Trust (Blind Vows #1)

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Authors: J. M. Witt

BOOK: Trust (Blind Vows #1)
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Blind Vows


By: J.M. Witt


Copyright 2015 © J.M. Witt

Cover Artist: J.M. Witt Books

Photographer: Darren Birks Photography

Model: Anne Ransom

Editor: Leticia Sidon

Publisher: J.M. Witt Books





All Rights Reserved 2015

This book may not be reproduced in any form; in whole or in part, without written permission by the author.

All characters and events in this book are fictional.  Any similarities to real life people and events are purely coincidental.






Copyright © 2015  J.M. Witt

All Rights Reserved 2015


Thank you to everyone who’s read my work and continues to do so.  This project took me by surprise and I’ve loved every minute of it. 

First, I have to thank Darren Birks for being such a pleasure to work with.  This story hit me and when I told you my vision for the cover, you were nothing but supportive.  Thank you.  You also make an amazing muse for my Heathcliff and FitzWilliam!

Anne, your picture seriously haunted me.  I’m so happy to have you on the cover and upcoming covers for this series.  Thank you for being my Lucy!

Rebecca, Betsy, and Leticia.  WOW.  You three were bombarded with this secret project and took off running with me.  Thank you for your overwhelming support and belief in me.  Words will never be enough to express what it means to me.

Tami, Tracey, and Elaine.  Three more of the most supportive fans and friends a girl could ask for.  Thank you!

Stacey and Jaime:  Well, what else is there to say, but ‘Give the man some head!’

Tyf and Skye.  There are no words for me to say.  Your friendship means the world to me.  I never would’ve have made it this far without you two.  I love you dearly.

To my friends and family.  Thank you for your support.  You know who you are!





~ Prologue ~



The head and heart are pretty good at getting tangled up in one another, especially when love is involved.  The day my life changed wasn’t linked to just one particular event.  It all started six months prior with an unexpected encounter.  I never anticipated that the chain of events that would follow would lead me to where I was today and that they were all linked.  But, that’s life for you, right?  Fate, divine intervention, the cosmos, whatever you call it or believe in, it was still all a little unfathomable to me.  It also taught me to never say never and to explore all the possibilities. 




~ Chapter 1 ~



Another horrid date to add to my list of epic fails.  I was so sick of the dating websites.  Where did these guys come from?  I grabbed my cell and called Stacey.  Odds were that she was out or headed home from work.  It wasn’t too late to join her and salvage my night.  As I suspected, she was on her way home and to our favorite bar just down the street.  Grabbing my clutch, I walked the short distance.  It wasn’t yet dark, another reminder at how early my date had ended.

I was living alone and had been for almost two years.  Stacey and I knew enough about each other to know while we were great friends, we’d make horrible roommates.  So, instead, we both had one bedroom apartments in the same building.  It was the next best thing. 

I sighed heavily as I walked into the restaurant and grabbed a table, waiting for Stacey to arrive.  I went ahead and ordered our drinks and shortly after the waitress set them down, Stacey walked in.  Sitting down, I could tell she was immediately annoyed.  There were only two possibilities; her boss or her ex.  My money was on her boss.

to find a new job!”  Ding, ding, ding.

“You’ve been saying that for months.  What’s stopping you?”

Sighing, she agreed, “I know.  I just hate change.”  She took a sip of her drink and then asked me, “What about you?  Anything new going on?”

“Eh, another douche to add to the list.”

“That good, huh?”

“You could say that.”

“He’s out there.  And he better have a friend for me!”  I caught her staring at the bar and I followed the nod of her head.  “I don’t know why you don’t just date one of the Kerry boys.  You can’t go wrong with any of them.”

What was
doing here?  “Ugh.  Yes, I can…Go wrong!  And it’s Kerrigan, not Kerry.”

“Kerry, Kerrigan, whatever.  How in the world did two people have such different sons?  NONE of them look alike, well, except for the twins.”

“Maybe some of her students fathered them, or maybe the mailman!” 

Stacey started cracking up and I joined her as we joked about the possibility of each son being fathered by someone different.  Mrs. Kerrigan was an English Lit professor and had some odd quirks, but she was also very attractive, as was her husband. 

“Well, it’s probably for the best.  Means I can have my pick of the Kerrigan boys.”

“Umm, they’re all yours.” 

