Sex and Crime: Oliver's Strange Journey (20 page)

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Authors: Oliver Markus

Tags: #addiction, #depression, #mental illness, #suicide, #drugs, #prostitution, #prostitution slavery, #drugs and crime, #prostitution and drug abuse, #drugs abuse

BOOK: Sex and Crime: Oliver's Strange Journey
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One time, when Alice and I babysat him, he
was playing some video game on my cell phone. He couldn't get past
a level, so he was getting really frustrated and became totally
unhinged. He started screaming, threw my phone on the ground and
kept punching the couch. He is not going to have an easy life when
he gets older, if he can't get his anger under control. He'll
probably end up on drugs like his mom, or in prison like his


Anyway, after Tattoo got arrested, Alice was
now staying with Mary, but she hated it there, because Mary spent
all her money on drugs, so her dirty little basement apartment had
no electricity, no heat and no running water. They were basically
living in a cave, like animals.


Alice called me and told me she was
miserable and asked me if she could still come live with me. I
said, yes, of course. But now I no longer had a place up north.


She asked if she could find a nice apartment
in Middletown for us, and I could pay for it with a credit card
over the phone, and she could start living there, until I come back
from Florida. So that's what we did. She picked a 2-bedroom
apartment in a condo development called The Regency. It was the
nicest neighborhood in Middletown.


When I came back from Florida, we went
furniture shopping at Ashley. It was a very nice condo, and once we
decorated it, it really felt like home.


Things were finally going good between us.
We were happy together.


Alice asked me what I wanted for my
birthday. I told her all I wanted was for her to go to rehab, get
clean and get a passport, so that we could travel to Europe


I was going to go to Europe for Christmas in
a few weeks, and I wanted her to come with me. But I didn't want to
have to smuggle thousands of dollars worth of heroin across the
Atlantic, and I didn't want Alice to do drugs at my parents'


Of course she didn't get clean. So I was
going to have to go to Germany alone. Alice was going to stay home
and we were going to talk on the phone every day. I left her with
$2100. $100 for each day that I was going to be gone, so that she
wouldn't have to sell her body to get drugs. I made her promise
that she wasn't going to sneak around my back, that she wasn't
going to post any escort ads on Backpage, and that she wasn't going
to fuck any dope boys for drugs.


She looked me straight in the eye and swore
that I could trust her. She told me she didn't want to fuck things
up between us, and she didn't want to hurt me, that she was never
going to lie to me again and that she was going to show me that I
can really trust her to do the right thing from now on.


I was happy, because I could tell she was
totally sincere, and she really meant what she said. (Stop


So off to Germany I went. When I got there,
I called her to let her know I landed safe and sound. But she
didn't answer the phone. Hmm.


She had told me that while I was going to be
gone, she was going to ask her best friend Kat if she wanted to
have a sleep over. That way Alice wouldn't feel so alone. She swore
they wouldn't do anything bad, just watch movies.


Kat and Alice had known each other for 4 or
5 years, and they had even lived together for a long time. They
were almost like a married couple, even though each of them had
been dating a guy while they were living together.


Patty the counselor had told me that a lot
of drug addicted girls end up "dating" a dope boy, or some guy who
gives them money, to feed their drug habit. But since they have
been abused by guys so much, they feel they can't really relate to
a guy on an emotional level. Their emotions have been so crippled
by the things they had to do for drugs.


So a lot of these girls end up dating other
drug addicted girls, because they feel they are the only people in
the world who understand what they're going through. They think
that only a crackwhore can really understand what another
crackwhore is going through. So they feel like kindred spirits, and
they end up dating, even when they're not really gay. They just
need to feel close to someone emotionally, and they can't do that
with men, because men are their enemies and their prey. Men either
use them for sex, or they use men to get money or drugs. To drug
addicted girls, who have to sell their bodies to survive, men are
nothing more than wallets with dicks, Patty said.


I read in a German article about
prostitution, that it takes years of therapy for a girl who has
been a hooker, to learn to trust a man again, and have a normal
relationship with him.


So, Kat and Alice had kinda been dating and
living together like a married couple in the past, while each of
them also had a boyfriend. They were two peas in a pod. They had
met each other while they were both working for the same escort
agency. They were both drug addicts, had both been abused by their
parents and boyfriends, and they had posted escort ads on Backpage
together in the past.


Alice had told me that drug addicted hookers
like to post ads for threesomes, or "doubles" as they call it,
because when there are 2 girls in a strange guy's hotel room, they
feel a little bit safer, and there is always the chance one of them
might have the opportunity to rob the "client" while he has sex
with the other girl. And it's easier when two girls can split the
work of making a guy cum.


I really wasn't crazy about Alice hanging
out with Kat while I was gone, but I didn't want to be oppressively
jealous and tell her what she can and cannot do, and she had
promised me she'd be good. Now all I could do is trust her.


But I didn't. When she didn't answer the
phone when I called after landing in Germany, I had a nagging
feeling in my stomach. I knew she was up to no good.


I checked Backpage and found their ad. As
soon as I had left, Kat came over, and the first thing they did was
post an escort ad on Backpage. They took pictures of themselves in
their underwear on my bed. So now my bed was on Backpage. Nice.


I was sooo hurt and upset. How the fuck
could Alice do that to me? She looked me straight in the eye when
she swore she was going to be good, and then the first chance she
got, she betrayed me. What the fuck?!? It's like she couldn't cheat
on me quickly enough.


I used one of my fake email accounts to
reply to her and Kat's escort ad and set up a date with them, just
to make sure they were really doing this shit, and really going
through with it. They didn't know it was me. I pretended to be some
guy who lived on the other side of town. We made plans for me to
come to the apartment and fuck both of them. So not only was she
cheating on me after I had given her all that money, she was doing
it in my own damn bed!


