Seduced by the CEO (4 page)

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Authors: Lexie Davis

BOOK: Seduced by the CEO
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“What’s vanilla?” Kristin asked as they rounded the
car to the passenger’s side.

“No kink.” Micah opened the door and waited for her to
get inside.

“You do that stuff, too? Tie women up and beat them?”

Micah rubbed his eyes. “Kristin, don’t judge me when
you know nothing about what you’re saying.”

“The hell I don’t.” She slid his jacket from her
shoulders and threw it at him. “I’m not getting in the car with an abuser.
That’s sick and twisted.”

“Don’t be ignorant. Get in the car so I can take you home.
That damn skimpy outfit is hardly something you’d want to walk around town in.
You might get arrested for solicitation.”

“I do
look like a hooker.”

“No, you don’t. But you do look like you want to get
fucked. A man can’t help but wonder if your pussy is slick enough to take his
cock.” Her eyes widened. “Just get in the fucking car.”

She propped her hands on her hips, her breasts swaying
slightly with the movement. “I’m not having sex with you.”

“You will, but not tonight. Tonight you’ll get in my car
and I’ll drive you home.” He took a step toward her, reaching out to grab her
wrist before she could move away. “I’m not an abuser. I’m not going to hurt you,
or anyone, for that matter. Just get in the car so we can go.”

She licked her lips and he held back a groan. Did she
have any idea what the hell she did for his libido? It was a wonder his cock
didn’t rip out the seam of his crotch. He slid his fingers down the soft skin
of her arms and nodded toward the car. Fortunately, she didn’t argue anymore.

Once she’d settled, he slammed the door and went
around to the other side, climbing behind the wheel. He started the engine and
backed out of his spot.

“If you don’t abuse women, then what do you call what
that man was doing to that woman?”

“Who? Ray? That’s flogging.” He glanced over at her. “Part
of being a Dom is knowing your sub better than they know themselves. The idea
of a scene is to push the boundaries to reach the ultimate pleasure. It’s never
meant to be something one of the parties doesn’t want. There’s always consent.
The dungeon is a completely safe environment if you’re new to a scene or
experiencing your first time with your Dom.”

Kristin stared out the side window. “I can’t wrap my
mind around consenting for someone to hit me.”

“That’s not all BDSM is about.”

“Yeah, tying people to beds is another thing. I don’t
understand how someone could consent to that either.”

He clenched the wheel. Just as he suspected, she’d
judged him based on nothing.

“If you aren’t into the scene, then why the fuck did
you show up to The Black Rose after I told you what kind of club it was?”

She shrugged. “I needed a night out.”

With her thoughtless response, he questioned his
previous assumptions about her. She was uptight on the job, yet open-minded in
her own time. The woman was frustrating to understand and completely unaware
that she was driving his libido higher. It was a complete testament to his
control that he’d gone this long without making their relationship something
more. The need to protect her, cherish her, and make her understand something
she was obviously curious about had him twisted in knots.

“Well, you’ve definitely gotten your wish.”

He pulled out of the parking lot and into traffic.
Having looked over her employee file, he knew where she lived so he didn’t need

“What did you mean I will have sex with you but not
tonight?” She turned toward him in the plush leather seat. Her comment referred
to their earlier conversation, before she’d gotten in to the car.

“What I said.” He kept his eyes on the road to keep
from the temptation of pulling over and fucking her right then. He’d been so
caught up in work and the idea of releasing some of his tension with the
beautiful woman next to him seemed like a fucking better option. But the
situation with Joe demanded that it needed to be another night.

“What kind of person do you think I am? You are my
boss for crying out loud. While I’m sure you’ve had your fair share of
assistants willing to sleep with you, I’m not one of them.”

Micah glanced over at her.
She looked so damn sexy sitting there,
obviously frustrated. He couldn’t tell if she was mad about his remark or
fighting her own need. At least he wasn’t the only fucking one effected by her
entering his world. “If you step foot inside my club again, I will fuck you.
That has absolutely nothing to do with you working for me.”

She shook her head. “Rest assured, I won’t be going

“Keep an open mind. You never know what will happen.”

“Too open of a mind and your brain will fall out.” She
undid her seatbelt. “My house is right up there. The one with the black

Micah tried to hide his smile and failed. Kristin was
nothing like what he’d expected. He pulled into her driveway and parked,
assuming she’d leap out of the car, but instead, she sat there, staring ahead.

“I can’t believe this is happening.”

