SEE HIM DIE (12 page)

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Authors: Debra Webb

Tags: #See Her Die, #vengeance, #Barbara Freethy, #woman in jeopardy, #Murder, #love on the run, #Secrets and Lies

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Chapter Sixteen

Mobile Police Department, Noon

Blake stood in the middle of the holding cell and worked hard at checking his anger and frustration. Barton’s henchmen had gotten in a few good punches. He didn’t need a mirror to know he had a shiner and a busted lip. His nose was sore as hell.

None of that mattered.

Julie had been alone with that bastard for just over two hours.

Fury raged through him again.

Blake would still be there trying to find a way in if Cannon hadn’t sent half a dozen cops, including his partner, to drag him away.

“Son of a bitch!”

Where was Marie? He hoped like hell she had told the cops the truth and not whatever cover story Barton had ordered her to give. She was Julie best friend. Blake was counting on her.

He closed his eyes and struggled for calm. The woman had two kids. Did he really expect her to risk their lives?

“Damn it.” Where the hell was MacBride? Blake had sent him the files from the jump drive. What else did he need? How long did it take to get the feds moving?

They were out of time.

Footsteps jerked his attention to the corridor. Blake moved to the bars and tried to see who was coming. He needed someone in this damned department to do the job.


“Tell me you’re getting me out of here,” Blake warned.

“I’m here to escort you to the conference room.”

A uniform hustled up next to Lutz and unlocked the door.

Anywhere was better than this damned holding cell. When he stepped out of the cell, Blake felt as if a dump truck had been lifted off his chest. Not once in his life had he been arrested or spent time in a holding cell like this.

“What’s going on? Has Julie been rescued?”

Lutz shot him a sideways glance. “I went there myself. She claims she’s not being held against her will. She said she wanted to stay.”

Anger blinded Blake for a couple of seconds. “And you believed her?”

Lutz paused. “I couldn’t force her to leave. She didn’t look happy, if that makes you feel any better.”

The thought of that bastard touching her made Blake crazy. “I need you to get me out of here.”

“You know I can’t do that, partner.”

When they reached the elevator, Blake had a decision to make. Go with his partner or make a run for it.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Lutz said for Blake’s ears only. “Don’t do it. Whatever’s going down in the conference room, I think it has something to do with the feds.”

Hope swelled in Blake’s chest. “Why didn’t you say so?” He breathed a little easier. “We have to move fast. The longer he has her…” He couldn’t say the rest.

Lutz clapped him on the back. “Don’t worry. She’s fine.”

When the elevator doors had closed and they were alone, Blake demanded, “How do you know?”

“When I was there, I gave her a burner phone.” He withdrew his cell and handed it to Blake. “She just sent me a text saying she’s fine. He has her trying on clothes with a personal shopper.”

Blake frowned. “What?”

“The surveillance detail said a van went through the gate about an hour ago. Racks of clothes were taken into the house.”

Blake reviewed the text messages from her. He sent one to her.
I’m coming for you

She replied immediately.
Don’t bother. I’m staying

Before he could send another message, the elevator doors opened. “I’ll hang onto this, if that’s okay.”

Lutz shrugged. “Just don’t be looking at the naked pictures of my wife.”

“What about Marie Morrison? Barton was holding her hostage.”

“She gave a full statement. She’s pressing charges against him.”

Blake smiled. “I’ll be damned.”

As they reached the conference room, Lutz patted him on the back. “I have to thank you, buddy.”

“For what?” Blake tore his attention away from the phone.

“This is going to make one hell of a novel.”

“Just as long as the hero gets the girl.” Blake intended to make that ending happen.

The conference room was buzzing with activity. Blake didn’t recognize all the faces.

Picking up on his bewilderment, Lutz leaned toward him. “Feds.”

Lieutenant Cannon spotted him and waved Blake over. Part of him wanted to kick the guy’s ass. The other, saner part, tried to stay calm. This roomful of law enforcement personnel was up to something. Blake would give his boss the benefit of the doubt for the moment.

“Duncan, I understand you and Agent MacBride have met,” Cannon said.