I hated her so fucking much at that moment.
Finally I called her and told her that guy they just set up a date
with was really me. I told her I wanted nothing to do with her
anymore, and she needed to be out of the apartment by the time I
get back from Germany.


When I got back to Middletown three weeks
later, she wasn't there. I guess she was staying at hotels,
tricking. Or maybe she was staying with the next dope boy. Who
knows. I wanted nothing to do with her anymore. I was so disgusted
by her. What a soulless snake she was!


A week or two later, Alice suddenly called
me and told me Kat was really dope sick, and that one of Kat's
dates had stood her up, so now she had no money to get heroin.
Alice asked me if I would do a date with Kat, have sex with her and
give her money for drugs. I said no, of course not: "Fuck you, and
fuck Kat. I'm sure as hell not going to have sex with your best


Then Alice replied that Kat was really
really sick, and if I wanted to, I could have sex with both of
them. I told her no. Then Alice said: "What about if only I come,
and we talk and try to fix things between us? Will you let me
borrow some money so I can give it to Kat?"


I said no.


Another week or two later I found out that
ever since I had told Alice to leave, she had been dating the next
latin dope boy. He called himself Papi Chuloco. They were living in
cheap motel rooms together, and he was pimping her out. It made me
sick to think about it.


I wanted Alice to know how I felt. I thought
maybe it would make me feel better, if I could make her


So I texted Alice and asked her for Kat's
number. I told her that ever since I had seen those pictures on
Backpage a few weeks ago, of Kat on my bed in her underwear, I
couldn't stop thinking about her, and I would really like to know
what it's like to fuck her.


Alice was pissed! She texted back that she
wasn't going to give me Kat's number. She said I should get it
myself, if I really wanted to fuck her that bad. She really did get
jealous! And a bit later, she texted me again and told me that she
misses me and that she wanted to get together and talk.


But right after she had told me to find
Kat's number myself, I looked up her number online. I texted Kat
and told her who I was, and asked her if she wanted to come over
and have sex. She texted back: "Sure, hun, I'll be there in a few


Then, a little while later, Alice texted me
that she missed me and wanted to talk. Sure. I hadn't heard from
her in a while, because she was so busy fucking Papi Chuloco and
all these guys on Backpage, but now that I told her I wanted to
have sex with Kat, NOW Alice suddenly missed me. Of course. I told
her she could come in an hour or two. I wanted her to get to my
apartment, while Kat was here, to really get under Alice's skin.
But drug addicts are notoriously unreliable. They never show up on
time. So Alice didn't come over until many hours later.


In the meantime, Kat came over. She was a
lot taller than Alice. She had olive skin, long black hair, and she
looked Sicilian. She wore a pair of those huge sunglasses and a
tight black dress, and she carried an expensive Coach purse. She
looked classy and stylish.


We went into the bedroom and sat down and
talked. I was in no rush, because I wanted her to still be there
when Alice came. Kat was in no rush either. She told me that she
had heard a lot about me from Alice, and she had wanted to meet me
for quite a while.


She told me that she and Alice had been best
friends for a long time and that they had been through a lot of
terrible things together. Kat knew that I was aware of her and
Alice's drug problem, so she felt no need to hide anything.


We talked for hours. I told her how
heartbroken I was over the shit Alice kept doing, and that she was
with some stupid latin dope boy again. Kat told me she had met Papi
Chuloco a few times already, and that he was a dumb brute, who
treated Alice like shit. She said he was very abusive, and a few
nights ago, Alice had called Kat for help, because Papi was beating
the shit out of her again and she hoped he would stop if someone
else was around.


Kat told me she heard a lot of good things
about me, and that Alice told her I always treated her very nice,
and that she had really liked living with me and going to places
like Hawaii. It almost started to sound like Alice had instructed
Kat to say these things, so that I would forgive Alice.


But the conversation took an unexpected
turn, when Kat suddenly told me that she wished she had a guy like
me in her life. She told me that she would never treat me as bad as
Alice treated me. She said if I gave her a chance, she would show
me that she could be a much better girlfriend than Alice ever


Kat stripped naked and asked me to take my
clothes off and lie on my stomach. She started to give me a massage
and asked me what kind of sex I liked, and what kind of things
Alice did for me in bed. Then she asked me to turn around, and she
began to suck my dick.


She always wore long black lace gloves, even
while she had sex or slept. They looked sexy, but the real reason
why she wore them was because, like Alice, she shot up in the back
of her hands. But she didn't just shoot up heroin. She shot up
cocaine too, and it caused really bad abscesses on the back of her
hands. She didn't want anyone to see them.


After we had sex, I told her that really the
only reason I had called her was to make Alice jealous. Kat didn't
mind. She said she had a feeling that that's why I called her, but
she was ok with that.


I told her that after the pain I had just
been through with Alice, I would be crazy to date her best friend,
someone who has exactly the same kind of drug problem, and does
exactly the same thing to make money. It would be like dating a
clone of Alice.


Kat replied that comparing Alice to Kat was
like comparing a cockroach to a swan. Yeah, she literally called
her so-called best friend a cockroach, after she had sex with her
best-friend's boyfriend or ex-boyfriend or whatever I was to Alice
at that moment. Nice friend, huh?


Over the next few years, after meeting a few
more drug addicts, I learned that a drug addict really has no
friends. Sure, they hang out with a bunch of drug buddies, and they
all pretend to be best friends, and they all tell each other how
much they supposedly love each other, but they all will sell each
other out in a heartbeat. A drug addict has no loyalties to anyone.
Every person they meet is just a means to getting the next fix

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