It was a busy Friday night and Stacey and I could sense how annoyed our waitress was getting with us.  If she wasn’t careful she would lose her tip.  We had no plans of leaving anytime soon and finally ordered food after an hour of occupying our booth and drinking.  The lights dimmed shortly after our food arrived and the last few families that were present paid their tabs and left.  The music grew louder and people started filling the bar.

Taking a bite of my burger, his voice grated through me, like nails on a chalkboard.  Stacey heard him, too.  His boisterous, over-cocky, sex-filled voice, full of gravel.  I was sure everyone in the bar heard him, the way he liked it.  Clamping my legs together, trying to ignore my body’s reaction to his voice, I chewed my food a little more vigorously than necessary, which resulted in me biting my cheek.

“Ugh.”  Placing my burger back to the plate, I massaged my cheek as Stacey and I exchanged nods.  Time to finish our food and get the hell out of there before he spotted us.  He hadn’t spotted me yet, and if he had, he was doing a great job of ignoring me.

When we finished eating, I offered to pay the bill and Stacey objected.  “No way.  After that wretched date, my treat.”  We both laughed and downed the remainder of our drinks.  Anxiously awaiting the waitress, and Stacey’s credit card, I spotted him walking over.

“Fuck!”  I recognized
Hollow Moon
as it droned overhead.  It was as if he was strolling along to the beat and everything started moving in slow motion, like some movie out of the 80’s or 90’s where the underrated good girl spotted the bad boy who was headed her way. 

Fucking Heathcliff Kerrigan. 

Though everyone called him Heath for short.  And he alone was the bane of my existence.  Over six feet tall, he was sex on legs.  With a hand in his pocket, the other ran through his shaggy hair, hair that was cropped close on the sides, but was long on top—the best of both worlds.  The slick strands matched the color of his eyes, when not covered in gel.  He pushed those dark strands aside, revealing his eyes; chocolate saucers that pulled you into their depths without even trying.  A short beard covered a face so perfectly sculpted that it should be a crime.  He wore a button-up shirt, unbuttoned on top, exposing just enough chest to make any hot blooded woman’s fingers itch.  His sleeves were rolled up, exposing his muscled forearms, and then his jeans...  Jeans that looked like they were tailored specifically for him.  And yes, I wanted to see what he had packing underneath his well-fit clothes and I hated myself for it.

“Lucy, Lucy, Lucy.  I thought that was you sitting over here.”  I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the throb between my legs that had started the minute I saw him.  Such a waste of man, sexy voice with a body to match, but the brain of an egomaniac.  He was hot and he knew it.  “All alone on a Friday night or you still pining away for me?”

“Aren’t you sweet?”  I couldn’t bear to make eye contact with him—with those eyes that screamed ‘Fuck me’—and assumed he caught my sarcastic tone.  “Believe it or not, I’m not pining.  Pining would mean that I cared in the first place, Heath.”

“Right, if I was William it’d be a different story.”  That caught my attention.  He knew I had a soft spot for his twin brother, always had.  “You know, to this day you’re still the only one who can consistently tell us apart?  We can still fool our parents if we really want to.”

I didn’t need the reminder of why it was I was the one able to tell them apart.  “Maybe because your mother’s books are more appealing than you are?”  He narrowed his eyes at me as I continued.  “You can’t fool me.  Your hair is always a mess, too cocky for your own good, you never shave, and you will sleep with just about anything that walks.  Well, as long as she’s not too brainy.  I know how smart chicks dampen…” I looked to his crotch, “…things.  And not in a good way.”

Stacey snorted, her laughter filling the small space between us all as Heath continued to stare me down. 

He clutched his heart, like he was wounded.  “Ouch.” 

I could feel his eyes drilling into the side of my face, willing me to dare make eye contact once more. 
Don’t look, don’t look. 
If I made eye contact, surely I’d be turned to stone, like Medusa did to her victims.  Heath was my Medusa.  I focused on every other part of him, doing everything I could to avoid his eyes.

The waitress placed down two more drinks as Stacey and I objected. 

“Drinks are on me tonight.”  I looked to Heath, back to Stacey and then to Heath again.  The waitress handed Stacey her credit card and receipt before walking away.  “No need to say thank you.”  He winked and walked away before I could say anything in return.

I felt like a total jerk.  “That was awkward.”  I glanced at Stacey, not sure how to reply.  She pushed my drink toward me and took a swig of her own.  “Might as well stay if he’s buying our drinks.”

