Sex and Crime: Oliver's Strange Journey (48 page)

Read Sex and Crime: Oliver's Strange Journey Online

Authors: Oliver Markus

Tags: #addiction, #depression, #mental illness, #suicide, #drugs, #prostitution, #prostitution slavery, #drugs and crime, #prostitution and drug abuse, #drugs abuse

BOOK: Sex and Crime: Oliver's Strange Journey
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The reason why drug addicts feel closer to
other drug addicts is because sober people try to get them to quit.
And that gets annoying. Sober people get in the way when all you
want to do is get high. So if Veronica had to make a choice between
living with me and being clean, or living with Kim or any other
crackwhore or dope boy, and getting high, of course she was going
to chose Kim.


"Look, you don't have to leave. I'm not
kicking you out. You can stay. But Kim has to go. What the fuck
were you thinking making out with her?"


"I can't believe you're making me leave,"
Veronica said with fake indignation. She wasn't even listening to a
word I was saying. Her mind was completely preoccupied with how and
where she was going to go smoke crack with Kim.


I was so upset at this point, I started to
cry: "Don't go. I'm not kicking you out. I want you to stay."


"I want to stay, but you're making me
leave," she said. She didn't even care that she wasn't making any
sense. I gave up. I had no choice. I wasn't going to try to force
her to stay.


Veronica told Kim to call Alexis and ask if
they could stay with Alexis and her crack dealer boyfriend in
Lehigh Acres.


They were going to meet us at the Miromar
Outlet Mall. I dropped Veronica and Kim off at the mall. Kim and
Alexis hugged. This was the first time those two saw each other
since they all ran away from rehab together.


Veronica stayed in the car with me for a few
seconds, and said: "I love you." She was waiting for me to say it
back, but I didn't. "I really do love you," she tried again. But I
didn't say anything. I was so heartbroken, if I was gonna say
anything, I would just start to cry again, and I didn't want to
give her that satisfaction.


She got out of my car and into the car of
the crack dealer with the others. As they drove away, I could see
that Veronica was on the phone with someone already. No doubt she
was calling some john, to meet up with him and fuck him. I couldn't
hold it in anymore and started to cry, while driving back to my


When I got home, I checked Backpage. And
sure as shit, there she was. Veronica was already back on Backpage!
I couldn't take the thought of my girl fucking every guy in town. I
was beside myself. I had waited for her for months while she was in
jail. And now this. This was my worst nightmare.


The next morning I called my ex-wife Donna
and told her I wanted to come visit her and Gary in New York for a
while. I needed to get away from Florida before I was going to lose
my mind. I couldn't sit in the house alone right now. But of course
I didn't tell Donna any of that. I never told her anything about my
personal life since our divorce. She still thought I was


While I was packing my stuff, I found a big
envelope in the closet, chock-full of letters. They were love
letters to Veronica, from other inmates and some from guys on the
outside. They were replies to love letters she had written them. It
took me a few hours to read them all. They were from about a dozen
different people. She had been telling all these people that she
loved them and wanted to be in a relationship with them. Like some
sort of deranged psycho.


Some of the love letters I found in my
closet were from Theresa and Snickers. That's when I found out that
Veronica had been cheating on me the whole time while she was in


Later I found out she had also been cheating
on me the whole time at the Salvation Army. Not just with Dee, but
also with some guy named Danny, who kept buying her cigarettes and
kept giving her money, and obviously with Kim. And she was still
writing letters to Snickers in jail. There were probably others,


I hated Veronica so much right now. I
decided not to go to New York just yet, but to have lots of sex
first, and then rub it in Veronica's face. I was hoping that it
would upset her at least a little bit.


I called Haley and told her everything that
had happened with Veronica and that I was done with her. I told
Haley I wanted to see her and have a whole lot of revenge sex with
her. She laughed and told me to come pick her up. She hated
Veronica and relished the thought of her finding out about Haley
and I having sex.


