow.”

“What did I miss?” Lyn glanced from friend to friend.

“We went to the bondage club downtown, The Black Rose.
I had to leave her to check on a guy I know and she, in return, met her own
guy.” Jamie tilted her head to the side. “Apparently, she’s fucking him.”

Kristin narrowed her eyes. “I didn’t that night.”

“So you’ve been back a few times?” Jamie’s eyebrows
arched. “Wow.”

Kristin rubbed her forehead. “I was curious.”

Sable snickered. “Did you let him spank you?”

Jamie lifted a fry from her plate. “Spanking isn’t
Kris’s style. She has issues with being hit.”

“Look, I really want to stop talking about my sex

“Why?” Lyn chimed in. “I think we should all go to
this club. I’ve never seen real dominants before. The only guys I’ve played
with couldn’t undo the handcuffs if you gave them detailed instructions. It’d
be nice to see a real man take charge.”

“I think that’s a great idea.” Jamie smiled at
Kristin. “We can all go to The Black Rose and perhaps we’ll run into your
mystery lover.”

“Let’s meet up after work.” Sable glanced toward
Jamie, effectively leaving Kristin out of the conversation. “Is there a dress

Jamie smiled. “Less is best.”

Kristin shuddered on the verge of cowering under the
table. Maybe if she hid from them she wouldn’t have to go.

Back in her office, Kristin struggled with finding a
way to call off their meeting at the club. She couldn’t go with them, and if
they went without her, there was the risk they would find their boss walking
around the place like his dominating self.

God, this was fucked up. She rubbed her forehead and
groaned. Micah didn’t even bother to call her over the weekend after their
“session” had ended. She hadn’t even seen him in the office that day. It was like
their first night together all over again.

She pulled out the files Micah had given her for the
club and went over them again with a fine-toothed comb. The reports didn’t
match. The financial records showed one amount while the accountant clearly
stated another. It was one big mess.

Glancing at the clock, she picked up the phone and
paged Micah’s assistant, Beth.

“Hey, Beth. Is Mr. Bosk available?”

“He isn’t in the office at the moment. Would you like
for me to leave a message for him to call you?”

“Nah, that’s okay.” She hung up and frowned at the phone.
Not only had he not called her after fucking her blind, but he hadn’t shown up
to work either.

She dialed his cell and waited while it rang. After a
few seconds, it went to voicemail. Kristin hung up and glanced at the clock. It
was ten ‘til one. What was he doing?

She stood, shuffled the papers into the manila folder
on her desk, and reached for her belongings. He could only be one of two

Cruising through town wasn’t too bad in the middle of
the day. Kristin headed toward The Black Rose, preparing for the worst and
hoping for the best. She didn’t want to think about him “servicing” other
women. She didn’t want him to look at them, period.

Biting down her jealousy, she pulled into the parking
lot and headed inside. Roxy stood behind the bar taking inventory of the

“Hey. Is Micah here?” Kristin pushed her sunglasses on
top of her head.

The woman didn’t bother to look up. “No.”

She stepped forward. “Do you know where I can find

“He’s probably at home sleeping off a monstrous
hangover from last night.” She finally set her pen down and glanced up.

Kristin took another step forward, then another, until
she finally made it to the bar. “What happened last night?”

The woman narrowed her eyes. “We had a show. What’s
with the corporate businesswoman getup?”

“I came from work.” Kristin frowned. “Do you have his

Roxy cracked a smile. “Just the PO box printed on my

Kristin sighed. “Maybe Beth does. It’ll take some
serious schmoozing.”

“A word of advice.” The bartender glanced around. “His
house is the bat cave. Nobody’s been there, but we all know it exists. I doubt
your friend knows anymore than you do.”

She went back to her business and Kristin left after
mumbling her thanks. A show last night. A monster hangover. A missing Micah.
She didn’t like the way things were adding up. Kristin sat in her car and
dialed his cell again. Voicemail. She hung up and shifted through the file,
looking for an address. Like the bartender stated, the only thing listed was a
PO Box. She hung up and pursed her lips. He’d given her full access to his
financial records. Surely, the bank would have required a physical address.
Kristin dialed the bank phone number and spoke with the manager.

After telling him who she was, she stated, “I need to
verify that the address listed for Bosk Enterprises is correct.”

She gave him the information she had for the account
and waited while he looked it up. He gave her the address for her office.

“Great. And what about the address for the Chief Executive

“That would be 233 Willow Hollow Road,” the man said.

She smiled. “Thank you. Everything is listed
correctly. I appreciate your time.”

Kristin disconnected and turned the key in the


Micah opened his eyes, groaning when the sunlight
streamed through his window right into his face.
What the fuck?
He rolled over, trying his best to hide from the

“Are you planning on sleeping all day?”

He lifted his head and met Kristin’s eyes. “The idea
did appeal to me. How did you get inside my house?”

