Sex and Crime: Oliver's Strange Journey (52 page)

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Authors: Oliver Markus

Tags: #addiction, #depression, #mental illness, #suicide, #drugs, #prostitution, #prostitution slavery, #drugs and crime, #prostitution and drug abuse, #drugs abuse

BOOK: Sex and Crime: Oliver's Strange Journey
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She called me the next morning, but I didn't
answer. I felt bad, but we just didn't click at all.



"I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great
a burden to bear."

Martin Luther King, Jr.

"A man reserves his true and deepest love not for the
species of woman in whose company he finds himself electrified and
enkindled, but for that one in whose company he may feel tenderly

George Jean Nathan


I knew from Hussy's old stories that Lucy
posted escort ads online. I went on Backpage to see if I could find
Lucy's ad. And sure enough, there she was. I called her and we set
up a date.


I never call girls on Backpage, because I
really don't like having sex with some random stranger. Especially
not after I have learned how miserable girls who trick really are,
how traumatizing it is for them to do this, and that they all have
severe emotional problems. They're all on drugs, and they hate
doing what they have to do to make money for their next hit. I
don't want to be another one of those guys who hurts them
emotionally by using them for my own pleasure.


Another reason why I would never call some
random girl on Backpage is because I have read too many articles
about prostitution stings. Especially in Lee county. I don't want
to end up getting arrested by a female undercover cop.


But I knew Lucy wasn't an undercover cop.
And these were extenuating circumstances. I wasn't really calling
Lucy to get off, I was calling her to get revenge on Veronica.
Getting off was just a side effect. Well, it seemed to make sense
at the time. Like I said, I wasn't really thinking all that clearly
at the time. It didn't even occur to me at that moment, how
inappropriate it was to have sex with Lucy, after I used to date
her stepmom for a year.


Lucy was staying at the Holiday Inn. I
knocked on her room door, and she let me in. She was beautiful. She
was only 19, had long red hair, big beautiful eyes, and a warm
smile. She had the sweetest little voice and an adorable laugh. She
was like a Disney princess. She reminded me of Ariel, the little
mermaid. I liked her from the first second I met her. Suddenly my
revenge plot wasn't important anymore. I wanted to get to know
Lucy, not just use her for my nefarious purposes.


She was really easy to talk to. She had such
a sweet personality. But she seemed distracted. I knew why. She
wanted to get high before we had sex. She told me she was going to
freshen up in the bathroom, and I should take my clothes off and
get comfortable on the bed. She switched the TV to some softcore
porno on Showtime and told me to start rubbing myself, so I'd be
ready for her when she got out of the bathroom.


I was masturbating for quite a while. The
porno ended. She was in the bathroom forever. Finally I asked:
"Can't find a vein?"


"What?! What did you just say?" she asked
from inside the bathroom. Then she came out with a surprised look
on her face.


"I know you're shooting up in there. It's
ok. You don't have to hide it from me. I used to date an addict. I
know all about it," I explained.


"This is so weird. I go through all this
trouble to hide my addiction from the guys I see. Nobody knows I do
drugs. And you know all about it? And you're cool with it?" she


"Well, I wish you didn't do drugs, because I
know how miserable it makes you. But I know nothing I say is gonna
make you stop, so just do your thing. I just figured it would be
easier for you if you know you don't have to hide," I said.


She went back in the bathroom but left the
door open this time. She asked me to stand by the door so we could
talk. I felt a little silly, standing naked by the door, because my
hard-on was pointing right at her face, while I kept rubbing myself
so I wouldn't lose my erection. Then I stopped, because I felt like
a perv.


"Keep rubbing your dick, baby, I'm almost
finished," she said. She sat on the floor and tried to find a spot
where she could shoot up. She said she was having a hard time,
because all her veins were collapsed from years of use. I told her
I knew. We talked and laughed for a while. Finally she was done,
came out, and took her clothes off. Then she smoked some crack.