MacBride reached for Blake’s hand and shook it. “Good to see you again, Detective. I’m pleased that the circumstances are vastly different this time.”

The last time Blake had seen Special Agent Collin MacBride was at his brother’s funeral. “I hope the information I provided has proven useful.”

MacBride grinned. “You have no idea. We’re about to take down the head of organized crime on the Gulf Coast.”

Cannon nodded, anger tightening his face. “If I have my way, he’ll be facing the death penalty.”

It was then that Blake realized the conference room was actually serving as a command center. “Are you planning to go in after him in the next few hours?” Fear for Julie’s safety had his heart thumping.

“At six p.m. we’ll move in on the Barton estate,” MacBride explained. “We won’t give him time to escape. To that end, we’re keeping most of the department in the dark to avoid any potential leak.”

Cannon’s sour expression told Blake he wasn’t too happy about that part. “We’ve already arrested two of our own from the Support Division. The chief has ordered a full scale investigation of the department,” he jerked his head toward MacBride, “thanks to all we now know.”

It was hard as hell to admit there were dirty cops in the department, but there was no ignoring that ugly reality now. “You’re aware there’s a hostage.” Blake looked to his L.T. “Julie is there because he forced her. He wouldn’t release her friend until she agreed to come to him.”

“We are,” MacBride answered for Cannon. “We will do all possible to ensure her safety.”

Somehow that just wasn’t enough for Blake. “I’m grateful you’re here.”

“I’m here because of your good detective work, Duncan.”

Blake shook his head. “You’re here because Julie Barton wasn’t afraid to do the right thing. Remember that when we’re storming Barton’s compound.”

“I’m afraid you won’t be part of the operation, Duncan,” Cannon said. “We don’t need anyone on the team who might be distracted by his personal interests.”

Blake held up his hands. “I understand. No one wants this done right more than me.”

He wasn’t sure who looked the most startled, Cannon or Lutz.

“We will get him,” MacBride assured him.

Blake wandered over to the white board where the op strategy was laid out like a blueprint. Barton’s mansion was nestled against the water with a boat dock. He had a helipad. Apparently, all those avenues were being monitored.

“You’re good with standing down?” Lutz asked, openly suspicious.

“From this.” He nodded toward the board. “Definitely. I need coffee.”

When they were back in the corridor, Blake guided his partner to Cannon’s office. He closed the door behind them.

“Do you really believe this op is going down without Barton hearing about it?”

“I’ve been involved since MacBride got here,” Lutz countered. “They’ve kept a tight lid on every step.”

Blake refused to trust anyone that much—even the feds in that room. “Barton is too smart to let that happen. He didn’t get where he is by being stupid or blind. Whoever he owns in this department, it isn’t some peon from Support Division. It’s somebody big. Maybe even Cannon.”

Lutz shook his head. “I’ve known Lieutenant Cannon for a long time.”

“Right now, I don’t trust anyone.”

Lutz raised his eyebrows.

“Except you,” Blake amended.

“What’s your plan?”

Blake braced his hands on his hips. “I don’t have one. But I can tell you what we’re
going to do.”

“I’m afraid to ask what that might be.”

“We’re not waiting until six o’clock to make a move.”


Peninsula Drive, 3:20 p.m.

Julie stood in the closet filled with new clothes and shoes as well as every imaginable accessory.

How was she ever going to do this?

All she could think about was Blake. She wanted to be with him. She didn’t want to be here. She stared down at the three hundred dollar jeans and the pink cashmere short-sleeved sweater she wore. The loafers were pink leather. There was even a matching handbag. Randall had selected what she would wear this afternoon. He’d spread a paper-thin, lacy gown on the bed for tonight.

How would she ever permit him to touch her? How would she ever allow any man to touch her that way after making love with Blake?

The door burst open and the bodyguard named Lamar stormed in. “We’re leaving the residence.”

“Where are we going?” Her pulse sped up. She hadn’t heard from Blake or his partner again. She’d been so tempted to send him a text telling him she loved him. She couldn’t take the risk.

“Mr. Barton will explain. We have to go now.”