“I don’t think that’s what he meant, Stacey.”

Laughing she said, “Well, that’s the impression I got.  Bottoms up!”

A few hours later we were continuing to run up Heath’s tab.  If he knew what we were doing he wasn’t objecting.  Deciding to leave, Stacey and I weaved our arms together, stumbling toward the exit when Heath appeared out of nowhere, blocking the exit.

“You ladies aren’t driving.”

Grinning like a fool I chirped, “No worries.  I walked.”  I tried to push past him when he put his hands on my shoulders.

“Lucy, you’re not walking either.  You can barely stand.”

Rolling my eyes, I slurred, “Suit yourself,” I motioned toward the closed door as Stacey and I waited for him to open it.

“Hey!  Your tab.”  The waitress ran toward us as Stacey and I scurried out the door Heath had pushed open.

“Thanks for the drinks Heath.”  He glared after me before ultimately heading back in to deal with the tab, allowing my escape.




~ Chapter 2 ~



Stacey and I were half a block away when Heath jumped in front of us again and put his hands up to stop us.  “That was slick of you.  Kudos.  You two just rang up over fifty dollars in drinks.”

“Is that all?”  I started giggling before I was even done saying it.  He cracked a smile, though he tried to hide it.  “Thanks for the drinks, Heathcliff.  You can head back to the bar.  I’m sure the waitress will let you take her home.”

Stacey had already walked ahead of us and I began to follow, Heath at my side.  “I have no desire to take
home.  If you weren’t so drunk I’d consider taking

I knew I hadn’t heard him right.  “Very funny.”

“What’s so funny about it?”

Stopping to look at him, he braced me as I wobbled.  Slurring my words and scanning his body, I said, “Been there, done that.”

Shaking his head at me, he retorted, “I beg to differ.  You know you want some of my Heath bar.”

Rolling my eyes I retorted, “That should be your hashtag.  You can put it on all your dating profiles.”  He seemed confused and I elaborated.  “You know hashtag ‘wanna taste my heath bar’.  The ladies will eat you up.”

Scanning my body, he narrowed his eyes at me.  “I’d rather
eat me up.”

Smacking his chest without thought, I replied, “Too bad I prefer caramel to toffee!  And you’re a disgusting hedonist.”  I attempted to wink at him and started walking.

“Ah, big words.  Do you even know what it means?”

Stopping once again, I turned and looked up to him.  “Don’t insult me!  Gross, nasty, putrid.”  He was grinning at me and my quick wit.  Without thought, I leaned into him, pulled his head down and then whispered slowly in his ear, “You’re the epitome of a hedonist.  All about pleasure and all about
.”  Pulling away, I was suddenly filled with desire for him and scrambled away.  I caught up to Stacey as she made it to our building, aware he was
behind us.

Neither of us objected as he walked into our building with us.  Heading to the back stairs, we all proceed up to the second floor as Stacey pulled her keys out of her purse, dropping them.  Laughing at her, she eventually ended up on the floor in a fit of drunken giggles.  Heath grabbed the keys off the floor and opened her door.  I tried to help Stacey up, but ended up on the floor with her.  Before I noticed, Stacey was gone and so was Heath.  I started wondering if they’d both abandoned me when Heath reappeared in front of me again.

“Where’s Stacey?”

“I put her to bed and you’re next.” 

“Wow.  That was quick.  I think I’ll pass if you can’t last longer than a few minutes.”

Without hesitation and ignoring my remark, he yanked me up and threw me over his shoulder.  “Still on the fourth floor?”

“Heathcliff Kerrigan, put me down!”  I smacked his back, but it was hopeless.

“When and where Lucille?  I can guarantee you that my libido would have you begging me to stop.”

“That’s doubtful.”  Groaning at his innuendo I spit out, “Fourth floor, apartment D.”

He practically jogged up the flight of stairs to my floor and was still breathing normally when he reached my door.  “Key?”

“Pocket.”  He set me on my feet and I dropped my head against the wall as I fought the dizzy spell trying to take me down.

“Don’t hurl on me.  I know that look.”  He started digging in my pockets and I was so focused on not hurling that I didn’t even enjoy it.  The door clicked open and he escorted me inside.