“What?” Micah shifted his gaze to the driveway and
spotted a young man standing at the end of the sidewalk, hands on his hips.
“Who is he?”

“My son.” She groaned. “And I’m dressed like a hooker
with a man he doesn’t know bringing me home. Oh, god, what am I going to tell

Micah stared at the young man. He didn’t look anything
like Kristin. Short, brown spiky hair covered the top of his head. He couldn’t
have been more than a teenager and the look on his face was a mixture of
amusement and concern. Micah glanced over at his passenger and waited a few
seconds before deciding to open his car door. At that moment, the young man
headed toward them.

Micah went around the front and undid the passenger-side
car door. “You can’t hide in my car forever.”

“I can’t get out either.”


She closed her eyes briefly before reaching for his
hand and letting him help her to her feet. She wobbled a bit on the tall heels
and tugged at her skirt. The corset-like top pushed her breasts high, giving
her supple cleavage. Micah swallowed hard.

“Hayden. What are you doing here?”

Micah held onto her arm as he closed the door,
watching her son take in his mother’s outfit. His jacket did little to hide
what was underneath.

“Uh, I needed to borrow the Chaucer works for class
this week and Dad said they were here.” He pressed his lips together, keeping
eye contact with his mother. “Do you know where they are?”

“Yeah.” Her voice was strained and she paused to clear
her throat. “Check in the office. They should be on the bookshelf behind my

Her son nodded and turned, heading back to the house.
Kristin waited for him to close the front door until she spoke.

“I’m completely mortified.” She ran her fingers
through her hair. “Did you see that look on his face?”

“How old is he?”

“Eighteen.” She pushed away from the car. “God,
tonight couldn’t get any worse.”

She wobbled on her heels and Micah reached out to her.
It was too late. She tripped and plunged to the blacktop, stopping her fall
with her hands. He lifted her into his arms immediately and started toward the
door. Hayden met them, opening the door as Micah carried her into the house.

“Is she drunk?”

Micah smiled at Kristin’s reaction. “No, I’m not

Hayden closed the door and stood in the foyer with the
book he’d come for resting against his thigh. “I’m not sure I want to know
then. I’ll be at Dad’s if you need me. His new girlfriend made dinner tonight
and I’m late enough as it is.”

She nodded. Micah set her on the couch and stepped
back a few steps. Her skirt had ridden up her creamy thighs, revealing the pink
panties she wore underneath. She shifted slightly to face her son.

“You’re still coming home for Spring break, right?”

“Yeah.” Hayden glanced over at Micah. “I’ll see you

“Okay. I love you, Hayden.”

“Yeah. Me too. Later, Mom.”

Kristin sighed once her son had left and propped her
chin on her hand. Micah scooted the decorative candle on the coffee table aside
and sat, facing her. Without speaking, he lifted her foot and slipped the
sexy-as-sin stilettos off her feet.

“You don’t have to do that. I can take care of

He didn’t debate. “I’m surprised your son didn’t stick
around to make sure I didn’t take advantage of you.”

“He would have if I had been drunk.” She rubbed her
forehead. “He probably thinks we’re dating or something. I never do stuff like
this. I’ve always been the responsible one. His father on the other hand … well,
he’s probably seen a lot at his father’s house.”

Micah set one shoe on the ground next to him, and
reached for the other. “What do you mean by that?”

Kristin sighed. “Rick likes his arm candy.”

Micah set the other shoe with the first and rubbed her
ankles with his thumbs. “Were you his arm candy?”

She snorted. “No. I was the girl he knocked up.”

Micah met her eyes. “So he got you pregnant and left
you high and dry?”

“No. We got married before Hayden was born. I was
sixteen. He was eighteen. I worked my ass off just to finish high school while
Rick partied hardy in college. I took care of Hayden mostly by myself. Every
now and then, my parents would offer to watch him but his parents barely
acknowledge they even had a grandson. Anyway, our marriage lasted twelve years
before I saw the light, as Jamie calls it. I got divorced, decided to go back
to school for my degree in accounting, and now I’m the best damn CPA working at
Bosk Enterprises.”

Micah smiled. “That you are.”

Kristin pulled her feet away from him and sat up. “I
don’t do stuff like this. I don’t have casual dates. I don’t go to clubs,
especially not fetish clubs. I don’t sleep with men on the first date and
probably not the twentieth either.” She met his eyes. “I’m the responsible one.
The dull person who is boring and works way too much.”

