Seize Me (2 page)

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Authors: Crystal Spears

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Seize Me
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“You don’t have to ask me twice. I have no idea what to wear tomorrow, do you?”

I’m with her on that. What do you wear to a motorcycle clubs president’s birthday? I mean, it’s like walking back into the hell I came from, so maybe, just maybe…

“Angels,” I whisper.

“What?” Hazel sputters.

“We’re going as sexy angels.”

“Well damn, that means I gotta get our wings outta the closet, and last time I wore them, I needed to sew a few more feathers on because you nicked it with your heels. Get your butt up; you’re helping me.”

We spend the next few hours into the morning fixing our wings and gathering things we need. We pack our bags so we can sleep in before our drive. I’m beyond exhausted and I can tell she is also, so sleeping in is just what we need.

We’re laughing and driving down the long road the GPS told us to take when our car stalls. I pull over to the side confused because it’s not old. Lana had gotten it only a few months before I came along.

“What the hell,” she mutters, climbing out before I can get the car in park.

I pop the hood and jump out. I admit we are only familiar with the basics like engine fluids, so when the hood rises, and heat rushes our bodies, I know something terrible is wrong. We’re stuck in the damn desert fifteen minutes away from where we need to be. This situation screams horror flick, and I can tell Hazel is thinking the same thing as she chomps down on her bottom lip.

“There is only one thing we can do,” I say, walking back to the driver side door.

I pull out the card, grab my phone, and dial as I sigh. This is just unbelievable. Yeah, we’re quite respectable hires, stranded in the middle of nowhere as the sun starts setting.

“Breakneck.” A snarky female answers the other line.

“Yeah, hi; can I speak with Pyro please?”

She has the audacity to huff in the phone. Did I say something wrong? I was pleasant enough. I’m losing my patience, because after this sun sets it’s gonna go from sweltering to freezing, and I don’t wanna be out here stranded when it does.

“Hunny he gets a million calls a day. I’ll take a message.” Her loud yawn comes over the phone.

That’s it. I lost the polite girl in me after my father point-blank shot the man I love. After seeing your reason for being have his brain splattered across your dress, you kind of lose your shit.

“Bitch, I’m hired entertainment for your president’s birthday. I can guarantee you that if you don’t get Pyro, he’s gonna be pissed.”

“Fuck,” she hisses. No doubt because I just found her weakness. It’s silent for what feels like a lifetime, and I look over at Lana who is just smiling, proud of me.

“Pyro,” he grunts. Okay, so she probably didn’t tell him it was me calling, and I just took him away from the party.

“Hey Pyro, it’s Winter, shit, I mean it’s Star. You didn’t hear that first part. Hazel and I are stranded fifteen minutes away.”

“Shit, where at babe?”

I look down at the map and give him our location. He goes silent before cursing up a storm. I hold out the phone, and her eyes widen as Hazel hears Pyro barking orders.

“Get in the car and lock the doors till you see our tow truck and me on my bike,” he growls.

I don’t understand, so I just nod, stunned and confused.

“Baby you’re probably nodding into the phone, right? But here’s the thing sweetness; since I can’t see you, let me hear the words.”

No wonder Hazel swoons over him. He has this thing about him. It’s sexy as hell, and yet irritating at the same time.

“Winter,” he snaps.

Shit, he used my real name.

“Dammit, I told you to forget that name,” I hiss.

“Fuckin’ answer me then.”

“I hear ya loud and clear,” I say as I hang up on him. No doubt, I’ll get an arrogant look for that. You can tell by looking at Pyro that he ain’t one of those men that will take shit off anybody.

“Well, they’re on the way, and we have to stay in the car. We’re gonna have to crack the windows though and lock the doors.”

“What? Why?” She hurries back into the car.

I climb in as I shrug a dunno. It feels like more than fifteen minutes pass by, and Hazel and I are sweating so badly that we have stripped to our bras and sweat shorts. We are obviously going to need some place to prep for our gig before we do it. I tap angrily on the dash. It’s way too hot in this damn car, and as I climb out, I see a tow truck in the distance.

“Finally.” Hazel and I breathe out at the same time.

Pyro looks hot riding up on his bright blue bike with his shades pulled down over his face. The look he’s giving us is anything but subtle.

“I thought I told ya to wait in the fucking car,” he growls as he kicks at his kickstand.

“Look Pyro, you were riding up. It’s hot as hell, and Hazel and I are sweating our asses off. Can you just have them tow the car so we can leave?”

Pyro looks me up and down before moving his gaze over to Hazel, doing the same to her. It isn’t lost on me how he lingers on her longer than me, and I smile at Hazel. Score one babe. Pyro’s face softens just a tad, but not much.

