Seduced by the CEO (3 page)

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Authors: Lexie Davis

BOOK: Seduced by the CEO
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He opened the metal door and headed back into the main
part of the club. He really needed that drink before he started on the business
he had for the night.



“I feel like a moron in this get-up.” Kristin trotted
along beside Jamie, tugging at the two-sizes-too-small leather vest Jamie said
she just had to have. Thank God she didn’t make her buy leather pants to go
with it. They’d spent all afternoon picking and choosing what to wear to the
club tonight. With Jamie as her guide, she would have ended up in barely
nothing. Darkness surrounded them as they walked toward the entrance of the
club. The wet streets from the recent rainfall made crossing the road more
difficult in the five-inch studded platform heels on her feet. She couldn’t
actually remember the last time she’d worn heels so high—if ever. And Jamie’s
fast pace only added to her struggle. “Would you slow down?”

Jamie shook her head. “No. Hurry up.”

The things I do out
of curiosity.
Kristin finally stepped on the sidewalk outside the club and grabbed Jamie’s
arm while she caught her breath. Parking was ridiculous in this part of town
and they had just walked nearly a mile in stilettos. Kristin glanced up at the
lone sign that simply said “The Black Rose”.

“I feel like I’m about to sell my soul to the devil.”

Jamie chortled. “You seriously need to get out more.”

Kristin took in the red door with an intricate black
rose painted onto the front. “I hate night clubs. Where’s the bouncer?”

Jamie pulled her arm away from Kristin. “No bouncer.
Have you even been to a club before?”

“No, but my ex used to all the time, and I had to go
in the middle of the night to pick his drunk ass up.” Kristin took a deep
breath. “He never went to something like this though.”

“Come on.” Jamie reached for the door and pulled it

Inside, Kristin squinted at the faint light, following
behind Jamie as she led her deeper in to the main room. It wasn’t like any of
the clubs she’d seen with loud music and half-naked bodies gyrating on a dance
floor. Instead, she found the place pretty tame. Almost like a bar, except with
men dressed in leather and women … wearing collars.

They walked inside the foyer area and Kristin glanced
around. It seemed fairly normal. And she felt like a complete idiot dressing
the way she did. Not many people were nearby, although she could hear people
chatting down the hall to the right. Maybe the tame entrance was to lure people
in before they scared the holy shit out of them down the hall.

“What the hell is this place?” Kristin grabbed Jamie’s
arm and whispered in her ear.

“Honey, if
freaks you out, turn around and walk out the door we came in. We haven’t even
gotten to the fun room yet.”

“The fun room?”

Jamie paused. “Down that hallway,” she pointed, “are
four private rooms, a VIP lounge, and a dungeon for all to share. For you, I’d
stay away from all the private rooms. You’re new and being alone with a Dom … just
stay away from them for tonight. The VIP lounge is usually where the singles
hang out. Chat, mingle,
a few kisses and
harmless orgasms without the intensity of a scene. And well, the dungeon is for
anybody and everybody. I’d suggest you stay away from there, too. It can get
pretty hardcore.”

“How hardcore?” Kristin found herself asking.

“If there’s a Dom wanting a sub and you happen to wander
in unaccompanied, you just might find yourself strapped to a spanking horse
with your bare ass in the air.” Jamie giggled. “But then again, nobody really
complains about that since there are enough people in this club that are more
than willing to be spanked by a hot Dom. Don’t worry though. You’ll be fine.
I’m just showing you around not necessarily promoting that you do anything with

Kristin followed her friend down the darkened
hallways, taking in everything around her. There were a few people wearing even
less clothing than she wore. Some were collared. There were a few men talking
on a sofa in the VIP lounge with women hunched over their cocks, sucking them.
Kristin swallowed. Where the hell had Jamie taken her?