Before she could say more, Lamar shoved her purse at her and grabbed her by the arm. He dragged her from the room. They double-timed it down the stairs to the first floor. By the time they reached the garage, her arm had gone numb from his tight grip.

Julie had never been in Randall’s garage. There were four identical black SUVs. There was the Mercedes sedan he typically used and some sporty looking car she couldn’t identify.

“Mrs. Barton goes in car two,” another bodyguard directed.

Lamar ushered her toward one of the SUVs. The windows were tinted so dark there was no way to see who was inside. She wasn’t surprised to find Randall waiting in the backseat.

“Where are we going?” she asked as the door closed.

“We’re taking a vacation.”

Her heart stumbled. “I didn’t pack any of the news clothes you bought me.” She tried to sound pleased but her mind was racing and her voice failed to cooperate.

“I’ll buy you new clothes.” He put an arm around her shoulders and drew her closer. “You’ll love Dubai.”

“Dubai? As in the Middle East?” Her heart sank. “I don’t have a passport.”

“Your travel documents have already been arranged.”

“How long will we be gone?” She held her breath.

“As long as it takes.”

Julie closed her eyes and said a quick prayer. She did not want to end up in some foreign country with Randall. There had to be a way to stop this out of control roller coaster.

As they exited the gate, she was startled to discover all four SUVs were departing. Even stranger, all four went in different directions. They were evading someone…

Had Blake’s FBI contact come through?

. Why would Randall want to go there? Had he chosen a country that didn’t have an extradition treaty with the United States?

A dead calm enveloped her. She turned to him. “They know what you’ve done.”

“It would seem they know something.”

Julie smiled. She couldn’t help herself.
Thank God!
Now, if Blake or some of his cop friends just followed the right SUV she might get through this.

“We have a tail, sir.”

Anticipation fired through Julie.
Please let it be Blake

“Lose them,” Randall ordered.

The driver executed several evasive maneuvers. Julie tried to stay upright and no closer to Randall than necessary, but the sudden moves kept her pressed against him. The sound of squealing tires and roaring engines was deafening.

Whether it was one or five minutes later, the driver announced, “We lost them.”


“What now?” Julie worked hard to keep her tone steady.

Randall gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze. “There’s no need to worry. I’ve planned for every contingency.”

That was exactly what she was afraid of.


Loxley, Alabama, 4:00 p.m.

Blake had driven like a bat out of hell on I-10 to get to the location ahead of Barton. He had known the instant the SUV merged onto the interstate where Barton was headed. Once he and Lutz arrived, he’d hidden his partner’s SUV in the hanger.

“How did you know Barton had bought this airfield?” Lutz asked as he secured the pilot.

“Remember I’ve been watching him since I moved to Mobile.” Blake wished for duct tape, but the guys’ socks worked. He’d balled them up and stuffed them into the mouths of the pilot as well as the airfield caretaker.

Barton’s small private jet had been rolled out and readied for takeoff. The pilot had been only too happy to share the flight plan and destination: another private airfield in Mexico. Barton was scheduled to arrive any minute and takeoff was to be immediate.

Not going to happen, Blake mused.

“Backup is about ten minutes behind them,” Lutz noted.

His partner was nervous. Blake didn’t blame him. They were tracking Barton’s movements via the GPS device Lutz had planted in the burner phone he’d left with Julie. “Don’t worry. They’ll arrive just in time. Let’s get into position.”

Barton would be rolling up any second now. Whatever went down, Blake had to ensure Julie’s safety. She was priority one.

While Lutz hid behind the door of the office, Blake took a position out of sight near the pilot’s truck. Barton would likely recognize something was wrong as soon as he exited the SUV and the pilot failed to greet him.

Blake stretched his neck and grasped his weapon a little tighter. “Come on, scumbag.”

The black SUV appeared, rolling along the gravel and dirt road, leaving a wall of dust in its wake. The driver parked and exited the vehicle. The front door on the passenger side opened and another bodyguard emerged. The second man opened the back door. Barton climbed out first. Blake’s heart rate kicked into high gear.

With Barton holding her arm, Julie got out next. Every cell in Blake’s body went on high alert. Even from ten yards, he could see the fear on her face.

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