“Fine but when I tell you two to fucking do something, do it next time.”


This prospect dude is looking at Hazel and me as we ride in the tow truck behind Pyro, so when we finally stop, and I take in our surroundings, I’m more than happy to climb out and get as far away from pervert as I can.

Pyro is standing at our car hitched to the tow truck.

“Prospect, grab their bags.” He leans in to peer into our window. “And their wings.” He chuckles. “I knew you girls would make me proud.”

This compound is like the ones you see on freaking television. A massive garage is behind us, an office to the front of us and a clubhouse to the side. A fortress-type fence surrounds the whole place, and I admit I gulp. I ran from this kind of shit. The kind of shit that took my man away from me. I’ve grieved my loss, but it still hurts.

I catch the creepy prospect checking us out again, and I hiss over at Pyro.

“Keep pervy prospect away from us.”

Pyro looks over at the prospect and throws his head back in laughter. I don’t find it funny; we get stared at enough in a creepy manner.

“Yo, pervy prospect, stop staring at the girls; you’re creepin’ them the fuck out. PP, it’s fucking brilliant. Winter, you are fucking remarkable.”

“Name Pyro,” I scold.

“Shit, sorry Star.”

Well at least this biker has some manners. I smile at him as Hazel quietly swoons. I wish she would make a move already and finish it.

“C’mon beautiful girls, let’s get you showered and ready.”

Pyro leads us to the clubhouse. I know it’s the clubhouse because each building has a specific purpose, and this is the biggest one on the property. He cracks the door. “Where’s Braxxon?” Pyro shouts.

The music is pumping so loud that I don’t know how this person hears him, but he does because he shouts back.

“The Prez is in the Chapel.”

“Keep him there.”

After he’s sure the coast is clear, he leads us into the building, and I don’t know if it’s my nerves, but this hallway is long and daunting. Whistles are loud as we walk behind Pyro and my cheeks heat. I hate this kind of attention, but since I love my job, I deal with it. I make no eye contact with anyone as we pass. My eye catches tons and tons of skanks drinking and snorting it up, getting their asses slapped and so forth.

We pass a lot of doors before Pyro stops to unlock one.

“This is my apartment; I had one of the prospects bleach it down.” He laughs, gesturing us to follow him. “Rich said that you ladies aren’t powder noses, but if it’s busy, you do a line or two for nerves. There’s a line or two on my dresser.” He winks as he shuts the door on his way out.

We look around the box of a room and sure enough, it’s like a mini apartment. Two doors are open, one to a closet, and one to a bathroom. A small kitchen is set to the side.

“Well let’s get beautiful,” Hazel whispers.

“Stop being so damn quiet; it’s not like you.”

“I can’t help it; that man kills me.”

Almost an hour later, we’re showered, blow-dried, dolled up and our stuff is back in our bags.

“I hate this damn glitter,” Hazel bitches.

“Me too. C’mon, let’s do these lines to wiggle out our nerves.”

We walk over to the dresser, and it’s not one or two lines. Shit, these people party and they party hard. Rich is right; we aren’t powder noses, but if we need it for our nerves, we do one or two lines every few weeks if it’s a particularly popular night. Hazel takes a straw and does two lines, throwing her head back.

“Fuck,” she booms. “Fuck this is pure. Oh my god, no more than two babe.”

I’m thankful for the warning. By the time we snort the little lines that we normally get from Rich, it is cut up so many ways that it’s not strong enough to make Hazel curse. I’m taking this with caution. And sure enough, she was right. We both bat our watery eyes and the look we send one another says no more of that stuff tonight. We aren’t looking to become addicted or to end up in a body bag from an overdose tonight.

There’s a knock on the door followed by Pyro’s head sneaking in.

“Fuck me Hazel,” Pyro growls standing up straight as he pushes the door all the way open.

I want to shout it’s about time he notices her, but I don’t; I just enjoy the look of satisfaction on my best friend’s face. She’s blissed out, high and extremely happy.

“Maybe later, but for now we’re ready,” she purrs as she saunters up to him.

And she’s back! He showed a weakness, and now she’s playing on it. Apparently, Pyro has a thing for hotties in white.

“Shit,” he groans, looking conflicted. “C’mon before I change my mind.”

My best friend’s happy energy along with my high is playing a significant role on my courage right now as we walk through the deadly quiet room. Stoned and buzzed white eyes follow us as Pyro leads us to the pole stage in the middle of the room.

He helps us on the stage while some others bring out a man who’s wearing a black bag, and they sit him in the main front seat. The bag over him is so large that it practically covers his arms too.

“Lights,” Pyro calls out. “Music.”

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