“Oh, good. I’m glad you’re here.” A woman came up to
them, speaking directly to Jamie. She was dressed in leather, though not too
revealing. She had a piercing marking both her lip and eyebrow with bright red
streaks in her dark black hair. “Kyle had an episode again. He’s struggling
tonight. Can you go check on him? He just yells at me when I ask him if he’s

Jamie glanced toward Kristin, obviously torn. “Roxy
this is Kristin. Kristin, this is the bartender, Roxy.”

Kristin smiled timidly at the other woman. “Nice to
meet you.”

“Same here.” Roxy pointed down the hall. “I left him
in the storage room. He’s smoking a cigarette. That damn war fucked him up. Please
go check on him. We’re all worried about him, but he only talks to you.”

Jamie nodded, turning toward Kristin.

Kristin scrunched her nose. “You look like you’re
going to leave me. You’re not going to leave me, are you?”

Jamie squeezed Kristin’s shoulders. “I’m sorry. It
will only take a few minutes to check on him and get him in a cab to go home.
He probably hasn’t had enough sleep. He gets antsy when he doesn’t take care of
himself. Roxy, will you stay with Kristin? I’ll meet up with you in the VIP lounge.”

Kirstin opened her mouth to protest, but Jamie had
already headed down the hallway in search of Kyle. Roxy had obviously not heard
Jamie’s request thus didn’t agree to stay with her since Kristin had lost sight
of her in the dark room. Kristin glanced around the lounge, completely lost.
What the hell did she do now?


Micah entered the club on Saturday night at the back
door and nodded to a few people he knew as he walked through the dungeon. He
wasn’t in the mood for a scene, wanting instead to collect the week’s paperwork
from the office. He still didn’t know how his accountant was stealing from him
but he would find out.

“No please, I’m not interested.” A woman struggled
with a man at the end of the hallway. “No. I’m just here with a friend. Stop. I
don’t want to go in there.”

“You like putting up a fight, huh? I can handle that,”
the man said.

Micah frowned as he moved closer. The woman struggling
now hit the man. “Get away from me! Let me go!”

“Hey,” Micah called out. His jaw set as he clenched
his teeth. It was Joe. “Let her go, Joe.”

He came up to them and nearly choked when he saw
Kristin trapped within Joe’s grasp. Micah reacted. Grabbing the man by the
neck, he jerked Joe away from her, shoving him into the nearby wall. Kristin
stared at him, clutching her wrist. His temper flared. It wasn’t the first time
Joe hadn’t followed the rules, but it sure as hell would be the last.

“Get the hell out of my club.”

Joe frowned as he stared at Micah. “She said she was
here with a friend.”

“It doesn’t matter what she said. She’s with me.”
Micah’s voice held menace. “I’ve told you before that I’m not going to tolerate
this. You break every fucking rule any chance you get and unless you’re in a
scene with consent, no fucking means no.”

Joe brushed him off and Micah saw red. He grabbed the
guy by his shirt and shoved him toward the front of the building. Joe stumbled,
a slight fear crossing his face as he finally understood Micah meant what he

“Get the fuck out of my club.”

The man turned, yelling something obscene as he headed
to the front exit. A few regulars and some newbies witnessed the entire thing
and Micah snapped his fingers at Roxy, who stood at the bar. “Roxy, get these
people some drinks. On the house.”

When Micah turned back to Kristin, he stared into her

“What the fuck are you doing here?” he whispered

Kristin still shook, stumbling in her damn sexy heels
as he ushered her toward his office and unlocked the door. He waited for her to
sit and closed the door, locking it behind him. One glance at her attire and he
reached for the blanket he kept in his office. After wrapping it around her, he
pulled his office chair around and sat in front of her.

“Look, people like you don’t need to walk around this
place dressed like that without a trusted male escort.”

“People like me?”

Micah folded his hands in his lap. “Yes.
People—women—like you. This is a hardcore fetish club. Part of the rules posted
at the entrance of the building say male escorts are to accompany taken women
at all times. If they aren’t, then the members know you’re free and they
make a move.”