He studied her as she spoke. She wasn’t anything like
he figured. Yes, she was intelligent and responsible despite the naïve judgment
calls of that night. She never let anyone down in the department, from what he’d
heard, and she stayed organized and informed. It only made him want to know her
on a deeper, more personal level.

“You are anything but dull and boring. That outfit says
as much.”

“I would never have picked this out if it weren’t for Jamie.”

Micah glanced at her breasts. The creamy mounds sat at
the top of the corset begging for attention. His attention. “Remind me to give Jamie
a raise.”

Her lips parted slightly.

“You need some ice for your ankles. Where is the

Kristin glanced toward the hall and he stood. He’d
find it even without her directions. Her house was rather big, he found, after
making his way to the kitchen at the back. It looked much smaller from the
outside, though nicely designed, and decorated to suit her well. Nothing was
too flamboyant, but it wasn’t dull neutrals either. He flipped on the light and
searched for a small sandwich bag to put the ice in. Luckily, he found one in
the cabinet next to the pantry. After filling it up, he grabbed a dish towel
and flipped the light off with his elbow, heading back to Kristin.

“You didn’t have to do that for me. I could have
gotten my own ice.”

He wrapped the dish towel around the ice bag and sat
it on her bruising ankle. “Let someone else take care of you for a few

“Why do you want to?”

Micah didn’t want to answer that question. Taking care
of her seemed like a natural thing to do. He didn’t need to muddy the waters by
coming up with a reason. “I have some stuff to settle at the club so I probably
need to go.” He paused, wanting to tell her to call him if she needed anything.
Instead, he backed away, heading toward the foyer. “I’ll see you Monday. Make
sure you lock the door behind me.”

Once he was outside and in his car, Micah took a deep
breath and stared down at his crotch. So many wrongs, but Kristin Marsh felt so
right in his arms. If tonight’s circumstances had gone differently, she would
have definitely been in his bed, screaming her head off as he made her come
over and over again.

Tomorrow, however, was another day.



Kristin felt like shit when she woke up on Sunday. Her
little fall in the driveway had harmed her more than she’d thought. She groaned,
pushed back the covers surrounding her, and sat up. Her back ached, as did her
hands. Upon inspection, a nice purple bruise colored the pale skin around her
right ankle. Her hands were scraped and a small cut marked her knee.

“Damn those fucking high heels.”

She fell back against the pillows with a groan and
closed her eyes. She didn’t know what to think of last night. The club wasn’t
like anything she’d imagined and the guy grabbing her arm, telling her she
wanted him, was enough to make any woman scream. Then Mr. Bosk had stepped in
and swooped her up like the proverbial Prince Charming. Only he’d been wearing
black leather that accented every delicious muscle in his lower body. God, just
thinking about him in those leather pants made her mouth water. He had matched
them with an equally tight black t-shirt. And he smelled so good.

Kristin grabbed her pillow and pulled it over her
head, groaning into it. She should not be thinking about her boss like that.
The phone rang, disrupting her fit and pulling her back into the present. She
tossed the pillow aside and reached for the phone.

“Hello?” she said, sitting up once again.

“I thought about getting some breakfast. You want

Hayden’s voice instantly made her smile. “Yes. Just my
usual. Do you have enough money?”

“I think so. If not, I’ll get some from Dad.” He
paused. “Uh, do I need to get anything else?”

“He didn’t spend the night, Hayden. He’s my boss and it’s
not like that.” She felt her cheeks heat at the admission. Her son had never
seen her with another man. Ever. “He just gave me a ride home. He left after
you did, actually.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

Her lips parted slightly. “It’s not a bad thing.

Hayden sighed. “Mom, I’m not your parent. I don’t need
an explanation. I’ll see you in a few.”

He hung up. Kristin replaced the receiver in the
cradle and lay back in bed again. Her son didn’t seem to mind seeing her with
another man. He even offered to bring Micah food as if it were the most natural
thing in the world. For some reason, that shocked her. The phone rang again and
she answered it.

“How is your ankle?”

Her stomach fluttered the second she heard his voice.

“I figured as much. You don’t wear high heels too
often do you?”

“Not five-inch stilettos.”

He laughed, a sexy rumble that went straight to her
core. “I have some reports I want you to look over. There is still something
missing. I’ve racked my brain trying to figure it out, but I’ve only given
myself a headache. A fresh set of eyes would be nice.”

“Uh, okay.” She glanced at the clock. “I’ll go over it
first thing in the morning.”