Then I called Crystal and told her the same
thing. She hated Veronica, too, so she suggested that I should take
some pictures while we were having sex and text them to Veronica.
She came over and I took some pictures of my dick inside her pussy
right before I came. I texted them to Veronica with some spiteful
comments about how much prettier Crystal was, and how much better
she was in bed. I really wanted to get under Veronica's skin.


Veronica called me right after she got the
pictures. Her speech was slurred, because she was so high. She
tried to act all arrogant: "The only thing those pictures prove is
that you're still thinking about me and you're still all fucked up
about me."


Well, duh! Of course I was still hurting. Of
course she was all I could think about. All the stuff with her and
Kim in my guest bed, and then driving off with a crack dealer, had
just happened 2 or 3 days ago. For almost a year, I thought we were
going to have a future together. She had told me a bunch of times
she wanted to marry me, and we had talked about where to have the
wedding, and where we'd spend our honeymoon, considering she was on
probation and we couldn't leave Lee county. She said she'd like to
rent a beachfront home on Captiva Island for a week or two. And we
had talked all the time about having a baby together. And from one
day to the next, my whole future with her evaporated into thin


I also called Erin, and told her that
Veronica and I didn't work things out after all, and I was ready to
meet Erin now. When I told her the whole story of Veronica and her
friends running away from rehab, she started laughing and told me
that she had been the other driver, who had picked up Kim and
Sandra that night. She kicked Kim out of her car in the hood a bit
later, because she hated Kim. What a freaky coincidence.


Erin told me Sandra was a good friend of
hers. Sandra was a heavyset stud. She and Kim used to date, before
Kim started cheating on Sandra with a bunch of people, including
Veronica. That's why Sandra hated Veronica now. Erin told me if I
wanted to, she could have Sandra call me and tell me everything
that Veronica did behind my back, while she was at the Salvation


While Veronica was in rehab, I had met up
with her at AA meetings a few times. It was against the rules for
inmates to have friends or family attend the meetings, so we had to
sneak, but it worked, until Veronica asked her mother Rachel to
attend a meeting with her as well. Rachel got offended at the mere
suggestion that she might have a substance abuse problem, and
called the rehab people to tell them that her daughter asked her to
come to a meeting with her. After that, Veronica was no longer
allowed to attend meetings outside of the Salvation Army.


But prior to that, I had met Veronica at
several AA meetings, at the Cape Coral Hospital and at the church
on Hancock Parkway, and she had introduced me to some of her rehab
friends, including Sandra.


During one meeting, Veronica suddenly got up
and whispered that she had to use the bathroom. Sandra, who was
sitting on Veronica's other side, leaned over to me while Veronica
was gone, and said: "You know, it's none of my business, but I just
wanted to let you know that Veronica is doing really good. You
should be proud of her. She's not talking to any other guys or
girls. She's totally faithful to you."


For some reason, the way she said that made
me suspicious and I had a feeling that Veronica had put her up to
saying that.


Sure enough, when Erin asked Sandra to call
me, and I asked her about that meeting a few weeks earlier, she
admitted that Veronica had made her say that. Then she told me that
Veronica was cheating on me the whole time in rehab.


After Sandra ran away from rehab with
Veronica and the others, she was now hiding at her friend Coconut's
house. Coconut was also a drug addicted stud, and like Snickers,
Coconut had also spent more time in jail than out. And she had also
dated almost every other girl in jail at some point or another.
Veronica had been hitting on her, too, while she was in jail.
Coconut didn't like Veronica, so when she heard Sandra talking to
me on the phone, telling me what a lying cheater Veronica had been
in rehab, Coconut wanted to speak to me as well, and she told me
what a lying cheater Veronica had been in jail prior to rehab.


When Sandra had lied to me during that AA
meeting a few weeks earlier, it wasn't the only time Veronica asked
other people to lie to me for her.


The morning when I caught Veronica crushing
up a D at my kitchen sink, and she claimed she was making Lime
Jello, she primed Kim to lie to my later that day and pretend that
she and Veronica had really made Jello. And I caught her having
people lie to me a few more times later on.


Anyway, Erin was a pretty 25-year-old with
long dark hair. When we finally met, after Veronica ran away with
Kim and started posting ads on Backpage, Erin and I ended up having
sex twice that evening. The next day I drove to New York.