He didn’t want to think about what could have happened
if he hadn’t caught Joe in the act. God, they enforced the rules without
exceptions but sometimes assholes slipped through the cracks. He should have
dealt with it better the first time, but Joe hadn’t been quite that forceful
with a newbie before. He’d picked someone experienced and Micah stupidly hadn’t
taken it as seriously. He regretted that now.

“I didn’t know.” She pressed a hand to her forehead.
“Jamie left me in the front and I was supposed to stay with Roxy but I lost her
in the darkness of the lounge. I was just trying to find my way.”

He licked his lips. “Who is Jamie? Why didn’t you call
me to tell me that you were coming?”

Kristin huffed. “Jamie works with me—for you. She’s an
editor on the fourth floor. We’re best friends. I’m not exactly here to see
you. Jamie invited me.”

He inhaled a deep breath and caught a whiff of her
perfume. He swallowed hard as his cock stirred in his pants. “How did you get
here? Do you need me to take you home?”

She clutched the blanket around her shoulders. “I can
take a cab. It’s not that big of a deal.”

Micah glanced at the clock. “Let me go get something
from the front office, then I’ll take you home. Stay here.”

After she nodded, he stood and left the room. Micah
headed to the front office and grabbed the weekly reports from one of his
employees and left. He stopped at the bar, catching Roxy’s attention.

“Do you know Jamie?”

Roxy nodded. “Yeah. She’s Kyle’s sub. He had an
episode tonight and she went to check on him.”

Micah nodded. “She came here with a friend. Tell her
that Kristin went home without her.”

Roxy nodded. She’d seen the entire situation unfold
between him and Joe, though he doubted she knew Kristin was in the middle of
it. “Understood.”

When he
returned to Kristin, he took the blanket from her shoulders and gave her his
jacket instead.

“I’m taking you through the dungeon so you need to
stay close to me.”

“Why is this a big deal? Why can’t I wander about
freely without some guy thinking I’m his next booty call?”

He locked his office door and pocketed his keys. “You
are completely new to this. You don’t know the first thing about anything that
goes on behind closed doors. This place is a safe, sane, and consensual
environment for single people to come hook up for a scene. Some couples come as
well. By you walking through the building alone, without a collar or a man
beside you, you’re advertising to the single men that you are available. If you
don’t know the rules, then you don’t need to give that presumption.”

And he didn’t want to deal with another man, most
likely a decent club member,
on to her. He
swallowed hard. God, what the hell was wrong with him? He felt so damn
possessive over her and she was nothing but a CPA that worked for him.

He draped his arm over her shoulders. She tensed. How
could she have set foot in this building without knowing anything about the

“Relax, Kristin.” He dropped his arm and took her hand
instead, thinking it’d be more comfortable. “Everything will be okay. Just stay
with me.”

Her soft hand fit comfortably in his as he led her
down the hallway toward the dungeon. Damn, if the thought alone didn’t get him
You’re a sick perv, Micah. Sick,
sick, sick.
As soon as she stepped inside, wolf whistles came from all

“Damn, Bosk. This your new sub?” Jimmy asked with a

“Don’t.” Micah gave him a warning glare and Jimmy held
his hands up.

“Well, she’s ten times better than Molly. Are you guys
playing tonight?” Ken asked, dabbing a cigarette in an ashtray. Tonight, he was
the Dungeon Master.

“No.” He moved past his friends, feeling Kristin shake
beside him. Of course Joe had to fuck things up. Once they left, he’d probably
never get her to come back.

“Don’t tell me you’ve gone all vanilla on us.” Ray
chuckled, holding a flogger in his hand. He had some blonde woman Micah didn’t
recognize tied up in the corner of the room.

“I think you know me better than that.” Micah paused
when he finally reached the back door. “Gentlemen, don’t do anything I wouldn’t

Laughter echoed behind him as he ushered Kristin
outside, the thick metal door slamming behind him. He reached for his keys and
pressed the remote to unlock his Mercedes.

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