“Actually, I was wondering if you could do it today.
I’m heading out to Japan for a business meeting tomorrow and I won’t be back
until Friday. It’s either that or take you to Japan with me.”

Her eyes widened. “I can’t go to Japan.”

“That’s what I thought. I’ll be over in a few.”

He hung up and she stared at the phone. “I’m not even
dressed yet. And it’s a Sunday…”

She set the phone aside and scrambled to her closet to
find something to wear. She found a pair of jeans and matched it with a white
button-down t-shirt with three quarter-inch sleeves. Next she went into the
bathroom and combed her hair, deciding a ponytail would have to do. Hayden
called out to her when he entered the house.

What was she supposed to tell her son? She had no

Meeting him in the kitchen, she kissed his cheek in
passing while he sorted through his bag. “I got you an extra biscuit.”

She smiled. “You really do love me.”

“Of course I do.” He grinned. “I met Holly last night.
Completely ugly. I thought Dad was joking when he introduced her. She can’t
cook worth shit either.”

Kristin chuckled. “Uh-oh. Does that mean you’re
staying with me for Spring break? We can have your favorite lasagna every night
if you want, like when you were a kid.”

He smiled and handed her the food. “I wish. Dad said
he had big plans for us. I hope he doesn’t expect me to eat the food she cooks.
I mean seriously, Mom, it was meatloaf. How do you screw up meatloaf?”

She rubbed his back. “I don’t know, sweetie.”

Kristin tried to hide her disappointment. Rick was
never around while Hayden was growing up. How that gave her ex-husband the
right to claim time with him whenever he felt like it now, she had no idea. She
knew she should be happy her son had bonded with his father, but she still felt
disappointed every time he chose Rick over her.

She carried her food into the dining room, with Hayden
following her. “Are you expecting someone, Mom?”

She lifted her gaze and saw Mr. Bosk walking up the
sidewalk. She’d completely forgotten about him. “Yes. Don’t read anything into

Hayden laughed and took his seat at the table. Kristin
excused herself to answer the door.

“My son is here, so you can’t stay.”

Mr. Bosk glanced up and she spotted Hayden waving at
him from the dining room. He waved back. “He doesn’t seem to mind.”

Kristin blocked the entryway. “You can’t do this, Mr.
Bosk. We’re not dating. We’re not a couple. You are my boss and that is it.
Today is my day off, and while I agreed to help you, I plan on spending as much
time with my son as possible.”

“That’s fine. You know what you’re looking for, so it
probably won’t take but a few minutes.” He stepped closer, invading her space.

She breathed deeply, taking in his scent, a spicy
aroma that could make even a nun’s panties wet. He hadn’t shaved that morning,
instead leaving the stubble covering his chin. His eyes were dark and warm.
Something Jamie would call bedroom eyes. She had no doubt that he’d thought
about her in his bed because she had thought about it, too.

“I think I should have rethought the going to Japan

He grinned, showing his perfect white teeth. “The
offer is still on the table.”

Why was he so damn
? “I don’t
think so.”

“Then let me in.”

Kristin rolled her eyes and stepped back. Mr. Bosk entered,
making himself completely at home as he made his way to the dining room. She
shut the door and followed.

“There’s an extra biscuit in the kitchen if you want
one.” Hayden motioned to the doorway.

Kristin stared at her son.
He had better not be talking about my extra biscuit.
“Have a seat.
I’m hungry so we’re eating breakfast before I start work.”

“Is she always like this in the morning?” Mr. Bosk asked.

Hayden grinned. “Not normally. You must have ruffled
her feathers.”

Mr. Bosk smiled and Kristin groaned. She was again
surprised at her son’s ability to be so easygoing with this stranger in their
home. “I’ll be right back.”

She escaped to the bathroom and stared at herself in
the mirror. Her face was flushed. Damn him for making her react this way. She
didn’t want to admit it, but her panties were damp. There was no way she could
face her boss and her son like that. She undid her pants and pulled off her
panties. It was uncomfortable enough. She didn’t need the added distraction.
After tossing them in the cabinet beneath the sink, she grabbed a tube of lip
gloss and painted her lips.

When she returned, Hayden chatted to Mr. Bosk about
Holly, his father’s new girlfriend. “You should see her. I wanted to ask Dad if
that was the best he could do, but I thought about it and figured, it probably
was. He’s an ass most days, if Mom hasn’t already told you.”

Mr. Bosk glanced over at her as Kristin took the seat
at the end of the table, away from them. “I don’t bite, you know.”