“You can go.  I’ll be fine.”  I ran to the bathroom and hurled in the toilet just in time.  A second longer and I would’ve had a huge mess to clean up.

“Glad I paid for all those drinks for you to just hurl them.”

“Go away!  Why are you still here?”  I took the cold rag he offered, wiping my face with it.  “Please, Heath.  I’m fine.”  I was so humiliated.  I couldn’t stand Heath—at least that’s what I told myself—and he was the last person I wanted seeing me that way.  I managed to stand and brush my teeth after Heath stepped out.

When I exited the bathroom, he asked, “Have any Motrin or Tylenol?”  Nodding, I pointed toward the kitchen and sat down on the couch.  He headed to the kitchen and came back with a couple capsules and a glass of water.  “Here.”

“Thank you.”

Sitting down next to me, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.  Without resisting like I should have, I rested my head on his shoulder.  If I hadn’t been so drunk I would’ve thought to ask what cologne he was wearing.  He smelled so good.  I also told myself I only wanted to know so that when I had someone to buy cologne for, I’d know what
to buy.  His fingers rubbed delicate circles over my exposed shoulder, having an unexpected effect on me.


“Lucy?”  I didn’t respond because what was there to say?  I wanted to finally be able to put him
his brothers behind me, or so I thought.  “You shouldn’t drink like that.  You could’ve gotten into some serious trouble.”

“I’m a big girl, Heath.”  His hand continued caressing my upper arm and started moving lower, rubbing over the back of my bra.  Pulling away, I made the mistake of looking into his eyes. 

“Yes, you are.”  His other hand moved toward my face as his forefinger traced my jawline.  “You’re not little Lucy anymore.  The pigtails are gone and so is…” 

He didn’t finish his sentence and my eyes moved to his full lips, willing him to speak, or do something,
, with those lips of his. Before I could stop myself, I placed a kiss on the center of his chin, tracing my fingers over the stubble that lingered there.


Oh, God.  What was I doing?  A second before I pulled away, his hands cupped my face and my whole body froze.  I’d been here before; in Heath’s arms and receiving his kisses.  Only, ten years earlier I thought it was his twin brother, William, not Heath, who was adorning me with them.  They were identical twins and it had been the last time I mixed them up.


His lips brushed mine and my body grew limp as my hands searched for something to hold me up.  Finding his forearms, I dug my nails into them as his fingers caressed behind my ears.  Whimpering, my body needed to get closer to his, but my mind screamed at me to get away from him.

I ended up straddling his lap, my flared skirt easily accommodating, as his hands continued to move over my back.  Our teeth gnashed against each other and I felt his lips turn up into a smile against my own.  My fingers began working loose the buttons of his shirt and his own hands moved under the back of mine.  His hands were so warm and large against the small of my back.  He was well-built, always had been, and I loved the feel of his large body under my small one.

My hands worked over his shoulders, kneading and tugging as they went.  Pulling my lips away, he sucked on my tongue before letting go, and when he released my swollen tongue, I worked my mouth back to his ear.  Leaning back, he let me suck on his neck while his hands traveled over my bare legs.  It’d been over a year since I’d had sex and I was horny, but I didn’t do one night stands.  Not often, anyway.  Pushing the moral dilemma aside, again, I leaned back to stare at his face.  He was so beautiful and everything I loved to hate.  Or was he everything I hated to love?  I decided then and there that I was going to have him between my legs that night, begging for more, if it was the last thing I did.

His hands were under my skirt resting on the top of my thighs, playing with the waistband of my panties.  Dropping my face to his, I kissed him deeper as he pulled me closer, his crotch pressed into mine.  Slowly, I rocked against his erection, willing his clothes away.  My hand moved between our bodies as my fingertips dipped underneath his buckle and into his pants.  He inhaled, giving my hand more room and I found his silky tip just below the surface.

“Lucy.”  My name was barely intelligible as he groaned.

I started rocking against him again, in an absolute frenzy of need.  “Heath,” I whispered, it was building in me quicker than I expected.  What the hell?  Not this quick.  “Oh, shit.”  Trying to slow it down, I stopped moving.

I squealed when he stood up, my body clinging to his.  He pried my legs from around his waist and set my feet on the ground.  “Lucy, I can’t do this.”  I pushed back from him, completely separating our bodies, both of us still breathing heavy, and ignored his words, knowing I hadn’t heard him right.