“I have my ways.” She pursed her lips. “I think I
might have the books figured out.”

That captured his attention. “Really?”

“Yes. It appears that your accountant was taking money
before he deposited it into the bank. I found plenty of credit card statements
after digging around and the numbers on the statements are almost twenty
percent more than the revenue deposited into your account and recorded in your
books. It appears he had a separate account for the statements that he wired
his money from to an off shore account then deposited your money into your
account without gaining a red flag.”

He rubbed his forehead. “Shit.”

“I’m sorry.”

He groaned. “Fuck!”

He tossed the blankets back and sat up. His mind ached
and the damn sun wasn’t helping matters any.

“Do you know where he’s at? I can have legal look into
pressing charges, but I need your permission.”

“I don’t know. He’s probably long gone by now. I want
to kill the fucker.”

Kristin cringed. “Don’t do that.”

He glanced over at her. “You not into conjugal

She propped her hands on her hips. “I’m sure you
wouldn’t need conjugal visits as pretty as you are. You’d probably have more
action than you could handle.”

He grinned. “You think I’m pretty?”

She rolled her eyes. “Well you’re not ugly.”

He chuckled.

“How did your show go last night?”

Micah stopped and met her eyes. Damn, she’d make a
good private investigator. She knew way too much for her own good. He tilted
his head to the side, thinking about the previous night.

“It went okay.”

She propped her hand on her hip. “Okay?”


“That’s all you’re going to say?”

Micah lay back against the pillows. The previous night
showing Dom-wannabes the ropes, literally.
He hosted the event, giving demonstrations and advice to those who attended.
And he drank a lot. Too fucking much.

“What do you want me to say? Are you my girlfriend
now? Do I have to account for my time when I’m not with you?”

She had a decent poker face. He’d give her that. “You
said you would be sexually exclusive to me.”

“Only if you were sexually submissive to me.”

“What the hell do you call what we did Friday night?”

He closed his eyes. “That was one time.”

The room fell silent before a folder smacked him in
the chest. “Here is the information I collected and my findings. I’m going back
to work.”

He reached for her arm before she could move away. She
struggled a bit until he overpowered her and tumbled to the mattress. He
wrapped his fingers around her wrists and pinned her down with his body.

“I haven’t fucked anyone but you since our first time.
It’s damn near killed me, but there you go.” His knee wedged between her thighs
parting them. “As for last night, I did a demonstration. Naked women all around
but I only participated in the bondage. Not the sex.”

“That’s nice. Now, let me up.”

Micah kissed the side of her neck. “Not yet. It has
been two days…”

“I’m not having sex with you.”

“Yes you are.”

“You didn’t use a condom last time.”

He paused and met her eyes. The entire session had
been completely hedonistic. He wanted inside her and couldn’t wait. Micah
thought back to the last time he’d done that. It had been with Molly and she’d
ended up pregnant.

“I may have been celibate for six years but I still
take the pill.” She glanced away awkwardly. “As for your extensive sexual

“I do not have some kind of disease if that is what
you are insinuating.” He kissed her then moved off of her, his headache more
prominent than before. “While I have had more experience and partners than you,
I’m not careless.”

“Look, I don’t want to talk about your experience.”
She wrung her hands together. “And you were careless with me.”

“Why haven’t you gotten laid in the past six years?”

“Life.” She sat up and brushed her hair from her face.
Micah watched as she scooted to the side of his bed and stood. “My divorce.
Taking care of my son.”

“Let me meet your ex.”

She whirled around. “I don’t think so.”

“Why not? I’ve met your son. He piqued my interest
with the ugly-as-a-dog mistress your ex has.” He watched her face go from panic
to annoyance. “I know you’re dying to meet her. We could make it an event.”

“No.” Her eyebrows raised, the same way his mother’s
did when she scolded him. Her stern tone nearly made him chuckle.

“Give me one good reason why.”

“He’s my ex.”

“Not good enough.”

“You’re supposed to be on my side.”

“I am on your side.” He sat up and pulled her against
him. He looped his arms around her waist. “It doesn’t mean you should rob me of
the chance to make fun of her.”

“I don’t have ‘events’ with my ex. Not since my son
went to college and most definitely not since I found out he got some hoochie

Micah kissed her neck. “Your son has only been in
college one semester.”

“No, Micah.” She pulled away from him.

He stared at her. “Do you still love him or

“That’s not what it is about.”

“What is it about then?”

“Everything I do is never good enough. I raised our
son. I spent fifteen hours a fucking day taking care of our house only for him
to come home, disregard me, tell me what a lousy fucking job I did, and that I
should try harder. I was a terrible wife until he wanted something or we were
in the limelight. His stupid family functions were a real trip. And don’t even
get me started on his mother.” Tears came to her eyes and she blinked them

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