“With you, anything is possible.” Kristin glanced up
at her son. “What project are you doing on Chaucer?”

She ignored the grin on Mr. Bosk’s face and the
questioning look in her son’s eyes.

“Uh, just a comparative essay on his literary works. I
haven’t read anything by him and I knew we had his books.” Hayden shrugged.

“And your father remembered they were at my house?”

“Yep. He doesn’t read. You know that.” Hayden lifted
his glass to his lips. “I think I’ve finally decided on a major. I’m leaning
toward business administration like Dad. He told me that I could have a job
with him once I graduated. All I have to do is get my degree.”

Frustration ebbed at her. “That sounds great, but I
thought you wanted to do something in the field of science.”

“Nah. I’ve already got a job waiting for me. I’d be
crazy to pass it up.” He stood and cleaned up his mess. “Holly is planning a
get-together with her family this evening and Dad wanted me to be there. I’m
not looking forward to it, but I agreed to go.”

“You don’t have to go yet, do you?” Kristin watched as
her son returned to the kitchen.

“Well, Dad gave me some money and I’d planned on going
shopping for some new jeans. I ripped out the knees of my last good pair when I
did that skateboarding jump last summer.”

“I can go with you. It’d be fun hanging out all day.”

“Thanks, but no guy wants to go shopping with his
mom.” Hayden came to her and kissed her cheek. “Besides, you have company.”

Kristin pushed the chair away from the table.

She stared at her son, realizing his father had won,
yet again. She’d raised him to be the decent human being he was and his father was
currently reaping the rewards.

“I love you.”

Her son smiled. “Yeah. I know. Me too, Mom.”

She watched him leave.

“You okay?”

Kristin closed her eyes a brief moment before turning
around. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

Mr. Bosk stood. “I don’t know. Your son chose your
prick of an ex-husband over you… Again.”

“He needs his father.”

“Yet he’s completely oblivious to how you feel.” Mr.
Bosk gripped her shoulders. His thumbs worked small circles in the tense

“How do I feel?”

“Disappointed. From what I gathered, you raised him on
your own. You probably consider your ex’s time spent with Hayden a free ride.
He didn’t change the diapers. He didn’t scare the monsters away. Yet, he is the
one who gets what you want most of all. Your son’s time.”

Kristin took a deep breath. “You’re good. You should
be a psychologist.”

Mr. Bosk gave her a sexy chuckle. “I don’t think so. I
am good at reading people though.”

She turned in his arms. “What did you read about me?”

“Many things. I’d bet every penny I own that there is
a wild woman inside you begging to come out. I’d also bet that she only reveals
herself between the sheets when she knows it is safe and she doesn’t have to be
responsible anymore. When she doesn’t have to think or worry because she knows
her lover will take care of her and every single need she has.”

Kristin swallowed hard. “You really want inside my
panties, don’t you?”

“You’re not wearing any panties.” She felt her eyes
widen in shock. “You’re cool on the surface and hot as sin underneath it all.
Eventually, I’m going to strip away the barriers and bring out the woman dying
to be released.”

Kristin gripped the chair behind her. “How do you know
I’m not wearing panties?”

He grinned. She couldn’t help thinking he resembled
the big bad wolf. If she was Little Red Riding Hood, then she was screwed. She shook
her head, debating on whether or not she wanted to kiss him or slap him.

“You smell good.” With that, he moved away from her,
heading toward her living room. A few seconds later, she heard the sound of the

She bit her lower lip. He was awfully bold, and she
was indeed screwed.


“Hey, Bosky.” Roxy called from the bar at The Black
Rose. “Do you want your usual?”

He shook his head. “No alcohol tonight. I’ve got a
headache. Just a glass of Coke.”

Roxy reached for a can and popped the top for him,
sliding it his way. “Rough day?”

“Tiresome day.” He lifted the can to his lips. “Have
you seen Trevor? He was supposed to leave some stuff for me in the office, but
I didn’t find anything.”

“Haven’t seen him. Maybe Joel has. He’s been here
longer than me.” Roxy went off to find the other bartender and came back
without answers. “Sorry. If he comes in, I’ll tell him you’re looking for him.”

Micah nodded and grabbed his Coke. Halfway to his
office, his cell phone rang and he reached for it without looking at the
caller-id. “Bosk.”

“I know it sounds like a crazy request but I need to
see some financial information on the business. Bank statements and that kind
of thing.”

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