I had his pants down and around his ankles before he could fathom what was happening.  He wasn’t wearing underwear and I smiled in anticipation, on my knees, as his cock stared me in the face.  My hands ran up each thigh in unison as my eyes looked to his face.  He seemed unsure, but I knew what I wanted.  Tenderly, I ran my nails underneath his sack before gripping his base.  Swirling my tongue around his head, I was aware of profanities flying from his mouth. 

My panties clung to me, soaked with desire and need.  A need I hadn’t felt in such a long time.  I couldn’t help but touch myself with my free hand.  His hands were in my hair, holding it back as I devoured him.  For several minutes I worshipped his cock with my mouth. 

He gently rocked his hips, our bodies in sync.  “Lucy...”  Raising my eyes, but not stopping, I found him staring at me.  I’ll never forget the look on his face.  He was lost and found all at the same time.  “Don’t look at me that way.” 

I wasn’t sure what he meant and didn’t have time to think about it.  His balls leapt up and I felt his whole body tense.  My hand held on as I took him as deep as I could just in time for him to shoot down my throat.  Pulling my other hand from my panties, I released him from my mouth and stroked him with both hands.  His body flinched as I stroked every last drop from him. 

He sat back down and I seized the opportunity to climb up his body.  He was catching his breath when I whispered in his ear, “I’m so close.  Make me cum, Heath.”  I nestled my wet panties against his semi-hard dick and moved against him.  He didn’t move, except for his heaving chest, so I started nibbling on his neck.  Suddenly he pushed me off of him, stood, and pulled his pants back up.  “What’s wrong?”  I hiccupped and smiled, still feeling the effects of the alcohol I’d consumed.

“I can’t take advantage of you like this.  Not you.”  I was in shock and didn’t know what to say. 

But that didn’t last long.  “Take advantage of me?  Screw you.  I’m taking advantage of you!”  Standing, I threw myself at him and grappled with his belt buckle. 

“Lucy.  Stop.”

“Heath.  It’s just one night.  It’s not like I expect anything more from you.”

“That’s the problem.  You’re drunk.”  I dropped my hands as he ran his own over his jaw.  “I should’ve stopped it sooner.”

What?  I was so confused.  Heathcliff Kerrigan—man whore—was not about to turn me down, was he?  “What do you mean that’s the problem?”  Because I just wanted one night or because I was ‘drunk’?  I wasn’t drunk, dammit!

He turned his back, walking toward the door to my apartment.  “You’re Lucy.”

“You’re Heath.  We’ve met.  Now let’s fuck.”  I was losing my patience and all sense, being more forward than I’d ever been before with anyone. 

“Don’t you get it?  I can’t have you like
.  It’s not just
night with you.”

I’m pretty sure he saw the hurt cross my face as I protested, “Yes, it
just one night.  That’s all I need from you.”  I’d had a few one night stands with guys over the years, but they were never my idea.  Heath knew me better than I thought he did. “I’m not asking you to marry me.  And besides, I already had you.”

I watched him as he seemed to be debating what to do and what to say next.  “You’re like my sister, Lucy.”  The one thing he could say to get me to back off fell from his lips.

The tears immediately pricked at my eyes.  “Don’t!  Don’t you say that to me.”  My chest began constricting.  “So, you’ll let me suck you off, but you won’t return the favor.”  I waited for him to object and he just stared at me.  “See!  I was right.”  I was gasping by then.  “You’re a fucking hedonist!”


He moved to me and I tried to fight him off when he reached for me, but the alcohol and emotions got the best of me.  He cradled me to his chest as I began crying, “I hate you, Heathcliff Kerrigan.”

“I know.  It’s better that way.”  What was he talking about?  He lifted me in his arms and sat back down on the couch.  “You need to sleep.  You won’t remember any of this come morning.”  I prayed he was right.  I let myself drift off to sleep, swaddled by the heat of his body.


When I woke, remembering everything, I found myself still on his lap, his head dropped back as he lightly snored.  I thought to myself about that summer, ten years ago, when he pulled that prank on me.  I thought I was sharing my first kiss with William.  Yes, I had been infatuated with William, but he never paid me any attention.  Heath, well, he was constantly giving me attention.  Attention I didn’t want and clearly he had no plan to ever stop.  Of course, maybe he got all he ever wanted from me.  Ashamed at myself, I tried pushing the memory of me giving him a blow job from my brain.

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