It was weird to see her naked, after I had
heard stories about her for 3 years. She had no idea who I was, but
I knew everything about her. It didn't seem fair. I wanted to tell
her. But at this point I had been masturbating for almost an hour,
waiting for her to get ready. My dick was painfully hard, and I was
so horny, I didn't want to have to explain stuff for hours right
now. I really needed to fuck her first at this point.


When she sucked my dick, it was better than
anyone had ever done it before. She was so tender and gentle. It
didn't feel forced or mechanical. She was just so sweet and
sensual. Then I asked her to lie down and spread her legs. She had
the most beautiful little breasts. They were even more perfect than
Veronica's. It didn't take long before I came inside of her.


Afterwards she went back in the bathroom to
clean herself up and smoke more crack. She was still naked. I got
dressed and stood by the bathroom door when I said: "I have to tell
you something that might freak you out."


She gave me a suspicious look in the mirror
and said: "What?"


"Even though this is the first time we met,
I've actually known you for about 3 years," I said. As soon as I
heard the words coming out of my mouth, I realized I sounded like a
complete psycho. Like I had been stalking her for years or
something. She probably pictured me lurking by her bedroom window,
while wearing panties on my head and whispering, "my


"What do you mean?" she said with a nervous
giggle. She was getting uncomfortable. This was getting weird.


Then I told her about dating her stepmom
Hussy, and that I knew it was weird, but that I hadn't seen her in
a long time, because she had moved to Ocala.


"No way," Lucy said. Now I had her full
attention. She completely forgot about her crack.


I told Lucy a bunch of private details about
herself, about Hussy, her dad Dick, her sister Summer and their
brother Little Dickey. I told her about her grandmother who had
just passed away a few weeks earlier, and the trailer she had lived
in. I told Lucy about her horses, her heart infection that had
almost killed her a few months earlier, and that I had been Hussy's
and Dick's landlord when they lived in my rental duplex in Lehigh
Acres. Lucy knew right away which house I was talking about.


"This is crazy! So you've been fucking my
dad's girlfriend every day for over a year?" she asked


"Well, yeah, but I didn't know she was your
dad's girlfriend. Hussy told me that she and your dad had been
broken up for a long time, and that she wasn't even talking to him,
because he's such an abusive asshole. I had no idea they were still
together. And when I found out that she was lying to me about that,
I broke up with her," I explained.


"Yeah, my dad is an asshole," Lucy admitted.
"But Hussy is a psycho. She lies all the time."


"I know, her mom and her sister Ferrara told
me the same thing," I said.


I told Lucy that Hussy had told me a bunch
of times that she loved me and that we had even planned to move in
together, but that I didn't want to sign a lease because I didn't
trust her, and then she ended up moving to Ocala. I told her Hussy
had stolen thousands of dollars from me and I had almost put her in


"Oh my God, I remember all that! Someone
called the cops on her and was gonna put her in jail. That was
you?" Lucy asked, while laughing her adorable laugh.


When I told her about the letters Hussy
wrote me, Lucy made me promise to bring them the next time we got
together. I asked her if I could see her again the next day. She
said yes.


Then I told her I had been dating Veronica
for the past year and a half.


"What?! You were the guy who always visited
her in jail?" Lucy asked. She told me Veronica was obnoxiously
arrogant in jail and acted like she ran the place. She said
Veronica bragged that her boyfriend was a millionaire and he would
do anything for her, because she "got it like that."


I told Lucy that originally the only reason
why I had called her was to have revenge sex with her, to get under
Veronica's skin, because I knew they used to date. But now I
actually liked hanging out with Lucy.


"Huh? No, Veronica and I never dated," Lucy
said. "She was hitting on me in jail and tried to date me, but I
wasn't interested. I'm not into girls like that. Besides, everyone
in jail knows how Veronica is. She's a total whore. She hits on


Wow. So Veronica had lied about that,


The following day I visited Lucy at the
Holiday Inn again. I gave her Hussy's love letters. She read them
and laughed: "Oh my God, I gotta tell my aunt!"