Patty had emailed me out of nowhere again,
just a few days before Veronica was about to run away from rehab.
She wrote: "I'm going to be at my sister's place in Tampa for a
week. Let me know if you feel like getting together. I miss you. We
haven't seen each other in ages. You're welcome to come stay with
me at my sister's. I still want to get pregnant and have a baby, so
if you want, we could have sex as often as you want every day, and
whatever happens happens."


Tempting. But nooo thank youuu. I didn't
want to have a baby with a crazy lady. I just ignored her. I wanted
to have a baby with Veronica, and nobody else.


Now, about a week or two later, while I was
on my way to New York, I saw on my cell that Patty had emailed me
again: "Please call me. It's important. I need to talk to you."


I was on I-95, driving north through the
woods in South Carolina. I was bored, so I called her: "Hey, it's
been forever. How ya been? What's up?"


She sounded really upset: "Remember when I
emailed you last week and told you I'd like you to get me pregnant?
Well, to be honest, you weren't the only one I asked. There's this
guy, Aaron. I met him about 4 or 5 years ago. We dated for a few
days, and then I never saw him since, but we talked on the phone
every now and then. A few weeks ago I also asked him, if he wanted
to get me pregnant. He said yes. He lives in Tampa. I've been
staying with him for the past week, not with my sister."


"Wow." I didn't really know what to say. By
now I was used to love-starved drug addicts desperately throwing
themselves at a bunch of people at the same time, but the fact that
Patty asked me and another guy at the same time to get her pregnant
just seemed really sad and sleazy at the same time. I felt a little
hurt and insulted, because I wasn't as special to my stalker as I
thought I was.


Her "relationship" with this guy sounded
just like her "relationship" with me. Both Aaron and I had only
spent a little time with her years ago, and now we were her A team
for putting a baby in her? That's just sad.


Patty started to cry while she continued
talking: "So I've been staying with Aaron for the past week. And we
had sex at least once a day every day. I was really falling for
him. And I thought he liked me, too. But then I went through his
phone and saw that he's been texting this other girl. And he's been
talking shit about me to her. He texted her that I'm really
annoying, and that I give the worst blowjobs ever!"


Aww. I felt so bad for her. She was so
deeply hurt.


"When you told me a few years ago that my
blowjobs are the worst ever, I thought you were just being mean,"
she cried. "But now Aaron told that other girl the same thing about
me. So I guess it's really true. What am I doing wrong?"


I just felt sooo bad for her at that moment.
I tried to calm her down: "It's not that you're doing anything
wrong, sweetie. It just... well... everybody is different. Some
people like really fast, hard, sloppy blowjobs. But I prefer it
slow and gentle. Romantic. Sensual. And I guess Aaron does, too.
I'm sure a lot of guys would love your sloppy blowjobs."


Somehow that didn't sound right.


Patty told me that she was so hurt, she
wanted to hurt him back. She told me about her revenge plans. They
sounded pretty crazy, but I could empathize. I knew exactly how she
felt right now. I told Patty what happened with Veronica. Somehow
it made Patty feel a little bit better, knowing that I felt just as
wounded and betrayed as she did, because Veronica had hurt me so
badly, when she ran off with Kim.


"Just as a heroin addict chases a substance-induced
high, sex addicts are bingeing on chemicals. In this case, their
own hormones."

Alexandra Katehakis

"Romantic love is mental illness. But it's a
pleasurable one. It's a drug. It distorts reality, and that's the
point of it. It would be impossible to fall in love with someone
that you really saw."

Fran Lebowitz


It was October 2012 when I was back in New
York. Halloween was right around the corner. I kept looking at
Veronica's escort ad on Backpage. It was driving me crazy. I kept
picturing her in my head, spreading her legs for other guys,
letting them touch her beautiful breasts, letting them ram their
cocks in her soft little pussy, sucking them off, swallowing their
cum, and getting high with Kim. I was miserable. It was torture to
have these images play over and over in my head. I couldn't take it
anymore. I had to make it stop!

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