She called her aunt and said: "You're not
gonna believe this, but I'm with a guy right now who used to fuck
Hussy every day for a year! Remember when she used to tell dad she
had a job at a real estate firm? She was really going to this guy's
house every day, and they had sex all the time!"


After she hung up, I asked her if that was
her aunt Nicole. She said yes. Then I told her Hussy had said that
Lucy's dad had been raping Lucy's aunt Nicole ever since she was 4
years old. I asked Lucy if that story was true.


"What the hell? My dad is an asshole, but
he's not a child rapist," she said. "That's just one of Hussy's
crazy lies again."


We had sex and then Lucy told me she needed
to get more drugs. She felt so comfortable around me, that she told
me that instead of her going downstairs and meeting her dope boy in
the parking lot, she'd tell him to come up to her room. She said
she didn't want me to leave, and I could hang out until he was
gone, and then we could talk more.


Her dope boy called himself Las Vegas. He
was a tall black kid with glasses. He tried to have swag and act
like a thug, but he just looked like a dork. After he left, Lucy
and I had sex again.


Afterwards we just lay on the bed and talked
for a while. She told me that her grandma had been her whole world,
before she past away recently. Lucy felt lost without her. Her
grandma had raised her. It all sounded very familiar. Both, Alice
and Veronica, also had been estranged from their parents and both
of them had been raised by their grandmothers.


Then Lucy told me that Las Vegas was pimping
her out. He rented the hotel room where she had sex with guys. She
had to pay him a cut for the room each time she had sex, and pay
him if he drove her to outcalls, and she gave him the rest of her
money to buy drugs from him. So at the end of each day, after
having sex with a bunch of guys, she had nothing to show for it,
because Las Vegas got every last cent. And she owed him money on
top of that, because she often did more drugs than she could afford
with the money she had left.


My savior instinct kicked in, and I just
wanted to take her away from all this. I felt so bad for her. She
was such a sweetheart. She was just a kid, but she had already been
through enough traumatic experiences for three lifetimes.


"If you want, you can stay with me tonight,"
she said while giving me a shy look.


"Sure," I replied. I knew she desperately
wanted to feel loved. She craved affection. Especially now that her
grandma was gone.


We spooned. She pressed herself as hard as
she could against my body, grabbed my arm, put it around herself,
placed my hand on her breast, and fell asleep cuddled up next to
me, as if I was her blanket. I felt happy. I was so content,
holding this sweet, beautiful girl in my arms while she was
sleeping. There was no place in the world I'd rather be right now.
I had completely forgotten about Veronica. And I think, for a
little while, I helped Lucy forget about how much she missed her


Later I read an interesting article about
hugging. Medical studies have shown that hugs and cuddling are
important for your mental health. They kill depression, relieve
anxiety and strengthen the immune system.


Hugs are healing. Cuddling is medicine. The
heart rate slows, blood pressure stabilizes, and the immune system
improves. Virginia Satir, a psychotherapist, wrote that we need
four hugs a day for survival, eight hugs a day for maintenance,
twelve hugs a day for growth. Hugging increases oxytocin,
especially in women.


Studies have shown a link between oxytocin
and the ability to achieve orgasm, positive social behavior, pair
bonding, anxiety, and maternal behaviors. It is sometimes referred
to as the "love hormone." A lack of oxytocin has been associated
with maladaptive social traits such as depression, anxiety,
aggressive behavior and drug use.


Hugging and cuddling have been proven to not
only increase levels of the healing hormone oxytocin but also
decrease the levels of the stress hormone cortisol.


Lucy and I started hanging out every day. At
first I met her at her hotel rooms, but then after a few more days,
she began coming to my apartment and sleeping over. She brought all
her clothes to my place. She even cooked for me. I loved being
around her. It seemed like she never stopped talking, and I never
got tired of listening to her.

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